What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
A Mhorgenn romance + pregg-expansion, since she's the only orc-like character with a huge fat dong, plus I like her dommy content, and if it's possible to have her for a crew member expansion, then that'd be the cherry on top, but yeah just want more content for her in general, since she's basically the equivalent of having Arona from COC2 in TITS, but damn she just looks to damn good, to not have more content for her, especially crew expansion to Steele's harem of dommy futa babes.
It might be possible to get Mhorgann released as our slave like Sam was if a good writer is willing to do it, but my impression is that after she's beaten, she becomes a Beta, specifically for us. She's subordinate to us because we beat her, and because Orcs Thraggen are a warrior race, she feels no shame or resentment for that because submitting to a worthy opponent who beats you is part of their culture. So at best, making her a dom again would have to be opt-in to be consistent, and she would still be our slave, i.e. only the mistress in the sheets.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2023
It might be possible to get Mhorgann released as our slave like Sam was if a good writer is willing to do it, but my impression is that after she's beaten, she becomes a Beta, specifically for us. She's subordinate to us because we beat her, and because Orcs Thraggen are a warrior race, she feels no shame or resentment for that because submitting to a worthy opponent who beats you is part of their culture. So at best, making her a dom again would have to be opt-in to be consistent, and she would still be our slave, i.e. only the mistress in the sheets.
I don't know, after meeting her again at the bar, she still has plenty of domming scenes for the player and didn't seem very submissive to me, beside she's not released, she's just hanging out, are you confusing her for the pirate captain on Tarkus?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Oh right, that was Captain Khorgan.

In my defence, though, Mhorgenn seems to have been created partially as an expy of Khorgan, since they're both Thraggen mercs in dungeons who pilot big mech suits. Also I've never seen her outside the dungeon and, frankly, had forgotten she existed because five years of fucking every hole offered to me in TiTS has made them all start to blend together.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
little disappointed that the Slyveren Slave doesn't have a proper "Fuck her face" sex option. One where you're basically just claiming her mouth as your property and fucking it roughly regardless of how she feels. given the context of her as your unwilling slave, and the Slyveren being natural cocksuckers, felt like the obvious thing to include.

maybe it'd be a sex scene, maybe a punishment, i don't know. just feels like there needs to be a rough "grab her head and have fun" option that the existing options just don't quite seem to hit. would help with the whole "mind break" idea where she learns to love it imo

bonus points if it is, or if there also is an option to have her laying on her back on the bed taking it in the mouth. think she was doing that during the first break scene where you feed her directly for the first time? not sure.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
An update for the save editor, so i can edit the rest of the game's npcs requirements for their sex scenes, so they can take my MC's fat 18in dong.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2019
Eitan sub content in form of feminization/genderbend or give him the Vark treatment would be cool. In general just want more scenes akin to slave slyveren.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
A fix for Brandy so you can put her into Miscreant Manor without needing to have used it yourself would be nice.

Really makes no sense as a requirement.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Well I know what the ending for this specific quest are, but I recall that the plan was for all of the myr quests to all come together in the end to find a resolution to the tension on the planet.

Honestly it's been so long im not sure anymore.... can anyone confirm or deny this?
Wait that was planned?!?!?!? Oh so that's why EmmyQuest still shows up on the tool tip for Myrellion...

Also still waiting on Myrellion to be finished lol.

It's finished.

I thought fenoxo wrote a war resolution for it?

Wait wuh!?!?!?

Since when!?!??!?!

Yes, a war resolution was planned originally, but has long since been abandoned.

There were some ideas floating around for Steele to resolve the war one way or another.
The closest things currently in the game are blowing provoking a nuklear strike and getting them to glass the planet by blowing up the Black Void base during Kara Quest 2 (Steele needs a hard enough personality for that), and resolving the War Queen side quest.
Chances are that's all we're getting. It's technically not impossible that more will be added, but it's close to the bottom of an essentially infinitely long list.

Yeah, I knew that already.....

