Wsan writing

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Jan 8, 2016
The dominance thing will probably work out okay. I can implement a flag so that after being fucked by Edan the PC never regresses the relationship to a point where the dialogue wouldn't make sense (ie. from like, 20, to less than 3). There might be other minor discrepancies between scenes if the relationships regress but I guess I'll file that under "gameplay decisions", depending on how bad they actually are.


Jan 8, 2016
I think I'm going to cut down on the prospective size of this project. Anyone who's written before probably knows why, but in addition I'm currently just plain busy with life. Probably another 3 scenes and then a final scene? I should have made this smaller from the start, it's actually a little irritating to me because I'd have liked to work on writing + coding other scenes too, not just my own. I didn't foresee the project being 50000+ words. Anyway! I don't know when the scenes will happen, but they will. The remaining scenes will probably go exhibitionist anal in the mess hall (or somewhere else) -> back to Edan's ship to stay the night -> fucked outside -> final scene (you get to make a choice here of whether or not you want an ending).

That's the plan, anyway. Don't be surprised when the implementation is completely different!


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016

Just wanted to let you know that I really like both projects. Especially Dryad, the scene where she fucks Steeles vag hits alot of buttons for me. Thanks for doing this!

EDIT: I can't get this quote box to go away. Irritating. 
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Active Member
Oct 1, 2015
Glad to see you're still doing stuff, was getting worried with all the silence. Seems you've already found the cure to getting a bit overwhelmed with a project; do a different project. And the Dryad's a neat idea, kudos on that. :perfect:


Jan 8, 2016
Glad to see you're still doing stuff, was getting worried with all the silence. Seems you've already found the cure to getting a bit overwhelmed with a project; do a different project. And the Dryad's a neat idea, kudos on that. :perfect:

Pretty much! On the bright side, I've learned a lot. Like that I should write a character iteratively instead of all at once. Edan will still make it in, but for now I'm distracted with the Nyrea stuff. I've decided to go ahead with the Beta scenes as well, but they're going to be different enough from the Alpha scenes that I'll have to write them separately, instead of just adding in bits of dialogue using a check to see if the Nyrea is a Beta or not. So that'll come after the Alpha project. Writing's funny. I can do nothing for a few weeks and then get struck by divine(???) inspiration and jam out a character in a day or two (basically what happened with the Dryad).

Thanks for the feedback guys!


Jan 8, 2016
Updated the Nyrea Alpha doc with vaginal scene (for when your butt is already full), throat scene (I seriously don't think anyone will ever get this scene ingame), and rejection scene if both your womb and butt are full. Still not really sure if the latter is what I want to do with it, but I don't want to do a second throat scene. Especially because if she's looking to use your butt or womb it implies she has eggs, and if she has eggs then fucking your throat isn't going to be something that happens anything less than brutally, which kinda goes against the grain of the route.


Jan 8, 2016
I'm thinking about writing a character that is a completely vanilla female human that gives the PC the option of keeping her vanilla or convincing her to use mods to either become a dominant futa, or a submissive bimbo (not Treated, though). I don't think it's the most original character idea (wow I'm gonna write a NORMAL character in an exotic game!!!) but I think it can definitely be done right. There's already a few examples in the game, even. Anyway, the character revolves around her not seeing the need for gene mods or really understanding why people get them so there will be ample opportunity for Steele to explain and demonstrate (at length (heh)), which is how you'd explain to her the potential benefits of mods. Assuming your character is modded or non-human, anyway. I'm mostly just writing intro stuff at the moment, but so far the idea is that you meet her in a bar/cafe/dunno and she's the same age as Steele (maybe it's my age showing but man Steele is young) so you become friends. She's a little lonely because she just moved out to {wherever I'm putting her} from Terra, so Steele will be her first real friend out here.

So far I actually like the character idea a lot, which is great, because it's pretty different from my previous content (which is still being worked on).

Also maybe I should expand on what's happening with Edan, which is to say: I don't know 100% yet. I'm struggling with his characterisation which is, so far, pretty consistent. I think, anyway. The PC submits to him every step of the way, and he reacts accordingly to how someone in his position would imo. Just not real sure where I want it to end up - my original idea was that Steele would become his sole sub and she'd continue her mission under his command, which seems like the best end a complete sub could get out of the situation.
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Jan 8, 2016


Jan 8, 2016
Nyrea Bad End finished..?

I've finished this, pending an additional short "one year later" scene and possible edits at the behest of the powers that be. I want to write a small scene where the princess has modified you to be a better breeder, but I don't know how far I want to go with it (multiple wombs or a dick that can carry eggs or whatever). Seems like switching up the content right at the end might be offputting, but maybe that's what people are looking for out of a breeder bad end in the first place? Dunno! Fuck!

