Who is your favourite character, and why?


Aug 16, 2018
Harpy matron: Look, I know she only has one scene, but the art alone has made me realize that I desperately need a bad end where she smothers you with her tits, ass, and thighs all day while you impregnate her.
^^ This 100%. As for my opinion, Kassyra is amazing so far, (even if I dont personally like futas) in the way she can dominate you, but slowly tease you with the carnal pleasures of the corrupted path, egging you on.
Also deeply enjoy the Fetish Witch lady at the river, the mare, and the moth girl so far. The Witch and the Mare have that "I'ma make you fuck me pregnant" vibe to them, plus the witch being sexually enhanced and corrupted, basically a succubus. Demon chicks A++. And the Mare and Moth girl have some great big tit specific scenes to them which are awesome. Though the witch has them "Gravid tits" of her own. I like my character to be bested by buxom femdoms.


Jan 10, 2019
Kasyrra is definitely a favorite. Love all of her encounters and how she's dominating and breaking apart the PC slowly with corruption. And that you have the option to dominate her and it's still corrupting but you can be on the same level. idk I'm just a sucker for corrupting characters.

Also enjoy the Brint content and look forward to what further content Wsan's got in store for him. Really hope to see him get corrupted too and bring back the addictiveness of minotaur cum like in the original CoC. Can't wait to see those consequences come into play.

Also really enjoy Alraune and her scenes. Same for Arona, can't wait for more of her content! Ahmri, the slimefolk, and Vaush have been some fun new additions. Looking forward to the imps coming back into play at some point. The tainted witch encounter is great too. And content for the centaurs and their packleader was all great. Looking forward to seeing how everything expands. Awesome work!
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Silas Crowley

Jan 27, 2016

The writing around her is very atmospheric; the river, the snow, the reluctance and difficulty can be felt in the air surrounding the rescue quest. More than that- she's flawed, visually even, and doesn't have justifiable or perfect morality. This gives her a believable character.

Personally, I like her Amazon-lite vibe and that she's barefoot.


Sep 17, 2017
Renarc's here again.

I just woke up early and can't stop thinking about Garret (and his body as well :p)

Now I know I'm not available to read 'Garret's bitch' scene since I'm not on backer's.

But well, he's extremely attractive XD

I really wanna see my subby boy to be Garret's fav someday!(He's not into guys now tho :/ )

Pleasing him every night after hard daily work might be great...


Sep 17, 2017
Renarc's here again.

I just woke up early and can't stop thinking about Garret (and his body as well :p)

Now I know I'm not available to read 'Garret's bitch' scene since I'm not on backer's.

But well, he's extremely attractive XD

I really wanna see my subby boy to be Garret's fav someday!(He's not into guys now tho :/ )

Pleasing him every night after hard daily work might be great...

My second character is now Garret's bish o///o


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016

With how well written she is, ive never gotten more emotionally invested into a character. She *IS* the perfect Foxwife. I am motivated to save this land, only because it means I can eventually free her. And, instead of summoning her with a spell, I would one day love to adventure with Foxwife.

Possibly, my only dislike of her, is that I cant tell her both of my favorite dreams (Jealous SuperDomme Kiyoko, and Faithdebate) just to see her reaction to them.

Observer knocked her clear out of the park, Im half tempted to make my character Sterile, as both the fet aspect and loving aspect of pregnancy isnt done nearly as well in CoC's predecessor or TiTs.

Hell, I love her so much, she would be the ONLY character I would consider roleplaying a monogmous relationship with. Or even Poly, with her as the Primary Partner
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Jun 23, 2019
Brint, by far.
First off, he checks off all the boxes of things I'm into: big dicks, cum inflation, and dom/sub. However, he's also a good character. He's friendly and easygoing, and is more of a caring/loving dom sort of character.
I especially like how he'll occasionally mention that he likes you, often complimenting you in some way or another. I especially liked the bit after the "under the table" scene, and the scene for when your character gets pregnant was adorable (I only wish we got more scenes after the kid/kids are born).
It was also cool that he had scenes with Cait, which were also pretty good. There weren't really any characters in CoC that really stuck with me like he did (maybe Raphael?). I hope we see more stuff with him in the future if/when Khor'minos gets added.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
Berwyn. Not even close.