Here's hoping they manage to get to it.

profound sadness mixed with tangible exasperation

Fuck it, I'll just have to pray that this doesn't end up like the Dhaal Party or KaraQuest and in x years I end up needing to edit my save like I'm modding Skyrim or Fallout.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2024
A hardlight piercing or accessory, similar to the ghostlight in CoC2. Partially because every scene mentions you taking off all your clothes- including your hardlight underwear- and then getting to the sex (which is goofy, why are you taking your strap off to peg someone) and partially because the hardlight strap-on as it is just kind of doesn't work for me the way it currently is.
It feels less like a strap-on than it does a gadget that happens to be dick-shaped, which kind of defeats the purpose.


Mar 12, 2025
Good morning/afternoon/night to everyone. I have a few ideas. This thread has over 300 pages, so I don't know if any of these have been suggested before. A notification would be greatly appreciated.

1. Possible extra details during scenes/alternate scenes and dialogue with enemies and NPCs that depend on what type of sperm and milk you are producing (marked examples are vanae milk, honey, and chocolate sperm). It could lead (in the case of vanae milk) to extra options to use your milk to increase a character's testicle size and sperm production (maybe accidentally during romance or with their permission). This is a very hard question. It might involve adding extra descriptions, dialogue, and interactions for every scene that is already in the game and is the kind of impossible dream that would never be implemented.

2. A slight expansion to the Cerespirin transformative. There could be additional dialogue for the existing option, or a separate option for a male and female (both accessible by herms) variation, for the cockvine tentacles' "Tentaorgy" masturbation choice where the tentacles take turns wrapping around, rubbing, and leaking pheromonal sperm over your body and male parts until you release and they snap about, spraying sexual fluids. A tease option where you can grapple an opponent, bind them, and use one of your tentacles to force-feed them plant pheromone-filled fluids (alliteration, heh) like the adult cockvines. One of those notification prompts that pop up in the middle of your activities that is linked to your lust level (similar to the "Blue Balls" status effect) where a few of your perpetually-dribbling (when excited) tentacles, responding to your arousal, become restless and extend of their own will to wag/flail a bit, dribbling and flinging precum/sperm about and you need to pause a bit to rein them in, so they retract back into your back. Upon acquiring the "Flower Power" perk, it mentions how the pheromonal pollen you're producing is fogging the air around you and affecting your lust. Maybe there could be some extra NPC dialogue and character interactions about how this pollen is affecting them and their arousal. This can also extend to your ship's crew and lead to a pheromone-fueled gangbang/orgy scene. That's if you forget to turn on your ship's air filtration system wink (the option would need to be added I'm sure). With Nonesuch's permission, of course. (This could also be too much work. It could require writing several pages of content for every crew member that show/don't show up, depending on which crew members you have present on your ship). Along with this, extra dialogue and possible character interactions based off of your pheromone level and how it's affecting the NPCs/characters you converse with. If it distracts them too much, it could lead to scenes where they jump you right there or lead you somewhere more private first.

P.S. Wearing armor or clothing with the "Airtight" tag would obviously negate this, but you could choose the option to tease them and loosen it, partially exposing your breasts, belly, and/or crotch (not unlike the "Musk Waft" tease attack) to overwhelm them and trigger the scene anyway. (Note: This wouldn't count towards your exhibition level).

3. Extra dialogue and possible options to use the type of sperm you are producing during character interactions involving cooking. Apart from this, it can possibly, finally, provide a use for the very specific entry in the Cerespirin transformative that mentions what flavor of fruit (apple, pear, or citrus) sperm you now possess. I mean, besides my 1st suggestion. I guess an extra modification to the codex's personal stats information page would need to be made to reflect this.

4. Female characters have a few choices to obtain aphrodisiacal fluids, but what about males? Perhaps there could be a separate sexual transformative (inspired by the minotaurs from Corruption of Champions) for minotaur sperm with an explanation on the item for why it was kept separated (feasibly for addiction reasons and for people that wanted to just change their race, I suppose). It could increase sperm production, refractory rate to 3,100%, and give the player a new tease option involving your seminal fluids (precum). Next, it could come with a notification prompt during travels (dependent on lust level) about what your precum dribbling from your penis is doing to affect you. Or they could just add an "aphrodisiac- laced" tag and the same tease option they've been using for it sigh of disappointment. Fruit sperm from the Cerespirin transformative could be an option too. The explanation could be that, like the adult cockvines, it's infused with plant pheromones.

