[WIP] Anno Maid Scene.

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Actually I think it's cannon that Anno watches/watched anime isn't it? One of her talk scenes, maybe one back on Tarkus.

But it's also cannon that I don't watch anime, so I don't have any cool chinese cartoon maymays to put in, unless someone else wants to write some lines.

As for this, I'm unsure I want to open that can of worms. I'm already pushing my luck as is by trying my hand at this scene, don't think I could do something like that. 

I wouldn't mind writing some lines/blurbs about Anno's anime references to add to the doc, but that would still need @Savin's permission. And it's fine if you don't feel comfortable with the RP idea, I was simply adding my thoughts there. But I still don't think it makes sense to gate the content behind Uveto, if there's no specific reason.


Jul 11, 2016
I wouldn't mind writing some lines/blurbs about Anno's anime references to add to the doc, but that would still need @Savin's permission. And it's fine if you don't feel comfortable with the RP idea, I was simply adding my thoughts there. But I still don't think it makes sense to gate the content behind Uveto, if there's no specific reason.

Could also gate it behind docking in Tarvos with Anno on board (there's a billion maid outfit shops in this game). 

Oh right, thanks for offering to write up those lines, you can if you want then we can figure out how to shove them into a silly mode version.
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Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Could also gate it behind docking in Tarvos with Anno on board (there's a billion maid outfit shops in this game). 

There's only 2 shops that sell it, according to the Wiki. Inessa on Tavros and Kirila on Uveto. So maybe gate the content on having visited either one of the two shops instead of just docking in either location since that's too broad. Or, if you'd like it to be more exclusive, gate it behind buying the outfit for Anno.

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Oh right, thanks for offering to write up those lines, you can if you want then we can figure out how to shove them into a silly mode version.

I'll wait until you've completed most of the scene before writing anything since I'll need to base the dialogue on yours, but even before that we still need to ask Savin if that's possible.

Also, I just went through an editing pass over the entire doc, so there might be a ton of comments left there.  9_9  I noticed 2 things that popped up a lot though; you tend to use a lot of commas in the sentence that breaks in weird ways so I tried to suggest fixes for that. 2nd thing is, there wasn't a lot of variety with some terms, the same ones repeated over such as: the maid, Anno, the Ausar (girl), girlcum, cockflesh, etc. Apologies if I went overboard again, however, this shows how invested I am in your writing. Great job!  ^_^


Jul 11, 2016
Also, I just went through an editing pass over the entire doc, so there might be a ton of comments left there.  9_9  I noticed 2 things that popped up a lot though; you tend to use a lot of commas in the sentence that breaks in weird ways so I tried to suggest fixes for that. 2nd thing is, there wasn't a lot of variety with some terms, the same ones repeated over such as: the maid, Anno, the Ausar (girl), girlcum, cockflesh, etc. Apologies if I went overboard again, however, this shows how invested I am in your writing. Great job!  ^_^

I was actually waiting for someone to take a look at the doc and tear me a new one. When I opened google docs and saw there were about 60 new edits, I had a feeling I knew who it was. So thanks a lot for doing that, can't improve at all if someone doesn't point things out, so no need to apologize. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Actually I think it's canon that Anno watches/watched anime isn't it? One of her talk scenes, maybe one back on Tarkus.

Actually she doesn't mention any such thing not on Tarkus and not on your ship. You might be confusing her with another character.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Actually she doesn't mention any such thing not on Tarkus and not on your ship. You might be confusing her with another character.
Well, uh, I watch a lot of TV I guess. Especially Steph Irson, James Farmer’s Forty-Eight Hours - oh, and Magical Space Princess Lyota.”

Probably the thing hugs was thinking about. I´m assuming that this is an anime, and I believe it´s the only anime-ish thing she has ever mentioned.

Depending on your point of view it´s certainly not enough to have her be established as a weaboo/otaku/anime enthusiast. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably the thing hugs was thinking about. I´m assuming that this is an anime, and I believe it´s the only anime-ish thing she has ever mentioned.

Depending on your point of view it´s certainly not enough to have her be established as a weaboo/otaku/anime enthusiast. 

How did I miss that when I was looking over her scenes on github? I apologize for being misinformative and Ignorant.  :shepicide:


Jul 11, 2016
I know there is someone in this game who SPECIFICALLY mentions watching anime.

