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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
And here I am writing out of love for the game.

And honestly, writing for this game is little taxing, which is why I recomend also writing for A03. No matter what you write there, someone will appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Good for you. That and a sack gets you a sack.
You did write for quite niche NPCs, so maybe that is the reason why your stuff did gather much buzz. One of them was also a guy, so it did not help. As said, try writing something for AO3. Even someone like me who is a newbice when it comes to writing in english has gathered quite a following there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
You did write for quite niche NPCs, so maybe that is the reason why your stuff did gather much buzz. One of them was also a guy, so it did not help. As said, try writing something for AO3. Even someone like me who is a newbice when it comes to writing in english has gathered quite a following there.
Maybe so, but its still disheartening and having one person (who shall remain nameless) tell me I shouldn't care if my work gets any traction or not and imply I was wrong for doing so and have another person imply I'm shit at it doesn't incentivise me to write for this game anymore anyway. I'm not saying I wanted a standing ovation or anything but acting like I should just ignore the fact that nobody really cared and keep carrying on with the same level of passion regardless is ridiculous. I had a lot of ideas I wanted to get in eventually but it seems kind of pointless, especially when this is the audience I'm writing for. I've pretty much abandoned this place, I just said I'd chime in since my own experience seemed relevant and I get shat on. Its hard not to be a little bitter. Its funny you mention AO3, I actually have written a fanfiction recently that I'm going to be posting on there soon after I do a bit more polishing. I hope people like it and if they do I'll be writing a lot more on there too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Well, thanks for just implying I'm a bad writer I guess. My stuff got in the game but nobody seemed to care is my point.
Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was being a moron and didn't read the room right.

I meant that, unlike you, not everybody has the conviction to actually put the work in and make their ideas reality, myself included.

I still have the Google doc for one of my ideas front and center on my bookmarks bar, plus theres some other cool shit i came up with, but I know theyre nothing but a pipe dreams.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
(who shall remain nameless) tell me I shouldn't care if my work gets any traction
Sorry if it came of like that. Often times it is not the quality of your writing that gets you attention, but the themes/audience/fandoms you target. I can not speak for your TiTs submission since I no longer engage with that game, but just by the fact you got something in tells me that at least the writers/developers think you are doing fine job.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was being a moron and didn't read the room right.

I meant that not everybody has the conviction to actually put the work in and make their ideas reality, myself included.

I still have the Google doc for one of my ideas front and center on my bookmarks bar, plus theres some other cool shit i came up with, but I know theyre nothing but a pipe dreams.
Thank you for apologizing, ngl that really made me angry and kind of hurt my feelings so its good to know it wasn't intentional. And you're right about the conviction stuff.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Sorry if it came of like that. Often times it is not the quality of your writing that gets you attention, but the themes/audience/fandoms you target. I can not speak for your TiTs since I no longer engage with that game, but just by the fact you got something in tells me that at least the writers/developers think you are doing fine job.
Oh no, I didn't mean you, it was somebody else. That's true, I know some stuff will appeal to people more than others, especially when it comes to these games. And I appreciate you saying so, they probably do, it would just have been nice if more people cared. I do feel a bit better having talked about it though. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Building on the conviction thing.... tbh I think if I really buckled down I could probably get something made. The issue is I have no idea how to write nsfw stuff, so that really limits my options....


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Building on the conviction thing.... tbh I think if I really buckled down I could probably get something made. The issue is I have no idea how to write nsfw stuff, so that really limits my options....
I'd recommend reading nsfw fanfics and the like to help inspire you and give you an idea of how stuff like that is written. Plus stuff in the games themselves of course. It can seem daunting but once you start and get into a daily rhythm it gets easier!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I'd recommend reading nsfw fanfics and the like to help inspire you and give you an idea of how stuff like that is written. Plus stuff in the games themselves of course. It can seem daunting but once you start and get into a daily rhythm it gets easier!
You know what, maybe I will! Thanks man!

I'll probably start small. Maybe a few items....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
First things first though.... I need to figure out how to change my fucking retarded name....

