Wsan CoC2 content


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I actually intended to do this but then started writing it and didn't really feel like it added much. Might do a minor pass later just to have them mentioned.
Please do if it's not too much trouble.

plastering oneself with your own jizz while getting railed in the cooch (and the whole dual/sympathetic orgasm system in general) is one of the best parts of being a herm in these games.


Jan 8, 2016
Will Brint have content for the Traps of the world?
100%. The anal and oral scenes will feature player choices that accommodate for traps, as well as having their own special treatment for trap-like bodytypes.

Please do if it's not too much trouble.

plastering oneself with your own jizz while getting railed in the cooch (and the whole dual/sympathetic orgasm system in general) is one of the best parts of being a herm in these games.
Fair enough. I do love sympathetic orgasms.


Jan 8, 2016
I've updated the vaginal scene with herm support. Next up I'll be writing either the Anal or Oral scene depending on how I feel at the time. Probably the Anal scene since I have ideas I want to get down on the page before I forget them


New Member
Apr 27, 2018
I totally agree that minotaur bad ends were fantastic, they were some of my favourite in CoC and I spent a fair amount of time getting bad ended so I saw a lot of them. Minotaur cum addiction is a little more complex in Savarra, though, as it's been established that their cum's addictive quality is a byproduct of their corruption; it isn't innately addictive, and if it were having Brint in your party probably would have been a no-go from the outset, heh. That said, CoC2 is all about Savarra going through the process of being corrupted as opposed to Mareth already being corrupted when you show up.

You will definitely run into corrupt minotaurs with addictive cum at some point, and who knows what will happen to Khor'Minos itself. For Brint himself, yes, this will absolutely happen if the PC becomes too corrupt. CoC2 is a very party-oriented game and that'll be reflected in how your party can change if you're corrupted yourself - it might be too restrictive to have him outright bad end you unless you're trying for it (which I'll almost certainly cater for because, again, I love the bad ends). I can definitely foresee things like the PC, mired in their addiction, getting involuntary sex scenes with Brint if they're both sufficiently corrupted.

As for attention, not at all. I don't mind answering questions pertaining to my characters. I can't promise to answer all of them though because a lot of the game is still in design docs rather than set in stone.

Your answer is better than i could have hoped for. All of it.

It also reminds me that i need to read the game's design document that was posted in another thread. For instance, there's a huge amount of potential player agency with an uncorrupted land as opposed to someplace that's already completely suffused. And all of these potential party dynamics sound complicated. I hope all of you authors are as good at networking as you are at writing.

So, Brint is basically uncorrupted. It may explain why he's so articulate. He's positively urbane! For a minotaur.

If he were to start accumulating corruption, would his character change and he slowly starts becoming more like the kin he left behind? Not just the addictive cum part but he also becomes more monosyllabic, direct, brutish, etc. Then eventually, for instance, a point of no return is reached and Brint becomes Brutus! Why did he ever choose not to revel totally in what he truly is!

Anyways, that's my idea for an arc for this character. You may very well have thought of it as well and if so, well, i'm as happy as a toad in a bucket of mud.


Jan 8, 2016
And all of these potential party dynamics sound complicated. I hope all of you authors are as good at networking as you are at writing.
Yeah, this is a big thing. We decided from the outset that the world would be much more "connected" than prior entries into the genre. No one-off characters living in a bubble, they're going to interact with other NPCs and Hawkethorne/wherever-they-are. It's more effort, but IMO raising the bar for character submissions is perfectly acceptable.

If he were to start accumulating corruption, would his character change and he slowly starts becoming more like the kin he left behind? Not just the addictive cum part but he also becomes more monosyllabic, direct, brutish, etc. Then eventually, for instance, a point of no return is reached and Brint becomes Brutus! Why did he ever choose not to revel totally in what he truly is!

Pretty much what I have in mind, but that endpoint is a long way off for now! I do want to depict the mental degradation aspect of corruption relating to minotaurs and all that good stuff. There'll definitely be scenes as your/his corruption grows where he mentions feeling different.
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Jan 8, 2016
About done with the trap-centric anal scene for Brint. You can choose rough or gentle after the first bit, and the plan is to have ~3 levels of roughness where each time you pick it he gets rougher until you're virtually the main character in a Powfoo comic. Invented a mechanic so you can see earlier rough scenes too, once you've progressed past them. Here's an excerpt.

