[WIP] Anno Maid Scene.


Jul 11, 2016
Got the go ahead from Savin to attempt to write a slut-puppy scene that's been on my mind for a while, and after finishing up Brandy for now, I'm eager to get started on another project.

While I don't know if I can do most-everyone's (Syri best girl) favorite Ausar justice, I'll certainly try my hand. So far it looks like it's gonna be a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be, I'm also unsure how to work a condom into this scenario, but that's a problem for later. 

So, anyway, here's what I have done so far:

The Lusty Ausaril Maid 

Hope you guys like it, any feedback is appreciated!

And thanks to Cheshire for the lovely artwork that inspired this idea.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
(Syri best girl)

No. Kaede best girl. Meh, who am I kidding? I love all the puppysluts.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Oh, she is asking for it, and there's no way you're letting this end like it did last time. [/SIZE]

When was that? 

Oh, and if you´re basing this on the jumping Bess maid scene, then I´d like to add that she can be stark naked that time. You should probably add having bought her maid outfit as one of the requirements.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
if(silly) "MOE AS FUCK"


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
I love the idea and I salute you for making it happen.

Suggest you don't gate the scene behind the Bess one though, it just adds run around for the player. Anno is perfectly capable of buying her own outfits so make it a random event. I wouldn't worry about trying to fit in a condom either tbh.


Jul 11, 2016
When was that? 

Oh, and if you´re basing this on the jumping Bess maid scene, then I´d like to add that she can be stark naked that time. You should probably add having bought her maid outfit as one of the requirements.

It's supposed to be referring to the Bess maid scene, which I forgot Bess can just be naked in. So I'm probably gonna revise that opening a bit, or a lot.

Suggest you don't gate the scene behind the Bess one though, it just adds run around for the player. Anno is perfectly capable of buying her own outfits so make it a random event.

My problem with that is: why would Anno buy a maid outfit? I can't see a reason other than her trying to get Steele into this exact scenar- OOOOOH!

Now that sterilex exists, it can be forgone entirely.

Do scenes actually change if the PC takes Sterilex? Not really important to the scene right now, just wondering. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Do scenes actually change if the PC takes Sterilex? Not really important to the scene right now, just wondering. 

Using Sterilex don´t really change any scenes. It just reduces any chances of impregnating someone, but I guess you knew about that last part already :p  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Do scenes actually change if the PC takes Sterilex? Not really important to the scene right now, just wondering. 

No, it doesn't, but they could. The requirement for the blurb could check if the PC is infertile or has the "shooting blanks" perk. Why use protection, when there is no risk of accidents?

It's supposed to be referring to the Bess maid scene, which I forgot Bess can just be naked in. So I'm probably gonna revise that opening a bit, or a lot.

My problem with that is: why would Anno buy a maid outfit? I can't see a reason other than her trying to get Steele into this exact scenar- OOOOOH!

it could be gated behind Steele buying Anno a Maid Outfit from Kirila.


Jul 11, 2016
Well I wrote some more of this scene, the oral part specifically, and the Anno-bouncing-up-and-down-on-your-cock part, and changed a bit of the opening and gating. 

Here's more maid fuckins: 

The Lusty Ausaril Maid

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Ctrl+F "Master" 0 of 0



Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Would you mind if this scene was silly mode?  I sorta doubt Anno would do this normally unless it was a part of an evil plot to seduce Steele for whatever reason. 

Overall it looks really good.  Only comment is you should probably have a variable that references what ship you're using, the Z14 will only work as long as you're actually using the Z14
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Think I'm just gonna gate it behind docking at Uveto once, and Anno can buy it on her own.

I just realized, you can actually buy a maid outfit at Tavros. Inessa sells that outfit, among other ones. Of course you can still lock it behind Uveto, but I thought I should inform you.


Jul 11, 2016
I just realized, you can actually buy a maid outfit at Tavros. Inessa sells that outfit, among other ones. Of course you can still lock it behind Uveto, but I thought I should inform you.

There's too many fetish outfit shops in the Tittyverse to choose from.


Jul 11, 2016
I sorta doubt Anno would do this normally unless it was a part of an evil plot to seduce Steele for whatever reason. 

That's exactly the reason.

Only comment is you should probably have a variable that references what ship you're using, the Z14 will only work as long as you're actually using the Z14

Are there parses or anything for ships, or would I need to make variants? Because I don't know if the names of other ships exist yet.

Ctrl+F "Master" 0 of 0


Alright, I know you're shitposting, but I honestly can't seem to make this fit with Anno.

It's tempting, but it doesn't seem right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Are there parses or anything for ships, or would I need to make variants? Because I don't know if the names of other ships exist yet.

I think for now you can make note or place instead of current ship name something like [ship.name] so coding person will know it need to be added here something to put correct name of the ship.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
{If shipname is defined: Shipname}{Else: Z14}. 

I make no guarantee that this is proper, but i think this might be the way to go about it. 


Jul 11, 2016
Finished up the last little transitional bit.  

Now comes the part where I need to break the whole document down into chunks, revise parts that sound stupid, and probably add in some more variation for flavor. 

So anymore feedback you guys have would be cool.

Hope you guys like it!

The Lusty Ausaril Maid

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I humbly request post-knotted cuddling.

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
I humbly request post-knotted cuddling.

So. much. yes. You might be shitposting half the time noobie, but some of your ideas are genius. Plus I have a lot of fetishes in common, so that too  :D

if(silly) "MOE AS FUCK"
Would you mind if this scene was silly mode?  I sorta doubt Anno would do this normally unless it was a part of an evil plot to seduce Steele for whatever reason.

@HugsAlright If you still have the motivation to add more, maybe a Silly mode scene with animu and weeb references would be great. You wouldn't have to rewrite everything, just change a few of Anno's dialogue. She's already a huge nerd, what if she's also secretly a weeabo? So much potential!  :D

My problem with that is: why would Anno buy a maid outfit?

Here's an idea: instead of gating the scene behind Uveto, which sounds weird to me, why not add a talkScene where you can ask Anno to 'Roleplay' with toggle On/Off. If it's on, there's a random chance of this happening and you can write the option of gifting the outfit to Anno yourself. With the talk scene it becomes easy for you or other writers to add in more scenes for other fetish outfits. You might have to ask Savin for permission though, since talk scenes reflect the Character's personality. It just sounds better in my head since Uveto is late-game content right now, and so the scene won't get much exposure since I can attest to the fact that most players either don't get off Mhen'ga or are stuck in the grey world of Myrellion.

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Since this would new info about the character, that would be up to Savin.

Yeah, I got a bit carried away with my ideas there since it was Silly Mode, but yes it would need Savin's permission too. Also, I don't mean to imply Anno's nerdiness as a pejorative but as a compliment.


Jul 11, 2016
Since this would new info about the character, that would be up to Savin.

Actually I think it's canon that Anno watches/watched anime isn't it? One of her talk scenes, maybe one back on Tarkus.

But it's also canon that I don't watch anime, so I don't have any cool chinese cartoon maymays to put in, unless someone else wants to write some lines.

talkScene where you can ask Anno to 'Roleplay' with toggle On/Off.

As for this, I'm unsure I want to open that can of worms. I'm already pushing my luck as is by trying my hand at this scene, don't think I could do something like that. 
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