William's Wall


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
On Nine Months of Silence

Writing for TiTS on a lark turned into an unimaginable six years of full-time work on multiple games, opening doors I'd never dreamt of walking through. It saved my life too, three times now, but I failed to mature into the role responsibly, and I've been paying for my stubbornness ever since.

I didn't know how to pick my battles, or in other words, what projects to focus on and what I should have dropped before they spiraled out of control. That was clarified with my dabbling in a companion for CoC2, my biggest failing and greatest lack of foresight, and a hard lesson that required a lot of time to take to heart. I led folks on and on with it while simultaneously trying to force myself into it by doing things that only became a cycle of self-punishment, for instance commissioning so much art to attempt to justify and elongate a time-frame that existed only in my head. While there are many other severe factors that slowly took my heart out of that endeavor and destroyed my belief in it, they are wounds best not reopened; however, it does not change the fact that it all started with my naïve belief that I would be able to juggle that significant workload in a time where something new - and oftentimes bigger and more important - happened every month, a time, upon retrospect, where I should have embraced flexibility and learned to let go.

From working on Cloud 10 for a spell, from becoming employed on TiTS part-time and then later full-time, voraciously consuming the contents of every other document and submission to improve my work, all while not respecting the dangers in having unrestricted freedom to work on whatever I wanted with only myself to hold myself accountable. I'd worked two years with that modus operandi, as I was not necessarily obligated to any game. When those opportunities arose, I was found wanting, and that was stressed and exacerbated by many situations where I felt isolated by the occasional lack of a common aim with clear, unified and shared goals. When I first started in 2018 going into 2019, things were a lot different, but a lot of the people who were go-getting with me... simply aren't anymore. A lot of them moved on or vanished, and that's a dreadful feeling and a terrible running theme in my life, as I've lost more than a handful of people important to me over these years. The month-to-month events gradually became more and more negative and my general excitement and will to speak up drained as I sank into into the emotional turmoil of not having anything ready, despising myself for not having it ready, and the weeks and months piling up; a windy hall of mirrors, repeating endlessly.

My productivity gradually declined as well, from late 2020 onward, culminating in 2022 with an urgent need to relocate - many long, brutal months of house-hunting and sponging up the stress and anxiety of everyone around me, day in and day out. When the move finally went through, when everything was said and done, when I became a homeowner and finally picked back up again, I was shattered. The torment didn't end there either, despite the valuable certainty it gave us.

The downward trend finally 'peaked' with Sophora's extremely unfinished implementation last September. I hold no grudges over that, but it should not have happened. That it did, though, left me utterly crestfallen. It was something I took alone, as with most things. The last nine months of silence began with that, on top of every month bringing its own unique malus or two, usually some new madness integral to the travails of owning property.

Just to give one example, not the worst but one timed perfectly with another crushing experience, our insurance sent us a letter that they would be discontinuing service with us. The reason given was "tall trees / branches overhanging the property", even though every house in this neighborhood has tall (and very healthy, and very straight!) trees in their yards. It took two days to resolve that, one of the simpler things in fact. They helpfully disclosed the information of the company they obtained their information from (tall trees or somesuch) so I looked them up, and discovered that they're a heavily maligned bunch of con artists with overwhelmingly negative reviews out of Texas. A call to our insurance provider revealed they didn't even have pictures of these offending "trees / branches", and so the matter was resolved -- but they were still committed to severing us with NO EVIDENCE, by their own admission.

I then went on to experience COVID-19 over the course of a truly horrendous week in December, beginning with a fever more intense than any in my life. I remember going to sleep and waking in genuine delirium and confusion, finding it impossible to speak cogently while also realizing that my faculties were severely diminished. I went to the hospital and received no care, not even a cup of water, and my primary care provider gave me no assistance beyond "if you need to clear your sinuses, go into the bathroom and run the hot water so the steam can clear it up a bit". At the end of it all, I was left bitter, furious beyond words, and then that turned into an equally intense depression at the start of 2023, hardening my inability to communicate out of shame and embarrassment.

That brings the explanation of my diminished presence to a close. That's all in the past, now I will tell you about the future.

I'm still here.

