Clarissa Night
"So like a cat and dragon? Dracat? Dragcat? Dragocat?"
I've noticed that trials in tainted space doesn't have a lot of Gryvains besides the one the PC and Anno has a threeway with so I've been itching to make one. At first she was just going to be a pureblooded gryvain but then I thought 'why not mix it up?' This train of through led to the hybrid I know and love. She's actually based on an old OC of mine I had planned for a cyberpunk story. Anyways this is far from finished and will take some time to complete however let me know what you guys think so far and if you have any suggestions. Honestly I doubt it will be implemented and it's more for fun than anything else but if it is yay! if not that's cool to. I just really love writing. "So like a cat and dragon? Dracat? Dragcat? Dragocat?"
A half gryvain half kaithrit KihaCorp worker who works in a small office in Uveto. Fuckable, romanceable, and can give you some interesting items depending on how you approach her and the ensuing conversations. Likes feminine/androgynous presenting individuals the most. It will take time for her to warm up to a masculine presenting person however if they are masculine and half gryvain/kaithrit her affection is equal to that of being presented with a feminine/androgynous person. If you’re a dick there’s some pretty hot hate fucking.
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