Your Gripes With CoC2


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
To jump into Brint/Brienne discussion that was happening earlier in terms of personality I really didn't see them changing much outside of becoming submissive and hyper focused on the champion. I do wish the whole Mad Cow quest potentially gets a rewrite because telling him we'll go to see Sanders then just avoiding Sanders for a couple of days just... was jarring. I think it should be handled through omission instead, I think the demon Viv path was a good example of how to do this. I didn't feel like I was really forcing Viv to become a demon in that path, it's just the champion thought it wasn't too important to mention, that "Viv's a big girl she'll figure it out" mentality is what I got from it. I think Brienne should have been handled the same way, but again it's older content and hindsight is 20/20.
Instead it would have been neat to have the option to reach out to Lady Evergreen or Viv and have them look. Explain that the effect the armor is having isn't malevolent, maybe give some lore about other enchanting armor changing something about the wearer to provide a boon and have Brint decide to wait it out to see what happens instead of going to Sanders. That would have been a much better way to handle the quest.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Man, this whole discussion makes me wish the stories you are all saying were true. I wish Brint was like Brienne.

Unfortunately, Brint is Brint.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
When I say they are alike they have the same laid back mentality. I feel like the base foundation of their personality is pretty much the same. How that manifests after the change does change I will agree. Brienne is more emotional and attached to you, while I feel Brint is more disconnected and bro-like at least leading up to your arrival in Khormino's. I only really have Brint around through parts of the Old Forest and Harvest Valley, outside of that I usually trade for one of the other girls until I can get Brienne. I also don't know what he's like during sex as I've never done any of that content (beefcakes are not my cup of tea). But from the content I have seen, I feel this is much the case.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
As someone who has talked, fucked and married both (for completionist sake) I feel like that a lot of "Brint and Brienne are pretty much the same" stems from people wanting to justify themselves that what champ did to Brint was no big deal.

Which is fine.

Me personally, I see Brint and Brienne as entierly different people with maybe some comonalities. As I said above, I wish Brint was more like Brienne.

Honestly. thank god for that armor. No Brienne lover would like to have female version of Brint.

I wish there was a way to half do it though. You know, turn Brint into a norther Minotaur. Get myself a loyal wife (male).

Honestly, I have a fun comparison, and I would like to write it. But, heh, it would be a hypothethical amongst hypothethicals.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Still think the quest needs a rewrite regardless, especially since you need to be at the tavern for it to function. It's just absolutely jarring. "Let's just sit in the tavern for a few days and pretend the chapel doesn't exist while you go through this until the end, okay?" Is the one piece of content I've always disliked the most about in this game. I love Brienne, but I don't really care for how she comes about from a story or gameplay perspective at all.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I agree with that to some extent.

But, also, as someone who honestly does not care about if Brint consented to it or not, I would like if there was a scenario where the champ had a more of an involvent, malious as it may be, in turning the big bull into their breeding cow. I do like to picture the mad cow scenario as if my champ had a full grasp of ramifacation behind that armor, and they just did not care/were gleefuly looking forward to it.

Because, honestly, Brint as a friend, fuckbuddy or a lover does not have much to offer. Why not turn him into something more usefull. Well, usefull for the champ.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I'm a Brienne lover and I wouldn't mind her being a female version of Brint.
What do you think that would entail?

Also, hyperbolic I was. I am sure some people would be fine. Probably not majority though considering what a lot of people think of Cait.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
The thing is, people here seem to take the dominant traits without the whorish aspect. People would probably still like Brienne if she was a bull-girl that is still "only for you" waifu.

Yet, must we not forget, Brint being a bastard-siering slut that fucks whoever he wants is also his major characteristic. Brienne inheriting that would sink her mass apeal faster then Titanic.

I know that it feels like I am dogpiling on Cait, but just look at her for example. She is a hot Catgirl. She is fun. She is the one companion that gets most exposure through out the game. And she is far bellow Kiyoko and Brienne in terms of popularity becasue she sleeps around.