I'm not gone yet, and there's still all the time in the world to deliver on TiTS projects. The pendulum has begun to swing the other direction. Times'll be tough for a while longer, but I'll put myself back together again. I will be preparing one more CoC2 project as I can - Kura Pregnancy, of which the document exists and is laid out, and then I will devote myself only to TiTS, and try to rebuild my confidence and your confidence in me. The current project getting pushed on is the expansion for the Jumpers, Sophora, and Vanika (the Shock Hopper) with some collaboration from Nonesuch for a few unique smut scenes I was able to sell him on. This will feature a quest to resolve Sophora's attacks peacefully and learn Zheng Shi's history while affecting some very unique changes in the story. I'll share the doc soon. I can't give any concrete release dates or finish dates, as there's no telling when something gets coded due to the constant updates & bug fixings courtesy of Gedan and Jacques00. When It's Done™ is my only answer for now.

I'll start returning to regular updates - from now on, I'll talk about whatever I've done every Wednesday, coinciding with TiTS work meetings. Over these last few years, there were assets and materials I've been slowly accruing, pieces of other, non-smut works I'll present and release someday.

Thank you for your continued support not of myself, but of TiTS, without which I would not be here. So long as I'm still here, I'll do my best to make things right.
I am sending you a digital hug, it sounds like you need one.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
Sorry if this is a bit of a necro, I just didnt want to create a whole new thread to ask this, but ive got a quick question about Sophora. Is her character portrait meant to be so.... dark? I dont wanna be rude but i can barely make anything out from it.
It wasn't meant to be her bust, but it's the only image of her that's available for now. Her illustration being included in the game was primarily as a CG to augment her first appearance and introduction.

Glad your doing ok, I was getting worried

also, any updates for Leila and roo crew?

When it's done, and no more self-indulgent, impulsive hype from me otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
It wasn't meant to be her bust, but it's the only image of her that's available for now. Her illustration being included in the game was primarily as a CG to augment her first appearance and introduction.
Honestly from what details I've made out, if you brighten it up so we can make it out it would honestly be pretty bad assuming.

Also, will there be more content with the LCD along with the Shock Hopper?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
A Cleaned Slate & Breeding Season

Since last week, I have cleaned the slate and finished old overdue, backlogged Patron-voted scenes from a long, long time ago, capstoned with the completion of the Penny Roleplay Ambush scenario available in the (a4) document. It turned into the very epitome of scope creep and that made it difficult to finish out, especially these days with a lot of other mounting pressures, but I'm happy to be done with it and to be making more clear, defined progress.

My attention fully turns to the first expansion of the Zheng Shi Ops Deck. Nonesuch is my rock these days; his friendship and cooperation is extremely vital to sparking a new revolution in me. He's just returned from a trip this past Monday, and we're working together on content for the upcoming Jumper-centric document, with him providing edits and guidance, as well as a few scenes for the Shock Hopper, or Vanika.

I was able to convince him to write something for the PC's getting sugar mommy'd by her the way LDC was. A small spoiler: he's been discarded by the bunny leader, and that vacancy can be occupied by an equally boyish and well-endowed PC. A handful of other scenes are in the works right now to play around with the pirate queen - she is a vehement powerbottom for those dommy players out there, always goading.

As mentioned before, this upcoming content features the conclusion of Sophora's initial "nemesis" arc. All of that has been written already, and there will be one more expansion to follow containing new sex scenes and a side-adventure. There will be an extensive and vigorous procreative marathon available in the Jumper quarters for players in Rut or Heat (or both) as well as a variety of various scenes throughout their rooms, like Zero-G lasciviousness or making explicit bets at the gun range.

I said I would be working on Kura pregnancy too. It's going to be a slow dabbling for the time being until a few more events are written in the aforementioned Jumper + Vanika + Sophora doc, but it will be done.

A warm thank you to the very patient and generous supporters whom I have kept waiting so long for old promises. As I've said before, I won't stop until I make things right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
RIP Einen, but I can understand completely why you'd switch to TiTS full-time, I'm pretty sure Wsan came to a similar crossroads a while ago before he shifted to CoC2. At any rate, it's great that you're getting back into the swing of things, your contributions are beyond invaluable to the game; I legitimately can't imagine how the future of TiTS would look in your absence.

