William's Wall


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
You can take a bath with Able at the Thare Plantation, but that's it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Does Azra shower sex count?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
You can take a bath with Able at the Thare Plantation, but that's it.

There's also Matron Oserre's bath house in Kressia.

Does Azra shower sex count?

Okay, so there's Able, Matron Oserre and Azra, but that's it.

On a serious note, I think it's telling when we're collectively struggling to come up with existing bath/shower scenes. I voted for mutual bathing because 1) I enjoy it IRL, b) I think William will do it justice and III) it fits with Bianca's personality.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It might be that there aren't a lot of bath places around :p I reckon we can also count ship shower and Ten Ton Gym shower scenes. I think Commander Schora had another one in Syri's quest.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
Okay, so there's Able, Matron Oserre and Azra, but that's it.

I actually wouldn't consider shower sex to count for this: it should be an actual bath ala Oserre and getting washed in comfort, in this case by a milfy figure. Taking a shower is too much like hitting a pitstop to count imho.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I actually wouldn't consider shower sex to count for this

Yeah I thought of Azra first but there is a different between shower/bath sex and just warm tenderness in being bathed by someone that loves you. Able and Oserre do bathe you and I don't remember any particulars about either of them but they don't have a relationship to the PC, its just work for them. Getting groped and scrubbed by a foxy mama would be a fair bit different.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States

New update. Just need an adjustment for her chest (to add some depth so there's no perspective weirdness) and it'll start getting into colors and background things.

Absolutely love this pic.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
I'm keeping my talkative volume down a tad because I'm focusing on work. So Shekka giving the PC a BJ made it in recently! And I've gotten my foothold with the upcoming Threesome. It's going to be fairly substantial. Five scenes spread out among the PC able to top or bottom in a morning orgy, dedicated to Shekka having her synth-sheathe or not. People are definitely gonna get a ton of her in this.

And more potential Anno face flattening!

Things may still seem slow and meandering, and I won't lie it's definitely not the best, but I'm so close to getting my largest unannounced project done. It's something that's been going on as long as Leila, if you can believe that, and it's actually larger than she is right now. I have so much art to share with regards to it as well. It would have actually come out sooner, perhaps, but I had to restructure it entirely. Fortunately that did not mean rewriting it wholesale, just readjusting all the major points. I spent a few days doing it recently while working on the Patreon polls.

I'm on track to getting the Shekka + Anno threesome done and a suite of Gabilani Chemist scenes for Dhaal this month. There's been a chat about the upcoming Main Quest for the planet involving the Probe, so we should start to see some forward movement now that Fen has cleared most of his review backlog.

It's also a good opportunity to talk about the future of TiTS a little. We're certainly getting nearer to a port. I'm looking forward to this most of all. However, as Gedan busies herself with the TiTS code, it does put a hard delay on Rodenian TF in general. I can write it and have it ready at some point, but getting complex and adding on to something she may or may not have already touched, or even be in the process of touching, would only cause more delays.

Let's see what happens.

At the end of this month and a bit into September, there's also something new I want to try for my patreon supporters. Patreon's userpage is not really that good, makes it hard to find links and old posts that may be of interest to folks. See if it pans out at all when we get there.

As always, thank you for your support.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
You have it backwards, if this is what I think you mean.
Her second husband was just courting her for a chance to get at her daughter, whom he abducted. It was a loveless marriage.
my HATE for Nice Time for Roo still stands
P.S.- part 2 Bianca content is gonna have the 3some with Kase right?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
my HATE for Nice Time for Roo still stands
P.S.- part 2 Bianca content is gonna have the 3some with Kase right?

Yeah, Hugs is fine with that, plus I've written for Kase recently. It'll likely play out a lot differently though. I recall how it's written as is and it's a bit blunt still. Not the right kind of buildup imho.
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Active Member
Aug 10, 2020
Ok I feel like I should probably know by now but what the heck does Nice Time for Roo mean???
Nice Time for Roo is a term meaning Netorare, which is a Genre of Hentai themed around cheating, being unfaithful or committing adultery of some kind.
the term is roughly translated as Cuckolding. There's a notable market for it actually.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Personally considering how much the term has been used, and therefore used incorrectly, it has become extremely watered down and almost meaningless. Taking that into consideration, I think that the blanket term of Nice Time for Roo works for any kind of porn where someone you/the character care about getting fucked without your consent if not directly with the purpose of upsetting you. Like I said, and Ferrus explained, that isn't actually Nice Time for Roo by definition, but it is how it is generally accepted and used by the hentai community (from my perspective).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
lol Nice Time for Roo doesn't actually need to have actual cheating. The only thing that's necessary is the feeling of betrayal.

