Your gripes with CoC II

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Tollus doesn't have that leeway because like I said, he is a major antagonist, one with a personal connection to two of our party members. And yet his reasons for founding (?) the cult and working to undermine the baroness... is because he thinks living through the Godswar makes him entitled to a title and riches? (I think that's what he wants. I can't go look it up again at the moment.) This is so laughable that even the characters seem kinda bitter about how lame his motives are.

I think it's fixable though. The writers just need to give him more of a personality than "Mwahahahaha I'm so evil!" next time we see him, offer some insight on how he recruits people into the cult, maybe let us see what sorts of things he's up to besides being Kasyrra's willing servant. The cult itself is the same.

As for Alissa: I want Arona to go through with her threat to punt her head into the sun. A lava lake would do in a pinch.

As for Tollus: It was stated that he's the descendant of the noble who used to rule the land the baroness Carmen now owns. His ancestor was a coward who ran away when the war started and was subsequently stripped of his title, which went to Carmen and her... biological issues mean that she holds it to this day.

Tollus feels entitled to the land because he is the progeny of its former ruler and he's convinced himself that his ancestor was tricked somehow, making him the legal air by right. He's also not really Kasyrra's willing servant. He was fine so long as she was just a nebulous evil force giving him power but he hates actually having to share the spotlight with her. Now that she's actually in Savarra the majority of the cult listens to her instead of him and he loathes it. That's why he's planning to overthrow her and imprison her in a magical crystal. He's a piece of work alright.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Here there be SPOILERS.

We can kill her, we can keep her alive.
When left up to Ryn, Low Conf Ryn squeaks and ends up killing her. High Conf Ryn jails her.

Arona's alternative results in a loud CRUNCH.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
And people wonder why I keep Ryn at low confidence. She is squeamish, she is adorable and she is incompetent. All great qualities.
Also -- yes! -- a threesome can happen.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
And people wonder why I keep Ryn at low confidence. She is squeamish, she is adorable and she is incompetent. All great qualities.
Also -- yes! -- a threesome can happen.
to be honest, yeah squeamish and adorable are great, but its the execution of keeping her low confidence that makes one go "oh no" since you have to be horrible to her, if there was a low confidence ryn where you are also nice to her that sort of content may be of interest to people that like crybabies but don't want to be the worst person in the game


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
to be honest, yeah squeamish and adorable are great, but its the execution of keeping her low confidence that makes one go "oh no" since you have to be horrible to her, if there was a low confidence ryn where you are also nice to her that sort of content may be of interest to people that like crybabies but don't want to be the worst person in the game
Oh, I get that.

In same wain as you, I would like to be able to be nice to Ryns without rising her confidence. For there to be a way for us to lock her at certain range so that you can be as nice to her as you want yet she will still stay her same, shy, submissive self.
Maybe after completing her quest, she stays locked at the range you she was when entering. If a player kept Ryn subby/shy at that point into the story, I think it is fair to assume that they not care about her or want her that way.
Or even sooner than that so that you could indulge yourself in your subby princess to your hearts content.

Hope it gets added because I do not like the feeling of getting punished for being nice to my sub.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
As for Alissa: I want Arona to go through with her threat to punt her head into the sun. A lava lake would do in a pinch.

As for Tollus: It was stated that he's the descendant of the noble who used to rule the land the baroness Carmen now owns. His ancestor was a coward who ran away when the war started and was subsequently stripped of his title, which went to Carmen and her... biological issues mean that she holds it to this day.

Tollus feels entitled to the land because he is the progeny of its former ruler and he's convinced himself that his ancestor was tricked somehow, making him the legal air by right. He's also not really Kasyrra's willing servant. He was fine so long as she was just a nebulous evil force giving him power but he hates actually having to share the spotlight with her. Now that she's actually in Savarra the majority of the cult listens to her instead of him and he loathes it. That's why he's planning to overthrow her and imprison her in a magical crystal. He's a piece of work alright.
Yeah, that's what I was going for. Though I wrote that comment at 1 in the morning at a point when I couldn't look it up in the game, so that's my excuse.