I hope things continue on an upswing in your personal life too; honestly I'd have understood completely if you needed to continue to step away from the community to get to a better headspace. We've seen so many writers just vanish without a trace, that you came back to let us know what was going on at all is greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
Quick heads-up: The links to your commissioned art albums are broken. Imgur must've wiped them.
The albums are fine, the links haven't changed at all; however, you appear to be having a problem that several on the official discord server had where the albums aren't loading. I can't access the albums on an incognito window so maybe you just need to be logged in.

edit: After some investigating it appears to be true. Only the uploader's account (in this case, mine) can still see the albums and files - a purge that isn't exactly a purge, basically. A new image host is needed so for the time being I'll just use Dropbox. Gedan might set up something similar to Imgur in the future which will be perfect for a small handful of albums from us.

edit2: Album links updated to Dropbox. The albums also need updating with some new images soon, so I'll get around to that after some recent pics get colored in a few weeks. I'll also probably set up syncing folders for albums but I'm going with the quick and dirty way for now.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 16, 2018
United States
This week's progress report is brief. Not to mention, a specter of a past housing issue came back last night.

The upcoming ZS Expac doc acquired a few more pages and most of last week was spent editing it with Nonesuch for quality assurance. It's made a huge difference. I didn't do as much writing in this period but what's important is that there's a sense of collaborative spirit rekindling in all this and I feel like a lot of the old memories are coming back to me. If that makes sense, ha ha.

Last week too, as you've seen, Imgur went into a silent purge of sorts so I moved all my art albums to Dropbox. That's all well and taken care of now, but I feel it important to talk about the contracting of the 'freelance artist sphere', as I call it, or the sphere of work-for-hire artists who all gravitate towards twitter. Upcoming changes by Elon are making it impossible to send DMs to users unless you are both following each other, or you, the sender, are a subscriber. If this is implemented it's likely that future art will dry up almost completely; if it's implemented I foresee a lot of nihilism and stress that will cause a massive diminishment of the talent pool.

In other words, I don't think you'll be seeing many new art pieces and new blood coming in, and that is very disappointing. Another thing that I did not mention in my previous explanation for nine months of silence is that I've also, rather abruptly, had my fair share of artists suddenly vanishing off the internet or failing to call back. Worse: I've been effectively robbed at least two times in 2023, with a rotten commission only happening once in 2021. No less than five artists have either dropped communications entirely for no good reason, consistently failed to deliver the expected quality and thus canceled, or just went traceless into the void. At least two of them I built a very strong rapport with and it still weighs on me. The sheer stress from this has been intolerable.

Things have to change for the better, sooner or later. As always, thank you very much for your patience and support. Stay tuned for more.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 16, 2018
United States
I've received a gentle outpouring of support in private recently, and to those who've reached out, you are all truly wonderful.

Things have been slow since last week. At the start of the weekend, felt trucked by a lot of shit and just slept most of the last few days. I've also posted the upcoming Vanika/Sophora Resolution/Jumper Quarters doc to the Private Patreon folder. The doc contains the full quest sequence for Sophora and of course contains spoilers. It also contains everything else up to this point.

In the last meeting we talked about staggering the implementation of this doc out over several patches and I've taken care of planning that out. All that's left is just to write more sex scenes, some of which got off the ground this week.

As always, thank you for your continued patience.


Sep 14, 2022
As mentioned before, this upcoming content features the conclusion of Sophora's initial "nemesis" arc. All of that has been written already, and there will be one more expansion to follow containing new sex scenes and a side-adventure. There will be an extensive and vigorous procreative marathon available in the Jumper quarters for players in Rut or Heat (or both) as well as a variety of various scenes throughout their rooms, like Zero-G lasciviousness or making explicit bets at the gun range.
When we get the end to the Sophora nemesis arc, do you think we will get a way to reset her for those of us who removed her in her current state.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
When we get the end to the Sophora nemesis arc, do you think we will get a way to reset her for those of us who removed her in her current state.
If by this you mean undoing the permanent solution (either or), then I'm afraid not. I never intended to have her deactivated then activated again due to her being an experimental addition to the game that I knew would ruffle a few feathers. That said, Fen has been preparing to release the Psionic class soon and more than a few people will likely start up a new save.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
Start of Summer

Most of my last week was spent working on the house: installing new doors, assembling and replacing new furniture, and dealing with another (but mercifully smaller) garage flood. I'm still riding a caffeine high that started with the past weekend, and as such I have even less to mention at the moment other than a modicum of new words and a brief mention of what the plans are going into July.

