What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Oh, could we have some more exhibitionist stuff? It seems that there isn't too much of it outside of public masturbation and and a few other scenes... 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'd like to have some more "stealth" exhibitionism stuff since we're on the topic of exhibitionism in general. The obvious spectacles one can make of themselves are nice, but sneaking around is also fun and the only scene that I recall is the footjob from Kiro.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Well, watersports (and scat) are banned outright from TiTS. They're members of a pretty exclusive list that also includes: bestiality, underage content, and extreme gore/violence/death (presented in a sexual way, like snuff). So this is essentially guaranteed to never happen.

Actually, watersports aren't the part of the banned content list, unlike scat. That's why CoCmod is able to get away with having some amount of it, as do several games in the Other Adult Games section.

Granted, the chances of content like that to be written by any of the TiTS usual writers is close to non-existent, but still.

We've always been landing on some planet where the other rushers have already got to and set up some form of settlement. Can there be a instance where the players are the ones who made first contact? And thus the player will decide what to do with the planet and its inhabitants, like call the government and let them do the usual diplomacy and trading stuff, or keep the planet a secret and just do whatever you want on it, either help the locals to be better prepared for the space age, or even pose as a god and make the locals worship you and stuff?

Probably not gonna happen for lore reasons. The main quest planets are, AFAIK, all supposed to be part of the current Rush, and since it had started ~two months prior to PC rolling out, all those planets are all but guaranteed to be filled with other rushers.

12. The universe is vast. Maybe there can be actual "space faring" species? Like they don't need ships or suits to survive in the vacuum?

Not a big fun of Space Whales, but I'd be very curious to see if/how FenCo will manage to sexualize them.

13. Most races encountered so far are either part of our government or newly discovered primitives. Will there be other space faring civilizations which is not part of our council or whatever it's called?

Anatae Empire is a thing and they are not the part of UGC.
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More of a question than an idea, but when the player have any sort of taur lower body, like with the Leithan, where exactly are the sexual organs located? At the front or at the back? Cause I'd imagine some scenes would work really differently. Like if your dick is between the back legs and you're fucking someone under you, it's unlikely you'll be able to touch the other person's breast or kiss him/her right? Is it possible to let's say get a few sexual organs some between your front legs, others between your back legs? I believe one of the gold Myr queen had something similar right?  One pussy in front and one pussy at the back?

At the back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
More Tlako.

She's cute, exotic (for this game's usual human esque species) and a shortstack.

10/10 would flork again.

It's a shame her race can't feel pleasure from intercourse, I'd love for there to be a way to fix that.
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Aug 27, 2015
Anatae Empire is a thing and they are not the part of UGC.

Technically they are. In the same vein China and Russia are part of the UN. From what I gathered back when Fen was theorycrafting this shit, you kind of have to be part of the UGC in order to receive a lot of basic rights, protections and movement. However the UGC allows for a lot of self-governance (*cough* corporate lobbying pressure *cough*) so it's not hard to be a part of.

3. We've always been landing on some planet where the other rushers have already got to and set up some form of settlement. Can there be a instance where the players are the ones who made first contact? And thus the player will decide what to do with the planet and its inhabitants, like call the government and let them do the usual diplomacy and trading stuff, or keep the planet a secret and just do whatever you want on it, either help the locals to be better prepared for the space age, or even pose as a god and make the locals worship you and stuff?

I'd like this as well tbh. Getting to a planet only to discover a thousand titty monster tourists have already trampled over it wears a bit thin.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Probably not gonna happen for lore reasons. The main quest planets are, AFAIK, all supposed to be part of the current Rush, and since it had started ~two months prior to PC rolling out, all those planets are all but guaranteed to be filled with other rushers.