5. The option to acquire tusks and an extra fur pattern from Ceria so that you can more closely resemble milodans from Uveto. Perhaps some options to resemble other large cat species besides lions. Also, a character expansion for Zaalt. (I know he might have only been a way for the player to access Uveto, but I think there could be an opportunity to create another unique character for Trials in Tainted Space. Perhaps some dialogue involving Kineticists and other missions and interactions that you could go on with him, like another supply delivery that veers into a bigger problem. Your relationship could be like two friends/romantic partners that, from time to time, roughhouse on the job and in the bedroom, trading an occasional quip or insult while you trade blows and blasts with the opposition. I don't know. Simpler ideas always come up first when you think.

6. Many more possible extra variations/alternate scenes with enemies and characters that have to do with what type of genitals you have and any extra additions/tags, such as knots, bumps from the "Bumpy Road" item, feline nubs, equine penises, ribs and ridges, a kui-tan's triple knots, and I don't think there are hardly any mentions of the suula's aphrodisiacal stinger-ringed penises, either. This suggestion could also be too heavy of a load for the writers, programmers, and developers.

P.S. I know the writers, programmers, and developers are working on other things and must be extremely busy already. I just have some suggestions that would be delightful to have added.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
A Luca expansion + recruitment, where she could follow a similar path as Paige, like after a number of time that MC has sex with her, the MC could look into fix her gene modding issue, to get her immunized for her addictive cum, which Luca could be soo moved by, since no one went out of their way for her like that, plus that the MC is such a good lay, then later Luca could confess to MC that after curing her of her gene issue, that they want to join their crew, that her drones could look after her store, that she just doesn't want to be alone anymore and MC could officially get boyfriend status.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
1- Possibly more Human Pregnancies (via Bearers). Currently only Sera (Submissive Sera), Amber & Aina.

2- Possible tie in with 1. Potentially more Reaha content (and possible Pregnancy Expansion).

3- Again, possible tie in with 1. Potentially more Pump-king / Amelia (https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/index.php?title=Pump-king&oldid=42623) content (via potentially having her sent to the Gastigoth).

4- Per Ardia's Wiki page (https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/index.php?title=Ardia&oldid=45138#Immunization) would be nice if there was potentially a way to get the Immunization without having to have Anno as Crew (such as possibly taking the necessary dosage to Anno and / or to Doctor Lessau) - and even if Anno is Crew, a possible scene without requiring for her to Sex Ardia (such as again, giving Anno a dose for Examination -> PC Immunization).

5- Potentially more Dzaan content, such as:
5.1- Possibly, Kaska Pregnancy (Bearing) via the Gastigoth.
5.2- Possibly more Milly (https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/index.php?title=Milly&oldid=39599) content.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
An addition to the Syveren Slavebraker enslavement: The pink Syveren Slavebreaker knows you took her sister, and is PISSED! Every encounter with her becomes MUCH harder, as she constantly batters Steele's brain with "WHERE IS MY SISTER?!?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?!?!" (will checks, fail and be stunned for a turn). Her lust resistance and tease resistance goes to 100% (indeed, I would make lust and tease attacks increase her health and increase the damage done - "YOU WON'T GET ME!")
Lose to her, and she storms aboard Steeles's ship, takes her sister back, and enslaves Steele (bad end).
Defeat her, and she runs off before you can do anything.
Maybe even make her a roaming enemy, showing up places other than the lower decks (e.g. rec deck, and then eventually other planets).

A clear case of "rules for me and rules for thee".

This might even spread - Synphia, Sally and Azzy all find out and become very hostile to Steele.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
a way to like, idk, scan yourself to se if youre pregnant or not instaed of having to wait until your showing would be really useful.
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Mar 12, 2025
Do you think anyone will notice these posts hopefully or wait for word-of-mouth that might not arrive judging by how long the thread already is?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
This might even spread - Synphia, Sally and Azzy all find out and become very hostile to Steele.

i mean i would hope not, considering they have no relation to the slavebreaker other then being the same species.