As previously mentioned, we've hashed out what to implement and in what order for the upcoming xpac doc. Ideally, the first week of July will see the first, base implementation, and each week after will have the next addition and so forth until it's complete, and we'll add on whatever else makes it through the coding pipeline as it comes around. This is not all I will be working on for July, of course.

I would also like to begin the Patron's monthly scene voting again, and emphasize it to be as brief as the mini commission scenes I did last year to help support my down payment at the time. It will follow the usual formula: I'll make a post and request ideas for a scene to write over three days, and then there will be a vote over the next three days to determine what should be done. It will be completed within the same month. Depending on how it goes, I'll be adjusting if more needs to be done, i.e. multiple smaller scenes instead of just one, so that the value will be there.

Thank you for your patience and continued support, and please look forward to what comes next.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
The night of July 4th was suitably loud and bright and in the past week I have prepped the first chunk of the Jumper Quarters & Sophora etc doc for the ZS Ops Deck to be implemented which will hopefully happen this week, but either way there'll be a chunk of it coming out each week of July. The first week will contain a myriad of light, repeatable encounters with the ordinary Jumpers and some with their Officers - I was also reminded that the Slave Suit xpac on ZS still does not include the three Anal scenes I wrote months ago so ideally they will get coded first and be ready to implement alongside this first chunk.

Next week will have Vanika's personal sex scenes added. The week after will have Sophora's personal quest implemented, and the last chunk will contain a variety of misc scenes; the Breeding Marathon will come in the third or final week.

I want to build myself back up again, and I'm doing my best to achieve that. As always, thank you for your patient support of myself and of the TiTS Project. You are all truly wonderful.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
The night of July 4th was suitably loud and bright and in the past week I have prepped the first chunk of the Jumper Quarters & Sophora etc doc for the ZS Ops Deck to be implemented which will hopefully happen this week, but either way there'll be a chunk of it coming out each week of July. The first week will contain a myriad of light, repeatable encounters with the ordinary Jumpers and some with their Officers - I was also reminded that the Slave Suit xpac on ZS still does not include the three Anal scenes I wrote months ago so ideally they will get coded first and be ready to implement alongside this first chunk.

Next week will have Vanika's personal sex scenes added. The week after will have Sophora's personal quest implemented, and the last chunk will contain a variety of misc scenes; the Breeding Marathon will come in the third or final week.

I want to build myself back up again, and I'm doing my best to achieve that. As always, thank you for your patient support of myself and of the TiTS Project. You are all truly wonderful.
YES YES YES ty william


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
Oh thanks, definitely looking forward to more of her content. I don't know why I thought her name was Shock Hopper.
Nothing to knock yourself for, she's currently not a repeatable NPC and doesn't have a name in what scenes are currently implemented.

However, that does bring me to an impromptu update on a change in plans in TiTS development...

Wednesdays are meeting days and typically I will post an update following the get-together but events from yesterday had me thinking, deeply troubled, that I need to get this out of the way sooner rather than later.

Concerns were raised about Sophora's quest and resolution, and in short, it cannot be incrementally added in the coming weeks as I had hoped. That's not all, as other concerns were raised about Vanika and the follow-up to post-probe ZS. What this means is that Sophora's quest will not be added to the game and due to the present uncertainty about Vanika & the rest of the document, the entire project is now in stasis. I am not deleting it, of course, and I'll be sure to tell you if there are any changes in what's to come on this topic.

I'll likely move to help Savin with Phaedra II scenes for the immediate future and be writing weekly reports on that and have the relevant docs posted when the details are hashed out.