If I end up in the credits of something, this is not what I wanna be known as.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
You did write for quite niche NPCs, so maybe that is the reason why your stuff did gather much buzz. One of them was also a guy, so it did not help. As said, try writing something for AO3. Even someone like me who is a newbice when it comes to writing in english has gathered quite a following there.
Drop the link pretty please


Feb 20, 2023
Maybe so, but its still disheartening and having one person (who shall remain nameless) tell me I shouldn't care if my work gets any traction or not and imply I was wrong for doing so and have another person imply I'm shit at it doesn't incentivise me to write for this game anymore anyway. I'm not saying I wanted a standing ovation or anything but acting like I should just ignore the fact that nobody really cared and keep carrying on with the same level of passion regardless is ridiculous. I had a lot of ideas I wanted to get in eventually but it seems kind of pointless, especially when this is the audience I'm writing for. I've pretty much abandoned this place, I just said I'd chime in since my own experience seemed relevant and I get shat on. Its hard not to be a little bitter. Its funny you mention AO3, I actually have written a fanfiction recently that I'm going to be posting on there soon after I do a bit more polishing. I hope people like it and if they do I'll be writing a lot more on there too.
You are responsible for the Abel footjob, innit? Liked it.

Also, I like browsing here for things to possibly include in my future ideas. Not everything here is just "Do X exactly", some things can be applied on the side while writing an NPC or an scene.


Aug 27, 2015
Plus its disheartening if you take that plunge but what you write gets barely any attention or feedback. It doesn't exactly incentivise you to keep doing it. Speaking from personal experience.

You've just got to suck that up, sorry. People will be around to cheerlead you when you declare you're going to write something, and maybe if you're very active about promoting yourself and getting art done of your OCs and whatnot you can build yourself a little fanbase on social media, but the hard reality is that once you're in the middle of it it's just going to be you and the page, nobody else. And maybe what you produce sucks and that's the reason nobody wants to engage with it. In which case the only solution is to go away and practice, again a hard and often lonely pursuit.

Positive feedback is a wonderful thing, don't get me wrong. But other people can't press the keys for you. Only by producing consistently can you get people's attention.

EDIT: This conversation went on longer than I saw, and I didn't wish to imply that what you did produce for TiTS was poor quality either, it wasn't - I'm actually grateful you did something for one of my own characters. One of the unfortunate realities of this game is that the audience is much less ready to recognise work done on existing characters and areas than they are on New and Shiny Things.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
You've just got to suck that up, sorry. People will be around to cheerlead you when you declare you're going to write something, and maybe if you're very active about promoting yourself and getting art done of your OCs and whatnot you can build yourself a little fanbase on social media, but the hard reality is that once you're in the middle of it it's just going to be you and the page, nobody else. And maybe what you produce sucks and that's the reason nobody wants to engage with it. In which case the only solution is to go away and practice, again a hard and often lonely pursuit.

Positive feedback is a wonderful thing, don't get me wrong. But other people can't press the keys for you. Only by producing consistently can you get people's attention.

EDIT: This conversation went on longer than I saw, and I didn't wish to imply that what you did produce for TiTS was poor quality either, it wasn't - I'm actually grateful you did something for one of my own characters. One of the unfortunate realities of this game is that the audience is much less ready to recognise work done on existing characters and areas than they are on New and Shiny Things.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me and I really appreciate your advice. And you are right, I just sort of feel like when it comes to Trials its even more of an uphill battle compared to CoC2 due to the age of the game and the sheer amount of content in it. Admittedly, it has been pointed out to me that the content I wrote for was relatively niche compared to other parts of the game, so that probably played a factor too and as you pointed out it was for older characters. I do have ideas for my own characters which maybe I'll return to in the future if I feel the impetus and really get my Trials writing mojo back, although its a very big maybe. In the meantime, I'm just gonna focus on my fanfiction writing. I'm delighted to hear that you're grateful for what I wrote though, it makes me feel a lot better!


Mar 12, 2025
I would kind of like to be guided to a list of everyone that worked on the game and what they worked on. The game's credits only lists some of the core people working on the game currently (not including what they've worked on) and many people who supported the game monetarily. This is the first time I've heard of anybody who offered smaller volumes of content. It seems that there aren't very many willing to write for Trials in Tainted Space, but that's my judgement based off of a single comment post.
Couch said:
This thread exists as a void for people to throw ideas into so that they don't flood the rest of the forum with them. Nothing that goes in here has been or ever will be implemented, because every person who writes for the game already has far more ideas for content than we could ever possibly hope to implement. We are not short of ideas, we're short of people willing and able to do the actual work of writing their ideas. The only way that new content is ever added to this game is when someone stops expecting other people to write their idea for them and writes it themselves.
There's also this post from a moderator with the title:

"I have an idea-" Stop. Read this first.​

Magic Ted said:
Hello. Your idea is bad.

