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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
What about having a transformation interaction involving galomax and grey goo? Like if you already have goo bits and you use enough grey goo to heal yourself the nano machines rewrite your goo bits to also become grey goo? Something like that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What about having a transformation interaction involving galomax and grey goo? Like if you already have goo bits and you use enough grey goo to heal yourself the nano machines rewrite your goo bits to also become grey goo? Something like that.

Oooh, boy! I like THAT idea!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I like TFs that are more than just a single usage blurb. Like GaloMax added an entire system of...stuff.
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That's actually a cool idea. I don't know how much being grey goo vs regular goo could be explored or elaborated on, but a descriptor change indicating you're made of a cluster of nanomachines instead of just goo might not be too hard.

And then you could have sweet nano-interface sex with Nova where the two of you literally become one...

I like this very much.

Another project to Misty's ever growing pile. :)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
My thread title idea is slowly becoming more relevant than ever.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
A D/s blackmail and exhibition questline with enforced chastity and orgasm denial starring the PC.

Also devious living armor would be nice or even just fetish wear.

It's funny because everything I've said has already been attempted by writers in the past. @Gedan: A bit of a long shot but I don't suppose you have the old forum's sql backup lying around?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Hush, you. :p  

how about you get the thread back on topic, huh? What does noobie want in TiTS that hasn't already been said?

You want lil' elephant cock-cozies, don't you? :smugdog:  

Yes, but they have to be some kind of weird symbiote that actually turns your junk into a tiny elephant head that trumpets when you orgasm. >.>


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I woner if anyone said yet here that their want...acutaly huge part of current backlog fro game been coded in span of 1-2 days? xD

Sadly that not fall under what content :/

But I think not many mentioned if any both DV or DA scenes :laugh: Heck even both of those at once for better ban...en effect.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2016
1- Puffy anus. We've got the Butt Slut perk. I kind of wish you could get this earlier, kind of like how we can enhance vaginas one planet into the game. Even with the perk, there doesn't seem to be a way to get this kind of description. Recently rolled a full on centaur and I was kind of sad she doesn't have a puffy equine butthole lips.

2- Acknowledgement of lubrication. I'm noticing in scenes that characters are still "spit shinning" and oiling up orifices despite them having natural lubrication. Why is he putting spit on his penis when my character's ass natural lubricates... and a lot by the way.

3- Acknowledgement of a Knot. Guys are doing a great job so far in this, I'm noticing more and more older scenes, now acknowledging a knotted penis. But I'm still seeing some classic scenes missing them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
1- Puffy anus. We've got the Butt Slut perk. I kind of wish you could get this earlier, kind of like how we can enhance vaginas one planet into the game. Even with the perk, there doesn't seem to be a way to get this kind of description. Recently rolled a full on centaur and I was kind of sad she doesn't have a puffy equine butthole lips.

Doesn't Anusol already cover that? A double dose will give your anus the 'pumped' status, which makes it pretty puffy. Kinda like how the Sukmastr does with pussies. You just gotta get Myrellion's coordinates for it to be available in Lerris's shop.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
1- Puffy anus. We've got the Butt Slut perk. I kind of wish you could get this earlier, kind of like how we can enhance vaginas one planet into the game. Even with the perk, there doesn't seem to be a way to get this kind of description. Recently rolled a full on centaur and I was kind of sad she doesn't have a puffy equine butthole lips.

Anusoft does it. Best TF in the game :V


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1- Puffy anus. We've got the Butt Slut perk. I kind of wish you could get this earlier, kind of like how we can enhance vaginas one planet into the game. Even with the perk, there doesn't seem to be a way to get this kind of description. Recently rolled a full on centaur and I was kind of sad she doesn't have a puffy equine butthole lips.

You can already have this with Anusoft you can get from Lerris shop on Tavros.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Something that sorta bothers me a bit, but I can't really think of a way to rework it either though i'd love to see it is a way to be a Tech Specialist and a Bimbo. I can't skip the bimbo content. Its a problem. What can I say.. its not even major fetish of mine, its just some of the best scenes in the game to me, but at the same time Tech Specialist is my favorite class and combining the two though playable is really freakin' hard. It would be cool if there was some kind of technolust option. 

Alternatively or rather just curiously I'd also like to maybe see a lust based class introduced. One for the people that just want to fuck their way across the galaxy. Lothario or something.