Holding your hips stock-steady with an iron grip, he begins to bring you down on his behemoth dick. You moan nervously when his flared cockhead begins to cave your asshole in, your tiny trap cock twitching in arousal and already dripping precum. The lubrication from your earlier blowjob helps a lot, Brint’s flare compacting as it penetrates your lewd little hole. The head pushes inexorably, stretching you out around it until you feel like you’re going to split right down the middle and fall in two on his bed, and then suddenly it’s inside and you’re squealing in ecstasy and shuddering in his hands.

“Oh! Oh! Aaaaanh!” you cry out, your voice several octaves higher than it should be and your shaking cock spurting cum straight up into the air. “Oh, my god! Uuunnnh!”

“Mmmmm, that’s right,” Brint murmurs, holding you still for a few seconds while you get over the initial penetration. “Khaak, that’s good.”

It takes you half a minute of shaking, crying out, and moaning before you can even handle more of him. You’ve only just started and you’re already covered in sweat and your own cum, your leg muscles complaining about keeping you upright. Just how hard is this going to be?!

You get your answer when he begins to slide deeper, forcing a loud gasp from your lips as several inches of horsecock slip into your asshole with no more than a wet, slick slurp and a sense of internal euphoria. It’s actually working, you cry in your head over and over. He’s actually fitting that big, fat minotaur cock into my asshole! Your mental process comes to an abrupt stop when you feel a tightening in your ass, the sensation causing your expression to morph into a dreamy smile of bliss.

“Uh?” you question unconsciously, relaxing a little in Brint’s stern grip.

“Hah, that’s good, isn’t it?” Brint chuckles, beginning to drag you up and down across the same spot over and over. “This is how you do it.”

I'll have it up on my Patreon when I'm done with it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Uhhh I would link you but apparently they're not available on e-hentai, only exhentai. Here.
Wait, isn't exhentai for all that super intense stuff too brutal for the main site? Cause what I've seen so far isn't really that intense, at all. At least, not compared to some other stuff I've had the misfortune to come across.


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Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
Exhentai is where content is exclusive to if it would interfere with their ads. Content like bestiality, for example.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Exhentai is where content is exclusive to if it would interfere with their ads. Content like bestiality, for example.
The why is there stuff like intense Gore and Hard-vore on the main site? Maybe they're just biased against furries.


New Member
Apr 27, 2018

Thanks for your earlier replies. The kind of stuff you're doing ticks all the right boxes.

It's also very cool that you're making scenes that are specific to the PC's morphology. By comparison, a lot of scenes in CoC were somewhat modular and it didn't change much that the PC was male, female or basically an octopus made of dicks.

Made an initial model, Anne, to represent the PC. She's in Hawkethorne now and letting Garth inspect the prize she seized from that over-sexed harpy matron. I mean, really. Going around dressed like that! (Garth gives Anne a sidelong look..)

Plenty of harpies around, yes. But still no sign of any minotaurs or their city. But there's a rumour of one in a nearby wooded area. Maybe he can take Anne to his king and she can start all over again as a debutante in the royal court.

Looking forward to more of your work.


Jan 8, 2016
I've finished the Trap anal variant with paths for both gentle and now rough sex, though the rough path will have a few more variants down the line as previously mentioned. Going to do either the regular anal scene or oral scene next! As per usual, my work is up on my Patreon if you want to see it early. Here's a short excerpt of the rough path with parsers removed.

“That’s a nice sexy moan, boy,” Brint murmurs, calmly stroking your lower back. You have to admit, that soothing touch of his feels really nice. “I’d like to hear more like it.”

He called it a sexy moan. For some reason that’s even more embarrassing than actually making the noise itself, though you find yourself somewhat empowered by it. The idea that you can be sexy - desired, even - is an attractive one. Your reverie is interrupted by Brint’s dick, pushing another few inches into your wet, warm guts with its immense size. It feels like your organs are being displaced and at the thought of it, the idea that you’re being used like a masturbation sleeve, you can’t help but let out another high-pitched, girly moan. It makes you feel like a huge slut.

