Yuki-Onna Species


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Good luck trying to make something alien, while also making it so we can understand what it is. It's a very hard thing to do.

Honestly, if we are not expected to see aliens in a space game because it's so hard to describe via text (there's a reason why the Cthulhu Mythos is not the Yog-Sothothery) or people don't feel like humping non-humanoid people, I dare to say that CoC 2 should have been the way to go and allow for fantasy humanoids and monsterpeople. But I am confident there are people out there who will be able to come up with good races instead of a mishmash of animal thingies or "human with random features here and there" for TiTS. But this issue has been addressed to death, so I'll try not to type more about it for the time being.

P.S. As a Rayman fan, I am all for hair wings.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Reproduction and other things might have to be reworked though, especially if he decides to go down the more Avian route. For example, how avian do they look? Do they lay eggs? What about them makes them resistant to the cold? Stuff like that.  The stuff about the fathers race might need to be dropped though, unless he decides to go with having males in the race since then they have a way to reproduce.

...I may have to remove the part about them rarely interacting with each other in order to give them a good place to hide the males. I'm planning to give them feathery wings (wherever I decide to put them), bird-like scaly legs with webbed feet, and maybe a beak, depending on how I could make it work. Most birds don't have phalluses, but I plan to give them one anyway. Because anthropomorphization and aliens.

...As far as that goes, I could get rid of the males entirely and make them a hermaphrodite race without phalluses... But, scientifically, that would make them nonreceptive to penetrative sex, and that's not something that would work well...

As far as the eggs, I'm thinking they will have eggs, but either are viviparous with the young of viviparous races or are ovoviviparous in either case.
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Aug 26, 2015
Honestly, if we are not expected to see aliens in a space game because it's so hard to describe via text (there's a reason why the Cthulhu Mythos is not the Yog-Sothothery) or people don't feel like humping non-humanoid people, I dare to say that CoC 2 should have been the way to go and allow for fantasy humanoids and monsterpeople.

I mean, how alien do you want your aliens?  Even in visual media most aliens are either funny-headed humans, funny-headed dogs, or literally Muppets.  And I'm not writing The Great Muppet Porno.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, how alien do you want your aliens?  Even in visual media most aliens are either funny-headed humans, funny-headed dogs, or literally Muppets.  And I'm not writing The Great Muppet Porno.

"Funny-almost-everything" would be okay, perhaps with a bit of "x does not belong there", though I fear that could disgust potential players. Of course, not all of us have an impressive imagination, so it's okay and reasonable to draw from myths and Earth beings for inspiration, but I prefer my beings described as, say, having "wings similar to those of dragonflies" instead of being outright "spehs dragonflies", if you know what I mean. Now, and given my personal tastes, I'd be all for an humanoid being with a mutant flavour. Or something not based on canines/felines/horses, as that's overdone, especially in those yiffing circles. I often wish we could have more sea life-based beings, which is why I feel Uveto won't disappoint me.

This reminds me of that time I outweirded someone who prided him/herself on adoring general gassiness and chubbiness when I declared I liked the bloated looks from those infected humans in Junji Ito's Gyo. Not that I'm into gassiness myself, mind you. But I like to grope some squishy flesh.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Funny-almost-everything" would be okay, perhaps with a bit of "x does not belong there", though I fear that could disgust potential players. Of course, not all of us have an impressive imagination, so it's okay and reasonable to draw from myths and Earth beings for inspiration, but I prefer my beings described as, say, having "wings similar to those of dragonflies" instead of being outright "spehs dragonflies", if you know what I mean. Now, and given my personal tastes, I'd be all for an humanoid being with a mutant flavour. Or something not based on canines/felines/horses, as that's overdone, especially in those yiffing circles. I ofte wish we could have more sea life-based beings, which is while I feel Uveto won't disappoint me.

This reminds me of that time I outweirded someone who prided him/herself on adoring general gassiness and chubbiness when I declared I liked the bloated looks from those infected humans in Junji Ito's Gyo. Not that I'm into gassiness myself, mind you. But I like to grope some squishy flesh.

Y'know, I remember this one time one of the artists I Watch on FA drew an absolutely adorable blue sea slug. While it wasn't anthropomorphic, the guy's great at making anthros that are both adorable and sexy. I seriously believe that, if he wanted to, he could. Also, one of my personal favorite sea creatures is the thresher shark.

...But this is probably a discussion for another thread. Shall we get back to the topic at hand? Changed the Doc a bit to make the Yuki-Onna more bird-like. Not sure how to fit the males in, since a Codex entry for the males would not be canon. Also working on the encounter, a bit disappointed to see that there's no parser tag for hair length alone...
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Sep 9, 2015
There are some other options to get a women only race without recurring to (simultaneous) hermaphroditism or real monogender. You may simply have either non-humanoid males (think for instance in the parasitic males in abyssal anglerfishes), sequential hermaphroditism (all the individuals are born male and they switch to female at some point).

