A bunch of random questions.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
1)What is FoE devs' stance on abilities (combat or otherwise) being granted by TFs? I know that wings already have one possible instance of out-of-combat usefulness and read about them being important in Act 2. Beyond that, I've not been able to find anything about that topic.

2)Will range weapons ever become an actual gameplay thing?

3)What determines the chance to fully negate a spell? Current description of Magic Defense makes it seem like it should just lessen the effect.

4)Are there plans for any sort of alignment/personality score system, besides Sub/Dom and 'slutiness' stat? Speaking of which, I couldn't determine if the latter changes anything for PC.

5)When the button for a certain option is visible but grayed out, what does it mean?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
1. It depends. Combat is no. Out of combat depends on the writer. Obviously, being able to fly even short distances makes life a lot easier.

2. You could have them for flavour, but there is no support for any mechanical difference.

3. Define "negate". Damage-causing spells cannot have their damage reduced to 0, save elemental resistances.

4. Not that I know of. Sluttiness changes some sex scenes depending on your value. Slutty characters will be more enthusiastic about things in general.

5. We want you to know the option is there but not available at the moment because of various conditions.
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Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
3. Define "negate". Damage-causing spells cannot have their damage reduced to 0, save elemental resistances.

I think he's referring to instances where you're fighting a drake and "the drake manages to resist the effects of the spell." Nik's probably wondering if this is due to the drake's spirit stat or if there's an unrelated random roll to fully cause a complete resist with no damage. 

It sounds like you're saying that it's due to elemental resistance and not spirit. If this is the case, would you mind explaining how elemental resistances work? i.e. Why the damage is not just decreased but sometimes completely negated, and how high would an elemental resistance need to be to get this effect?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Thank you very much for answering.

3. Define "negate". Damage-causing spells cannot have their damage reduced to 0, save elemental resistances.

Had that happen to me during an early Lei sparring session and when I tried to beat Lagon while severely underleveled. I casted the same spells several times and sometimes there was the "X manages to resist the effects of the spell" message.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
There is a "magic hit" stat, similar to the hit/miss for physical attacks. Just like with those, it's based on your stat + level difference.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
There is a "magic hit" stat, similar to the hit/miss for physical attacks. Just like with those, it's based on your stat + level difference.

What stat effects this? Is it dexterity, intelligence, or a combination of the two?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Thanks a bunch. Knowing things like that allows for a greater degree of character build planning, which is a hobby of mine even when the game itself focuses more on other aspects (like pron, plot, word/character-building etc.).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks a bunch. Knowing things like that allows for a greater degree of character build planning, which is a hobby of mine even when the game itself focuses more on other aspects (like pron, plot, word/character-building etc.).

Ah, playing for the perfect build. I share that passion. It's part of the reason I'm so fond of Atlus titles, EO and Disgaea.

Actually, I have a question to tack on in that regard:
Will new characters continue to come at a preset level with all stat points already used, or will they have similar potential for customization as Kia? Wondering cause most players will find new characters to be severely underleveled in any case, and characters obtained later in the game will always suffer in ability due to ineffective point distribution.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Ah, playing for the perfect build. I share that passion. It's part of the reason I'm so fond of Atlus titles, EO and Disgaea.

Actually, I have a question to tack on in that regard:
Will new characters continue to come at a preset level with all stat points already used, or will they have similar potential for customization as Kia? Wondering cause most players will find new characters to be severely underleveled in any case, and characters obtained later in the game will always suffer in ability due to ineffective point distribution.

Future party members will come with stat distributions tailored to their thematics, strengths and weaknesses.

Kiai is more malleable than most, but even so.

They will come at a level where they are useful for the content designed about them at that point, if you are overlevelled, you only have yourself to blame.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
That makes sense, especially since their 'Job affinity' will limit the amount of roles available for them regardless. Poor Kiai is currently shafted super hard because of that (can't even be a druid, zero offensive capabilities).

Will Kiai also be an exception when it comes to being able to give party members transformatives?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
That makes sense, especially since their 'Job affinity' will limit the amount of roles available for them regardless. Poor Kiai is currently shafted super hard because of that (can't even be a druid, zero offensive capabilities).

Will Kiai also be an exception when it comes to being able to give party members transformatives?

Exactly. You will never have any good reason to put points into Cveta's strength, since all physical and dexterity jobs are locked to her, so she starts with pitiful strength. Neither will she ever have to resort to physically attacking, as one of her unique jobs gives her the ability to convert LP into SP. The same goes for Jin, whose basic attack runs off her MAtk and is able to regenerate SP by waiting. She even gets a mana shield, so you can ignore stamina to some extent.

We've been discussing the matter of transformations for the Kiai revamp.

The consensus appears to be that (s)he should not be completely malleable, yet not completely fixed either.

Various ideas have been bandied about, such as unique transformations (Cerventine turns him/her into a fae elk, for example, as opposed to a common deer) but everything is very nebulous thus far.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
a question i have is there a lvl limt?  or will lower level characters(new recruit's) be able to catch up to my over lvled chara?


Aug 28, 2015
a question i have is there a lvl limt?  or will lower level characters(new recruit's) be able to catch up to my over lvled chara?

I don't think there's a max level, but if there is it's pretty high considering I haven't reached it yet. As for the followers - there's nothing to worry about. I was somewhere around level 20 when I got my last follower and by the time I got to level 24 she had leveled up from 12 to 20. 


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
There is no level cap, but there is a practical limit to it with current enemies, unless you want to play the game around the clock.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
this seems like a good place to ask,will there be full anthro tf's for the enemies and other races that get added?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Another random question: will there be any additional options of customizing PC's background and or quirks?

I'm a sucker for things like Arcanum's background system. Plus it will give writers an excuse to make some additional alterations to scenes based on PC's pre-Eden experience, provided they would want to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another random question: will there be any additional options of customizing PC's background and or quirks?

I'm a sucker for things like Arcanum's background system. Plus it will give writers an excuse to make some additional alterations to scenes based on PC's pre-Eden experience, provided they would want to.

Actually, this is a good things when character have no background. Set background imposes role to play. And with tabula rasa you can be anyone you want. One thing I like the most in Flexible Susvival - you have absolutely no past (at least in default game mode), not even a name.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Actually, this is a good things when character have no background. Set background imposes role to play. And with tabula rasa you can be anyone you want. One thing I like the most in Flexible Susvival - you have absolutely no past (at least in default game mode), not even a name.

'Blank Slate' can be one of the choices.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well question would be IF many people with introduced idea of yours Nik would pick anything else than 'Blank Slate' option. If many then it served it purpose if not...welll then much of writing from writers is wasted cuz barely anyone seeing it. So as long enough people would show interest in seeing this it's vialable and worth to think over doing something like this.