Yuki-Onna Species


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A species based on the Yuki-onna of Japanese myth. The name is a possible placeholder until someone suggests a good name.

Codex: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16kQ-pY0QtUrHkSSWtxkyUxDxgNUamSmj4MhoG5xiZts/edit?usp=sharing

Combat: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cx-7gmM0-QDPkHWh2jFASolZKFrYxNZ5l7_Zl54f178/edit?usp=sharing

Village: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tFgtCOrdejCTCF4WrJXdjcmIcTtyYXYhFvgU2SuyjDc/edit?usp=sharing

Oh, and for all one of you who suggested an equal number of positive and negative Poll options... I heeded your suggestion.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I like how people always put extreme options on their polls.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
My problem is; Your trying to make a Yuki-onna, instead of a TiTs Race. Let the Yuki-onna be the inspiration for your "alien."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My problem is; Your trying to make a Yuki-onna, instead of a TiTs Race. Let the Yuki-onna be the inspiration for your "alien."

Well, Wikipedia says that Yuki-onna have long, black hair, while these normally have light-colored hair of variable length. So there's one difference...

...Though I guess there aren't that many mostly-humanoid races in TiTS, so maybe it could use a bit of work. Maybe I could combine them with an arctic (or Antarctic) animal? If you have a suggestion, I'd be happy to hear it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sadly i don't, it's your race idea make it yours.

If i had to think about it though maybe going with animal is the wrong direction, perhaps elemental?

I can give you another Frost type race that I made, perhaps it will give you an idea. Its essentially a yeti polar bear like being, inspired by monmono's yeti.

TiTs is a science fiction sexual adventure, so be adventurous with the sexual parts of the alien


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sadly i don't, it's your race idea make it yours.

If i had to think about it though maybe going with animal is the wrong direction, perhaps elemental?

I can give you another Frost type race that I made, perhaps it will give you an idea. Its essentially a yeti polar bear like being, inspired by monmono's yeti.

TiTs is a science fiction sexual adventure, so be adventurous with the sexual parts of the alien

I'm not sure how I'd go about an elemental, I don't even know what an elemental is... And from what I do know of them, I'm pretty sure that is what a Yuki-onna is...

As for animals, there's one from Japanese myth that I'd like to use, but... Fire and electricity both generate heat, which is the exact opposite of a Yuki-onna's ice. And, at any rate, there's already a kitsune race in the works (albeit not one I particularly like).


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm not sure how I'd go about an elemental, I don't even know what an elemental is... And from what I do know of them, I'm pretty sure that is what a Yuki-onna is...

As for animals, there's one from Japanese myth that I'd like to use, but... Fire and electricity both generate heat, which is the exact opposite of a Yuki-onna's ice. And, at any rate, there's already a kitsune race in the works (albeit not one I particularly like).

Instead of going the elemental route, I would try to find a animal that suites the location they would be in and merge the two. It would help make the species more alien while also adding a cool twist to a cool mythological race (Huehue). It could also add more to the codex (Which is looking pretty baron atm, but that's understandable.)

It might be fun to mix it with a aquatic arctic kind of creature, like say a killer whale or something (Killer whale yuki-onna mermaid race?). Or maybe say a mix with a polar bear, and the kimono is more of a fur coat instead?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Harp Seal + Yuki-onna, I kinda like the sound of that one. You may also cover the mythical Selkie as well.

Its kinda like Wakasagihime and Letty had a baby.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Instead of going the elemental route, I would try to find a animal that suites the location they would be in and merge the two. It would help make the species more alien while also adding a cool twist to a cool mythological race (Huehue). It could also add more to the codex (Which is looking pretty baron atm, but that's understandable.)

It might be fun to mix it with a aquatic arctic kind of creature, like say a killer whale or something (Killer whale yuki-onna mermaid race?). Or maybe say a mix with a polar bear, and the kimono is more of a fur coat instead?

I was thinking of doing a Yuki-mermaid, but I don't think I could make that work like I want. And NEET-Hime's working with polar bears, and I don't really want to take someone else's ideas (besides, polar bear wouldn't really be too fitting).

But maybe an arctic bird, like a snowy owl or a gyrfalcon? That could help to explain their light weight (birds are known for light skeletons) and their "floatiness".