I don't like anyone else. I'm a bit sad I can't do the topping scenes available from defeating him in the mountains after he parties up, but I suppose I can't defeat him any more (after admitting he'd be useful).
I like him a bazillion times over. I had no idea I could be so into that body type (minus the ultra wang). Everything out of his mouth is gold, and the facial expressions are just Mmmmmmmmm

And then the ultra wang.

The secret sauce though is the shamelessness. He isn't defended by pride in what he's swinging around - he's proud of his magic. He's self-conscious of his transformation, he knows he's been harmed and that it's given him a weakness. But there are no apologies for it. No red in the face, no futile scrambles to conceal. He enjoys that dick, and, making the minimum effort for social decency, he gratifies it.


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
It's been many a patch, so I figured it could be good to revive this thread and see how answers have changed


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
I realized that I hadn't actually posted an answer to the original question, so:

Right now, if I had to choose only one character, I'd probably pick Etheryn. She's one of the characters that I can enjoy both from the standpoint of caring for her and making her feel more comfortable with who she is and letting her be herself (her thiccening expac will probably kill me with its glory) while at the same time letting my sadistic side take over in other playthroughs and allowing for a "break and corrupt her" route. She's this broken and beaten down girl who's spent her entire life tormented by her sister—the one person she had who should have loved her unconditionally—and is finally getting the chance to do something for herself, and instead of using this freedom to run away from everything and let the people who tormented her fall, is using that newfound freedom to try and save her people. On top of all of that, she's also got some of my favorite sex scenes in the game.

My runners up include Arona (because futa orc doms is my fetish), Cait (I love slutty BFF style characters, and Cait captures that perfectly), and Eryka (Redheaded muscle girl paladin? Sign me the fuck up. There's almost nothing that could have turned me off with her).

So, figured I'd comment on how my thoughts have changed since April since I revived the thread:

Ryn is still probably my favorite character as far as her story goes for the same reasons as originally, and with the thiccening expac finally in game, I get to see her in all her glory.

However, since that time, we've had three new characters come out who compete with her in the scenes category: Lusina, Brienne, and Hretha. Lusina has easily my favorite scenes in the game, her loss scenes especially; Brienne's content hits a spot that I don't think any of the other companions quite do and gave me an Amoozon from my bro; and then finally I love Hretha's design, story and scenes too much to not include her (though I wish she had more scenes).
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Serrated seat

Active Member
Aug 25, 2019
For me it's the Marefolk shaman, I like the variety in her scenes. The futadom scenes on your companions were a nice twist to loss scenes I didn't see coming and the titfick and suck scenes are great. I love the compatability with newer TF's like double dog dicks. I like her so much I wrote a scene for her (still waiting for feedback from the reviewing team). Anyway that's my two cents.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
With the sheer amount of content in game and my ADD riddled brain I have not had the privilege of going through every piece of content for any given character, but just going off the experience I have, my favorites are Brienne and Cait. Cait just seems incredibly fun and caring and it definitely doesn't hurt that she is the token healer to my shield wall tank, and Brienne because regardless of her being 2 and a half feet taller than my character all of her interactions she treats you like an equal and all her sex stuff she seems purely devoted to and insanely affectionate with the PC.

