[WIP]Embry Expac - Monkees in Space


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
It is. This is just the last year of my PhD so it's a toughie with little free time. I'm spending 60+ hours a week working on my research and dissertation.

Rest assured, I haven't given up. I just can't make any promises right now as to when I'll get back to it.

Oh, that is tough. But keep at it, and it gets done.

As a supervisor told me, "There is a light at the end of the tunnel. (And it is not a train.)".


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018

OP, please let me love you because Embry (or Belle as she so chose in my play) is one of my fave NPCs and I am so happy someone is picking her up again.

I’m loving what I see so far, and I like that happiness mechanic because it makes sense with how much you mean to her.

I look forward to the finished product and hope it gets added in soon! :D

Edit: Oh dear, this thread is old, but I hope OP is still around because of the potential.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hate to burst your bubble, but by all indications it would seem that OP has flaked and this project isn't happening.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Curse? Is it really that much people have abandoned projects based on his characters?
I feel a fair amount of folks have tried to take up doing Embry by now, none have really gotten far and dipped out.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Curse? Is it really that much people have abandoned projects based on his characters?
It's because no-one was able to finish they're Jim Thermic expack, except for one or two writers, maybe more, I don't really remember.
And after they have started a JT expack, they mostly disappear from Fenoxo forum, the internet, or even planet earth.
They just cease to exist.
Or sometimes, very rarely, in the middle of the project or after it gets finished, the writer abandons it, does another project and never comes back to it, or have the ability to write severely reduced.
I may have a crazy theory on the matter:
Since Jim Thermic's writing was so good, someone got so jealous of his writing that they cursed him with some kind of magic on forbidding him to write smut forever.
And that whoever tries to add to his projects has a high chance of getting cursed to random degrees, and disappearing is one who has the highest chance of happening.
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Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
While the track record for expansions of Jim's characters isn't good, it's not really a curse when there are also many projects in general that are either abandoned or can't pass muster. As JustSomeGuy had mentioned, sometimes people bite off more than they can chew.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Attention just gets drawn to Jim T because Embry is popular with a lot of people; These are likely to unfinished forever unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
The so-called curse is just people jumping into a massive project without thinking, then realising they are in way over their heads and run.

JimT characters go back to when TiTS first started development and are very well detailed with a gordian knot of story threads and plot hooks weaved through them. Its a massive undertaking to take on those threads and hooks and connect them into a well written expansion. It takes a special kind of writer to actually do that, and frankly 90% of the people who try are not that good enough.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
The so-called curse is just people jumping into a massive project without thinking, then realising they are in way over their heads and run.

JimT characters go back to when TiTS first started development and are very well detailed with a gordian knot of story threads and plot hooks weaved through them. Its a massive undertaking to take on those threads and hooks and connect them into a well written expansion. It takes a special kind of writer to actually do that, and frankly 90% of the people who try are not that good enough.
To add, I noticed it's always inexperienced writers or people who take her as a first project instead of something smaller. I've never seen anyone who's actually been writing for Fengames for a long time and be trusted as a writer take Embry or his other ambitious creations like the Vanae on. Which only adds to the "biting off more than you can chew" aspect.
Embry isn't what I'd call easy, I think just by searching for Jim's thread on her expansion he had a whole list of what he wanted to put in it, including crewmembership (Which oof for a crewmate who's the epitome of a bubble Waifu), happiness system, pregnancy, gift giving, S&M Embry stuff, and even helping her with her romance writing thing, and probably other things I can't remember clearly. (Also I could've sworn Nice Time for Roo Embry was a thing somewhere...)

I'd rather call myself crazy than take that on as a newbie.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Scope creep is a bitch. This is why the best advice this forum can give to someone who is new at writing is to keep it small. Better to have one good scene than it is to tackle an epic space opera and then give up on it 1/10th of the way there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
The whole Corona situation delayed my PhD a year. That said my work is starting to wind down and I'm getting the urge to write again. Expect to see some progress in the coming weeks.

I did start small Null. My Gel Zon scene was submitted and coded into the game :)

Edit: That said. My plan is to first rework Flahne stuff and break it up into a number of smaller scenes. I also want to finish Inessa since that's more than halfway done.

I've been talking with the person on whom Embry is based about character progression and I'm solidifying the direction in which I want to go.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Welcome back, thernn!!!!! Your return was a most unexpected but very welcome surprise, especially for Embry fans like me! I'm so glad you're feeling solid on where to take Embry now and hyped to see the final product and anything in between! :D


Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
Woo! Glad to see you back up, thernn. I hope you haven't lost too much ground with the PhD progress!

I hope all the naysaying on this thread hasn't gotten to you. You've done some amazing work on Embry, and I know it's gonna be gorgeous when you're done with her. Just remember to go at your own pace and don't burn yourself out trying to meet anyone's expectations. ^_^