Your choice of, life long friend, wife/husband, fuckbuddy.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Enemies: Tollus, Leold, Kas (depending on what shit she pulls), possibly Evergreen?, and possibly the faceless blade


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
friends: Brint, Garret, Quin,
Spouse: Kiyoko, Gwyn, Elthara, (I love submissive girls with a pregnancy fetish)
Fuckbuddy: Berwyn, Sugo, Boomer,(I also love submissive boys with big asses) Cait, Salwah, Rune,(Meeeooow!) and of course Ethryn
Enemies: Tollus, leold, All imps in existence,
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Do imps even register as enemies? For me they're mostly cannon fodder to be trounced and walked on.
someone who underestimates the pitiful imp has not faced the concentrated fire of a thousand of them pouring down their corrupted cum like rain or waded through a tide of their oversized dicks slapping at you from all sides.

I'm so tired of fighting them :negativeman:


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
someone who underestimates the pitiful imp has not faced the concentrated fire of a thousand of them pouring down their corrupted cum like rain or waded through a tide of their oversized dicks slapping at you from all sides.

I'm so tired of fighting them :negativeman:
Usually I just explode them with a Fireball. And then Celestial Smite oh the shitty lord so he won't heal anyone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
Friend: Cait. The pink pretty kitty cleric is so fun how can I not want her as the best friend

Wife: Elthara. She's so CUTE plus the whole being a tall elven amazon with a submissive streak thing is so good.

Fuck buddy: Vari. Great cuddle buddy after sex perfect fuck buddy


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Now this, this is a 12th grade calculus question. I am a very, very sad excuse for a man, so at the end of the day, probably just like, yes to all for at least half the characters. Friend: bro you can't do this to me bro. Berwyn's great, I want to hug him and help him become the best summoner and call up the final aeon or something, Cait's great, especially with some of her responses on her first encounter you can get, less knight and lady relationship more of like helping a cat not go somewhere dangerous that also seems to always cuddle you when you feel bad. The Gweyr family arc just makes you feel like honorary family also. It's also a bit early in development to tell yet, like can we get Nareva's affection? How do characters progress, who becomes more intimate, etc. All 3: I'd like Komari to have a arc. A lot. She's older but her story's just too sad. Just want to take her on a date and hug her, chucking all the cultural stuff to the wind, she just seems to be begging to die. Far too sad, if I had full control I'd probably just be a absolute annoying prick that made her annoyed but maybe made her a bit happier, maybe prank her a bit. Cait does as Cait wants but she's a fwb with a capital F. Doesn't feel like Nice Time for Roo just feels like a bro with benefits. Kiyoko's low hanging fruit but dadgum she's a catch, refined and elegant, fun loving, long lived, powerful, and also a absolute freak in the sack. Kass has problems BUT I CAN FIX HER. Now I know how that feels. Mai's just friggin fantastic, I friggin love the mysterious older smokers. I also second Vari, probably the most mentally stable milf in game, maybe? This game's just great, sorry for wall of text.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Temple of Mallach set:
Friend: Amina, Imad (Amina's fun to be around and Imad needs someone to keep him from moping)
Wife: Cait (open marriage, obvs. Lots of affection and emotional support but also Cait going "hey you wanna try [insert obscure sex thing] I'm very good at it")
Fuckbuddy: Rune (sex is fine, whatever, but snuggles on demand)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2018
He does. If you get in a relationship with him you can ask him to bottom for you, which he likes, then later you can buy a bridle and give him a good ride :cool:

Friend: Cait
Wife: Brint
Fuckbuddy: Berwyn (spanking the brat out of him is too much fun)
Huh, i didnt know. Its been a while since I played CoC2


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
companion version
friend: ryn
husband: brint mainly but if i like Berwyn's updates he would take over
fuckbuddy: berwyn or brint
dislike: arona while i do like all of them she is my least liked

npc version
Friend: kohaku
Wife: evelyn
Fuckbuddy: viviane
hate: tollus
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2018
Friend: Azzy, cuz headpats
Wife: Clementine, cuz cuddles
Fuckbuddy: Vari, cuz cuddles