It doesn't have to be main quest. Could be a side quest to. As with beating the other rushers to the planet despite being several months late, well we can always figure out some reason. Like the planet was surrounded by some gravitational distortion storm, or lethal radiation field, or other Sci Fi shenanigans so the other rushers couldn't reach it. Then due to some cosmic coincidence the player's ship somehow managed to get through(perhap by having a prototype shield for the ship or some ancient relic we can find along the way).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It doesn't have to be main quest. Could be a side quest to. As with beating the other rushers to the planet despite being several months late, well we can always figure out some reason. Like the planet was surrounded by some gravitational distortion storm, or lethal radiation field, or other Sci Fi shenanigans so the other rushers couldn't reach it. Then due to some cosmic coincidence the player's ship somehow managed to get through(perhap by having a prototype shield for the ship or some ancient relic we can find along the way).

I don't think it would work that way. The whole reason you are able to get to those planets is because the UGC placed a Warp Gate near them. 

No Warp Gate, no way to get to or off them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't think it would work that way. The whole reason you are able to get to those planets is because the UGC placed a Warp Gate near them. 

No Warp Gate, no way to get to or off them.

It could be an close enough planet or moon that's close enough to another habitable planet that's the focus of the rush. For a reason why there isn't a town/outpost in it could be extremely austere environment or extremely powerful natives.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Technically they are. In the same vein China and Russia are part of the UN. From what I gathered back when Fen was theorycrafting this shit, you kind of have to be part of the UGC in order to receive a lot of basic rights, protections and movement. However the UGC allows for a lot of self-governance (*cough* corporate lobbying pressure *cough*) so it's not hard to be a part of.

Yeah, my bad. I kinda forgot that they were very similar to Tau in being less unified and technologically than the aliens that discovered them, as well as in their incredibly rapid catch up. Plus even with all the self-governance it gives, the UGC still has supreme and direct legislative power at least in some areas, so it's closer to a very lax EU-like thing than the UN; that might have thrown me off too.

I'm curious of whether you think they would have decided to become integrated if they did meet the early-days UGC as equals, or that they would have rather build their own space empire, with socialism and efficiency?

I'd like this as well tbh. Getting to a planet only to discover a thousand titty monster tourists have already trampled over it wears a bit thin.

Well, it only makes sense. The hordes of space bums rushing to the new worlds presumably only happens after the initial contact, surveillance and at least some semblance of an approval procedure. Captain Steele has nothing to do with any of those things, so they have no business - and depending on the way UGC law works, maybe even no right - being on a truly virgin planet.

And with the way Planet Rushes and UGC expansion in general supposedly work, the planet would need to have literally nothing of value on it to be spared from getting bum rushed.

Though if some semi-plausible version of the scenario Lashcharge has suggested would become a thing, it'd probably end up being quite interesting. So many ways for PC to screw up so many different things, oh my.
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Aug 26, 2015
Don't do it regardless.

As for an excuse for Steele to land on a virgin planet: sure, I can think of some, but most are pretty cheesy writing.  Admittedly, not that this has stopped me before, but it's the sort of thing best left to main story if Fen/Savin/Gedan decide to go that route.

Sexy space whales...I have thoughts, but not for where we're at in the game.  Maybe later.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I imagine that a space whale critter would need to be heavily psionic inorder to comfortably live in the unforgiving vacuum of space. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Has anyone mentioned cybernetics yet? Cause i would totally be for that. (I know..) .. I'm actually hoping for a bit more than is even possible with the save editor. Arms and junk, maybe a tail. The full cyborg package. Something that might even be fun is like a sort of temporary forced TF where a mob sticks a "shell" to you if you lose. lose enough times and it takes over leading to a bad ending, but it can be removed at any of the clinics. Example being like the pleasure droids on Tarkus. Whenever you lose or submit to them lock away part of you in a piece of pleasure droid shell that fuses to you.. lose enough times and you bad end become a mindless pleasure droid on Tarkus forever but if you go to the doctors and have them removed you will be safe. Could include debuffs with x number of parts and possible residual effects if you get too far gone but so long as you catch on and get it removed early nothing so that people who are against forced TF don't feel oppressed. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I´d like more color options for nipples, lips and possibly vaginas. I find it a bit annoying at times when I forget that changing your skin color doesn´t mean changing your color theme. There´s simply too few ways to change those. Luckily harpy princess seems to have something in store with her lip tease :D  

But I´d especially love it if you could somehow match the color of your nipples/lips with you skin color. That could greatly improve the varieties.

