Which translates to you gaining passive HP regen out of combat. But, I feel that based on the flavor text of the wish, it should also make you immune to some out of combat debuffs such as Fatigued, Bruised and Beaten, and most importantly of all Enervation so you can fuck Kitsunes without taking the HP hit."The body is a marvel in many different ways," she begins. "It takes quite a lot to kill a person, and if the person survives, the body has ways of mending nearly any wound and combatting nearly any disease. It’s easy to believe that life is a fragile thing since you only have one." Oma’s hand begins to glow from the wrist down as an orb of light appears above her fingertips, hovering in place a few inches above the wound. "Though... wounds take time to heal. Diseases require tremendous effort to fight off. These aren’t pleasant experiences and the less time we spend recovering from an injury or an illness, the better." The orb of light sinks into Oma’s palm, right on top of the still-bleeding open wound – and, just as suddenly as the wound appeared from nothing, the skin on her palm pulls and stretches until the gash seals itself shut once more. "The boon I can grant will accelerate your body’s natural healing. It won’t make you immortal or invincible, but any injury you take will heal faster than ever. A cut would be gone without a scar in hours; a bruise will be fully healed in minutes; so much as a headache will be gone before it has a chance to inconvenience you."
Console commands, save editing...etc. (may come with potential save borking)how?
That's probably something from dnd 4e.It doesn't make sense to me from both a lore and gameplay perspective. Why is it that a black mage champion coming out of a fire fight suddenly "forgets" how to use frost/storm spells when fighting fire resistant/immune enemies? Why does a charmer champion "forget" how to use weapon arts or spells when fighting monsters/automatons that don't feel arousal? Why does a duelist champion "forget" how to repeatedly cleave through enemies when up against endless waves of trash mobs?
1. I agree with your assessment that there is an issue, but I disagree with your solution. I think it would arguably be better/less annoying (assuming we had to, for example, sacrifice a turn to switch any number of powers), and perhaps more feasible code-wise as well, if, before fights, we had some kind of way to “roll for perception” as it were to find out what type of enemies we will be fighting before we actually do fight them. Maybe roll for a certain a number and add that to the highest cunning score in the party against whatever number is a appropriate for a specific encounter. Ideally, change the text when any particular encounter is detected to reflect the party’s awareness of the upcoming fight. Maybe exempt this mechanic from working when it is the first time fighting any particular enemy/enemies.1. Unable to swap out powers in combat
It doesn't make sense to me from both a lore and gameplay perspective. Why is it that a black mage champion coming out of a fire fight suddenly "forgets" how to use frost/storm spells when fighting fire resistant/immune enemies? Why does a charmer champion "forget" how to use weapon arts or spells when fighting monsters/automatons that don't feel arousal? Why does a duelist champion "forget" how to repeatedly cleave through enemies when up against endless waves of trash mobs?
It's already clear that this game isn't trying to force you to challenge the game with a locked in build like some other RPGs, since you can freely re-slot powers and respec class/attributes for a small fee, not like a tabletop game mechanic where the lore explanation is that you need to "memorize" spells during each rest - from a lore perspective, powers in this game are very clearly skills that the champion knows by heart as you can switch them freely with no cost/restriction outside of combat, including not having class restrictions (e.g. everyone can equip and cast black mage spells, not just black mages).
In fact, you can already swap weapons in combat without even costing a turn. I don't think it would break the game balance by allowing powers to be swapped in combat - a charmer is still going to probably be accompanied by companions/equipment that support tease damage/effects, so swapping into magic/melee powers when an enemy is immune to arousal isn't going to turn you into a god who has max efficiency against every encounter, it'll just give you an actual chance against resistances/immunities without needing to feel completely impotent and flee or reload a save, both breaking the flow of the game and hurting the immersion (either the awesome heroic champion is powerless against some trash mob or you have to headcanon having premonition abilities via save reloading to justify coincidentally changing your loadout before a fight). The only restriction there needs to be is that powers shouldn't be swappable if the slot is on cooldown (e.g. to prevent spamming encounter powers).
As it stands, I don't even bother with a mage or charmer build because of potential enemy immunities, and instead opt for an "all-rounder" melee build which is fine but feels limited in terms of spec options/replayability.
2. Inconsistency between companion armor set portaits and busts
(Forgive me if I'm using the word wrong - "bust" refers to the full character portrait in dialogue, correct?) Cait's hex leathers and dancer silks changes her portrait, but not bust, and the portrait artstyles are wildly different to the bust artstyle. Same with Etheryn and queen's raiments. Azzy's sets on the other hand change both her portrait and bust, and they have consistent artstyles too. I think the problem stems from getting art from different artists for the same character, and it's a further challenge/cost to get them to draw multiple versions, including a nude version, hence why for example hex leather Cait doesn't have a bust, and even if it did it would look jarring if she went nude in the next scene and it went back to her default look/artystyle unless the artist also does a nude version for that set.