You can actually feel him throb inside you in response to your voice, his equine cock flexing hard and pressing upwards. He really does think it’s sexy. Encouraged and excited, you don’t hesitate to make your thoughts known when he slowly pulls back from your hole by way of letting out a long, drawn-out sigh of bliss.

Don't mind the bold too much, it's italics ingame but quotes on the forums are annoying. Sidenote: You know it's a Savin-led project when the anal scene is ~4300 words and about halfway finished. :catte:
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Jan 8, 2016
Hi everyone. Just letting y'all know I and this project are not dead, and that an early version of Brint'll be making its way to you sometime... probably soon™. There'll be a Patreon update about him when I get his doc all sorted out, which should happen this week or next. He's currently about 24k words in size, so there's a fair bit of content for me to rework (just little bits of each, really). Also I'll be slowly writing a centaur warrioress NPC at 1000ish words a month! She'll proooobably show up in Khor'Minos, which is ages away, but I might put her in sooner with a debut scene.


Jan 8, 2016
Brint is in!... kind of. He's available for combat now just to make things easier on y'all so you aren't walking around getting fucking annihilated by orcs and harpies (for free, anyway; it's still going to be tough). His content will be out pretty soon. I'll have another update here probably today to do with the aforementioned centauress!

Oh also I made a fucking massive update to his doc on Patreon.


Jan 8, 2016
Delivering on my earlier promise, the centauress doc is now up on Patreon. You first meet her in the Foothills, as a cameo for later. She's a very serious person.


Jun 24, 2016
Delivering on my earlier promise, the centauress doc is now up on Patreon. You first meet her in the Foothills, as a cameo for later. She's a very serious person.
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Jan 8, 2016
Alright! Brint is now in a feature-complete state with oral, anal, and vaginal sex options along with his dialogue (also a threesome with Cait if you so choose, which I'll be writing tomorrow). It'll probably be a little while before he's added to the game proper, but you have a male minotaur companion to look forward to in the future. The doc is up on my Patreon if you wanna preview it. Cheers!
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Jan 8, 2016
Been a little while, here's an update:
New Sleeping Snek encounter WIP on my Patreon where your companions can join in on the fun. Here's her little intro.
Approaching the source of the disturbance, you come across a large, broken tree - the top half is nowhere to be found, and whatever’s inside the presumably hollow trunk is clearly quite large. Holding your weapon at the ready, you circle around to the opening and find…

Inside the tree is a snow-white snakewoman lying atop a sizeable mound of her own coils, her voluptuous chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. It seems like the hollow she’s lying inside is amplifying her volume, perhaps frightening away smaller creatures. Looking closer you can see that between her pair of very large, perky breasts lies a thick tuft of fur, matched by outcroppings of the same around her wrists, giving her the appearance of wearing bracelets.

Despite being completely naked she doesn’t seem to be having too much trouble with the cold, having clearly chosen this location deliberately. You catch a glimpse of her clit’s little hood as she shifts, in the depression where her wide, womanly hips join with her naga body. One of her eyelids slowly rises to reveal an azure eye that lazily regards you, her countenance as peaceful as a frozen lake.

“Warm…” she sighs, closing her eye again.

Seems like she’s enjoying your warmth.

Then you can decide if you want to lewd her or leave her.

Brint will probably be showing up ingame soon - we're working on forest content, which is where he is (and also where this snakewoman is). I'll also be writing a corrupted centaur encounter next month. Look forward to it! That's all for now, enjoy.
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Jan 8, 2016
Just wanted to mention that some more Brint content will be written next month; a Brint/Cait/PC threesome. There'll be at least a couple of 'configuration' options like whether you spitroast the kitty or you and her service him. We'll see what ends up manifesting.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Just wanted to mention that some more Brint content will be written next month; a Brint/Cait/PC threesome. There'll be at least a couple of 'configuration' options like whether you spitroast the kitty or you and her service him. We'll see what ends up manifesting.
I know what’ll end up manifesting, good content


Jan 8, 2016
Did a bunch of work on some Harvest Valley NPCs; a group of Centaur Marauders. Wrote about 4000 words of them today, so they're 1/3 done at this point. Being level 1-2 they're not the most intimidating of foes, but they will definitely fuck the hell out of you (and bad end you, if it's often enough) should they beat you.