Who do you prefer, Kara or Shade?

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Feb 11, 2016
I'm curious which of these two is the more popular choice amongst players on this forum.

I picked Kara, like every great RPG protagonist I helped the first person to approach me in need of assistance and handing her over to Shade seemed like a cruel fate to resign her to.

That and I like sticking it to pirates whenever given the chance and Kara has a lot of beef with them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I DON'T KNOW. They've been waiting in that bar for I don't know how many builds just twiddling their thumbs waiting for me to choose. The effects of the split are too far-reaching for me to make an informed decision as to my preference right now. I'll probably just make a new file with two saves on the split in order to experience the content.

So yeah, poll needs a third choice for all the suckers still on the fence.


Aug 26, 2015
I'm going to vote Kara, with the caveat that it's largely because of Shade's affiliation with the Black Void.  Kara herself is very much not the sort of person I'd want to hang around.

In terms of the story we've gotten so far, Shade gets the more flattering initial portrayal due to being sexable on first encounter, having a daughter, and being related to the PC.  Kara we see relatively little of at first, and the Silence portrayal of her is a bit on the unsavory side even if you go full Kind with it.  KaraQuest 2 is significantly kinder to her, capturing a bit more of the Han Solo vibe that's presumably intended.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2016
I'm with MES. So far, there's not really enough to make a solid choice. Especially since KaraQuest just got expanded. Couch is pretty accurate on Shade, we know more about her outright, and she is family. That leaves me a bit biased toward her. 

Kara's certainly an interesting character, and may end up being more unique. We'll see once Uveto comes around, I suppose. Shade still has a lot to unfold with us.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I kinda have to go for Shade. If only because my Steeles tend to have a pirate fetish and I also kinda want to be better than my rival in not figuratively dicking over family. Plus I never got a chance to play the Silence stuff with Kara so I don't really know her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Going to pick Shade over Kara. both because I figure she's my in with the pirates and I don't like herms nearly as much as most people here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Shade is a member of a pirate gang of which you are likely a mortal enemy of by now, though Kara is probably just as bad if what Kiro said of Kara's boss being a slaver is correct. At the same time, you're both playing Kara's life and Shade's relationship. I am... definitely on the fence about this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I DON'T KNOW. They've been waiting in that bar for I don't know how many builds just twiddling their thumbs waiting for me to choose. The effects of the split are too far-reaching for me to make an informed decision as to my preference right now. I'll probably just make a new file with two saves on the split in order to experience the content.

So yeah, poll needs a third choice for all the suckers still on the fence.

There are ways to get both choices.

1- Do KQ1 and choose the option of sleeping with Shade. Then return to Shade and talk to her some more and sleep with her 1 or 2 more times. Then complete the probe quest, fighting Taivra, and then return to your ship to obtain Shade scene of her leaving the planet. (Need verification about whether this works before completing KQ1 or the quest needs to be completed). Shade has left the planet for Uveto with me, so I never met her during KQ2.

2- I think it was mentioned that KQ2 can't be started until level 8, so just keep at level 7. Do all the above mentioned then reach level 8 and do KQ2. (I might be wrong with this).

3- Do KQ1 and choose the option of sleeping with Shade. Then return to Shade and talk to her some more and sleep with her 1 or 2 more times (becoming another of your lovers). Complete KQ1 and then do KQ2. Meet Shade during the quest and she lets you go (must have slept with her 2-3 times). Talk to her again at the Bar and choose the right options (should be obvious). She stays as a repeatable encounter and a lover.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Shade is a member of a pirate gang of which you are likely a mortal enemy of by now, though Kara is probably just as bad if what Kiro said of Kara's boss being a slaver is correct. At the same time, you're both playing Kara's life and Shade's relationship. I am... definitely on the fence about this.

I thought Shade just did contract work for them? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Without considering KaraQuest 2 (which I haven't done, yet) and their impact later on, I'd have to say I prefer Shade. Part of it is because I like MILFy characters, and another is that I liked the sudden realization of incest between her and Steele.

Kara strikes me as "just another herm for the sake of it", and while I totally dig herms, I would honestly have expected them to be less common than they are. (For crying out loud, there seem to be more herms than men) (Note to self: Write a male character to balance things out)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
(For crying out loud, there seem to be more herms than men) (Note to self: Write a male character to balance things out)

Not quite, but definitely more fuckbable herms than fuckable men. Not surprising, considering.
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(For crying out loud, there seem to be more herms than men) (Note to self: Write a male character to balance things out)

Plus there's two female characters that you can turn into herms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Kara, for now. "Let's assault pirate base with team of 2 people who barely knows each other?" :yeah: Just hope this is not one-time offer and she'll offer something like this in future again.