The exlusivity is what makes for a popular husbando/waifu. Not that the slutty ones can not appeal to certain people. But what people that like about Brienne is
that she is yours and that she unabashedly loves you. Far removed from Brint who, even in marrige, feels a lot more distant and still goes around fucking whoever he wants.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I wish upon shooting star.

honestly, I find brienne's 'devotion' creepy as hell. brint dies exclusively to unlock dom rina and then I never speak to them again
Oh she definitely is obsessed. But that is one of the things me and many other people play this game for. The experience of having a guy/girl/someone obsess over you is fun. What Brienne has is not healthy, but it's hot.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
And I sincerely wish for everything stays the same, except for Brienne have a magicock (or real one), without changes in behavior, of course. Also wish for bagel... no... two bagels, please!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
The stuff Brienne gets which Brint doesn't is honestly the main reason I even do the armor transformation nowadays. Like... you can marry Brint/Brienne individually, but you can't marry the Bri-family all at once with Brint and you can with Brienne. There's character differences, sure, but it's less of a divergent path and more of Brienne getting two hot dogs. If Brint's differences led to him getting more stuff that Brienne doesn't get, beyond just the frost knight set and the base sex scenes, then it would feel like I actually have a reason and a choice.
Late reply but Brint has a lot of content. It is just, a lot of it is niche -- voyeur and c***-adjecent stuff.

It is fine if you are into it (I am to some extent), but it really doesn't have the same wide appeal as fucking a harem of cowgirls.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
True, but... he's just an avatar of Malach and you do get the chance to take that divine kitty dick or blow out his back at least once, which is almost the same thing?
Avatar is an overstatement, it implies Malach acts through him directly. But supposedly all he mainly does is occasionally peek out of River’s eyes to see what’s going on. The whole point is that River is his own person, so that Malach can occasionally experience his life and the lives of the people River interacts with vicariously through him, like watching his own personal reality tv show. That’s coming from the kitty’s mouth himself, maybe he is lying, maybe he has the option to pull a harbinger and “assume direct control” but it’s at the very least something he probably hasn’t done so far. Also, they look nothing alike aside from the obvious so not really the same in any meaningful way.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Avatar is an overstatement, it implies Malach acts through him directly. But supposedly all he mainly does is occasionally peek out of River’s eyes to see what’s going on. The whole point is that River is his own person, so that Malach can occasionally experience his life and the lives of the people River interacts with vicariously through him, like watching his own personal reality tv show. That’s coming from the kitty’s mouth himself, maybe he is lying, maybe he has the option to pull a harbinger and “assume direct control” but it’s at the very least something he probably hasn’t done so far. Also, they look nothing alike aside from the obvious so not really the same in any meaningful way.
I couldn't think of a better word at the time other than avatar but yeah. However I disagree on the look - considering the dialogue where you find out River's connection literally is caused by a sense of deja vu where you feel like you saw River somewhere before, implying River does have a resemblance to Mallach. I hope you aren't comparing by the default art - because... two different artists there bub. If you look at bk's rendition of River (default piece used) and bk's Mallach bust, they have the same facial structure with just different hair color and skin tone. If Moira ever does a bust for River, I'd bet money it would look like a pale, white haired version of her Mallach.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
I couldn't think of a better word at the time other than avatar but yeah. However I disagree on the look - considering the dialogue where you find out River's connection literally is caused by a sense of deja vu where you feel like you saw River somewhere before, implying River does have a resemblance to Mallach. I hope you aren't comparing by the default art - because... two different artists there bub. If you look at bk's rendition of River (default piece used) and bk's Mallach bust, they have the same facial structure with just different hair color and skin tone. If Moira ever does a bust for River, I'd bet money it would look like a pale, white haired version of her Mallach.
Except that doesn’t make sense because you get the same text even if 1) that is your first time meeting Malach and even before that so it can’t be a semblance to Malach that is giving the sense if deja vu and 2) the semblance and sense of deja vu is caused not because of a semblance to Malach but because River is supposed to have the best of prior “Rivers” (the first being Malach, but all others being other homunculi) so he has a vague semblance to multiple people, or most likely, multiple people that themselves also resemble those prior “Rivers”. It’s like using some program, like an AI or something, to mash the faces of multiple people into one, making an “average face” that has the facial characteristics of a lot of other people you can still kinda recognize. Or at least that’s how I like to think of it, cause it really doesn’t make much sense that we have actually met other Rivers. That just seems very statistically unlikely, and probably doesn’t line up with any timeline of events. Again, this is all from the kitty’s mouth. Matter of fact, I think I have a screenshot of the part of the text where he gives this explanation, so I’ll post it later in an edit if I remember to and if I actually have it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
I agree with that to some extent.

