CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bimbo Jojo is irreversible, according to Kitteh, since he has chosen not to bother coding/writing that scene.

Actually the physical changes are the only things that are permanent, the mental changes are not. Meaning you CAN De-Bimbofiy Jojo mentally, it's just that he will remain as a female.

I really wish that we are given the option to at least mentality De-Bimbofiy Jojo in the future.
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Jan 3, 2016
Razathul won't purify anything for me, even though I have enough gems. So, I can't get him as a follower. This is an issue.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
i wish there was a pure transformative item kinda like an angel or something that would be interesting


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
Everytime my character loses to a mimic, the game locks up. Well, the 'next" button is unresponsive so I can't advance the game any.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Razathul won't purify anything for me, even though I have enough gems. So, I can't get him as a follower. This is an issue.

He does seem rather buggy in this build to me too. I met him once at the lake on a new game (tried an older save and same thing), saw he had some new items, tried to buy a heal pill (was going to buy three to get him to come to camp), then the encounter abruptly ended like I had left. Now, when ever I run into him at the lake with that save, he acts like he's at camp with the whole "I can make armors now" bit but no other option to interact with him besides leave shows up.

Take pure human and savescum harpy wings.

Also you wings' feather color takes after your hair color, just to note.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Ok, so I'm drawing my most recent character from CoC based on these descriptions;

You are a 6 foot 8 inch tall male dog-morph, with a thinner-than-average frame and great muscle definition. You are currently wearing your green adventurer’s clothes and dragonscale loincloth and using your inscribed spellblade as a weapon. Girding one of your fingers is ring of power.  You have a dog’s face, complete with wet nose and panting tongue. You’ve got thick, midnight black fur, hiding your gray skin underneath your furry visage. It has the barest hint of masculinity on its features. The moderately long, silver hair on your head is overlapped by a pair of pointed dog ears. Your mouth contains a thick, fleshy tongue that, if you so desire, can telescope to a distance of about four feet. It has sufficient manual dexterity that you can use it almost like a third arm. A pair of 12 inch horns grow from the sides of your head, sweeping backwards and adding to your imposing visage.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have well-formed hips, and your muscly backside contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. A conical, furry, midnight black, tail extends from your nice, toned ass, bouncing up and down as you move and helping to counterbalance you. Two digitigrade legs grow downwards from your waist, ending in dog-like hind-paws.

I wanted to know which version looks better (despite obvious lighting issues)

Version 1

View attachment 3169

Or version 2

View attachment 3170

If you don't mind my asking, how did you get the tail and the tongue?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Very much so. Thanks! I have been looking for a good tapering tail and that tongue sounds just... lovely. until now I've been looking into reptilum.

Reptilium does give you a tapering tail, but the Dragon Tail is by far better, since the Tail Whip ability gets more armor disability points then you hit a target. I chose to have a Kangaroo Tail because it's (actually) furry by description. Heck, I'm willing to sacrifice a few tail whip points for a furry prehensile tail instead of a reptilian one. Either way, I'm still a Lycan-Drake.


Mar 27, 2016
Drake Heart is found in Volcanic Crag, right?

Also, what level do I have to attain in order to get all perks (possible to gain from levelling.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
You are correct. The only perk I know about requires level 4 of dragon morph for the breath attack and have the tail for the tail attack. don't know of any others.


Mar 27, 2016
I meant from ordinary levelling. I know in vanilla it is 40; are there new perks or otherwise that would change that figure?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Oh sorry. I completely missed the nature of your question. I honestly have no idea for that one. 40 huh? Guess I've got farther to level than I thought.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Drake Heart is found in Volcanic Crag, right?

Also, what level do I have to attain in order to get all perks (possible to gain from levelling.)

Correct, Drake Heart is in the Volcanic Crag. Lvl. 45 is when you should be able to unlock all the selectable perks, even though their all unlock-able at Lvl 1 (just gotta max out all stats to 100)

Jiffler you're awesome.