This could be streamlined by settling on a single nude model/bust for each character and then simply drawing on the armor pieces for each different set, which is how many HRPGs handle dress-up.
3. Too many uniques, not enough uses, running out of storage room
It would be nice if we could equip them on companions, or really have any other sort of use for them besides "permanently giving them away to an NPC for zero(?) gain" (at least let me ask for them back if I change my mind...I've already regretted it once). Also we need more storage room in general.
4. Rumie's stat drinks don't say what stat they boost on the tooltip
They're named slightly different to Gareth's drinks so I'd appreciate if it just says what it does on the tooltip to save me a bit of time, I didn't even realize they were stat drinks until recently.
Whenever I feel like I'm having too good a day I remember this just to feel a little bit worseCait had a hexleather art that never got finished, which is a shame because it looks great.
I mean, its a porn game, you can't say sex scenes for random characters are pointless when the whole point of the game is to get your rocks off. It has a function and that's to flesh out what most players come to the game for.It's funny how we change alongside this game... (Don't know if it's a ME problem)
When I started playing this game (6 fckng years ago, fck I'm old lol) I used to have sex with everything you could in CoC2.
Now... I find the sex aspect boring, I'll keep my Vs for as long as I can, only fcking Kas for her romance route, and the Alraune, because killing her isn't right, and there's no alternative, and Ryn, because she deserves to be happy =~=
Now, all I care about is character development and the main story. And I'm kinda fcked in that last one, because it doesn't advance as much as I'd like (I'm not mad or anything, nor do I decide how the game will progress), but when I see things I consider pointless (even if I grow to love some of the new NPCs; Hana for example), like sex scenes for random chars; just get sad, the sexy part of this game is miles ahead of... Pretty much the only thing about this game I TRULY care about, what keeps me supporting this aaaaaall the way back since my 1st year in college.
Sorry for the essay and if I come out as rude, believe me when I say I love this game, I wouldn't've played it for this long if I didn't.
Anyways, mucho texto.
If not sex scenes with some random, small ncp, we definitely don't will see someone certain type of sex, fetishes etc. 'Cause writers of BIG, IMPORTANT, MEANINGFUL npc is quite picky about choosing what their precious OCs like/dislike, will do and never do etc.It's funny how we change alongside this game... (Don't know if it's a ME problem)
When I started playing this game (6 fckng years ago, fck I'm old lol) I used to have sex with everything you could in CoC2.
Now... I find the sex aspect boring, I'll keep my Vs for as long as I can, only fcking Kas for her romance route, and the Alraune, because killing her isn't right, and there's no alternative, and Ryn, because she deserves to be happy =~=
Now, all I care about is character development and the main story. And I'm kinda fcked in that last one, because it doesn't advance as much as I'd like (I'm not mad or anything, nor do I decide how the game will progress), but when I see things I consider pointless (even if I grow to love some of the new NPCs; Hana for example), like sex scenes for random chars; just get sad, the sexy part of this game is miles ahead of... Pretty much the only thing about this game I TRULY care about, what keeps me supporting this aaaaaall the way back since my 1st year in college.
Sorry for the essay and if I come out as rude, believe me when I say I love this game, I wouldn't've played it for this long if I didn't.
Anyways, mucho texto.
I started playing back when the only area was the foothills, and my characters still fuck everything that moves. It's not really my main thing with playing, but I do actively choose to do it every time.When I started playing this game (6 fckng years ago, fck I'm old lol) I used to have sex with everything you could in CoC2.
Now... I find the sex aspect boring, I'll keep my Vs for as long as I can, only fcking Kas for her romance route, and the Alraune, because killing her isn't right, and there's no alternative, and Ryn, because she deserves to be happy =~=
If it makes you feel better, I like writing that stuff way more than random sexIt's funny how we change alongside this game... (Don't know if it's a ME problem)
Now, all I care about is character development and the main story. And I'm kinda fcked in that last one, because it doesn't advance as much as I'd like (I'm not mad or anything, nor do I decide how the game will progress), but when I see things I consider pointless (even if I grow to love some of the new NPCs; Hana for example), like sex scenes for random chars; just get sad, the sexy part of this game is miles ahead of... Pretty much the only thing about this game I TRULY care about, what keeps me supporting this aaaaaall the way back since my 1st year in college.
If it makes you feel better, I like writing that stuff way more than random sex![]()
The duality of manToo much character stuff getting in the way of the sex.