But, also, as someone who honestly does not care about if Brint consented to it or not, I would like if there was a scenario where the champ had a more of an involvent, malious as it may be, in turning the big bull into their breeding cow. I do like to picture the mad cow scenario as if my champ had a full grasp of ramifacation behind that armor, and they just did not care/were gleefuly looking forward to it.

Because, honestly, Brint as a friend, fuckbuddy or a lover does not have much to offer. Why not turn him into something more usefull. Well, usefull for the champ.

I think I would string out the quest longer, add more steps. You speak to Sanders and he can't help - advises you speak to someone more experienced with magic items/curses/alchemy.

I would say you can pick Evergreen for a potentially more manipulative route (or to pay some horrible extortionate price that feels like it'll come back to bite you one day, since, you know, her whole deal*) - she charges you for information, tells you in private about what the armour does, and then the player can choose whether to tell/help Brint or refuse to tell him and let it play out at the cost of corruption. In fact, it wouldn't be out of character for Evergreen to charge you for information about what the armour is doing and then treat actually helping as an entirely separate transaction - maybe her usual option of make baby or pay money, with a special choice of Brint being the dad.

I was gonna say Viv for a gentler path, though I only found out she can turn fully into a demon from reading this thread ten minutes ago, so I have no idea what her personality is like there. But I like the idea that Viv would actually encourage Brint to let the transformation play out just for the experience (then the player can steer (heh) him either way). Uncorrupt, she's played with alchemy on herself enough to be blasé about body image and gender identity, and feels anything is reversible if he decides he doesn't like the change or just gets bored. As a demon, well, maybe she has a gender-bender fetish and it's not like she'd be concerned with Brint's best interests.

If you delay too long speaking to either witch, the quest plays out as it currently does.

Just to lend my opinion on their personalities, I normally prefer F/F or dickgirl content, but actually prefer Brint to Brienne. His scenes are so well written and he's a great soft dom. I usually transform him for the character development (since it's all he gets :(), but I do wish I could buy Brienne a big horsecock strapon in Khor'Minos somewhere and let her relive her dominant side from time to time.

*Maybe this would the same as if you make Cait pay for Barney's location - Brint goes upstairs with Evergreen and comes back looking distinctly unhappy with no further explanation given. Now I'm imagining Cait and Bri getting nerfed or turned against you in Evergreen's dungeon if you make these choices.
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May 14, 2023
Magic fix:
When you first reach his usual square in the woods, the text reads:
You see a
Choice 1: Huge mino
Choice 2: Sexy cowgirl.

Voilá, you don't change your buddy to get a good waifu.

Follow me for more tricks.
If Brienne had been implemented from the beginning that's likely to be how it would have been done. Part of the problem is that the option to turn Brint into Brienne was added on later instead of being part of Brint's content from the start. So Brint's transformation feels kinda tacked on and handwavey.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
Nah, the whole gender swap is best part of it!
Without it, the whole thing become bland and lose it's main appeal.
And anyway, people, what's the deal with this guilt complex?!
It's becoming more and more like you all really want Brienne, but you're not willing to "sacrifice" Brint, you don't want to "harm" him, you don't want to "murder" him.
Bah, what a nonsense!
What was Brint is all about? What was his main joy of life? Adventures, heat of battle and passion in love.
And what part of it Brienne's life lacking? What was been robbed from her? (except BMD of course, but that can be fixed later, I hope)
No that's will not do, not do at all.
Stand up, brave and proud, and say loud and clear: I WANT this COWGIRL in my life, I LOVE her and I want to make her HAPPY, then I will make the same with her MOTHER, her SISTER and anyone else who comes along the way... wh..-oh, good day officer... what? Neighbors complain about noise? No-no, everything fine, yes, I fine... No, officer, I don't do drugs... no officer, I think it will be unnecessary... please there is no need for that... NOT A TASER!!! *Zap Argbrbrrrgbbrvhgt!
Well. Maybe it's better be, like, inner proclamation perhaps, yes it's more safer that way.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Sometimes I wonder if you just want to fuck everything (in game) LOL
I do not know what to tell you: if you are not interested in banging a pair of carboy twinks, if that scenario alone doesn't get you riled up; if the idea of having two cuties, one chocolate and other vanilla flavored, kissing around you cock is not your top priority, then, frankly, I am not sure for what you are playing this game for.

But, yeah, this is CoC2. Not every character should be bangable; every catboy should. Otherwise, they have no reason to exist.

"Barney exist."

I do happen to discriminate, so I would not bang him even if I was able to.