Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
So I just completed the Queen Taivra quest and now she's my wife. On my way out I checked in on Seifyn and I noticed a new dialogue button labeled "Leadership" but it's greyed out. Do I have to do something to access it or is it just a placeholder?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So I just completed the Queen Taivra quest and now she's my wife. On my way out I checked in on Seifyn and I noticed a new dialogue button labeled "Leadership" but it's greyed out. Do I have to do something to access it or is it just a placeholder?
Try just to mouse over it.

Tooltips are helpful.


Dec 11, 2016
So I just completed the Queen Taivra quest and now she's my wife. On my way out I checked in on Seifyn and I noticed a new dialogue button labeled "Leadership" but it's greyed out. Do I have to do something to access it or is it just a placeholder?

Flash Dingo

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2016
Myrellion blowing up because you pressed the nuke button was intended, not a bug. The game even warns you that it might have dire consequences with no to any benefits. Folks just don't seem to read IN A TEXT-BASED ADVENTURE GAME!

I'd be down for a silly mode where the player can blow up every planet they go to, by accident too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And those 2 may be all we got for a longer time... I not think devs are so fond of blowing any planet PC land on.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The game would get pretty boring if you could blow up all the planets you land on, good god that's like 95% of all the content.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
The game would get pretty boring if you could blow up all the planets you land on, good god that's like 95% of all the content.
On the other hand, that'd be grounds for a bad end in which the PC destroys every planet they visit and become feared as "The Destroyer". They end up destroying the world by accidentally launching the equivalent of an ancient superadvanced atom bomb on a galactic scale, effectively annihilating all sentient life in the known universe.

How did they accidentally launch such a mass destruction device, you ask?


They literally fucked the "on" switch.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
How did they accidentally launch such a mass destruction device, you ask?


They literally fucked the "on" switch.

Makes you wonder why that ancient precursor race decided to give the on switch to their super-weapon a hole with which to fuck.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was just a lever, you don't know that :p

"Lever, Switch, all feels the same once you start riding it..."
*clicking noise is heard as Steele gets a little too rough with it*
*red lights and alarms all start going off with big "alert" and "warning" flashing on screen*
"Oh son of a-"
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Well-Known Member
On the other hand, that'd be grounds for a bad end in which the PC destroys every planet they visit and become feared as "The Destroyer". They end up destroying the world by accidentally launching the equivalent of an ancient superadvanced atom bomb on a galactic scale, effectively annihilating all sentient life in the known universe.

How did they accidentally launch such a mass destruction device, you ask?


They literally fucked the "on" switch.
I don't think the Devs would go for that, but it would be interesting. Only having access to a few space stations after that and even then, everyone is terrified of you and doesn't want to come near you. Maybe going as far as evacuating the stations your flying too. All of your companions flee because they're scared of you now...


Aug 27, 2015
On the other hand, that'd be grounds for a bad end in which the PC destroys every planet they visit and become feared as "The Destroyer". They end up destroying the world by accidentally launching the equivalent of an ancient superadvanced atom bomb on a galactic scale, effectively annihilating all sentient life in the known universe.

How did they accidentally launch such a mass destruction device, you ask?


They literally fucked the "on" switch.

Hactar pls
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Hactar pls
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference <3

Makes you wonder why that ancient precursor race decided to give the on switch to their super-weapon a hole with which to fuck.
Maybe it was just a lever, you don't know that :p
"Lever, Switch, all feels the same once you start riding it..."
*clicking noise is heard as Steele gets a little too rough with it*
*red lights and alarms all start going off with big "alert" and "warning" flashing on screen*
"Oh son of a-"
I was thinking more of a sentient AI (like Hand So) that seduces you because they've been sexually frustrated for millenia their orgasm triggers the explosion but sextoy-shaped button works too, I guess :).

I don't think the Devs would go for that, but it would be interesting. Only having access to a few space stations after that and even then, everyone is terrified of you and doesn't want to come near you. Maybe going as far as evacuating the stations your flying too. All of your companions flee because they're scared of you now...
I know, it was just my attempt at being funny :) Maybe in silly mode though? Like, just one or two scenes as in CoC.


Well-Known Member
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference <3

I was thinking more of a sentient AI (like Hand So) that seduces you because they've been sexually frustrated for millenia their orgasm triggers the explosion but sextoy-shaped button works too, I guess :).

I know, it was just my attempt at being funny :) Maybe in silly mode though? Like, just one or two scenes as in CoC.
Ah. I haven't played much of CoC. I played FoE to it's current extent and now I'm playing TiTs. Ive tried playing CoC, but I was never able to progress very far which always frustrated me so I ended up quitting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ah. I haven't played much of CoC. I played FoE to it's current extent and now I'm playing TiTs. Ive tried playing CoC, but I was never able to progress very far which always frustrated me so I ended up quitting.

FoE and CoC isn't that much diff aside one thing: one is pointed at solo fights while other at group fights so the diff of enc is scaled toward it. As for issues to go far into CoC you can always visit CoC section to get help on points you stuck.


Aug 27, 2015
So I've been gone from Tits for a while. Myrellion ever get an end to the war yet?

The year is 3200, and there is only bug war.

Savin has gotten most of a Federation plot line written up, which will probably be in the game soonish. As for a more pro-Gold ending, whenever Fen remembers and can bother himself.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I'm disappointed the conflict wasn't Space World War II. I really wanted to meet Space Winston Churchill.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The year is 3200, and there is only bug war.


Dreamer Rose

Nov 3, 2016
Why do you have such a problem with this state of play? The Golds have nukes, they have the genes Xenogen want and the UGC will glass the planet if the Reds refuse to come to terms, that isn't a ridiculously bad bargaining position. The Reds *have* to return at least some Gold territory, the alternative is mutual annihilation. I do agree that Gildenmere being literally the last city standing as being silly, though.
Except that the "Sword of Damocles" hanging over them is really just for show. If something happens, and talks deteriorate, they'll pull out rather than waste resources.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Except that the "Sword of Damocles" hanging over them is really just for show. If something happens, and talks deteriorate, they'll pull out rather than waste resources.
You know that post is two years old, and on the first page of a 37 page thread? There are far better ways to start up that topic again.