What's your sexuality?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Yeah, I got all the tags blacklisted myself but it still sneaks its way in sometimes.
The ability to block specific blogs is a godsend (let's hope the staff never gets rid of it). But yeah, it still hurts when it sneakily comes from blogs you thought you could trust ;-;

Tips, hm?
If they're feeling cold it might be a lack of reactions etc. Tell us that X character is craning their neck to watch themself get penetrated, that Y can hear their partner's breath catch when they do a certain thing. Let it be messy and awkward!
I'm sure other people will have better suggestions though.
That... makes a lot of sense, actually! (I think I tend to focus more on what goes where than on the characters' feelings and reactions) Thanks :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The ability to block specific blogs is a godsend (let's hope the staff never gets rid of it). But yeah, it still hurts when it sneakily comes from blogs you thought you could trust ;-;
Too bad they force you to log in and see your dash, now.


Jan 6, 2017
Where the crows are.
No prob Shy. I wont lie, takes a while to get comfy with, but it's worth it.

And fuck I hate having to log in just to go search some tag or a specific blog :/
I mean, I shouldn't complain over needing an age check for gore content even if it's candy/neon guro but...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No prob Shy. I wont lie, takes a while to get comfy with, but it's worth it.

And fuck I hate having to log in just to go search some tag or a specific blog :/
I mean, I shouldn't complain over needing an age check for gore content even if it's candy/neon guro but...
Yeah, there should be an age check.

"Are you 18 or above? Yes/No" That's all you need. It's not as if you can't lie when making a fucking account... :/

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
Wait, you guys see things on your dashboards that isn't porn? Only thing I see on my tumblr dashboard is an endless stream of sex and sex related activities.

Are you saying that tumblr has pages that aren't porn?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wait, you guys see things on your dashboards that isn't porn? Only thing I see on my tumblr dashboard is an endless stream of sex and sex related activities.

Are you saying that tumblr has pages that aren't porn?
Yeah, and 9/10 they're really bad. Sometimes there's good stuff, but it's buried beneath a lot of teen angst and food pics.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Yeah, that'd be waaaaaaaay better.
But tumblr staff are idiots.
Never truer words. They keep adding features no one asked for and I still can't see all my notifications -_-

The thread got kind of derailed though, didn't it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I'm bi/pan I think, hard to know since there's so many rules to what you might or might not be. Also it seems this thread taught me a new word that might apply to me, gynephillic, since I prefer women and traps/femboys over masculine males. But I'd say I'm slightly different than a lot of people in this thread since while I prefer a feminine body over a masculine one, I also prefer dicks to vagina's a lot of the time. I don't know why, but a shemale (or whatever the non-offensive term is nowadays) pushes my buttons a lot better than a regular woman does; and on that note while I can roll with pretty much anything if its pretty enough, the one thing I just can't bring myself to like at all is cuntboys. There's just something so wrong about a masculine body with a vagina and no penis that weirds me out way too much to be comfortable with fucking, no offense to anyone who might fall under that category. Which isn't to say that what I dislike is the masculine form, I'm perfectly fine and in fact really enjoy amazons, its just that cuntboys don't click for me since they somehow slipped between the cracks of all the parts of my sexuality.

Those are my general tastes, though they fluctuate depending on my mood, sometimes I feel really gay and just want a whole lot of dick or just pussy. I don't really understand the depths of my desires, and I doubt I ever will, but I think I'm fine with that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
sometimes I feel really gay and just want a whole lot of dick or just pussy
Um, sexual orientation has nothing to do with genitals, you know?

It's about which gender(s) you are attracted to (or not)
And most of the time gender is associated with secondary sexual characteristics like breasts and hip/shoulder ratio. Liking other physical features (genitals, hair/eye color, etc) and the like would actually be classified into the kink/fetish category rather than sexual orientation, I think?

And if you only like feminine people, it's not really surprising you don't like cuntboys, tbh. I remember watching a video about a scientific study about why straight men like trans women.

Edit: I also remember reading an article about gay men liking trans men, but can't find it T-T


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
I also have difficulties with cunt boys, It's just not about having a dick or a vagina, it's just their body type isn't feminine and that doesn't attract me at all. I don't really like hyper-muscled amazon either but they have boobs so that helps and I can get over their body. I think, in my case, wether the person has a vagina or a dick doesn't matter but having boobs help me categorize the person in either the male or female category. The face structure also influences my judgment, of course.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Um, sexual orientation has nothing to do with genitals, you know?

It's about which gender(s) you are attracted to (or not)
And most of the time gender is associated with secondary sexual characteristics like breasts and hip/shoulder ratio. Liking other physical features (genitals, hair/eye color, etc) and the like would actually be classified into the kink/fetish category rather than sexual orientation, I think?

Yes while that may be so, as someone who is attracted to a broad spectrum of genders, I use genitals as a short hand for what I'm feeling I desire at the time. When I say dicks I mean I desire people who have dicks, doesn't change the fact I'm attracted to other genders too, its just I have preferences which fluctuate a lot more than someone who was say straight or gay would.