But, the main reason I bring this up is because if every antagonist was written as flatly as Tollus I wouldn't care, but they're not. I'd just chalk it up as part of the fact this is a PORN game. Why complain that a PORN game is not Game of Thrones-tier writing? But of course that's not the case. Kasyrra herself is very deliberately written as a contrast to Lethice from CoC1, who was herself frequently criticised for being a generic and uninvolved main antagonist, by having an actual personality, clear and understandable motives and potentially a personal relationship with the Champion and most of the minor antagonists like the Alraune, Captain Kae'lyn, Chieftan Taldahs and Queen Nyzerrah also have understandable motives, and can be summed up with the following quote from Henry Fonda in 12 Angry Men: "They're just people! People make mistakes!" Taldahs was trying to make a world where his daughter would be safe, the Alraune seems to be just following her instincts, Queen Nyzeerah was beaten in combat and wanted to sort out her hive's honey shortage, and so on.

By contrast, the cult itself just seems very flat, and most don't seem to have a personality of any kind beyond "I'm so horny, lol!" Which, fine okay, but at this point I'm ready to see the back of them unless there are plans for a deeper explanation of how they came to be formed.
Oh, I get that.

In same wain as you, I would like to be able to be nice to Ryns without rising her confidence. For there to be a way for us to lock her at certain range so that you can be as nice to her as you want yet she will still stay her same, shy, submissive self.
Maybe after completing her quest, she stays locked at the range you she was when entering. If a player kept Ryn subby/shy at that point into the story, I think it is fair to assume that they not care about her or want her that way.
Or even sooner than that so that you could indulge yourself in your subby princess to your hearts content.

Hope it gets added because I do not like the feeling of getting punished for being nice to my sub.
So this is not official but you can download save files, edit the values inside and load them. I've done it sometimes to get around money demands. You could edit her confidence down to 0 or whatever any time it gets too high if you want to experience the nice sex scenes.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
So this is not official but you can download save files, edit the values inside and load them. I've done it sometimes to get around money demands. You could edit her confidence down to 0 or whatever any time it gets too high if you want to experience the nice sex scenes.
save editing is so annoying tho, I hate that pop up


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
So this is not official but you can download save files, edit the values inside and load them. I've done it sometimes to get around money demands. You could edit her confidence down to 0 or whatever any time it gets too high if you want to experience the nice sex scenes.
save editing is so annoying tho, I hate that pop up

//Will return Etheryn's confidence.

//Lets assume Etheryn's confidence is at 0 and one wants to increase it to 100.

//Now lets assume one wants to view low confidence Etheryn's scenes
//It will thus be minus whatever etheryn.confidence(); returns
//returns 100 as was inputted earlier

//So now do etheryn.confidence(-100); to subtract that 100 from the confidence.
//returns 0

//Just subtract the amount that you get when you call etheryn.confidence(); in the brackets
//So, etheryn.confidence(); returns value -> etheryn.confidence(minusReturnedValue); -> 0 confidence Etheryn

No save editing required, purely through the console (so no annoying pop-up). Just make sure to save to file before attempting, in case anything goes wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2022
So here's a gripe I have about CoC2, and I'm probably the only one who's enough of a grammar nazi to really care.

To quote Princess Bride: You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

And that word is gloaming.

As in "left a gloaming cut in his wake."

Gloaming is not an adjective, it's a noun. It means "twilight" or "dusk", thus its use here makes no sense. I mean, I don't know, unless you were going for dusk = red or something like that? But that's really a stretch in my view.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I've not finished the corrupted lupines quest, but it's odd that we can't kill them, especially given their taunts that they'll hound us until they can capture us. Is the dividing line between them and the centaurs that they say words to us first, however hostile? But we saw in Ahmri quest that the corrupted centaurs can talk so I doubt that's it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I'm pretty sure the dividing line is 'What did the person who wrote them decide to include by way of options?'.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
I can see it now...

Player kills lupines now

Rest of the quest comes out

Can't finish quest for drifa nor recruit a male lupine bc said lupines do not like champ

"How could we have known?!"


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Gloaming is not an adjective, it's a noun. It means "twilight" or "dusk", thus its use here makes no sense. I mean, I don't know, unless you were going for dusk = red or something like that? But that's really a stretch in my view.
You know, my autocorrect does not recognize gloaming as a word at all and instead changed it to gleaming, which is an adjective. Maybe that's the reason.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I can see it now...

Player kills lupines now

Rest of the quest comes out

Can't finish quest for drifa nor recruit a male lupine bc said lupines do not like champ

"How could we have known?!"
Honestly I would accept this being a fail state for the quest, you were too hasty and ended up getting rid of your sources of information, when it would've been better to try and root out the source of the issue by interrogating them, just make the drifa encounter the first encounter to make it obvious that there's a larger problem at play, and then if you push too hard and cause them all to go to ground it's your fault. At least, assuming I'm understanding the quest correctly, the idea is that you're trying to root out the lupine den right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
//Will return Etheryn's confidence.