I'll get to coding this soon, I've been both busy and sick recently so progress has been slow. I came up with an idea for a taur-focused public use "bad end" on NT too in the vein of Nonesuch's whoring bad end on Tavros, but we'll see how this one goes down and if anyone likes the idea before I really work on that. Not to mention I have to finish up Edan, work on the Nyrea Beta bad end too (this is gonna be fun but delayed, gotta mix it up), and maybe flesh out that vanilla character concept I mentioned. Or maybe I'll do like I always do and just work in reverse order. I did originally start to write with the goal of more taur scenes, after all.


Jan 8, 2016
I've done a little bit of everything this week. Worked a bit on Edan (yes it's true!), a bit on Sam (vanilla girl), and I'm about a thousand words into the NT public use bad end. I'll edit in a (probably incomplete) document to do with the latter into this post at some point next week. It's Treated-Bimbo-Femtaur exclusive, so... I think it's going to be pretty niche. The basic story is that Steele becomes an NT citizen for public use, and a minor tourist attraction. You're gonna be a star, {pc.fullname}! I expect it to clock in at around 3000-5000 words because any shorter and it feels like a bit of a copout. Also I've envisioned the endgame for Edan now so that means progress can start again, basically. Just a matter of getting from A to B.
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Jan 8, 2016
Kita KITA KITAAA! A new Edan chapter. Featuring sex! Netflix n chill! Character development! Actual reference to your starting profession! The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach after realizing that I'm going to have to rewrite some of the earlier scenes to make them lighter in tone to adjust for the newly-found direction of the story arc and characterisations send help! Cum inflation (a lot of it)! ALL OF THIS AND MORE AT WSAN PRODUCTIONS! I'm seriously debating starting a new gdoc for Edan because even I think it's annoying to scroll through 60 pages of shit to get to where I want, but I guess that's what the table of contents is for. This scene will be marked NEW for easy clicking. Note that the format is a little mucked up now but it should be understandable.

I wrote this in pretty much a single session split over a day. I don't know who or what my muse is, but they're working overtime. See you next time for... I don't know what project I'm working on next. See you next time!

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Cumflation joygasm, now my character can enjoy being a inflatable cumslut even more xD assuming fen adds him to the game at some point :p


Jan 8, 2016
Nyrea stuff was submitted today. Hopefully my code isn't too awful and you'll be able to see it in the game soon!

Cumflation joygasm, now my character can enjoy being a inflatable cumslut even more xD assuming fen adds him to the game at some point :p

The nice thing about coding my own stuff is that if I don't fuck it up and Fen doesn't think it's shit, it's in. Speaking of which, the Nyrea Alpha bad end is now implemented (I think)! Check it out by losing to an Alpha in the deep caves repeatedly.

The next Edan scene is probably going to be public stuff, but I'll see the details of what happens when I write the scene.

Jeez, I was gonna write a Gianna scene for Taurs but upon looking at the code maybe I won't. What I thought would be a 1500 word scene actually looks to be closer to 5-10k words when you account for all the variables. Curse you, customizable androids! A plague on both your houses, fen/sav

Just noticed there's a new tailcunt scene for the dryad, neat.
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Jan 8, 2016
Just letting everyone know that stuff will probably not be happening for about a month because finals. Luckily I write as stress relief so maybe! But seriously, probably not. It's hard to write when I get home and have like 2 hours to do things before bed. I don't know how everyone else writes but unless I am REALLY inspired it's a stop and start thing for me - gotta muddle through how I want scenes to work and stuff. I can think of like three occasions where I wrote 3-5k+ words in a day, and one where I wrote 10k in a sitting. Have a teaser for a character I might write on NT (I think I have like 5 potential characters now).

From midsquare:

You can hear a dull thudding coming from one of the stalls to the east.

Entering stall:

You open the stall door to find a veritable feast for the senses. Heady pheromones engulf you immediately, pervading the air and settling in your mind like someone draped a warm blanket over your brain. A scant few feet away, a naked Leithan girl is <i>pummeling</i> what looks to be some kind of milker machine built for taurs. Her entire granite-colored body is covered in a sheen of sweat, beads of it running over her chitinous armor every time she thrusts into the machine. You can sense her desperation in her actions, her back and arms squeezing and flexing every time a powerful buck of her hips sends her long yellow hair flying. She grunts and moans with every insertion and standing behind her, you dimly wonder how it's even possible you didn't hear her cries of effort from outside. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she's tightly gripping the steel pole that secures the milker, her heavy breasts swaying every time she fucks the machine.

Non-treated PC:

{What really catches your attention (for better or worse), though, is her balls.

I guess that brings my potential projects at the moment up to.. 4 or 5? Edan, New Texas public use bad end, the Nyr Beta bad end, Samantha the vanilla girl, and this. I should probably put these in the OP or something, even if they don't have docs.

Also, yes, it's another futa femtaur. I am the cancer killing diversity in porn games. It's me.

edit: I lied, I wrote like 1500 words of Edan stuff. tl;dr: Group sex with a Leithan MILF, then a scene just between Edan/Steele. I'd actually really like to finish him off specifically so I can (re)start coding him. After I get a from-scratch character functional, it'll be way easier to take on future projects.