The idea subforum is here for two joint purposes; first, throwing shit at the wall by a bunch of people who have no actual desire to go through with it and write it themselves. These people are just here to raise their post counts, as they certainly won't inspire anyone outside of, MAYBE, discussion on various abilities and other non-character/submission things. Second; for authors to refine their content in hopes of one day writing it.

As you might imagine we only really get one sort of poster here. Your would-be idea will likely be ignored if not outright mocked and, let's be honest here, even if you come in with a plan to actually do it you're going to flake, aren't you? It's a daunting task made all the worse by the variable nature of TiTs; if there was a single protaganist character you could write for? Sure! A faceless slate with potential-tits and naughty bits? Rather difficult, with the word count easily ranging upwards to five thousand at a simple minimum.

That's a lot of work. It's unlikely you're going to do it. That's fine, just temper your expectations and realize that, hey, you probably aren't gonna inspire anyone.
After seeing this kind of post, it's no wonder not many people are going to volunteer to write for the game. Are there very many people who would volunteer or apply for a job and come in for training after being given this sort of motivation at an interview? Sure, it can deter writers who aren't sure if they'll keep writing until they finish a project and that might not be too serious about a project, but it can also turn away passionate writers that might actually want to contribute something out of love for it, too.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
After seeing this kind of post, it's no wonder not many people are going to volunteer to write for the game. Are there very many people who would volunteer or apply for a job and come in for training after being given this sort of motivation at an interview? Sure, it can deter writers who aren't sure if they'll keep writing until they finish a project and that might not be too serious about a project, but it can also turn away passionate writers that might actually want to contribute something out of love for it, too. This post is, not surprisingly, a great way to encourage potential recruits.
This may be a chicken or the egg situation but from what I've seen, most people who already play the game don't care to write for it. And these games haven't had their player numbers improve in a good while so writers who aren't already in the fandom aren't getting into them either. So even if that message was removed it's unlikely anything would change.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2023
I will say, I have all the sympathy for the people that do write for the game, because the process looks to be harrowing and not very rewarding. Putting yourself out there and submitting your work to so many critical eyes, from the team deciding if they want it in game, to the players deciding if they like it afterward, it's hard, it's long, and for most writers, basically unpaid work. It require passion and willpower to invest so much of your time and energy in a prospect like that.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2024
I would personally buy the first dev to get rid of the muzzle face tag requirement on the Androgyny Perk dinner because holy fuck, this thing feels like it'd help so much with character building if it wasn't locked off. It'd not even coded right because it's a requirement to have that face tag just to keep the perk, not to acquire it. So, like me, new players will try to get it and immediately lose it and be confused why.
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
Anything involving companions getting pregnant/impregnating the PC. But I WOULD KILL for a bit where Kiro, Kally AND the PC get each other pregnant, also more responses from characters who take the PC's vaginal virginity.

Also speaking of Kiro perhaps adding an option of getting your own cockmilker on your ship if you're a kui-tan or have kui-tan like outputs, then can have scenes with Kiro with it if she's crew.


Mar 12, 2025
This may be a chicken or the egg situation but from what I've seen, most people who already play the game don't care to write for it. And these games haven't had their player numbers improve in a good while so writers who aren't already in the fandom aren't getting into them either. So even if that message was removed it's unlikely anything would change.
I do know removing it wouldn't really change anything now. What I meant was that, at the time of its creation, it may have been one of many factors that contributed to a lack of writers, but I don't exactly have a way of tracking player numbers or how many writers joined the development team over several years of Trials in Tainted Space's history. What computer program would be able to display a statistical table of this information from a specific website? I'm not too heavily knowledgeable about computer programs and tools. Could I find it with a search engine search?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
I do know removing it wouldn't really change anything now. What I meant was that, at the time of its creation, it may have been one of many factors that contributed to a lack of writers, but I don't exactly have a way of tracking player numbers or how many writers joined the development team over several years of Trials in Tainted Space's history. What computer program would be able to display a statistical table of this information from a specific website? I'm not too heavily knowledgeable about computer programs and tools. Could I find it with a search engine search?
Here are Savin and Fenoxo Patreon numbers: CoC2 / TiTS

If you go on All you can see CoC2 has not had growth since 2023 and TiTS has been steadily losing members since 2022. I don't know the full history of all of these games controversies so I can't look at the graphs and say what triggered this if anything at all. I've also never in the Discord so I can't say if those numbers have changed.