March Progress Report
Easter looms, and I would like to have finished several leporine projects this month. As most of you are aware, I tend to work on a lot of lapine characters, big floppy ears and poofy, flitting tails. And, you are all also aware that next month is May, or Mayternity, and Mother's Day. All of these are wonderful events - and a powerful confluence of them! - that need to be capitalized on.
Things have been slow and I've been slower, and I don't have any excuse for it. Incidentally, I've had the most IRL engagements ever last month than usual: appointments, taking classes, and picking up a new hobby. Consequently, my overall presence has reduced. As of March 30th or so, I'm committing to a couple new measures in reorienting myself after several weeks of near-inactivity.
To give you a short-term view of what my goals are this month, it's simply finishing long overdue Patreon scene debt, finishing extra scenes for the Tutorial Boss, and the one extra scene in as-yet-unadded Anno Petplay content. I've made middling progress on all of these.
In the development circle, the TiTS JS Port process continues. As I understand it, Gedan is currently working on the save system, so, definitive word on whether or not you will get to keep your current save files (on Desktop, at least) could come along pretty soon. The UI is getting its last, small touches as well as revamped puzzle interactions, and Gena is close to finishing the Mhen'ga Rooms - no small task, given the absolute size of the planet, of all the quests on it...
Coding is still at a slow point, unfortunately. There's a lot of things to add to the game, and perhaps some things that are waiting until the port is finalized before they are - these are the massive, big-scale projects that have been sitting around (next Zheng Shi floor + Orgies + Jumper Nemesis, Dizzy + Crew, and plenty of other things) - but! All I can ask is that you give Gedan, lighterflud, and Gena the time they need.
I do not currently have any CoC2 news. It will have to wait until I can unload the burdens of my TiTS backlog.
As for Artwork and other sorts of commissions, I'll be adding four new images to Reina's album. I discovered an artist that was happy to take on plenty of work for her. The album will be updated when they're finished. I have built long-term working relationships with several artists, such as Simple & Phobia, gaining dedicated time slots in their schedules for various TiTS art desires. A LOT of Jumper smut is on the way, as well as more Fox Milf Mom-butt, and even CGs from Sinensian and ShakotanBunny.
Please accept my sincere apology for the wait, to more wait, to more wait. When this all started, I had no long-term aspirations or big picture thinking, and the consequences of that are plain to see today.
But, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your patience and support. It will be done.