Furthermore, even as real asexual beings,you could made some tasty sexy scenes if, for instance, you make them able to "feed" on body heat. If so, your species should be cold, but only because they are very efficient at keeping body heat, and they attack you because you are warm. Naturally, all this could fit very well into the hypothermia mechanics that are planned for Uveto's artic weather. Also, warm bodies may be important for their reproduction. For instance, adult female-like yuki-onnas just produce some "spores" that grow between their feathers. The spores rapidly turn into some kind of cute furball, that is in fact yuki onna's larva. The larvae must find a warm spot in order to complete its development and become an adult yuki onna. And one of such warm spots may well be our captain's holes, thus triggering a pregnancy-like event (perhaps inducing syntoms like enhanced sensibility to cold, as you try to keep you body warm for the larvae; or increasing hunger due to higher metabolism). Encounters may consist in lonely yuki onna larvae (similar to young cockvine, for instance); swarms (weak encounter, but it can make a great scene of the main character being raped by a swarm of cute tiny furballs), and adult yuki onna (that may carry some larvae and use your warm inners as incubator chambers).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There are some other options to get a women only race without recurring to (simultaneous) hermaphroditism or real monogender. You may simply have either non-humanoid males (think for instance in the parasitic males in abyssal anglerfishes), sequential hermaphroditism (all the individuals are born male and they switch to female at some point).

Furthermore, even as real asexual beings,you could made some tasty sexy scenes if, for instance, you make them able to "feed" on body heat. If so, your species should be cold, but only because they are very efficient at keeping body heat, and they attack you because you are warm. Naturally, all this could fit very well into the hypothermia mechanics that are planned for Uveto's artic weather. Also, warm bodies may be important for their reproduction. For instance, adult female-like yuki-onnas just produce some "spores" that grow between their feathers. The spores rapidly turn into some kind of cute furball, that is in fact yuki onna's larva. The larvae must find a warm spot in order to complete its development and become an adult yuki onna. And one of such warm spots may well be our captain's holes, thus triggering a pregnancy-like event (perhaps inducing syntoms like enhanced sensibility to cold, as you try to keep you body warm for the larvae; or increasing hunger due to higher metabolism). Encounters may consist in lonely yuki onna larvae (similar to young cockvine, for instance); swarms (weak encounter, but it can make a great scene of the main character being raped by a swarm of cute tiny furballs), and adult yuki onna (that may carry some larvae and use your warm inners as incubator chambers).

Well, I've already made the decisions on the encounters, and only about half of the randomly-encountered Yuki-Onna are hostile. I like the idea of a swarm of cute, fluffy larvae, and maybe warmth-sharing, but not orifice invaders, and I don't think either spores or larvae really fit the bird-like Yuki-Onna.

...Though it did give me an idea for what I could do with the hatchlings. I could make them hatch from eggs about the same size as a chicken's, looking like little wingless fluff-fairies, sort of like Navi but with fur instead of light. And they group together in a futile attempt to weather the weather, and get blown around easily. The few of them that survive are those that find a source of heat and adhere themselves to it so it keeps them warm and safe from the wind. If they survive long enough to grow to full size, they're probably going to live for a long time after that.
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Sep 9, 2015

I'm glad you found something useful from my random babbling. Anyway, if want to keep the asexual idea (and use the body heat as a excuse to cuddle), but you still need some alien biology stuff to explain their genetic variability and so on, there are many options over there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
...I wanna know who it was who chose the top option in the Poll... And just how serious they are.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Never underestimate people's tendency to click buttons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Never underestimate people's tendency to click buttons.

...You reckon they didn't even stop to decipher it? Kids today, not thinkin' before they act.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Added a bit to the Doc, waiting for some feedback here in the forums.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Triple post, added WIP Encounter and Village docs. Anyone wondering why there are no males, see the Village.


Nov 28, 2015
Haven't read the doc yet but as for "a race that looks like itself" I would honestly suggest going almost the Sophie route. You could have it that they just override the genetics of whatever they mate with, but not every piece of DNA is overwritten, allowing some traits of the father to be kept. This could allow for a large variety of secondary details. Say Steele fucks one and had bright pink hair at the time and the kid inherits it, now that kid will stand out from the rest. Or if a herm Steele has a fat set of titters and passes them along, again a different variation but one that can make them stand out.

The potential with this element is neat and I don't see why it should be overlooked. As for the kimono thing also from earlier in the thread, if you went the wing-arms route you could just have them cut slits in the sleeves of the kimono to slide the feathers through.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
This probably a stupid suggestion, but what about adding a second all male race designed like Tengu? It keeps the theme of Japanese culture but also adds Avian elements.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This probably a stupid suggestion, but what about adding a second all male race designed like Tengu? It keeps the theme of Japanese culture but also adds Avian elements.

I wouldn't say it's a stupid suggestion, but I will say I won't be doing it. Sorry, but there's a reason I made yuki-onna instead of something else. Although they could be sub-races for a single bird-like race. A race that spread throughout the universe, adapting to their habitat... Anyone else thinking Chozo now?