What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2022
How about a Family Day event at the Tavros Nursery? Just Steele and the Fathers / Mothers hanging out with each other and playing with their kids. Would love to see the interactions between some of those Fathers, like Sera and Riya.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2023
I have been thinking about this for a while, but I would love for Steele to be able to gain hobbies on the side like cooking, or making clothes, or something similar to just a quality of life thing. I honestly would love to just have Steele making items in general for other characters as gifts. Might happen to be a lot of work but I think it's a cool idea.


New Member
Jun 28, 2018
I'd like to be able to rip Shade a new asshole for consorting with pirates. It's fine that Amara is her baby daddy - we all make mistakes, but the fact that she still wants to be involved with a slaver and a murderer, and is willing to do work for the Void is beyond reprehensible. The scene where Steele is able to turn her down when she has Amara tied up is not cathartic at all. I don't want to kill her or anything (I would like to kill Amara, though) but I would like to do some serious emotional damage and maybe even cut ties with her. I know if my sister started associating with people like that I'd seriously reconsider my relationship with them.
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Feb 7, 2021
I'd like to be able to rip Shade a new asshole for consorting with pirates. It's fine that Amara is her baby daddy - we all make mistakes, but the fact that she still wants to be involved with a slaver and a murderer, and is willing to do work for the Void is beyond reprehensible. The scene where Steele is able to turn her down when she has Amara tied up is not cathartic at all. I don't want to kill her or anything (I would like to kill Amara, though) but I would like to do some serious emotional damage and maybe even cut ties with her. I know if my sister started associating with people like that I'd seriously reconsider my relationship with them.
Steele is designed as a good person overall, even at their worst personality numbers. Think you can only off two persons in a whole game outside of bad ends, Illustria Po and Sophora, both of them are fucked up, mad and overall rotten. Amara is a pirate, but so is kiro. Amara also has some decent sides to her, evident in her interaction with her children.


New Member
Jun 28, 2018
Steele is designed as a good person overall, even at their worst personality numbers. Think you can only off two persons in a whole game outside of bad ends, Illustria Po and Sophora, both of them are fucked up, mad and overall rotten. Amara is a pirate, but so is kiro. Amara also has some decent sides to her, evident in her interaction with her children.
Kiro and Amara are two completely different types of pirates. Kiro doesn't murder people (other than Illustria unless you stop her/do it yourself) and she certainly doesn't enslave anybody. Amara could be the greatest parent in the world and it wouldn't make up for the harm she does. Given the opportunity I would wipe her from existence and feel good about doing it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2022
I may be remembering poorly, but I think Kaede does not believe Amara to be a good parent, so in the end she is not even that, not for all of her kids anyway, Astra does seem well cared for.

That said I would totally bang her again, maybe even romance her.
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Well-Known Member
Savin has said that the only reason Amara's closer to Astra than any of her other kids is because Shade tracked her down and forced her to be a good sire. Kaede, on the other hand, was visited by her enough she knows her mother a) has a cock, and b) is (or at least appears to be) quite girly despite that (which encouraged Kaede to keep her own cock), but not enough to be surprised that she wouldn't visit her and Zeke for New Year's. Honestly, Amara could go either way depending on how into the role of Dread Lord she is, and whether she's willing to betray that for the sake of her kids.

That said, Shade appears to be a genuinely good person outside working with the Void - and given that we've only seen her work with them against other criminals who would (or at least should) be legitimate bounty targets in their own right (i.e. Kara), even that might not be a point against her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
I thought Kara's whole thing was an attack on the void pirates not exactly a legitimate bounty kinda thing, or did she do other stuff?

Also Kiro and Amara are definitly two different kinda pirates. Anyone cool with the kinda slaving and mind breaking the void gets up to is a different level of villain. Shade is a good person to certain people, but she works with the void and is partners with a void lord a good person doesn't do that.
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Well-Known Member
Kara's done other illegal stuff; The Silence (which features her as the protagonist) opens with her running away from a botched bank robbery on Earth while her mentor/partner-in-crime holds the line against the police, and the main plot of the game (which gets referenced in TiTS) revolves around her and her crew stealing a large shipment of platinum-190 from a wrecked Nova Securities ship before Nova can reclaim it. Plus, she works for Lysander Chow and explicitly states that he runs criminal operations (albeit non-violent crime, like smuggling and theft, but still!); I think it's implied or stated his is the second-biggest criminal empire in the galaxy (after the Black Void, of course, with whom they have a business rivalry).


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I love Amara's character and definitely would like more content for her and Shade.