I love those characters, I'd really rather not loose all of them just because i tamed a brat i can't even facefuck properly.
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Aug 26, 2015
Do you think anyone will notice these posts hopefully or wait for word-of-mouth that might not arrive judging by how long the thread already is?
This thread exists as a void for people to throw ideas into so that they don't flood the rest of the forum with them. Nothing that goes in here has been or ever will be implemented, because every person who writes for the game already has far more ideas for content than we could ever possibly hope to implement. We are not short of ideas, we're short of people willing and able to do the actual work of writing their ideas. The only way that new content is ever added to this game is when someone stops expecting other people to write their idea for them and writes it themselves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
This one may be simple, but then again, I cant code for shit. How about Latex underwear like bras, panties, and shorts? We have a latex egg pattern panties, why not just regular dommie style black latex bra and panties? If the code is similar, mabe port some from COC2?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
This one may be simple, but then again, I cant code for shit. How about Latex underwear like bras, panties, and shorts? We have a latex egg pattern panties, why not just regular dommie style black latex bra and panties? If the code is similar, mabe port some from COC2?
just clothing/armor dont really have much code involved, especially things that are effectively just cosmetic. someone just needs to write the descriptions


Mar 12, 2025
This thread exists as a void for people to throw ideas into so that they don't flood the rest of the forum with them. Nothing that goes in here has been or ever will be implemented, because every person who writes for the game already has far more ideas for content than we could ever possibly hope to implement. We are not short of ideas, we're short of people willing and able to do the actual work of writing their ideas. The only way that new content is ever added to this game is when someone stops expecting other people to write their idea for them and writes it themselves.
Thank you very much for your reply, sir or ma'am. I am sorry to have offended you. I am unfamiliar with the process of how ideas get written, submitted and implemented into the game.


Nov 27, 2023
This is just a wishful thing here, but more scenes that utilize prehensile (and lubricated) tongues. Tongue-fucking someone's throat (like during a kiss) or other holes, jerking off a lover with the tongue, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
This thread exists as a void for people to throw ideas into so that they don't flood the rest of the forum with them. Nothing that goes in here has been or ever will be implemented, because every person who writes for the game already has far more ideas for content than we could ever possibly hope to implement. We are not short of ideas, we're short of people willing and able to do the actual work of writing their ideas. The only way that new content is ever added to this game is when someone stops expecting other people to write their idea for them and writes it themselves.
So it pretty much serves the same purpose as the ideas sub forum: a pitfall trap for idiots.
This is just a wishful thing here, but more scenes that utilize prehensile (and lubricated) tongues. Tongue-fucking someone's throat (like during a kiss) or other holes, jerking off a lover with the tongue, etc.
Bro I would love shit like that.


Jan 1, 2025
I always figured there was a 1 in something-hundred-million chance of something in here being implemented. Basically playing the lottery with ideas.


New Member
Mar 16, 2025
It would be great if i can edit images of every npc because some busts images kinda old and i play in ios/window mode so i can’t get into files to edit it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
This thread exists as a void for people to throw ideas into so that they don't flood the rest of the forum with them. Nothing that goes in here has been or ever will be implemented
I kinda doubt that just because there are almost 400 pages which makes it hard to quantify.
because every person who writes for the game already has far more ideas for content than we could ever possibly hope to implement.
Now that I believe. I struggle with idea overflow regularly, I can't imagine what it's like for other people.
We are not short of ideas, we're short of people willing and able to do the actual work of writing their ideas. The only way that new content is ever added to this game is when someone stops expecting other people to write their idea for them and writes it themselves.
While I don't doubt this is true, putting yourself out there is a very daunting task.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I kinda doubt that just because there are almost 400 pages which makes it hard to quantify.

Now that I believe. I struggle with idea overflow regularly, I can't imagine what it's like for other people.

While I don't doubt this is true, putting yourself out there is a very daunting task.

Plus its disheartening if you take that plunge but what you write gets barely any attention or feedback. It doesn't exactly incentivise you to keep doing it. Speaking from personal experience.
Everybody likes sausage, but not many are fit to make it.