//Lets assume Etheryn's confidence is at 0 and one wants to increase it to 100.

//Now lets assume one wants to view low confidence Etheryn's scenes
//It will thus be minus whatever etheryn.confidence(); returns
//returns 100 as was inputted earlier

//So now do etheryn.confidence(-100); to subtract that 100 from the confidence.
//returns 0

//Just subtract the amount that you get when you call etheryn.confidence(); in the brackets
//So, etheryn.confidence(); returns value -> etheryn.confidence(minusReturnedValue); -> 0 confidence Etheryn

No save editing required, purely through the console (so no annoying pop-up). Just make sure to save to file before attempting, in case anything goes wrong.
Is it possible to edit the champions stats like this? I’ve been trying and haven’t had any luck.
is there a specific way to do it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
At most, you can give yourself some extra starting stats, but only some. If it's a value you could feasibly have in that stat as a background bonus, it's probably safe. Specifically, editing starting attribute bonuses so you have something like +3 in all stats seems fine, but if you try a ridiculous number it gets funky or nothing happens.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Also, the Dawnsword's description says it can cleave through metal with ease but it has 0 Armor Penetration which really kills my desire to use it when I have Galon's Griefmaker with 50 AP and 50 base damage compared to the Dawnsword's 0 and 35 respectively. I know the dawnsword does 20 holy damage, but is holy damage really so busted that they had to give it 0 AP?

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Also, the Dawnsword's description says it can cleave through metal with ease but it has 0 Armor Penetration which really kills my desire to use it when I have Galon's Griefmaker with 50 AP and 50 base damage compared to the Dawnsword's 0 and 35 respectively. I know the dawnsword does 20 holy damage, but is holy damage really so busted that they had to give it 0 AP?
The description to the Dawnsword really indicates that it should have some armor penetration, yes, but do bear in mind that the Dawnsword is a light one-handed weapon while the GG is a heavy two-hander. The GG has an evasion penalty, requires two hands, and, when used by any non-warrior, has an initiative penalty, while the Dawnsword can be used with a shield, an offhand catalyst, or another light weapon, plus it has bonus armor and mental resistance with no penalty to evasion. I do personally think the Dawnsword should have some sort of damage penetration, but it has great defensive stats and is one-handed, so it's a great choice for a tank build and a good one for a two-weapon build.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I don't think that there's any way to balance the Dawnsword in a way that's commensurate with its theoretical power level in game, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Just make it weaker in lore. Say that the dark Aura drained it most of its power, or that it's power was but an overblown legends past down by people like a telephone game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Wonder if the Dawnsword will be a factor in becoming a Valkyrie. Would really like to see that, or maybe become a Tree person at Velun's discretion. At this point just waitin' on more soul-sellin'.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Wonder if the Dawnsword will be a factor in becoming a Valkyrie.
It's acknowledged both ways. If you're already a valkyrie before Dawnsword Quest, it's taken into account in dialogue. If you already have the Dawnsword or Guldring before LumiaQuest, that's taken into account instead. And it's entirely possible that both being a valkyrie and having completed Dawnsword Quest will confer some kind of special bonus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
or maybe become a Tree person at Velun's discretion. At this point just waitin' on more soul-sellin'.
The earliest material on soulbinding suggested that there were plans for Velun to grant a transformation but we've since been told that it's not happening; Keros, Lumia and Nareva are it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
It's acknowledged both ways. If you're already a valkyrie before Dawnsword Quest, it's taken into account in dialogue. If you already have the Dawnsword or Guldring before LumiaQuest, that's taken into account instead. And it's entirely possible that both being a valkyrie and having completed Dawnsword Quest will confer some kind of special bonus.
Very interesting. No doubt becoming a Valkyrie will be a big deal to our friends the Orcs and the Winter City, packed as they are with Lumia worshippers. Probably not THAT much difference, but enough to get a lot of bows and deference.
The earliest material on soulbinding suggested that there were plans for Velun to grant a transformation but we've since been told that it's not happening; Keros, Lumia and Nareva are it.
Ah, well. Just said the first God who came to mind since Velun is one of the three gods whose worshipper characters I've become most familiar with. Lumia and Keros being the other two, and of course Keros's transformation is already in the game. What about Nareva? What sort of deity is she?
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