...would that actually be doable?

I´m currently writing up a vagina tf myself (shameful advertising), and it suddenly struck me that I could just add a color option which would allow you to match your skin color with your vagina color.

The problem however lies in whether or not that´s possible. Correct me if I´m wrong, but aren´t all the possible colors for vaginas, lips etc. kept separate?, so that if such an option where to be possible, every skin color would have to be an accessible vagina, lips etc. color.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
At the back.

In that case I'd like the option to add extra genitals at the front with taur bodies so I can still do things like penetrating someone while kissing him/her and stuff. Cause I imagine if the PC try to do this with his/her genitals between her back legs then either it's not gonna work or PC must have a huge member. ( Given how easy it is to increase the size of PC's prick however it's probably not that difficult. But still it means the member must be longer than the lower taur body and even more! )
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You can have your genitals either front or back, not both.

I think.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some species got them on front and back...but their still only npc's not option for pc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
But I´d especially love it if you could somehow match the color of your nipples/lips with you skin color. That could greatly improve the varieties.

...would that actually be doable?

I´m currently writing up a vagina tf myself (shameful advertising), and it suddenly struck me that I could just add a color option which would allow you to match your skin color with your vagina color.

The problem however lies in whether or not that´s possible. Correct me if I´m wrong, but aren´t all the possible colors for vaginas, lips etc. kept separate?, so that if such an option where to be possible, every skin color would have to be an accessible vagina, lips etc. color.

All of the color variables for various PC's body parts can contain literally anything, and they can be set to copy each other. Just look at the Goo shift stuff, which has the color of any of the part PC creates be based on the colour of their hair, and that also has an option to set the color of their whole body to match the color of their hair on later stages.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
All of the color variables for various PC's body parts can contain literally anything, and they can be set to copy each other. Just look at the Goo shift stuff, which has the color of any of the part PC creates be based on the colour of their hair, and that also has an option to set the color of their whole body to match the color of their hair on later stages.

Well if this is true I´ll try to somehow implement such a color option for my tf. Writing it in should be easy. Hopefully the coders won´t hate me.

...now if only @IVIysteriousPerson could add such an option for her lip tease, then my plan for galactic domina- *Cough Helping people with their color themes would be complete.

JK :p  Write whatever you want misty :)  


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
... Lip Tease has a color option, though...

I'm confused.

I know you have color options xD

What I was talking about was having items which allowed you to change your teats/lips/vagina color to match your skin. Just like you can with your hair and skin when you´ve reached 4th stage galomax. I was playing with the idea that I could add such an option for my mouthgina tf, which is a lipstick. And then I remembered that you also wrote a lipstick tf and half jokingly asked if you could also add such an option. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Not a lot of large clit scenes comes to mind, and reading through the event submissions. I notice I haven't seen any checks among the works I've seen there. Would love some girl pole action.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Really? Huh, I guess you're right. At some point I switched vore with watersports in my head, I guess?  

While I am in no way opposed to its inclusion in the game... traditional watersports isn't my thing... because pee is gross. However in a Universe where you can lactate chocolate milk and cum honey perhaps a gentle medium could be established where you have ... I dunno ... like .. whip cream watersports or something. Slurm like alien that pees refreshing cola? Something like that. Take the pee out of watersports. So .... watersorts? 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If there is a hard dev stance against it, it should probably be added to the ToS list. I assumed it was already on there, personally, but @Nik_van_Rijn correctly pointed out that it's not. At least not in the one in Ted's forum guide post.

Ted doesn't work here, nor was that post advised by any of the staff.

I mean, you're not wrong, but don't take anything Ted says as the be-all end-all of Forum policy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ted doesn't work here, nor was that post advised by any of the staff.

I mean, you're not wrong, but don't take anything Ted says as the be-all end-all of Forum policy.

Wait... what he's not any mod or something anymore?