May 20, 2019
I know it's a bit of a nightmare but...
I'd like galotians to be able to:
Adjust wetness of orifices (so you can grow/remove vaginas without having to jump through hoops to reach wetness 5)
Adjust femininity (so you don't have to carry about heaps of man up/estrobloom) to shift back and forth between genders
Adjust lip size (just for appearance reasons)
Steele is designed as a good person overall, even at their worst personality numbers. Think you can only off two persons in a whole game outside of bad ends, Illustria Po and Sophora, both of them are fucked up, mad and overall rotten. Amara is a pirate, but so is kiro. Amara also has some decent sides to her, evident in her interaction with her children.
Can Steele still screw up so badly that Myrellion gets ruined?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
Sex scenes where your character gets bathed in cum, and I'm not talking about just dream sequences.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2022
Kiro and Amara are two completely different types of pirates. Kiro doesn't murder people (other than Illustria unless you stop her/do it yourself) and she certainly doesn't enslave anybody. Amara could be the greatest parent in the world and it wouldn't make up for the harm she does. Given the opportunity I would wipe her from existence and feel good about doing it.
I feel like that take doesn't entirely make sense. Either be against Kiro and for example the folks in Zheng Shi in general as well(since they're all pretty much complicit if you really have a problem with the murder and slavery) or your point doesn't really make sense. Comes across somewhat wishy-washy.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2022
I feel like that's a pretty daft take. Either be against Kiro and for example the folks in Zheng Shi in general as well(since they're all pretty much complicit if you really have a problem with the murder and slavery) or your point doesn't really make sense. Comes across rather wishy-washy.
With that being said, I also dislike the entire piracy/slavery/murder thing as a whole, and especially Zheng Shi, but I have a soft spot for Kiro still. A harsher option/ better way of showing disdain for Amara should definitely exist, but an option to outright kill wouldn't make sense unless there was an overall character option to make your character more willing to kill criminals and pirates in general.

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
I dunno if this is quite the right thread but I'd love to know an ETA on bringing Nayna into Javascript, she was one of my favorites.


New Member
Mar 28, 2023
An ending. It's a great game with a lot of stuff to do, It would be cool to be able to finish up and see the results of our galactic shenanigans.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
To be honest, I'd love more just flavor stuff and casual interactions. Not even sexytimes, just regular old mundane shit. Like I remember a while ago someone was writing a submission for a fish and chips shop, and that's all it was. And I see how Tavros is described as having all these shops and stuff we can't go into and it just makes me wonder what could be ya know?
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Sep 14, 2022
Tbh, that's the opposite of what I want. I want this game to go on forever lol.
Just because we get an ending doesn't mean it can't keep getting content added to it. Could always give us more side planets to explore and have contained stories within them, kind of like Uveto, these side planets could even add small additions to the ending scene. And the ending doesn't need to end the game, even after we get it it would be cool if we could continue enjoying the worlds. Though I do agree, I would rather the main quest not end so soon.

But after we get the final probe it would be nice if their was an additional planet right after, kinda like a reward planet. As if in the frontier Daddy Steele found a 'tropical resort'-esque planet, set up his own private beach home, and the final probe leads there for you to enjoy after the quest. Add a few exotic aliens that manage the estate (And you, when you get there), and a few natives around the outside of it to interact with and enjoy. Or maybe after we get the final probe, let us fly to SteeleTech HQ where we can enjoy some of our employees to the fullest.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I would like for there to be an option to move the map, at least when it's in its big, popped-up mode, to the right side of the screen. It feels awkward to have the text be all the way to the side, rather than the main focus at the center of the screen.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I would like for there to be an option to move the map, at least when it's in its big, popped-up mode, to the right side of the screen. It feels awkward to have the text be all the way to the side, rather than the main focus at the center of the screen.
That actually sounds like the kind of thing Jacques00 might go for, if he heard about it. He's taken requests recently. I know he's said he doesn't want to add keybinds, so it would probably be a toggle in Options. Would you suggest it be in Gameplay, Display or Graphics? If you do make a thread for it, good luck keeping it from being buried.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I haven't played in a while so I don't know if this is feasible or it's already been done, but I was looking through the game mechanics on the wiki for ideas and I saw that the player can Fantasize to basically increase their lust for the turn. This is probably done to ensure the player can more easily reach 33 lust before a combat ends (especially if the previous combat drained all their lust from a post-combat sex).

With that said, it would be interesting if there were a psionic enemy that, as one of its actions for the turn (with a blurb mentioning it before you make your action for the turn so you know it's coming), they read your thoughts for the next attack. Basically, what would happen is that the psionic enemy would read your thoughts and would react to your next attack. If it's a ranged attack, it automatically misses, and if it's a melee attack, it gets countered instead. The psionic ability would only last for one turn, so you would only need to delay your attack for one turn if you notice that they're going to use the psionic ability the next turn.

There would be a few ways to get around it: either have a high enough reflexes stat when making the melee attack (it doesn't matter if you know an attack is coming if you can't react to it), or you could Fantasize. This would cause the psionic to take lust damage as well since they were in your head at the time.

Eh...I don't know, maybe this idea needs work. I mean, what was I thinking: the enemy would be too slow to dodge out of the way of a baseball bat, but fast enough to dodge a laser? I mean, the idea would still work because the main point is that the enemy takes lust damage from your thoughts because they're in your mind when you Fantasize. So, you just wouldn't have the alternate method of damaging the enemy when they're using this ability.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
I don't know if this is ever gonna happen or not, but I'd like to see content of Eitan where he's willing to let you fuck him in the ass outside of sparring sessions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2023
A Venus Pitcher and Bothoric love interest. <3

Subspace confirmed.