The Syren Conspiracy (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Van Jalak. Scum. Villainy. Underworld. Bottom feeders. These are the words commonly associated with this planet full of slimeballs. 

Once a lush green planet with beautiful forests, fresh, clear rivers and air, it has now been turned into an urban jungle. The rivers choked with filth, the air stale and stinking, the trees all but gone. This seedy planet is home to the worst kind of criminals. Drug traffickers, sex slavers, pirates... It's a lawless world. The government is corrupt, uncaring, and most probably run by puppets of the major crime syndicates. Crime is quite rampant here, of course, with all the criminal elements around. 

The capital city, Vaesara, is home to our... Hero. In a city where the rich live in the clean upper levels and the poor are left to survive on their refuse, one can hardly expect much from the dregs of society living at the bottom. But wait. It's also a place where one can hide who doesn't want to be found. Bounty hunters, mercenaries, swords for hire, call them what you will. Our hero, a Laamin named Olivia Quilaan, is one of the former. 

Being a Laamin, she stands at exactly six feet tall, which is an average height for her race. Her skin is a very light lavender color. A common characteristic of Laamin is their tentacle-like hair. It can range from every colour of the rainbow to even black and white. In her case, it is a bunch of dark red tentacles that hang all the way down to her ass and closely resemble dread locks from a distance. Her eyes are gold with plus sign shaped pupils. Her ears are long and pointed like an elves ears but the outer edges have small feather like frills along them. Her lips are plump and kissable. Her body build is slightly thicker than average which just serves to give her amazing curves. Her breasts are a nice squeezable D cup. Her ass is well accentuated and heart shaped, her pussy lips are the same dark red as her tentacle hair and inside is lined with many caressing and teasing tendril like frills. On the out side she has a strange member. In shape it looks like an earth horse but along the frayed head, medial ring and base are small three inch tentacles that seep lust inducing fluids. It stands 12 inches long and 2 inches thick. Under it hangs a heavy pair of balls, almost the size of lemons that churn with cum. Her legs are long and slender, ending in normal human feet. 

Right now, she's walking to the bounty office, on the hunt for another job. She's wearing a dark blue body suit that has a gel layer between the fabrics to help protect the wearer without getting bulky. Her weapon is a special dart sniper which can fire four inch long darts that can be loaded with any kind of concoction, her favorite is sleeping darts. A personal grappling hook is on her wrist for getting to better vantage points and her last piece is a stealth generator, which can last for up to a minute, a prize from her last hunt. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She walks through the streets of Jalaks lower class, her hand glued to her equipment lest a pick pocket try to make an easy haul. Her eyes are open and alert as she makes her way to the bounty office. Despite the shit hole she is currently in, a smile graces her face, places like this are always full of opportunities to make some money and there is little she likes more than a bank account with six figures or more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
As she walks, she gets many wolf whistles and catcalls, most of them aimed at her curvy figure. Picking up the pace, she soon reaches the bounty office. 

The bounty office is a short, clean (relatively speaking) building made from salvaged prefab. It's walls are a dull metallic grey, and there are no windows. The words Bounty Office are scrawled crudely across the top of the entrance in bright yellow paint, an annoying contrast with the dark grey of the building's walls. 

As she walks in, she's greeted by the bounty officer, a Jaronian named Otto. Jaronians are squat, fat, bug-like creatures. They stand around four feet tall, with six insectile limbs attached to their body. Each limb sports spindly, stick-like fingers that look like they can break quite easily (and they do). Their bodies are covered with a hard carapace that can be either black or various shades of brown. In his case, a dark, almond brown. They have a facial structure similar to that of a terran ant, with dark red compartmentalized eyes and huge mandibles that manage a hissing accent when speaking the common tongue. "'Ey Olly! How ya doin'?" He calls out from across the slightly-full room. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She steps into the office with a grin on her face. "Not too bad Otto, not too bad at all. how has business been lately? Send any other shmucks off to their doom or have they wised up that bounty hunting isn't as easy as the videos make it out to be?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Otto laughs. "Both, as always Olly! Anyway! I got some new ones for ya! Take a look at these!" He moves his chair over to a terminal and pulls up a list of three names on the display. 