I also have difficulties with cunt boys, It's just not about having a dick or a vagina, it's just their body type isn't feminine and that doesn't attract me at all. I don't really like hyper-muscled amazon either but they have boobs so that helps and I can get over their body. I think, in my case, wether the person has a vagina or a dick doesn't matter but having boobs help me categorize the person in either the male or female category. The face structure also influences my judgment, of course.

Yeah that's fine to use boobs as your dividing point, I do too but I also through in facial structure to really help myself decide if I find someone attractive. Also I don't like hyper-muscled folks either, I adore well toned and muscled bodies, but if it looks like you could be a contestant in Mr./Ms. Universe I lose interest since that just looks painful instead of sexy.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
I'm.... straight I guess? Herms and trans are fine though too. I guess I'm like a bunch of you guys (or girls I'm not going to guess what you gender is), I like anything that's feminine enough. I love the female form and it doesn't matter to me if there's a dick pussy or both down there.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know why, but a shemale (or whatever the non-offensive term is nowadays) pushes my buttons a lot better than a regular woman does; and on that note while I can roll with pretty much anything if its pretty enough, the one thing I just can't bring myself to like at all is cuntboys. There's just something so wrong about a masculine body with a vagina and no penis that weirds me out way too much to be comfortable with fucking,
Isn't this amusing...? Whilst females do nothing to me, I "need" any females that appear in any erotica pieces I check to sport a slit. I remember that one time I almost ragequitted a transfomation roleplay because my partner exchanged my female main character's bits without asking whether I was okay with it.

I take it's mostly down to liking female genitalia without accounting for who sports it.


Nov 28, 2017
I'm panromantic greysexual, though usually identify as bi because it's so much easier to explain. I'm probably a 4/5 on the Kinsey scale (closer to exclusively lesbian than exclusively straight), but damn if there aren't just a lot of pretty people in the world and in art. It's also validating to see other people on the asexual spectrum on here!


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
I'm bi, leaning closer to lesbian (probably something to do with having a long term same sex partner) but... man, I have a hard time sorting out my preferences. I think I have a pretty wide range of turn-ons, to which monster-rawing fantasies bubble up now and again. God damnit CoC and similar games... I'm old, I shouldn't be discovering new fetishes in my 30's, should I?

IRL, soft-bod smart and creative types are wonderful. I love exploring FWB relationships with other nerds, mostly platonic with some romance? I guess that falls more into poly activity but I don't know how to address that, because I wind up just wanting to get close, smooch, hair-pet, etc. but I'm not sure I'd make a move to sex? There's a feeling of commitment there that I don't think I could shake.

On the other hand, I find myself physically turned on by athletic men and women, which is inconvenient when working out or at work as I work with some pretty amazingly sturdy or lithe people who go hard at whatever their sport or activity of choice is. I don't relish the idea of getting emotionally close with a more athletic person because of the competitive spirit and potential personality clashes I expect to find. I often hear some gently but consistently misogynistic blather at my gym and it really bothers me, so I've started to expect those behaviours from others... and I don't like my competitive streak because it makes me stupid, haha. I'm already awkward enough, I'd rather be a cooperative semi-athlete than a cross-fit bastard.

Blather aside, bi + confused on the details, probably has some romantic-involvement requirements but I'm not sure I'd consider it demiromantic because I'm not sure if that's a tumblr term or a legit thing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
Why yes, you should! People evolve over time and so do their tastes.

I guess they do! As I get older, though, I feel more and more like I should be into more conventional stuff. It feels weird to take a long pause from monster-dongs only to come back to them and go "yep, that'll do it." I mean, it's nice, and it's nice to have some time and energy to actually focus on what my sex drive looks like--and now I'm not speaking so much of actual relationships as the general fetish and brain-wiring side of things--but at the same time it's a little unnerving? It's hard to describe, but it's kind of nice, if strange.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The good and bad thing about fantasies is that they don't need to be doable in real life. Concerning monster dongs (which is something I really like!), well... Bad Dragon is a thing, isn't it? As much as I hate kinkshaming, I understand why would people find that unnerving. But I also feel that as long as no one gets hurt (or one follows RACK/SSC), unconventional stuff should be available for everyone. Especially as that means there'll be more chances of meeting someone with tastes akin to yours.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
The good and bad thing about fantasies is that they don't need to be doable in real life. Concerning monster dongs (which is something I really like!), well... Bad Dragon is a thing, isn't it? As much as I hate kinkshaming, I understand why would people find that unnerving. But I also feel that as long as no one gets hurt (or one follows RACK/SSC), unconventional stuff should be available for everyone. Especially as that means there'll be more chances of meeting someone with tastes akin to yours.

Pfft, actually yeah, my SO and I have poked our noses into that site once in a while ages ago, though during college and post moving-across-the-country we didn't really have time or money for it. I'm not really into the anthro side of the site, but the (utterly, hilariously embarrassingly) demigorgon dong looks pretty rad.

Ooh, links to kinks! I feel like that's one I should be lurking and seeing if it ticks any boxes. Thanks brah!