Now it's driving me crazy and I'm searching the Tittyverse to find out who.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Penny mentions it once in passing, and Bess can play an anime song in one of her interactions.

output("\n\n<i>“Oh, this and that,”</i> she says as she pulls her attention away from her computer. <i>“I used to be really into anime - Japanese-style cartoons. It’s amazing that the art form has stuck around, and there’s something therapeutic about coming home from a day of wrangling drunks, drug-dealers, and criminals to watch magical girls or reluctant heroes firing energy out of their hands like some kind of psychic super hero.”</i> She taps her chin. <i>“There was this one I really liked, Cowboy Star. It was about a bounty hunter and his android sidekick. I really got into it.”</i>");
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Jul 11, 2016
Penny mentions it once in passing, and Bess can play an anime song in one of her interactions.

output("\n\n<i>“Oh, this and that,”</i> she says as she pulls her attention away from her computer. <i>“I used to be really into anime - Japanese-style cartoons. It’s amazing that the art form has stuck around, and there’s something therapeutic about coming home from a day of wrangling drunks, drug-dealers, and criminals to watch magical girls or reluctant heroes firing energy out of their hands like some kind of psychic super hero.”</i> She taps her chin. <i>“There was this one I really liked, Cowboy Star. It was about a bounty hunter and his android sidekick. I really got into it.”</i>");

IIRC Penny

I failed us all, eject me from the forums boys I'm no longer needed here. 
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Jul 11, 2016
You still have to write us Syri roleplaying geeky fantasy stuff :p  

That's such a good idea though:

Make up some random TiTS videogame/book/tabletop game.

Syri's the brave hero, Steele's the miaden in distress, and Celise play's the terrifying monster.

Monster get's slain, maiden gets rescued, and lots of reward sex for the brave Ausaril Knight.

And they all lived happily ever after. 


We just get all the nerdy characters in one room for a game of TiTSnD.

Stop giving me good ideas, give em' to someone who's better than me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Stop giving good ideas

´tis what I do  :smugdog:

Stop giving me good ideas, give em' to someone who's better than me.

Well I can´t really post it in the idea section. I would become a laughing stock...

Besides I´ve considered you a good writer since Brandy the moo :p  

So how many characters do we have ready and rearing for a round of Spess Tabletop? Off the top of my head I can only remember Saen and Syri.

Celise like hugs mentioned, possibly Penny, might be able to force Anno to join, I could definitely imagine Bess both playing and being a game master considering her bibliophilic tendencies. (but no one wants to touch her...but seeing as this is would be an RPG we might be able to bypass all the troublesome parsers...)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I want to feminize tomboy Syri though.

By feminize I just mean see in a dress. Cosplay when?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
So fucking moe.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Steele being a damsle in distress to be rescued by brave knight Syri makes me think of some comics I've seen before. The combination of which ends up being Syri busting through the door to rescue my Steele who is just sitting at a table drinking tea until she lays eyes on Syri . Then a double thump is heard and the table rattles a bit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Steele being a damsle in distress to be rescued by brave knight Syri makes me think of some comics I've seen before. The combination of which ends up being Syri busting through the door to rescue my Steele who is just sitting at a table drinking tea until she lays eyes on Syri . Then a double thump is heard and the table rattles a bit.

this sounds so wonderful


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well making Syri wear any heavy womanly-like clothing could be hilarious concept.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Syri should have served Anno in a skimpy maid dress.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Next in the maid outfit series:

Steele manages to get Syri in a skimpy maid outfit, and just as things are getting sexy Anno comes out to laugh at Syri. 

Sexy times will still ensue one way or another.

Wouldn't that require Syri being recruited to the crew?

On a different note, Anno being spitroasted by Steele and Syri...             or even Syri being spitroasted by Steele and Anno with her hardlight strapon...    :jizz:


Jul 11, 2016
On a different note, Anno being spitroasted by Steele and Syri...             or even Syri being spitroasted by Steele and Anno with her hardlight strapon...    :jizz:


That ain't my territory though, best focus on the matter at hand for now, as great as all these ideas are. Then again, discussing which puppy-slut might end up in whatever skimpy outfit is pretty good. 



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

That ain't my territory though, best focus on the matter at hand for now, as great as all these ideas are. Then again, discussing which puppy-slut might end up in whatever skimpy outfit is pretty good. 


Anno in maid outfit, getting double vaginal from Kaede and Syri both wearing a maid outfit.

Done. Back to the matter at hand.

I've read parts of the maid scene, and I luv it :D