1) Karina Jaanok, AKA Starfire. Crimes: Violation of Intergalactic Confederation laws of trade, illegal arms dealing, sale of illegal substances. Description: A female Rakish around five feet tall. Green scaled skin, red eyes, long tail with spikes on end, blue hair. Last known location: Tallara City, planet Curakan. Wanted dead or alive. Reward: 5,000 Cs

2) Valarr Zaku, AKA Jacker. Crimes: Hijacking of trade vessels, hijacking of passenger carriers, malicious hacking of mainframe computers. Description: Male Zodaarian, six feet tall, humanoid with grey skin, clawed hands, blue eyes, grey hair, distinctive crescent shaped scar on left cheek. Last known location: Danno City, planet Hamin. Wanted alive. Reward: 7,000 Cs. 

3) Brynn Naari, AKA Vapor. Crimes: Assassination of planet Rennaro's governor, assassination of planet Qualin's governor, assassination of planet Nomadi's governor, mass murder of fifty innocent civilians. Description: Female Sarian, around five feet seven inches tall, dark red skin, black hair, orange eyes, black plates on stomach, thighs, and back. Last known location: Wargan City, planet Druvary. Wanted dead. Reward: 15,000 Cs. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She reads over the posts and whistles at the third one. " earn a wanted dead status...what a naughty girl! Seems a bit high stakes if she is willing to kill so quickly...but then again, 15 grand is hard to pass up right? I think I will take all three Otto, but I am leaving Brynn for last. I will need some extra dirt on her before I move to take down someone of her violent streak." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He nods quickly. "As you wish, Olly. Myself, I wouldn't go within five yards of her! Anyway, hand over your card..." He takes Olivia's card and after a few minutes of his fingers clacking on the screens, Olivia's card suddenly flashes with the information received from the bounty board. Otto hands the card back to her. "Good hunting, Olly!" He winks and waves at her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, I am looking forward to this. Always need more credits in the old bank account!" With a laugh she heads out of the office and up to the star port to get to her ship. 

Titan Kaiser, her pride and joy. A medium sized combat cruiser class battle and transport ship. The exterior is a dark forest green color with light grey trimming that adds a sleek and fashionable appeal. The ship is shiny with sharp edges rather than smooth curves giving it an aggressive appearance. It's armor is only medium class, but that is fine, it means the ship moves faster and can pull faster and sharper turns. A large ballistic cannon hides on the under side of the hull, when engaged it drops down and rains explosive flak at her enemies, Finally is her magnum opus, a stealth generator just like her personal one, perfect for sneaking aboard enemy freighters or locations. Olivia heads around the side and into the passenger entrance instead of the cargo door.

Stepping inside reveals a sleek steel gray interior with soft yellow lighting. After stepping out of the air lock she takes a right down the hall and then a left which leads her to the kitchen and dining area. She grabs a quick snack bar before heading north, past the bathroom and then a right which drops her off in the cock pit. She plops into the seat and starts getting things online.

"alright, first target is karina on Curakan. not too far out of the way!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The ship lifts off smoothly, zipping into the sky with nary a sound. It vibrates for a few months it leaves the atmosphere, and then she's in space. The sight never ceased to amaze her. Blinking stars, far off planets, the simple emptiness and vastness of the void that encompassed all life. 

Olivia engages the Class 2 hyperdrive, and sets course for Curakan. It should take her a few hours to get there. She decides to doze off till then. 

Three hours later, she drops into the orbit of Curakan. Curakan is a water world, with 95% of the planet's surface covered in water. The native Curans are a species that closely resemble the terran catfish, with wide, gaping mouths with tendrils hanging above slitted gills. They are humanoid, and have three thick, flat ended digits for hands and webbed feet.

"Titan Kaiser, this is port authority, please wait for clearance." A garbled voice issues from her comms. After a few minutes, "Titan Kaiser, cleared to land. Welcome to Curakan, Olivia Quilaan. Please land on platform B7." The voice says. 