As for the monthly voted scene (Breast Massage won, which is fascinating), I will, at the very least, start it this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
Concerns were raised about Sophora's quest and resolution, and in short, it cannot be incrementally added in the coming weeks as I had hoped. That's not all, as other concerns were raised about Vanika and the follow-up to post-probe ZS. What this means is that Sophora's quest will not be added to the game and due to the present uncertainty about Vanika & the rest of the document, the entire project is now in stasis. I am not deleting it, of course, and I'll be sure to tell you if there are any changes in what's to come on this topic.
Honestly, I feel bad for you. I hope you're feeling atleast somewhat well.

I wish you the best of luck.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2017
Nooooooooooooo the bunnies </3

While its a shame about the bunny content, which is still some of my favourite stuff in TiTS, I've liked pretty much all your writing so looking forward to what else you end up writing!


New Member
Mar 13, 2023
Nothing to knock yourself for, she's currently not a repeatable NPC and doesn't have a name in what scenes are currently implemented.

However, that does bring me to an impromptu update on a change in plans in TiTS development...

Wednesdays are meeting days and typically I will post an update following the get-together but events from yesterday had me thinking, deeply troubled, that I need to get this out of the way sooner rather than later.

Concerns were raised about Sophora's quest and resolution, and in short, it cannot be incrementally added in the coming weeks as I had hoped. That's not all, as other concerns were raised about Vanika and the follow-up to post-probe ZS. What this means is that Sophora's quest will not be added to the game and due to the present uncertainty about Vanika & the rest of the document, the entire project is now in stasis. I am not deleting it, of course, and I'll be sure to tell you if there are any changes in what's to come on this topic.

I'll likely move to help Savin with Phaedra II scenes for the immediate future and be writing weekly reports on that and have the relevant docs posted when the details are hashed out.

As for the monthly voted scene (Breast Massage won, which is fascinating), I will, at the very least, start it this weekend.
How will this decision impact the Leila arc?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Nothing to knock yourself for, she's currently not a repeatable NPC and doesn't have a name in what scenes are currently implemented.

However, that does bring me to an impromptu update on a change in plans in TiTS development...

Wednesdays are meeting days and typically I will post an update following the get-together but events from yesterday had me thinking, deeply troubled, that I need to get this out of the way sooner rather than later.

Concerns were raised about Sophora's quest and resolution, and in short, it cannot be incrementally added in the coming weeks as I had hoped. That's not all, as other concerns were raised about Vanika and the follow-up to post-probe ZS. What this means is that Sophora's quest will not be added to the game and due to the present uncertainty about Vanika & the rest of the document, the entire project is now in stasis. I am not deleting it, of course, and I'll be sure to tell you if there are any changes in what's to come on this topic.

I'll likely move to help Savin with Phaedra II scenes for the immediate future and be writing weekly reports on that and have the relevant docs posted when the details are hashed out.

As for the monthly voted scene (Breast Massage won, which is fascinating), I will, at the very least, start it this weekend.

So...Sophora is abandoned? And Zheng Shi? Just like that? Because someone in the meeting didn't like your work??

It's a shame that you spent so much hard work for it to be thrown away :(, especially with the utter lack of content in TiTs recently.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Concerns were raised about Sophora's quest and resolution, and in short, it cannot be incrementally added in the coming weeks as I had hoped. That's not all, as other concerns were raised about Vanika and the follow-up to post-probe ZS. What this means is that Sophora's quest will not be added to the game and due to the present uncertainty about Vanika & the rest of the document, the entire project is now in stasis. I am not deleting it, of course, and I'll be sure to tell you if there are any changes in what's to come on this topic.
OK I'm sorry but I'm just gonna blurt this out: that is fucking bullshit.

If it's not too much trouble can you share exactly why all your hard work got thrown into the trash bin? Because for the life of me I can't think of any reason why they would shoot you down like this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
You just have to love an employer that realizes that they don't like your work when it's in its final stages and not a moment sooner! Really shows how good they are at leading and sharing their vision with their team.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
You just have to love an employer that realizes that they don't like your work when it's in its final stages and not a moment sooner! Really shows how good they are at leading and sharing their vision with their team.
I get what you're saying but let's at least wait until we hear the exact reason for all this before we go for the torches and pitchforks here.