I'm a bisexual guy but I don't really get your point. You seem to think that the reason guy characters aren't that popular and get less content in comparison to pure female, futa and dickgirl characters is because there's this massive untapped player base of bi and gay guys who the dev team are losing out on catering to, that their just waiting in the wings and the only thing stopping them is that they aren't being catered to. When in reality, most people who play this game are mostly gynophiles, whether straight or bi. If there was this huge number of people in the camp you imagine, where are they and why do only a fraction of people write this sort of content for the game after all these years? Now, as somebody who's into women and men equally, is a versatile switch and loves pretty much all body types, I agree with you that it would be great to get more male characters and more male same sex stuff. I also agree that it would be great if all characters gave equal attention to both genders. But that's not gonna happen with this game, writers have preferences and while it might be frustrating sometimes its just the way the cookie crumbles. I'd also like to point out, that while you're bemoaning the fact this new character doesn't have much going on for the male crowd, you're ignoring the fact that they can always get more content and that it seems catered to female players, who arguably have it just as bad when it comes to content for them in this game or maybe even worse. Frankly, all I've seen you do on this forum is get annoyed that things aren't immediately equal and perfect when it comes to male characters, like with Tetsuya where you dismiss him as an otome love interest and ignored the fact that he was going to get more content for guys later on, then not even that was good enough. This is an evolving game man and its not always going to be exactly what you wanted to be. If it bothers you so much write this sort of content yourself, which you claimed you were going to do at one point anyway.Ahh, another guy with not much going on for the male crowd. And then we ask "why are guys so unpopular?"
In liue of that, I curse the straights!
I did write and I did submit. I actually wrote more but since they are one offs, I do not want to clog the submissions with them. So I started a larger project -- a Leotharn ambush.I'm a bisexual guy but I don't really get your point. You seem to think that the reason guy characters aren't that popular and get less content in comparison to pure female, futa and dickgirl characters is because there's this massive untapped player base of bi and gay guys who the dev team are losing out on catering to, that their just waiting in the wings and the only thing stopping them is that they aren't being catered to. When in reality, most people who play this game are mostly gynophiles, whether straight or bi. If there was this huge number of people in the camp you imagine, where are they and why do only a fraction of people write this sort of content for the game after all these years? Now, as somebody who's into women and men equally, is a versatile switch and loves pretty much all body types, I agree with you that it would be great to get more male characters and more male same sex stuff. I also agree that it would be great if all characters gave equal attention to both genders. But that's not gonna happen with this game, writers have preferences and while it might be frustrating sometimes its just the way the cookie crumbles. I'd also like to point out, that while you're bemoaning the fact this new character doesn't have much going on for the male crowd, you're ignoring the fact that they can always get more content and that it seems catered to female players, who arguably have it just as bad when it comes to content for them in this game or maybe even worse. Frankly, all I've seen you do on this forum is get annoyed that things aren't immediately equal and perfect when it comes to male characters, like with Tetsuya where you dismiss him as an otome love interest and ignored the fact that he was going to get more content for guys later on, then not even that was good enough. This is an evolving game man and its not always going to be exactly what you wanted to be. If it bothers you so much write this sort of content yourself, which you claimed you were going to do at one point anyway.
Maybe I was a bit harsh and for that I apologize. I didn't see you publish any of your work on here for critique and assistance, which you generally should do so naturally assumed you didn't work on it. I agree, it would be great to get more topping content. But its not necessarily a straight thing imo, its more the fact that most people writing for the game are either clearly some flavor of bi or gay with a heavy female preference, so less male content in general for them, or their bi or gay bottoms so no topping, or their straight so no men at all, hence the lack of attention to gay content. That already narrows down the amount of people who'd write topping scenes for guys significantly. To get more topping content you need either need more bi or gay male tops or switches or women into gay male dom stuff writing or people willing to write outside their comfort zone. I get what you're saying though and for what its worth, I agree with a lot of the frustration you've espoused. I just think you could stand to be a tad less abrasive about it is all. I've said my peace though, so I'll leave it here as I don't want to clog up the thread anymore than I already have.I did write and I did submit. I actually wrote more but since they are one offs, I do not want to clog the submissions with them. So I started a larger project -- a Leotharn ambush.
But, ey, let's walk back track a little and explain something -- I am not that delusional. The game made its bed by mostly focusing on people that are into women. I never really claimed that the game should release more male content.
What I am complaining here is that what little male content we do have seems to ignore gay, pansexual and bi men even though the latter, if only by the sheer number of men playing this game, should overtake, or at least match, the female player base.
Yet the male content we do receive suddenly acts like only female player base exists which just confuses me to no end.
To cut something off since I am kind of uncomfortable with what I implying by saying "it doesn't pander to guys" -- I am specifically saying guys that like to top. To pitch. To put dick in the butt. Male butt. Gay/bi/psn bottoms exist; they are just as valid and if they are happy with the content we receive, than I am happy for them.