Character A could be in love with Character B from a distance: Character B doesn't even know who the fuck Character A is. Character A sees Character B with another person and feels betrayed. That's it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
lol Nice Time for Roo doesn't actually need to have actual cheating. The only thing that's necessary is the feeling of betrayal.

Character A could be in love with Character B from a distance: Character B doesn't even know who the fuck Character A is. Character A sees Character B with another person and feels betrayed. That's it.

Netorare (寝取られ, most commonly abbreviated as Nice Time for Roo) is a notoriously controversial genre of hentai featuring cuckoldry (an act of adultery). As a fetish, Nice Time for Roo hentai are designed to provoke jealousy in the audience by proxy by having a character indulge in sexual activity with someone other than the protagonist. This has given Nice Time for Roo a highly infamous reputation amongst hentai fans, who frequently express their displeasure over the genre.

Damn, you're right.

Edit: Obviously, author intent is a major factor. Bianca's situation was effed up, but not Nice Time for Roo. Anno screwing around isn't designed by Savin to be Nice Time for Roo. Victor fucking Anno... I don't feel that was Nice Time for Roo, but closer to some sort of... I dunno Oedipal stab at the player?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
i very, very vaguely recall this being the case according to a post by savin or fen

Well, I posted that Victor screwing Anno was a friendly knife jab, Savin posted "Hehehe" in reply. So yeah.

Now... about that Bianca and Kase threesome...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
Well, not to go into great depths as to the full extent of my knowledge but Nice Time for Roo in practice according to actual stuff? Is considerably worse than cheating, in fact they actually exist as seperate tags with considerable overlap on the more notable translation sources.

Nice Time for Roo is extremely theatrical. Alot of tamer examples involve things along the lines of the other tying up the person and putting them in a hidden location to make them watch while their partner is fucked, usually while encouraging said partner to unknowingly reveal the full extent of how long its been going on, etc.

The central onus is that it is by design less 'hot' and more designed to be deliberately cruel. Since the first party having a bit of a breakdown is a pretty big part of the 'climax'.

Its a pretty big aspect for most of them for the 'target' to either directly witness the deed or to have it revealed to them in a fairly extreme manner actually. I can frankly say that I can't think of anything in TiTS, CoC or CoC2 that is honestly extreme or malevolent enough to really qualify. The Anno bit for example is actually pretty far from the conventional definition.

The watering down probably stems a fair bit from the association to being 'cucked' as I believe the term goes. Which I would not quite say counts, sort of like how all Protestants are Christians but not all Christians are Protestants.

Its... honestly pretty strong stuff, no judgements anywhere but I honestly find the proper stuff a bit too strong for my tastes.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
On CoC there are at least two Nice Time for Roo scenes, one for Lottie where you have sex with her friend Elle in front of her and there's another one for Marble sister during her purification quest. On TiTs there are two scenes if you lose to the Milodan war alpha during the Siege of the Korg’ii Hold.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
On CoC there are at least two Nice Time for Roo scenes, one for Lottie where you have sex with her friend Elle in front of her and there's another one for Marble sister during her purification quest. On TiTs there are two scenes if you lose to the Milodan war alpha during the Siege of the Korg’ii Hold.
Havent tried losing the Hold yet, so thats a nice warning.

I'd quibble that Lottie doesn't count for the traditional definition, Nice Time for Roo does not usually include the partner as the aggressive party. But thats a technical point more than anything.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
Considering how the scene is I think it is Nice Time for Roo. even say on the name. She brings her friend to have a threesome with you but instead you choose to fuck only her friend while making her watch and humiliating her, you even make her cry on the scene.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
Considering how the scene is I think it is Nice Time for Roo. even say on the name. She brings her friend to have a threesome with you but instead you choose to fuck only her friend while making her watch and humiliating her, you even make her cry on the scene.
Eh, fair enough.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Ok so Nice Time for Roo is kinda like a cheating/jealousy thing but typically meant to make u feel bad? Ok yeah I can understand the distaste for it then.
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