(Until she is expanded on more I am convinced that there was some "cupid's arrow" type stuff baked into the feminizing armor that makes the wearer fall in love with the first person they see after the transformation, or whoever is with them during, hence the sudden switch from non commitment to monogamy)


Active Member
Jul 18, 2019
so far my favorites are(not in order) the sleepy snake, Cait, Lusamine, Gwyn, Shar, Ragnild, and Azyrran. I am probably forgetting some and still haven't gotten to a lot of the content yet so no doubt I'll find more favorites down the line
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2019
Berwyn and Etheryn are top companions. Brint and Cait are both good too
May be recency bias as I've just done their scenes, but Shar, Lusamine, and Lt. Jen are up there. Initially passed off the Marked Merk Mercenaries until I ran into Lusamine at the frosthound.
I anticipate that I'll enjoy Kinu whenever I get around to doing the kitsune stuff as I'm a sucker for daughter characters.
Sugo is still my favorite villager
Crazy Horse, Tainted Witch, Slime Siblings, Imps, and Drider Queen are my favorite enemies

In short I like cute girls/futas/femboys or being manhandled by giant beasts


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Kinu is hands-down my favorite character in this game so far. She is BABY and deserves all the love and protection. I’m most excited for content related to getting her and the Floof Fam out of the Astral Plane and start a cute family sitcom

Brint is probably my favorite companion and the other character besides Kiyoko I consider my PC unofficially married to. would be neat if we can get in a threesome with him and Kiyoko; I can imagine she’s LOVE to share him with me. Actually, let’s get Cait in too while we’re at it. Honestly a fun guy to be with in general and absolute husband material.

Garret is another fave (what are the odds I love both bara furries? lol). I seem to have an irresistable draw to insufferable prick/dumbass bastard sorts and he fits the bill. Kinda bummed him being a Companion didn’t make the cut though. :( I hope he becomes recruitable in the future if there’s any content for convincing Garth we can keep his blockhead son safe.

I’m going to end up naming every Companion at this rate, so I’m constraining the list to these three for now. But I legit like every one of them to some extent. Just eagerly awaiting more content.

Edit: I forgot to mention how much I love Kasyrra as a villain and she has possibly one of my favorite demon designs (hell yeah for bestial succubi). I eagerly await more interactions with her.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2018
Colony 9
Kinu -- not in the sex way. She's my favorite mostly due to scenes between Kinu and the Champion. Pure, wholesome love is pretty under-represented in porn games (unsurprisingly) and it's very refreshing to see once in awhile. I don't mean that the game should have more platonic love, only that it really stands out (in a good way). That aside, her struggle to live up to incredibly high expectations and strive for a perfection which she will come close to, but never fully achieve is a very real and relatable struggle for a lot of people. In conjunction with getting to play her in some scenes and decide the outcome of how she adapts to the lofty expectations makes her really feels like the Champs daughter -- more than just another tally on the impregnate-all-the-waifus list. I would like it if she stopped kicking my ass at hacky-sack though :p

As for smut, my favorite is definitely Brint. The M/F scenes are really well written and hot as hell. When playing female, my champ tends to be subby and one of the drawbacks is that dom characters can be pretty cruel. Brint just seems like a good dude; he clearly cares about the PC a lot. He definitely fits the cocky muscle man trope, but doesn't come off as an asshole like most that fit the mold. His dialogue makes me laugh most of the time too, which is a plus.

Prince Thunder Spark

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
Who is your favorite character?
Hm. Well, from what's available currently, probably Kasyrra.

Uh... because being dominated by feminine characters with large dongers floats my boat? It's pretty much the whole reason I'm here.

Aside from that, however, as the main "antagonist", I like how she makes herself known at the beginning of the story and makes an appearance or two throughout the player's adventure to remind them of her existence. To make a comparison, I've played CoC1 many times but have never actually beaten the game, and as a result I am not that familiar with that game's main antagonist, Lethice. Please understand that this is not an attempt to befoul CoC1 as a game or any other character, rather, an observation of an improvement in story telling that I am enjoying thus far. I hope to see more appearances by Kasyrra throughout the player's quest, as well as more options to submit to her.