Yet, and here is where I will go back to my assumptions, the game panders mostly to people that like to pitch when it comes to women, so it is kind of baffling for it to do complete 180 and just go "no one wants to top a dude."
Second, look -- I am not really going to blame the female players for anything or try to minimize their needs. They have it bad. Like really bad even outside of fenoxo games.
But, if If I am going to be honest, when it comes to male content, they actually get pandered to more than the guys do.
Quin, Takahiro, Tetsuya, The new wolf, Elyon, all non Nikol/Brint minotaurs, like all of the mallach guys, Keros and so on and so on. Most of them do not even have a token bottoming scenes.
What's funny is that even femboys, the type of guys associated with "straight men fetish", still include scenes that accommodate women. While anything more "masculine" gets thrown as strictly female gaze
Like, I know that girls have it bad -- I played through their content. Trying to have any kind of lesbian romance is a fools errand. But notice how even in my joking comment I didn't say "curse women", I said "curse the straights" because really, that is how content seems to be assigned here -- women are for men and men are for women. With Futas having a more even split.
I do not want for male characters to directly pander to only mine topping needs. For, first all, despite what my history shows, I enjoy bottoming. Hell, the first scene I submit involves it. What I want is for male content that gets implemented actually tries to pander to pitchers to some extent. Like, it doesn't hurt their popularity. As I said, it can only really boost it.
I thought it was a choice, which means you don't have to turn Brint into her true self if you don't want to.The Brint-Brienne transformation frustrates me. It rubs me the wrong way that so much content is locked behind what could be described as the PC being complicit in an identity murder.
i’m not asking to have both characters, or a toggle, or for the addition of a third state where you have Femme Brint. Those would all be huge outlays of text on one of the most text dense characters in the game.
It would just be nice to have an optional scene where, for example, when you’re getting close to Khor Minos, Brint pulls you aside and says “Hey, so, if we go into the city, this will end, but I kind of want to see how this plays out. I trust you, so if you also want to see where this whole armor thing goes, let’s just camp for the night.” Or really anything that gives Brint a little more agency and the Champion a little less culpability in the swap. Right now, turning Brint into Brienne makes me feel dirty and wrong.
The big problem is that there aren't any writers that are into gay stuff. Writing things you aren't attracted to is really fucking hard and will affect the quality. So if a writer gets strong-armed into making gay stuff it's going to turn out poor.I did write and I did submit. I actually wrote more but since they are one offs, I do not want to clog the submissions with them. So I started a larger project -- a Leotharn ambush.
But, ey, let's walk back a little and explain something -- I am not that delusional. The game made its bed by mostly focusing on people that are into women. I never really claimed that the game should release more male content.
What I am complaining here is that what little male content we do have seems to ignore gay, pansexual and bi men even though the latter, if only by the sheer number of men playing this game, should overtake, or at least match, the female player base.
Yet the male content we do receive suddenly acts like only female player base exists which just confuses me to no end.
To cut something off since I am kind of uncomfortable with what I implying by saying "it doesn't pander to guys/gays" -- I am specifically saying guys that like to top. To pitch. To put dick in the butt. Male butt. Gay/bi/pan bottoms exist; they are just as valid and if they are happy with the content we receive, than I am happy for them.
Yet, and here is where I will go back to my assumptions, the game panders mostly to people that like to pitch when it comes to women, so it is kind of baffling for it to do complete 180 and just go "no one wants to top a dude."
Second, look -- I am not really going to blame the female players for anything or try to minimize their needs. They have it bad. Like really bad even outside of fenoxo games.
But, if If I am going to be honest, when it comes to male content, they actually get pandered to more than the guys do: Quin, Takahiro, Tetsuya, The new wolf, Elyon, all non Nikol/Brint minotaurs, like all of the mallach guys, Keros and so on and so on. Most of them do not even have a token bottoming scenes.
What's funny is that even femboys, the type of guys associated with "straight men fetish", still include scenes that accommodate women. While anything more "masculine" gets thrown as strictly female gaze
To reiterate, I know that girls have it bad -- I played through their content. Trying to have any kind of lesbian romance is a fools errand. But notice how even in my joking comment I didn't say "curse women", I said "curse the straights" because really, that is how content seems to be assigned here -- women are for men and men are for women. With Futas having a more even split.
I do not want for male characters to directly pander to only mine topping needs. For, first all, despite what my history shows, I enjoy bottoming. Hell, the first scene I submitted involves it. What I want is for male content that gets implemented actually tries to pander to pitchers to some extent. Like, it doesn't hurt their popularity. As I said, it can only really boost it.