30 May update: I'm 1500 words into the Edan scene, 3000 words into the NT public use bad end, and 500ish into the NT femtaur scene. The NTPU end will probably be finished soon, although I'm not going to implement it in code immediately because I want actual feedback on it. I'm trying to improve my writing, I can't be a hack forever.

5th June update: 4000 words into NT bad end, almost finished. Blame Overwatch and exams for lack of progress.
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Jan 8, 2016
Behold! Optic bl- I mean, I have a new document. I've finished the New Texas bad end. Really looking for critique and stuff on this one; I won't bother coding it until it meets some arbitrary standard I haven't actually set. If writers want to chip in, that'd be great. Even if it is literally to tell me "this bit is shit, rewrite it with x in mind". Ellie cameo with Savin's permission.


Aug 27, 2015
That's certainly a document that exists.

It's ostentatious but seems basically fine on a read through. I would definitely get Savin to look at it though, as it makes some broad assumptions about Tee in particular.


Jan 8, 2016
That's certainly a document that exists.

It's ostentatious but seems basically fine on a read through. I would definitely get Savin to look at it though, as it makes some broad assumptions about Tee in particular.

He's read it, although not in its finished form. I'll run it by him and Fenoxo (who hasn't read it, so that'll be interesting for him) and we'll see what happens. I'll run through all the critique soon, thanks a lot nick & nonesuch. Though I have to ask - how would lesbian taur sex even work


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He's read it, although not in its finished form. I'll run it by him and Fenoxo (who hasn't read it, so that'll be interesting for him) and we'll see what happens. I'll run through all the critique soon, thanks a lot nick & nonesuch. Though I have to ask - how would lesbian taur sex even work

Depends on species. From simple taking turns for equines to any acrobatics with felines. Or you can go for hardlight strap-ons.


Jan 8, 2016
Depends on species. From simple taking turns for equines to any acrobatics with felines. Or you can go for hardlight strap-ons.

The latter is what I opted for, which seems like the only viable option when I'm writing for Leithan x non-specific taur.


Jan 8, 2016
Figured I'd add my other New Texas doc, although it's pretty incomplete so far.

It's hyper + futa + cumflation + dom taur, so I don't imagine it's everyone's cup of tea. The actual sex is gated behind a couple of dialogue checks so I imagine anyone who gets into it is going to be there out of choice. I don't know how many scenes this is going to be - I think one for male, one for female, one for Treated female, one for male 'taur, one for female 'taur, one for Treated female 'taur. I don't know how redundant the scenes will be yet, so although it's possible I could knock this out in technically three scenes (male, female, taur) I may just separate them out for simplicity.

Small update on this: I may gate the non-taur encounters behind silly mode because they're too excessive.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Male Leithan mercenary named Edan wants to fuck Steele with his horsecock. Experienced, but not a 'dom' until he finds the PC. Lots of oral dominance play, exhibitionism, coercion and embarrassment earlier on. The vaginal/anal sex scenes are a little further into the progression of scenes. Also some (incidental) group sex.[/SIZE]

So this gentleman, who has never been a dom, meets steele and decides to turn she into his sex slave? No romance?
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Jan 8, 2016
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Male Leithan mercenary named Edan wants to fuck Steele with his horsecock. Experienced, but not a 'dom' until he finds the PC. Lots of oral dominance play, exhibitionism, coercion and embarrassment earlier on. The vaginal/anal sex scenes are a little further into the progression of scenes. Also some (incidental) group sex.[/SIZE]

So this gentleman, who has never been a dom, meets steele and decides to turn she into his sex slave? No romance?

Try reading the document, friend. The premise is that the player has to actively pursue him for that to actually happen - also, you seem to have a critical misunderstanding of the dom/sub relationship.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
you seem to have a critical misunderstanding of the dom/sub relationship.

Well, looks like he is not only one, considering how little appreciation dommy characters seems to have.


Jan 8, 2016
Well, looks like he is not only one, considering how little appreciation dommy characters seems to have.

I think this is probably a two-part issue; one is the perception that having a dom means you are, effectively, a slave (and this is already pretty much present in the game, which perhaps biases players if they don't already know about the spectrum of how rough it can be). The other is that this is a game about sex and fetishes, and the people who are looking for dom/sub sex in this game are probably into the more dominant side to do with rough sex rather than the "actual relationship" side, and as a result the writing is targeted to (and written by) those people. As it is, Edan's path starts like the former and ends up like the latter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Try reading the document, friend. The premise is that the player has to actively pursue him for that to actually happen - also, you seem to have a critical misunderstanding of the dom/sub relationship.

Okey, I have read the whole document. Before, it was just my impression for the summary.
is very well written, I noticed the slight change of Edan personalities going on with the story / domscore. More than anything, the thing that worried me was the fact that the guy, it was like they said over a space Kelt and that when it came to Bad end (which has not yet been written) he takes steele simply as a trophy and not that during the history, the two characters develop a kind of attraction for each other. (and than they fall in love and run away together romantically)
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