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I cant answer that, my love for Papi makes me biased.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Now, the question is... Anatomically accurate arm wings, or angelic back wings?

Well that's up to you, we can only give you feedback about what we think. Just keep in mind, it might be easier to use back wings if you wanna keep the kimono idea. Might get awkward to put arm wings into one otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well that's up to you, we can only give you feedback about what we think. Just keep in mind, it might be easier to use back wings if you wanna keep the kimono idea. Might get awkward to put arm wings into one otherwise.

True. Then again, where do they go when the kimono's on? Those things aren't open-backed. So both types complicate the kimono, unless the wings are part of the kimono.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There is a 3rd option, wings are hair.


...Not a fan. Think I might go with the arm wings, since you like them so much. The only problem with them so far is the kimono thing. Maybe a sleeveless kimono or something?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
wings are hair.

kejourou Yuki-onna... I kinda like that idea.

True. Then again, where do they go when the kimono's on? Those things aren't open-backed. So both types complicate the kimono, unless the wings are part of the kimono.

You could explain it by cutting 2 slits into the back that the wings come out of. Doing it with the sleeves though seem a bit weirder... IDK, might just be me thinking of feathery arms being constrained in a silk like cloth being weird.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You could explain it by cutting 2 slits into the back that the wings come out of. Doing it with the sleeves though seem a bit weirder... IDK, might just be me thinking of feathery arms being constrained in a silk like cloth being weird.

Well, kimono sleeves are kinda loose. And there are such things as sleeveless kimonos. I could do what was done with the CoC harpies and give them both, so their wings could be their kimono, but... I'm not quite sure I like that...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just giving a third option.

Space harpy with  Yamato style, i might actually look foreword to that. Good luck writing it.

Now about the reproduction. Asexual reproduction does not make for good porn. Now if they were "monosexual" or a race of futanari, you would have something. An Asexual would have no need for sex as reproduction thus evolutionaraly speaking, no need for sex at all. Having to relay on other races to give them children would not be practical, especially as you have it now the children being the father species. The race would already have a hard time just living on an ice world, their current reproduction would make them extinct. Now I'm a Monmono fan, even i added a male for my yeti.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just giving a third option.

Space harpy with  Yamato style, i might actually look foreword to that. Good luck writing it.

Now about the reproduction. Asexual reproduction does not make for good porn. Now if they were "monosexual" or a race of futanari, you would have something. An Asexual would have no need for sex as reproduction thus evolutionaraly speaking, no need for sex at all. Having to relay on other races to give them children would not be practical, especially as you have it now the children being the father species. The race would already have a hard time just living on an ice world, their current reproduction would make them extinct. Now I'm a Monmono fan, even i added a male for my yeti.

Hmm... On the one hand, Yuki-onna are, by name, exclusively female. But on the other, I cannot allow such a scientific anomaly! So...

...Perhaps they do have males, but nobody else ever sees them (like how you never see female shearwigs in the Pikmin games, only female sheargrubs and male shearwigs). That would explain the lack of information detailing such in the Codex. Someone's gotta put it in there, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Add a "theorized" portion into the reproductive section on the codex. Let it be known that no male has ever been discovered. you should still create the male/futa part of the codex though.

Asexual will not work in a porn game.

TiTs has an Asexual character and it is a Formido Oppugnatura Exsequen, an uber boss to take down as it were.

I'm signing off for the night but i hope that help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Now about the reproduction. Asexual reproduction does not make for good porn. Now if they were "monosexual" or a race of futanari, you would have something. An Asexual would have no need for sex as reproduction thus evolutionaraly speaking, no need for sex at all. Having to relay on other races to give them children would not be practical, especially as you have it now the children being the father species. The race would already have a hard time just living on an ice world, their current reproduction would make them extinct. Now I'm a Monmono fan, even i added a male for my yeti.

I agree with you on the Asexual reproduction front, but I disagree with the fact that they need to have futanari's or males inorder to make the species survivable.

In both mythologies that we are using (Harpy/Yuki-onna) they are known for being a all female kind of race that relay's on males from other species to reproduce. That can fit into what he is trying to make. Uveto (If he is trying to make them for Uveto) has aliens (invasive and natural) that do have dicks, and I can't see why they can't reproduce in that way. Some alien species in TiTS already reproduce this way (One being a Rahn, another being Raskvel I think.).

