Sooo here's a pipe dream, just something I'd like not something I'm asking for per se:
More treatment-esque tfs!! My favorite things in this game are changes that happen over time, unpredictably, while Steele is doing other things. They feel less like rag and grinding/save-scumming for a desired tf and more like....idk, little narratives? And I'd love more transformative items or scenes which have those sorts of effects.
Some ideas or musings (and keep in mind I'm gay lol so these are all male centric, but could be adjusted I guess)-
- a muscle-sub version of the treatment, PLEASE, god... I feel like it's the only archetype missing! A massive submissive bull whose cock is only good for milking, dumb and hung and full of cum... this is the year of the Himbo and I think submissive bara bottoms are kinda of in lol so why not add a variant! I tried to manually do this in one game, kinda combining bull and faux cow by using a lot of dumbfuck and trying to get the buttslut perk, but the actually tf scenes for the bull treatment are so straight and dom-y
- a sub-y tf item! pretty much my favorite character archetype in TiTS is faux-cow, but turning into one leaves you fairly level headed, just twinky and hung. It would be fun to have some sort of long lasting tf item that makes you hornier, grows your ass, makes you shorter and femme-ier and all that stuff, maybe gives male characters dumb4cum
Also, unrelated, but it would be Neat to implement a tf item which works like actual lycanthropy, like...physical changes which come and go over time. Maybe a feral mooncake makes you turn into an anthro at night then back during the day, or some chemically enhanced treat makes your dick grow and shrink like the tides...idk! I realize these would probably be annoying to implement since they'd have to basically be permanent status effects and might conflict with other transformative items, but they'd be fun I think