Runnersup: Atugia for friend, Ragnild for wife (someone needs to romance that), Lady Evergreen for fuckbuddy (she's so good at it!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2021
Friend: Gareth - Always comes through for you, trusts you, and no doubt has many stories to tell.
Fuckbuddy: Quin - he's good
Spouse: Drider Queen - yes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2017
My own personal choices:

Friend: Brint - Seems like the kind of guy you can trust. He'd also be the best gym partner.
Fuckbuddy: Kohaku - She's cute, full of energy and would be great to cuddle afterwards.
Wife: Vari - Protects as well as provides for her tribe and children. An all round loving wife.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I do need counseling but not for this. The drider queen is thicc and fluffy, which apparently overrides my arachnophobia. And the drider kid birth scenes are adorable as hell. There's no such thing as having too much spider ovipositor up the ass in this case.


Apr 25, 2021
Bumfuck, Nowhere
Friend: Brint, Garret, and Garth. These guys all have massive drinking buddy energy, fittingly enough.

Wife: Kiyoko, hands down. Her story is by far my favorite (despite my personal gripes with Keros). Peak married life all the way: demure, warm housewife on the outside, perverted, breed-hungry slut on the inside. Have a nice conversation after a long day, eat homemade food, cuddle a bit, chill at the onsen, aggressively make out and then rail her into the floor so hard it leaves a dent. Actually having marriage content already in the game is icing on the cake.

Confident!Ryn would be my second choice, especially considering how much of a pure cinnamon bun she is. She's just adorable all around and a power-bottom to boot, perfect for the soft-top I am.

Fuckbuddy: None, since I'm strictly monogamous in addition to being unable to separate the emotion from sexy times. Wholesome and heartfelt or it's trash.

I have delivered over 200 baby driders, and I'm not stopping.
Name checks out.
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New Member
Apr 26, 2021
My champion is a girl who is really into dickgirls.

Friend: Elthara - A kind classy elf who is fun to hang around with. Maybe I could introduce her to my wife and fuck buddy.
Wife: Kassyra - Wants to put a baby in my champion and has many adoptive dragon daughters that resemble her somewhat.
Fuck buddy: Evelyn - A loving dominant mistress that treats my champion well after sex. I think Kass would approve of her.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
Friend: Zo, she is kind of cool headed and can help you against the corruption so I find her perfect for that rol.

Wife: If we focus on aspect I would actually go to Kinu in her kitsune hime form, have to say that I love how she seems, Isadora/Clementine/Azami would be a good competition thought.

FuckBuddy: Probably Cait of Atugia, interesting people that you can do some interesting stuff with them.


May 14, 2021
Friend: Sub Arona. Still willing to kick ass but lets me fuck her when ever i want, i like her personality for a friendship. Its nice knowing that if i run my mouth at a bar Arona is going to back me 100% no matter what.
Wife: I dont do marriage.
FuckBuddy: Evergreen or Kas. I like to be on the good side of the two most powerful evil. You can always count on an evil person to be evil, so if their friendly with me, im safe. But if they think im against them, they would stop at nothing to kill me.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
my mc is goblin

friend: Brint and any males companions that may come out in the main future

Wife: Nelia wind she come out

fuckbuddy: Any lovely goblin that may come out in the main future

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Runner up. Not in order just close ones that didn't get picked immediately. Will add more.
Friend: Garth, Gweyr, Garrett, Gwyn, Komari, Vari,
Wife: Nihara, Vari, Kas (without her having her cock), Briennie,
Fuckbuddy: Vari, Nihara, Kohaku ,Miko, Mai, (couldn't forgive myself if I didn't add the floof),
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Runner up. Not in order just close ones that didn't get picked immediately. Will add more.
Friend: Garth, Gweyr, Garrett, Gwyn, Komari, Vari,
Wife: Nihara, Vari, Kas (without her having her cock), Briennie,
Fuckbuddy: Vari, Nihara, Kohaku ,Miko, Mai, (couldn't forgive myself if I didn't add the floof),
Ohe yeah, Nihara would indeed fit in my list of possible waifus. The only thing is that she has much less material (scenes) than Kiyoko, for comparison.
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