hey Wsan, I want to start by saying that I really love Brienne. I liked Brint and thought he was written quite well, but male content is very hard for me to get into, especially 7 foot tall beefcake, emphasis on the beef. I am sorry if this was asked before but I was just interested in why you decided to make Brienne? It just seems like so much work to put into two pivotal characters, which only one of them can exist. Did you want to circumvent the 1 companion rule, or maybe you wanted to add an amazon cowgirl and this was the easiest way to do so? I should also say it is so interesting to see such a drastic change of character between Brint and Brienne, going from stud that sleeps around to a PURE monogamist that is in love with the PC instantly. Thank you again for writing her, she is great.