And Shade... MILF? Big NOPE.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Said no one ever. Bahaha.

Although another thing to consider is Amara herself, who is Kaede's mother... oh Savin, why you leave us so conflicted...

I'll be honest that part of the reason I don't want to do Karaquest is because I feel like siding with Shade will let me eventually fuck Amara.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You want to fuck your older half sisters slaver babymapa? Thou are you fathers spawn. 

It completes the set for the family of Kaede, and leaves my niece as the last one in another set, assuming I do try to tap that. I'm not sure yet how Shade'll respond.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hn.  will Kaede meet her half sister on Uveto?   And I don't think that Shade will take sexing her daughter well giving the reactions to with we're half siblings thing. 

Which when you consider this world of uber playboys and rushers and obscene longevity should probably get a culture pass like the genderfluidity. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hn.  will Kaede meet her half sister on Uveto?   And I don't think that Shade will take sexing her daughter well giving the reactions to with we're half siblings thing. 

Which when you consider this world of uber playboys and rushers and obscene longevity should probably get a culture pass like the genderfluidity. 

I'm blaming her past (peripheral planet, religious community) in her reaction. Core worlds people should take it much easier.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm not going to lie that figuring out our whole fucked up family tree and who makes up the legions of our father's bastards is part of why I play the game.

Kinda wonder if our rival will even meet some of them. Cuz I kinda want to walk in on Jill somehow scoring with Shade and just nonchalantly saying "Hey sis, hey cuz." because it would amuse me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You can't.   Jack and Jill are our paternal cousin.  We share a last name and he/she like us is a rep whore.  If you know and Shade knows she'll dodge.   Not to mention they're kinda soft.  Dane is more likely to get some.  Rough and tumble warrior type. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I dunno, maybe the rush is getting to them as we're basically thrashing her and they just doesn't want anything with names attached. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, I'm first one? Oookaay.

Nope, I'm here with ya! Not much of a fan of MILFs here, though, while her scenes are not quite my thing in content they are well written enough to make up for it.

Kinda wonder if our rival will even meet some of them. Cuz I kinda want to walk in on Jill somehow scoring with Shade and just nonchalantly saying "Hey sis, hey cuz." because it would amuse me.

Nice one! I'd lile something to that effect to happen too :p

You can't.   Jack and Jill are our paternal cousin.  We share a last name and he/she like us is a rep whore.  If you know and Shade knows she'll dodge.   Not to mention they're kinda soft.  Dane is more likely to get some.  Rough and tumble warrior type. 

Though, a a kaithrit Shade is more into soft (and or feminine) boys/(girls?) rather then the "rough and tumble warrior" type.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nope, I'm here with ya! Not much of a fan of MILFs here, though, while her scenes are not quite my thing in content they are well written enough to make up for it.

Nice one! I'd lile something to that effect to happen too :p

Though, a a kaithrit Shade is more into soft (and or feminine) boys/(girls?) rather then the "rough and tumble warrior" type.

True. I guess I should say more shiftless? And Jack doesn't strike me as the wanting to be bullied type.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm pretty sure there are statistics about CEOs and other people in such power positions loving being dommed. Plus again our Rival is probs not feeling too great about us thrashing/marrying the encounter that both they and Dane got rekt by, as well as outbidding her on Tarkus.

Also on the marriage thing, I do want to also admonish the rival for running out on my wedding. That's just rude.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
I voted Kara, mostly because traditional RPG routes have definitely made an impression on me. I haven't tried Shade's path yet, but that's only because I got it spoiled that she's my half-sister and also apart of a space pirate conglomerate. I'm a very traditional good guy in most games, and that transfers over to TiTS very easily, so I didn't see a reason to side with her because of those reasons. That's not even mentioning the base-raid that happens with Kara too!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
She's not a Black Void Member.  She's a Merc and Bounty Hunter who got knocked up  by and befriended a future Dread lord back in the day.   She's a Stormguard Member though. 

But she does take their bounties and favors to her Babymapa.  She also takes other bounties for a wide range of pirates and criminals and even rescue people. 

Kara's also a smuggler, and spaceborn thief working for a slaver and criminal overlord on the softer side of the Mafia/Ormerta border but still in their. 

It's a grey thing.  They both have neg Karma.   You probably also have neg Karma if you've worked with Xenogen at all.   Or saved Saendra.  Ex Void Member in full. Ex happy Void member. 
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