In what regard???


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Correct, Drake Heart is in the Volcanic Crag. Lvl. 45 is when you should be able to unlock all the selectable perks, even though their all unlock-able at Lvl 1 (just gotta max out all stats to 100)


In what regard???

In the regard that you have introduced me to the wonderful world of draconic perks


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ok, so I'm drawing my most recent character from CoC based on these descriptions;


Damn, that some fine appearance and fan art you've got there. ;)

Everytime my character loses to a mimic, the game locks up. Well, the 'next" button is unresponsive so I can't advance the game any.
Razathul won't purify anything for me, even though I have enough gems. So, I can't get him as a follower. This is an issue.

Send me the saves and I'll look into fixing the issues for 1.3.17. Purify menu only appears if you have any tainted items like incubi draft and succubi milk.

I meant from ordinary levelling. I know in vanilla it is 40; are there new perks or otherwise that would change that figure?

I've counted and so far, there are a total of 61 level-up perks so you need to be level 62. That means you won't be able to get all these perks until you go into New Game+.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Hey kitteh! Any news on that request of mine? Speaking of requests, does anyone know if there is or is planned to be a way to lock in any of your traits for new game+?  one of the biggest frustrations of this game is accumulating perks with odd requirements. It'd be nice to ascend and be able to say "no I'll keep the profractory perk so I don't have to go through all that stuff next time." even if it were only specific ones it'd be useful.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Damn, that some fine appearance and fan art you've got there. ;)

Send me the saves and I'll look into fixing the issues for 1.3.17. Purify menu only appears if you have any tainted items like incubi draft and succubi milk.

I've counted and so far, there are a total of 61 level-up perks so you need to be level 62. That means you won't be able to get all these perks until you go into New Game+.

Thanks for the compliment Kitteh!

Hey kitteh! Any news on that request of mine? Speaking of requests, does anyone know if there is or is planned to be a way to lock in any of your traits for new game+?  one of the biggest frustrations of this game is accumulating perks with odd requirements. It'd be nice to ascend and be able to say "no I'll keep the profractory perk so I don't have to go through all that stuff next time." even if it were only specific ones it'd be useful.

Perks from NPC's like Marae, Akbal, Sand Witches and Hellhound Master don't carry over, only the ones from her sister (Fera) and the other holiday/event quests carry over to NG+. I WISH the Hellfire perk carried over though...


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
That's one of the ones I was thinking about in particular, Jiffler. I'm sitting here wary a bout transforming too much because it's a pain in the neck to go through corrupt marae, do all those transformations, raise my corruption to a suitable level, and spend lethicite. A way to lock it in would be amazing, so I was hoping there were plans to make it possible.


New Member
Dec 6, 2015
Everytime my character loses to a mimic, the game locks up. Well, the 'next" button is unresponsive so I can't advance the game any.

I must have missed them, where do you find mimics in this game?

Edit: Never mind, found it.

Edit2: Actually the game still seems to be locking up when you lose to one, at least for me.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Where are mimics? Don't think I found any yet.

Edit: Never noticed til now that your race changes your stat caps.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
I'll consider making one more patch to fix some bugs. I'll cap the corruption tolerance when encountering Amily in the Town Ruins to 75 so Amily corruption will still be possible even if you max out the perk.

And no need to write such scene for Akala. I might not even bother adding that scene.

And oh yeah, Bro Brains can be cured with debimbo.

Oh. Huh really? I might have to check 

What is your character? And how tall us he?

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
I always wonder if you could use Gro+ to increase your muscles size because it increases the size of everything else so why not use like a weird steroid. I know no one would do it but I'm wondering 


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
wait it what now?

On a new game++ my str caps at 130, 150 toughness, 165 speed, with int at 160 and still hasn't capped as a Kitsune while as a dragon it was 155 str, 160 tou, 150 speed, 160 int.
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