Runner ups: Berwyn, Sugo, and... that corrupted Paladin North of the town, I don't remember her name off the top of my head.
I must say I agree with you, I am praying to the fenoxo gods we could someday have an option to let them both live together as sexual lovers, especially as the champion grows more powerful. What I'm most worried about is her losing her demon form, so far, she honestly is seductive and stuff, and perverted, but she doesn't seem as evil as letchice, maybe I'm dumb but she just seems...like she wants sex and to spread sex, I dunno. I want her as my mate, at the end

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
The fun here is in having an adversary you actually face off with from time-to-time. The greatest flaw Lethice had was that she was always a distant threat, Orcus on his throne. Kassyrra took note of this, and resolved to be far more proactive.

Prince Thunder Spark

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
The fun here is in having an adversary you actually face off with from time-to-time. The greatest flaw Lethice had was that she was always a distant threat, Orcus on his throne. Kassyrra took note of this, and resolved to be far more proactive.
And perhaps this means she could actually respect the player, if her blush from being called beautiful is to be believed


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
Brienne is my favorite hands down. I love how affectionate she is with the PC and you add the fact that she is a big strong lady? Perfect, amazing, spectacular *chef kiss*

Also most of the orc characters. Orcs are my favorite fantasy race and I can't wait to see Arona on my team


Nov 2, 2019
When I first discovered this game, Berwyn's design is what hooked me. Excellent color scheme that not many characters share (the white/light blue go so well with his dark skin too), interesting mix of feminine and masculine, a touch of lupine features to add a layer of complexity and all of this under a sexy mage outfit. His design really is greater than the sum of its parts, it all comes together to make such a great character. Plus, thick thighs/ass never hurt anyone.

But personality-wise, probably Arona. Being able to have her submit to you while retaining her usual outspoken and crude personality is appealing to me, I've always enjoyed having subs who don't make your job easy. Makes the process feel more rewarding.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Currently it is Brienne. Basically it is because she made me have a moral/ethical conundrum. Normally I have no qualms about changing a characters sexual orientation, appearance, and even going so far as to enslave them if they had similar intentions towards myself. In all actuality I do believe they get the better end of the deal as we ultimately go on awesome adventures and fuck shit up as opposed to me being their mindless sex slave.
However, Brint has never been anything other than a helpful bro aiding me in my quest. So of course when I discover a set of hidden mystical armor the first thing I do is get him to equip it with no idea what it does (I don't spoil myself). So you know, he tells me he is feeling kinda funny, so I am like, 'hmmmmm interesting' let us save and see where this goes. As any reasonable friend would do. Then he starts talking all crazy, totally whacked out of his mind with genderbent selfcest, so as a concerned friend I sent him to a prostitute. Then I don't know I woke up and Brint was gone and there was this chick I had never seen before. Turns out that armor was diabolically cursed by some ancient fiends and totally not by any measure a boon from the Gods. So obviously I am fully prepared to explain to Brienne that the past is the past and there is no going back by straight up ravaging her right then and there. As only a true friend with feeling of deep guilt about his actions would.
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Jan 8, 2016
Currently it is Brienne. Basically it is because she made me have a moral/ethical conundrum. Normally I have no qualms about changing a characters sexual orientation, appearance, and even going so far as to enslave them if they had similar intentions towards myself. In all actuality I do believe they get the better end of the deal as we ultimately go on awesome adventures and fuck shit up as opposed to me being their mindless sex slave.
However, Brint has never been anything other than a helpful bro aiding me in my quest. So of course when I discover a set of hidden mystical armor the first thing I do is get him to equip it with no idea what it does (I don't spoil myself). So you know, he tells me he is feeling kinda funny, so I am like, 'hmmmmm interesting' let us save and see where this goes. As any reasonable friend would do. Then he starts talking all crazy, totally whacked out of his mind with genderbent selfcest, so as a concerned friend I sent him to a prostitute. Then I don't know I woke up and Brint was gone and there was this chick I had never seen before. Turns out that armor was diabolically cursed by some ancient fiends and totally not by any measure a boon from the Gods. So obviously I am fully prepared to explain to Brienne that the past is the past and there is no going back by straight up ravaging her right then and there. As only a true friend with feeling of deep guilt about his actions would.
it is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose, my friend
if you consider having brienne around losing