Oh .. and a hermaphroditic hyena-morph race. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
i know it may be moderate compared to most of these posts but maybe more interactions with zo'dee as i stated in a previous post she's cute and adorable and it would be nice if you could learn a little bit more about her and/or have a quest that she is heavily involved in. It would be a nice addition to an already wonderful game (its also very addicting) and this is coming from someone who's only played the public version. Also i like a good story and to be quite honest the story in this is/seems better than the majority of the overpriced aaa games we've been getting recently.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Came up with another one. A way to remove wings entirely. I like being a demon morph, but honestly just don't want wings. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
You could save scum using terran treats, but I´m assuming you mean a tf that specifically removes wings?

Yes. I know I could do that (or a few other items) but i really hate save scumming unless I absolutely must. We have a doctor that will hack off your willy or boobs, why not wings? I mean in this game everything is a sex organ. :p


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Not sure if this has been mentioned but an overhaul of the gear slots. I would specifically like to see the "melee weapon" and "ranged weapon" slots replaced with left and right hand slots respectively since being able to wield a two handed spear and a chain gun at the same time seems odd space wise when you can't wield two pistols and an axe which would be more logical when you take into account the size and weight of the items. Head, torso, waist and hand accessory slots would be cool but I can live with just having one slot for accessories. Dual wielding would be nice especially if you do decide to use the hand slots idea then you could have a pistol and a knife equipped without having to spend an action to swap between weapons to stab or shoot, or you could have two one handed melee/ranged weapons equipped for double the number of attacks but have a penalty to accuracy for the off hand weapon and a damage penalty for off hand melee weapons as well.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2016
More alien-based life forms, like the Martian girl on the ant planet.

Ability to gain a bull penis. This has been bothering me since I discovered New Texas: Why would a cow race not have cow penises?

BESS-13 Picture overhaul. Body changes appearance based off her presets.

More special abilities on weapons, specifically guns.

Addition of an Incest Kink sex option for Shade. The line "Who's the little sister now?" sticks out in my head.

Zones get pictures too. The backgound photo for New Texas might be sprawling farmland.

Incest Kink sex option for Jill.

More shotguns. If the Varmint isn't dead, you have failed to use a sufficient size gauge, people.


Quest to investigate Novahome's Slave Trade. Perhaps involving BESS-13?

Artificial planet?


Mermaids? Harpies?

Maybe an alien race unused to casual sex for cultural reasons? It'd be fun converting them to the way of the TiT.

Revisiting Taivra's Castle. I find it unfair that she locks you out moments after she calls you her queen.

Lions and Giraffes.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Incest Kink sex option for Jill.

I'm pretty sure an incesteous route of some kind WILL be an option for Jack/Jill, just not now. That's more of an endgame thing.

BESS-13 Picture overhaul. Body changes appearance based off her presets.

Yeeeaaah I doubt that'll ever be a thing for obvious reasons. >.<;
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm surprised that Ben/Bess actually has a bust of his/her own, even if it's a basic/default/placeholder one. Yet it's the only bust I toggled off so far because that's totally not my Steele's husbandroid (for the time being. I might get Bess in a future run).
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Jun 8, 2016
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
- Would love to have the SukMastr 2000 available on more NPC. Like Reaha and Anno for starters. I imagine Reaha would end up loving getting domed with that little beauty. While the thought of  us persuading Anno. Hnnnngh! Especially if it sticks and she wears the company uniform.

- Another thought is some selfcest tit fucking, for those with a single, not long enough for fellatio, but got enough boobs, dong. We have the option with multiple dongs I found, but not for a single dong. Could even make use of long tongues.

-Webcam whoring, I think has been mentioned in the past but, its something I'd love for my exhibitionist to play with. Even for free.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
-Webcam whoring, I think has been mentioned in the past but, its something I'd love for my exhibitionist to play with. Even for free.

Hey everyone it's me Alloy again. This time I've got a real treat for you guys and girls, I've brought along a friend, she wants to remain annonymous. So we'll just call her ann *Gets hit in the side, "Call me Donna" a white haired ausar with a black sensor mark across her eyes informs. She acts reluctant but one can clearly see by the constant wagging of her tail that she's quite excited about what's about to happen.

I don't think I'd mind you being able to rewatch episodes you've recorded, but considering how much of an ever shifting blob Steele jr. is it'd be hard to pull off.

But I agree webcam whoring sounds fun.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Hey everyone it's me Alloy again. This time I've got a real treat for you guys and girls, I've brought along a friend, she wants to remain annonymous. So we'll just call her ann *Gets hit in the side, "Call me Donna" a white haired ausar with a black sensor mark across her eyes informs. She acts reluctant but one can clearly see by the constant wagging of her tail that she's quite excited about what's about to happen.

