Good morning/afternoon/night to everyone. I have a few ideas. This thread has over 300 pages, so I don't know if any of these have been suggested before. A notification would be greatly appreciated.
1. Possible extra details during scenes/alternate scenes and dialogue with enemies and NPCs that depend on what type of sperm and milk you are producing (marked examples are vanae milk, honey, and chocolate sperm). It could lead (in the case of vanae milk) to extra options to use your milk to increase a character's testicle size and sperm production (maybe accidentally during romance or with their permission). This is a very hard question. It might involve adding extra descriptions, dialogue, and interactions for every scene that is already in the game and is the kind of impossible dream that would never be implemented.
2. A slight expansion to the Cerespirin transformative. There could be additional dialogue for the existing option, or a separate option for a male and female (both accessible by herms) variation, for the cockvine tentacles' "Tentaorgy" masturbation choice where the tentacles take turns wrapping around, rubbing, and leaking pheromonal sperm over your body and male parts until you release and they snap about, spraying sexual fluids. A tease option where you can grapple an opponent, bind them, and use one of your tentacles to force-feed them plant pheromone-filled fluids (alliteration, heh) like the adult cockvines. One of those notification prompts that pop up in the middle of your activities that is linked to your lust level (similar to the "Blue Balls" status effect) where a few of your perpetually-dribbling (when excited) tentacles, responding to your arousal, become restless and extend of their own will to wag/flail a bit, dribbling and flinging precum/sperm about and you need to pause a bit to rein them in, so they retract back into your back. Upon acquiring the "Flower Power" perk, it mentions how the pheromonal pollen you're producing is fogging the air around you and affecting your lust. Maybe there could be some extra NPC dialogue and character interactions about how this pollen is affecting them and their arousal. This can also extend to your ship's crew and lead to a pheromone-fueled gangbang/orgy scene. That's if you forget to turn on your ship's air filtration system wink (the option would need to be added I'm sure). With Nonesuch's permission, of course. (This could also be too much work. It could require writing several pages of content for every crew member that show/don't show up, depending on which crew members you have present on your ship). Along with this, extra dialogue and possible character interactions based off of your pheromone level and how it's affecting the NPCs/characters you converse with. If it distracts them too much, it could lead to scenes where they jump you right there or lead you somewhere more private first.
P.S. Wearing armor or clothing with the "Airtight" tag would obviously negate this, but you could choose the option to tease them and loosen it, partially exposing your breasts, belly, and/or crotch (not unlike the "Musk Waft" tease attack) to overwhelm them and trigger the scene anyway. (Note: This wouldn't count towards your exhibition level).
3. Extra dialogue and possible options to use the type of sperm you are producing during character interactions involving cooking. Apart from this, it can possibly, finally, provide a use for the very specific entry in the Cerespirin transformative that mentions what flavor of fruit (apple, pear, or citrus) sperm you now possess. I mean, besides my 1st suggestion. I guess an extra modification to the codex's personal stats information page would need to be made to reflect this.
4. Female characters have a few choices to obtain aphrodisiacal fluids, but what about males? Perhaps there could be a separate sexual transformative (inspired by the minotaurs from Corruption of Champions) for minotaur sperm with an explanation on the item for why it was kept separated (feasibly for addiction reasons and for people that wanted to just change their race, I suppose). It could increase sperm production, refractory rate to 3,100%, and give the player a new tease option involving your seminal fluids (precum). Next, it could come with a notification prompt during travels (dependent on lust level) about what your precum dribbling from your penis is doing to affect you. Or they could just add an "aphrodisiac- laced" tag and the same tease option they've been using for it sigh of disappointment. Fruit sperm from the Cerespirin transformative could be an option too. The explanation could be that, like the adult cockvines, it's infused with plant pheromones.
5. The option to acquire tusks and an extra fur pattern from Ceria so that you can more closely resemble milodans from Uveto. Perhaps some options to resemble other large cat species besides lions. Also, a character expansion for Zaalt. (I know he might have only been a way for the player to access Uveto, but I think there could be an opportunity to create another unique character for Trials in Tainted Space. Perhaps some dialogue involving Kineticists and other missions and interactions that you could go on with him, like another supply delivery that veers into a bigger problem. Your relationship could be like two friends/romantic partners that, from time to time, roughhouse on the job and in the bedroom, trading an occasional quip or insult while you trade blows and blasts with the opposition. I don't know. Simpler ideas always come up first when you think.
6. Many more possible extra variations/alternate scenes with enemies and characters that have to do with what type of genitals you have and any extra additions/tags, such as knots, bumps from the "Bumpy Road" item, feline nubs, equine penises, ribs and ridges, a kui-tan's triple knots, and I don't think there are hardly any mentions of the suula's aphrodisiacal stinger-ringed penises, either. This suggestion could also be too heavy of a load for the writers, programmers, and developers.
P.S. I know the writers, programmers, and developers are working on other things and must be extremely busy already. I just have some suggestions that would be delightful to have added.