Anyway, the only thing that might become a issue with this kind of reproduction is what the child might look like. Can't exactly look like good ol papa if the species is meant to look like itself. Could go down the sophie route and make them have different body structures I suppose. (Curvy hips on child A, big boobs on child B, etc.)

...Perhaps they do have males, but nobody else ever sees them (like how you never see female shearwigs in the Pikmin games, only female sheargrubs and male shearwigs). That would explain the lack of information detailing such in the Codex. Someone's gotta put it in there, right?

That seems a little odd to me. I'm gonna guess it would be like a rare encounter to meet one, but the idea that a gender of a race that has not been found yet seems kinda unlikely. Dunno though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I agree with you on the Asexual reproduction front, but I disagree with the fact that they need to have futanari's or males inorder to make the species survivable.

In both mythologies that we are using (Harpy/Yuki-onna) they are known for being a all female kind of race that relay's on males from other species to reproduce. That can fit into what he is trying to make. Uveto (If he is trying to make them for Uveto) has aliens (invasive and natural) that do have dicks, and I can't see why they can't reproduce in that way. Some alien species in TiTS already reproduce this way (One being a Rahn, another being Raskvel I think.).

Anyway, the only thing that might become a issue with this kind of reproduction is what the child might look like. Can't exactly look like good ol papa if the species is meant to look like itself. Could go down the sophie route and make them have different body structures I suppose. (Curvy hips on child A, big boobs on child B, etc.)

That seems a little odd to me. I'm gonna guess it would be like a rare encounter to meet one, but the idea that a gender of a race that has not been found yet seems kinda unlikely. Dunno though.

Well, I added in a reference to their extreme lifespan, which was earlier stated higher up before I took it out... After all, when you live practically forever, do you really need that many males?

...Not a pleasant thought, considering humans are one of the longest-lived species on Earth... Especially since ugly virgins would probably be the first to go...


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I'd like to suggest the daring route of making it more like an alien race but WITHOUT shoving an animal in there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Its actually a misconception harpy did have males, it was the female who formed murders though, the male stayed around the nest. they were still effeminate and light framed. the Chinese called them Jiālóuluó.

Its also a misconception about Lamia a female Naga, even though it a far more known misconception.

For the most part though in mythology the Yuki-onna is an elemental, much like undines or salamanders. One could say a type of frost giant, thus yes they have males. Ymir.

Don't just focus on one cutlers understanding of a mythological being, find the echos in all cultures.

I am not saying you need a "male" to breed, but getting reproduction right is a big part of this game. We are dealing with birds and a commonality among birds is the males are prettier.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'd like to suggest the daring route of making it more like an alien race but WITHOUT shoving an animal in there.

Lets see you make one then :) Good luck trying to make something alien, while also making it so we can understand what it is. It's a very hard thing to do.

Its actually a misconception harpy did have males, it was the female who formed murders though, the male stayed around the nest. they were still effeminate and light framed. the Chinese called them Jiālóuluó.

Fair point, but I'm just saying, if he wants to make a race that relies on having to reproduce with other races, it's fine to do so since it already has been done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Fair point, but I'm just saying, if he wants to make a race that relies on having to reproduce with other races, it's fine to do so since it already has been done.

that is true, but its a hardship. the cold is already a hardship, and as Ruboo have it written the offspring share the fathers species.

It would actually work as the Yukoti would be happy to help the Yuki-onna species, but that is if both become indigenous to the same planet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
that is true, but its a hardship. the cold is already a hardship, and as Ruboo have it written the offspring share the fathers species.

It would actually work as the Yukoti would be happy to help the Yuki-onna species, but that is if both become indigenous to the same planet.

The males are prettier, eh? Them's some impressive femboys, ovir better watch out. Also, is it any wonder why they'd want to keep  them all to themselves?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
that is true, but its a hardship. the cold is already a hardship, and as Ruboo have it written the offspring share the fathers species.

Reproduction and other things might have to be reworked though, especially if he decides to go down the more Avian route. For example, how avian do they look? Do they lay eggs? What about them makes them resistant to the cold? Stuff like that.  The stuff about the fathers race might need to be dropped though, unless he decides to go with having males in the race since then they have a way to reproduce.