What a Curan resembles:

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Roger that port authority, proceeding to B7, thank you very much." She steers her ship over to the designated platform, coming to a stop above it, the wings folding up and the ship slowly lowering down onto the land gear with a soft hiss. She grabs her gear from the wall next to her and heads out of her ship with a smile on her face. "Alright, Talara City, that is where my prey awaits. Should be easy to spot a Rakish among all the Curans."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The air here is fresh and salty, highly unlike that of Van Jalak. Curans kept a very strict watch on their environment. Littering, smoking, and pretty much anything that damaged the delicate environment of the planet was a finable crime. 

Olivia decides that the best place to look for Karina would be a bar or some other decrepit looking place. If she remembers correctly, open combat is strictly forbidden on Curan, and any violators will be heavily fined and never allowed to return to the planet. She'll have to keep this job quiet. A bounty hunter licence carried no meaning here. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She cluches her briefcase tightly, her trusty sniper hidden inside of it. Walking through the city she heads for the seedier and less upkept areas of the city, the slums some might call it. She keeps her eyes open in case her target is walking around outside right now and for any potential areas she might be hiding in, bars being the first that come to mind.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
After a few minutes of walking the streets filled with Curans and offworlders, she spies a bar that caters to all offworlders. It's a two-storey building, a bluish-grey like all the other buildings on Curakan. She can hear the distinct sound of techno music coming from the door. 'Angarna's Bar' flashes a neon red above the door. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and heads for Angarna's bar. 'Yea, this should do the trick. All off worlders welcome huh? Lound techno music as well...yea, this should work.' She thought as she stepped inside.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She's instantly hit with the sound of the bar. The techno music vibrating through her body, the buzz and hum of chatter, a few loud laughs, a few eyes turned her way... The usual. She walks up to the bartender, another Jaronian. "Hello there! And who might you be?" It asks in a distinctively female voice, although it was hard to tell the difference between the males and females of this race.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Just another off worlder looking for a good time." She puts on a winning smile and takes a seat at the bar. "Honestly...I'm on the hunt for a little 'fun' if you catch my drift. I don't suppose any Rakish girls have made there way in here? They are currently what my desires call for." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mmhmm." She narrows her eyes at her. "Information comes with a price 'round here." She says, nonchalantly picking up a mug and cleaning it with a rag. 


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Oct 1, 2015
"When doesn't it? how does a hundred credits sound? that jog your memory?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She takes the credit chits from Olivia's hand. "Now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure there's a really cute Rakish girl in one of those private booths in the back. I'm sure she won't mind some company!" The bug says, winking at her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh that is just excellent! Give me two drinks, whatever is good here, then I will head on over."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Sure! Two Toxic Sludges coming up!" She turns around to the shelf behind her, taking down a bunch of drinks and mixing them together before turning back to Olivia and slamming down two mugs of bubbling green liquid. "Don't worry, honey. It tastes a lot better than it looks!" She says. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nods and pays for the drinks before getting up and heads toward the booth. She uses her hair to hold the drinks while she reaches into her brief case and takes out a sleeping dart. She cracks it open and dumps the clear liquid into one cup before tossing the dart in the trash, closing her case and heading to the private booths, looking for her target.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
There are five private booths, out of which, she can tell, three are unoccupied, leaving two. One of them has a female voice emanating from it while the other is quiet. Olivia looks between the two of them, trying to decide which one Karina was in. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
As she guessed, she was right. Karina was sitting inside with her head in her hands, an empty mug in front of her. She looks up at Olivia, and a gun is instantly in her hand. "Who the hell are you?" She asks, her eyes dropping to the mugs in her hand before going back up to her face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Woa! Easy girl. My name is Sarah and I saw you from the other side of the bar. You looked lonely and sorely out of drink." She offers her the drugged cup. "I was wondering if I could join you?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Karina looks her up and down for a few seconds before shrugging and taking the mug. "Sit. Make a move and I'll blast your head off, rules be damned." She says, taking the mug and sipping at it. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and sits down, putting her case next to her and drinking from her own cup. "So...what's a cute little number like you doing here?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Not that it's any of your damn business, but I'm here to meet a client." She says, hiccuping at the end of her sentence. "Prick wanted to buy something, but he hasn't shown up till now." She takes a long draught from the mug, two deep swallows. Apparently she's a very truthful drunk...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiled as her target drank deep of her drugged up...wouldn't be long now. "Sounds like he skimped on you. That sounds rough. At least you have this club to enjoy right?"