I don't think I'd mind you being able to rewatch episodes you've recorded, but considering how much of an ever shifting blob Steele jr. is it'd be hard to pull off.

But I agree webcam whoring sounds fun.

Lol I kinda just pictured a silent act of responding to requests, but if Anno jumped in. I'd love that even more~. Figured it could be either just masterbation or putting on a lengthy video for credits with the jaded effect afterwards. Either way, fun fun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
I probably should do this after I've read all of the previous posts, and I'm sure some of the stuff listed down there has probably been mentioned before or already implemented (or in the process of). Anyway here are a few of my ideas:

1. More insect and arthropod transformations, such as Centipede, dragonfly, spider, crab, anything with joints and hard shell basically. Yeah I'm weird. 

2. Maybe the players can replace part of their body  with prosthetic willingly? Like permanently replace an eye with a mechanical one that increases your aim; or robotic arms/legs which are stronger/faster, even have hidden guns and other weapons in them; or maybe a robotic dick/tentacle which probably have some fierce piston and vibration function. Eventually may even go to the extreme of completely abandoning the biological body in favor of a robotic one? I sort of have a doll fetish ( Thanks to Rozen Maiden) so I'd really want a almost doll like body with visible joints and stuff. Along the same line of thought, a gray goo body would be fun too. Just imagine your character be like T-1000 from Terminator 2 and shape shifting through shit. 

3. We've always been landing on some planet where the other rushers have already got to and set up some form of settlement. Can there be a instance where the players are the ones who made first contact? And thus the player will decide what to do with the planet and its inhabitants, like call the government and let them do the usual diplomacy and trading stuff, or keep the planet a secret and just do whatever you want on it, either help the locals to be better prepared for the space age, or even pose as a god and make the locals worship you and stuff?

4. I know it's a taste that's not widely accepted, but can there be some piss play? Like Maybe a choice of turning on/off such scenes would be nice?

5. There must be a point where our player get to modify/change the ship right? As fun as riding our old man's relic is, I'd really want to traverse the stars in something more fancy, maybe like a huge battle ship with enough guns to glass a planet or two. There can also be special sex scene according to some of the facilities you have on the ship, like a "zero gravity deck" where you get to float around and enjoy the tranquility of space, and if you have company then you can have some zero-gravity floating fun.  Or a really large bathroom where all of the gals can hop in for some casual fun (like with the bath girl in COC), or maybe even some epic orgy. 

6. Speaking of orgy, I do feel like there isn't enough interaction between crew members. Maybe some scene on how they'd chat with each other, or even just everyone sit down around a big table and have a meal. Of course I don't mind to see Anno get some goo action too. 

7. As much as I love all the pretty girls in the galaxy, just a few more boys wouldn't hurt right? I mean not fem-boys but real boys. And not the muscular bulls like on New Texas either, but pretty ones. 

8. Some oriental clothing and accessories? Like kimono and stuff. Speaking of oriental, has anyone heard of "nyotaimori" ? Basically it's using a naked female body as a large plate to present sushi and sashimi and stuff. Maybe a sushi restaurant somewhere ? The player character can even work there and such. 

9. Speaking of restaurants. I know I can buy maid costumes so this must be a thing in this universe. Maybe a maid cafe somewhere? Again the player character may choose to part time there as a maid for some extra cash, and provide some special services for generous customers. 

10. On second thought, maybe 8 and 9 can just be special events for the brothel? 

11. When writing about modifying ships it gave me an idea, if adding big rooms on our little ship prove to be not feasible or not lore friendly, then maybe the players can go on a cruise or something, and you can imagine shit can go very right or very wrong.

12. The universe is vast. Maybe there can be actual "space faring" species? Like they don't need ships or suits to survive in the vacuum?

13. Most races encountered so far are either part of our government or newly discovered primitives. Will there be other space faring civilizations which is not part of our council or whatever it's called?  

14. More SM and bondage options with the crew? 

15. More of a question than an idea, but when the player have any sort of taur lower body, like with the Leithan, where exactly are the sexual organs located? At the front or at the back? Cause I'd imagine some scenes would work really differently. Like if your dick is between the back legs and you're fucking someone under you, it's unlikely you'll be able to touch the other person's breast or kiss him/her right? Is it possible to let's say get a few sexual organs some between your front legs, others between your back legs? I believe one of the gold Myr queen had something similar right?  One pussy in front and one pussy at the back?
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