William's Wall


Jun 24, 2016
I’ll kinetic ram them if u kno wut I’m sayin


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Rats have 75% immunity to Electric and Burning when their shields go down; ergo, you are intended to be using Kinetic, Cryo, Chemical etc against them afterward. Your weapons won't beat them. A Vamp blade is great to drain their shields into yours for longevity (and it is in fact their most critical, crippling weakness if used correctly) but unless you were a Drone Tech Specialist you can't beat them this way. A plasma hawk is all burning, so it's out.

I take it you must be an all Melee Merc with Cleave and associated perks. You can totally win reliably and easy, but you need to use different weapons. Any weapon you get from Plot or Waifu/Husband quests like Taivra's Spear, the Saurmorian Hammer, etc, are all great. You can even go a step farther and destroy their evasion if you beat the Forgehound and grab his +Aim Accessory. Also, it's far easier to Stun female rats because they have much lower physique, letting you follow up with power strikes.

If you deviated from a pure melee or ranged build then you might have bigger problems. When playtesting Rats I played at least 30 rounds as Melee/Ranged builds of all three classes. If after this you're still having trouble then you'll need to tell us what perks you picked.
I question the use of energy melee weapons on a melee merc, who can get a 20% bonus to kinetic damage if they should choose. Also, though I'm sure it's possible using weapons like the plasma hawk and vamp blade on Zheng Shi sounds like a pain in the butt.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
I question the use of energy melee weapons on a melee merc, who can get a 20% bonus to kinetic damage if they should choose. Also, though I'm sure it's possible using weapons like the plasma hawk and vamp blade on Zheng Shi sounds like a pain in the butt.

Every character I play carries the electric launcher from Kattom. Rapid Fire with that heh heh, there's really no downside. You have a specialty but it's not like it's applying negatives to other weapons. It's great that once in a while these things really serve a purpose.

The Aegis LMG is practically the best Ranged weapon in the game and every class can also make use of that if they're going ranged. +Shields, +Accuracy, high damage...


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Speaking of damage types, what do acid and poison weapons fall under again? Are they their own category? I kinda forgot but I really like poison weapons...like the Crucifer...


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Apr 16, 2018
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Damage Resistances
* Kinetic Resistance: # %
* Electric Resistance: # %
* Burning Resistance: # %
* Freezing Resistance: # %
* Corrosive Resistance: # %
* Poison Resistance: # %

Crucifier I think falls under Corrosive.

As for Rat fighting, lots of things work! And there are things that help you win either way. If you start teasing rats, they start losing turns and they start lusting each other.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Everyone forgets about lust attacks. Lust attacks can steamroll most of the encounters on Zheng Shi.

Lust attacks steamroll pretty much everything that's not inmune or has a way to cheat them out, like bosses.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Everyone forgets about lust attacks. Lust attacks can steamroll most of the encounters on Zheng Shi.

I don't get why everyone doesn't use lust attacks

Sure, they cap out at a measly 30, and you need a couple more clicks to win, but it makes more sense to fuck them afterwards by lusting them down rather than shooting/stabbing them, and also it almost always works


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I don't get why everyone doesn't use lust attacks

Sure, they cap out at a measly 30, and you need a couple more clicks to win, but it makes more sense to fuck them afterwards by lusting them down rather than shooting/stabbing them, and also it almost always works

Some people just won't use lust attacks. *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I don't use Lust attacks.

I like to fight, I think drugging people, especially to fuck them, is terrible, and stripteasing while getting shot is kinda dumb.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
>flash tits at rats
>“Haha, this is fun, miss CEO!” A mouse-eared pirate hops forward, swinging her stun stick at you. You dodge backwards just in time, watching the little rodent twirl in place, nearly hitting their advancing friend! “Watch it, you idiot!” comes a flustered shout.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I don't use Lust attacks.

I like to fight, I think drugging people, especially to fuck them, is terrible, and stripteasing while getting shot is kinda dumb.
I always imagine my Steele being so good at the dodging it's really less of a flashing and more of a sensual dance that mocks the enemy.

It's equally stupid, yes, but the fun kind of stupid I can get behind.

Also @William. That new mouse-vatar is cute.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I always imagine my Steele being so good at the dodging it's really less of a flashing and more of a sensual dance that mocks the enemy.

It's equally stupid, yes, but the fun kind of stupid I can get behind.
Meh, fair enough.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
Last night I dumped 3000~ some words into finishing a 6000 word Bimbo + Amazon exclusive scene for LDC + Hopper, the last win scene, called [Drain Bunnies]. I won't spoil that sequence of events, but all they need is a Bad End to be done finally. Hopefully, just hopefully I can work out my insipid laziness and maybe we might see that for the next pub patch.

In other news, Adjatha is currently drawing rats. The halfbreeds Claes and Cless have their nudes colored, so it's on to the Rodenian girl. And omg she's so fucking cute. The two tone pink...



Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
ear sex or im walking
tfw all the cute mouses arent crew mates and i cannot become a mouse myself to live out my newly found mouse/rodenian girl attraction


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
ear sex or im walking
tfw all the cute mouses arent crew mates and i cannot become a mouse myself to live out my newly found mouse/rodenian girl attraction

But you can Ear Sex her. They're in game! And there's 12,000 words dedicated to Rodenian Copulation~

As for Mouse-style TFs, a basic one should make it in from Higuera. As for a full on Rodenian TF...

Be patient. A jumper waifu was allowed. Maybe something will come through there.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
They're in game!
...I havent actually played the game in awhile lol
thank you for this wise insight
i will go try them and get back on how great they probably are


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
Rat's Raiders are now on the public build, please enjoy. I'm aware of some bug fixes that need to be made, and other writing related things, but that'll go into backer patches I'm afraid. It's nothing critical, but you'll probably notice the oddities. I didn't expect a public patch on the weekend, heh heh, I was hoping I'd have more time. I'm sorry that the Hopper & LDC aren't making it to the Pub, that's my fault.

But on the flip side, they'll be done tonight. I only have 1200 some words to go to finish out this part of the Bad End. The final word count for the Hopper's Bad End will probably cap out around 12k. I don't really have a reason or excuse for that kind of length (Ear Sex for the Rodenian Girl was 12k!) but I think it's going to be one of the best Bad Ends in the game, and possibly one of the best scenes I've ever written for a long time.

This month hopefully I can be productive enough to have at least Laquine Pregnancy + Laquine Ears TF effects and the Cyber Punk SecOp scenes done in a timely fashion. Then I would like to take care of Bianca, set aside at least two days for that (maybe she'll be approved by Year's End?) and some other minor things... like Oral Tease.

People have been wanting to throw money at me for a while for some things, too. I want to continue LDC + Hopper after the plot fight already, but two people have asked for scenes regarding that. Then there is a special commission I would like to accept as well regarding another idea. Let's just see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
You knew the risks.
This is true.

Please forgive me, I had to test my Steele in combat. I had to know.

Now I feel bad for beating them up. :negativeman:

The fight was interesting. Reminded me of pvp in WoW or SWTOR where you're trying to find and focus fire on the team healer. I threw a AoE attack to force the healer's hand and then made the mistake of not DPS tunneling said healer down with Rapid Fire, instead I just threw out a few more AoEs which they easily healed through. Made the combat last way longer than it should have lasted. In the end though they burnt through my merc's shields but it was too late for them. Shield-centric characters that don't figure out their weakness to kinetic are going to have problems initially.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
tfw you gamble on lipples knowing theres no content for them and now your getting gated from content :(


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
LDC + Shock Hopper are done. 37,391 words, 66 pages of me writing for the Jumper Leaders. After my last quality check pass I will begin immediately on Laquine Pregnancy + Laquine Ears TF effects.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
LDC + Shock Hopper are done. 37,391 words, 66 pages of me writing for the Jumper Leaders. After my last quality check pass I will begin immediately on Laquine Pregnancy + Laquine Ears TF effects.

Is that going to be siring AND birthed preg?


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
Is that going to be siring AND birthed preg?

Easier to copy paste what I talked to DrunkZombie abut with my plans.

For Laquine Pregnancy: PC will be able to bear laquine kids from anyone not specified to be on contraceptives. Basically, this means every laquine in the game. Kelly and Nayna I'm pretty sure have no reference to the stuff. The Bored Jumpers, and the upcoming Jumper leaders LDC + Shock Hopper, will also be able to impreg the PC. However, LDC and Shock Hopper will always have unique kids, their genes dominant so to speak. Shock Hopper always has the PC give birth to Blue & Beige furred kiddos, and LDC would have all-black furred litters, bypassing the PC's original starting features.

Moving forward:

The Bored Jumpers will be considered 'generic preg' in that they'll use the PC's original features. However, jumpers can also be impregnated. On top of that, only one Jumper can be impregged at a time.

Just like the Zil Female Pregnancy, there will be events with the bored jumpers exclusively, just some little events if you're wandering around the area sufficiently pregnant and bulky. And if one of them is pregnant. Or you both are! Laquines are born within 6 months, so there will be the main set of blurbs for passing time. Heard that gets thrown for a loop by the fertility speed modifiers though.

There's a win scene for the LDC + Hopper for BImbo/Amazon players. You get fucked by both of them, riding him vaginally (required), she's behind. If you have multiple wombs she fills every hole. That'd be a mixed birth. Multi-womb birth should also be supported by the Jumper Win Scene [Heat Sex].


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Are those adorable rats supposed to accept milk even if your breasts are running empty?


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
Are those adorable rats supposed to accept milk even if your breasts are running empty?

Most likely not. I don't know what lighter set the required capacity to, but it should be in the realm where people who are permanently lactating and always have hefty tanks can keep trying more frequently than non-treated folks. I think I recommended 60-80% capacity to be able to feed them.