What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Idea: Android character that wants to liberate artificial lifeforms from humans and who will debate with you about it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Has anyone else expressed interest in some sort of title-tracker or status-tracker? I kind of like the one in CoC2 and I find that I often forget where Steele ranks in most contexts, I'd completely forgotten that Steele was a royal consort in one of the Myrellion factions for example.
Check the Codex under Encounters.

IMO, you'll never have one title in this game because you're never one thing to every faction. You're only one of a number of Planet Rushers; there's nothing to alert every single person in the universe as to who you are.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I highly doubt it, and Fen doesn't comment on forums often, but are there any chances that we get an option to humanize Azra's cock? I don't want to remove her schlong, I don't want to make her a human or even get rid of her muzzle, I just wouldn't mind an option to get rid of the stingers. This isn't a huge or even moderate concern, and the way they shoot the PC's privates with aphrodisiac juice is hot. It's just really weird some times to look at a cock with the base covered in tentacles.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2020
i was catching up on Riya and thought that pc's with collars should have that acknowledged with neck stuff, like she bites the pc's neck several times without ever mentioning whatever i have around it or how it might be in the way. and then i thought i't be cool if a character like Riya could use a new check (is it called a parser? like when Jerynn notices youre not wearing her collar and a small scene of her putting it on you - it doesnt play if you have A collar on though(anyones collar), intentional? and after that absolute debauchery ends, despite italicized text stating she leaves it on, the next tile its not. **wearing no collar before taur rides plays specific text of jerynn collaring [pcname]; with Jerynn's collar; if progressed. after taur rides, text plays that Jerynn leaves it on, the next tile the collar is not**. definitely not intentional. so obviously adding checks(pawse?) like this are a motherfucker) ok mini rant over so77y back to adding this kind of check to every character that wants to bite [pc.name] through [pc.BoyGirl] ghost collar and not come up on a mouth full of leather, i wanna bend Riya over so baaad. btw more mods for the hardlight upgrade mod/scenes, pls if i cant at least make Riya suck my dick after she so disrespected my stylish adornments, casually dismissing its obstruction. Seems like to me she'd have been thrilled at another handle to harrass or maneuver [pcname].. youre crying. i love Nastizia but i have a score to settle w Riya (Nonesuch han solo in the matrix i need u)

tldr - can i add the X-strap (GabmartThreadz.Dhaal) to the magnetic straps (Jerynn) and remove the nudity tag? an appropriate sized strap of leather could cover an areola.
i remember somebody said no items until html? the death of flash December something like that.

Characters like Riya who bite the pc on the neck need a new (pArsEr)?:iiam: Check for wearing collars, stupid bih:negativeman: ha all cops are dumb


Aug 27, 2015
i wanna bend Riya over so baaad. btw more mods for the hardlight upgrade mod/scenes, pls if i cant at least make Riya suck my dick after she so disrespected my stylish adornments, casually dismissing its obstruction. Seems like to me she'd have been thrilled at another handle to harrass or maneuver [pcname].. youre crying. i love Nastizia but i have a score to settle w Riya (Nonesuch han solo in the matrix i need u)

I share your wish to give Riya a good hard buggering, however when I was writing Nastizia Franks made it clear that he doesn't want Riya to ever catch. I have other ideas in store for her when I get around to writing the expansion, but they won't involve penetration.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Franks made it clear that he doesn't want Riya to ever catch

I'm pretty sure he said in the initial post of her doc or one of her umpteen expansions that we would eventually be able to take her down a peg. Pretty sure it has been several years since then, and the only option for that is 1 sucker punch that gets you arrested and an intentional troll on the player if they want her gone. She is such a fun and well written character that exists solely for the purpose of severely abusing the player and I just want to fuck that shit eating grin off her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2020
Franks made it clear that he doesn't want Riya to ever catch

shit she can catch these mf rounds
my ship is full of pirates and mercs and she stay on the same corner what she gonna do when i bend it?
take it up w steeltech its beyond me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Guys... guys... guys... I've got one. Ceria needs to offer hair coloring in half's. As in, the left half of your heads hair is blonde, and the right half of your hair is black.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
And another thing... what's up with the no eye makeup? Plenty of opportunities for customization with eye makeup. Why don't we have this yet?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
I'd like to see more use for crewmates. Mabey during space battles there's a chance they can do a technobabble and help. Like "Mitzi tripped over a bulkhead and whacked the shield harmonization control panel, restoring X shield points!" It's kind of a shame that they are basicaly just live in fuckmates or an onboard merchant. It would be cool to assign them to jobs on your ship and have that matter in some way. Doesn't have to be complex at all, but it feels like a thing that you should be able to do. It would make them more of a part of your story like they should be. They'd pull weight and not just bang you in the morning and say the same stuff about their families over and over when you talk to them.

Like, Penny is a Peacekeeper, or was. Why can't she become your ship's security chief and IDK, help resist cyber warfare in battles?
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Well-Known Member
I'd like to see more use for crewmates. Mabey during space battles there's a chance they can do a technobabble and help. Like "Mitzi tripped over a bulkhead and whacked the shield harmonization control panel, restoring X shield points!" It's kind of a shame that they are basicaly just live in fuckmates or an onboard merchant. It would be cool to assign them to jobs on your ship and have that matter in some way. Doesn't have to be complex at all, but it feels like a thing that you should be able to do. It would make them more of a part of your story like they should be. They'd pull weight and not just bang you in the morning and say the same stuff about their families over and over when you talk to them.

Like, Penny is a Peacekeeper, or was. Why can't she become your ship's security chief and IDK, help resist cyber warfare in battles?
They're already necessary to operate turret-type weapons, but anything like what you're talking about will have to wait until the proper ship systems are developed and implemented (the current are just placeholders).


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
They're already necessary to operate turret-type weapons, but anything like what you're talking about will have to wait until the proper ship systems are developed and implemented (the current are just placeholders).
Oh! I thought it was like, done. Good! I hope it dosnt get Star Trek: Starship Enginner levels of complicated, but it's quite underwhelming.


New Member
Nov 15, 2020
I am new to the game, my opinion for new content was to have my own base or planet where the loyal companion stay there and protect also have passive income there but if that content happen ,the economy will change since you will have passive income . there should be new enemy and items, planets and ships should that happen which take a lot of work and time but worth it from my perspective, i think having your own base or planet can greatly improve the game and add more content like war and stuff,


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
I am new to the game, my opinion for new content was to have my own base or planet where the loyal companion stay there and protect also have passive income there but if that content happen ,the economy will change since you will have passive income . there should be new enemy and items, planets and ships should that happen which take a lot of work and time but worth it from my perspective, i think having your own base or planet can greatly improve the game and add more content like war and stuff,
The idea is decent (can you imagine steele building his/her own space station?) , however : 1) it would take lots of writing 2) since ya can make fortune just by selling spunk at breedwell i doubt the economy would change at all


Well-Known Member
have passive income there but if that content happen ,the economy will change since you will have passive income .
You can already get passive income through Lane (requires resolving their hypnotism side-quest with high Willpower and a Nice personality) and/or Bizzy (and her payouts increase the further you get into her storyline), but once you get to Zheng Shi's Recreation Deck money is no longer a concern since you can just save-scum the blackjack custom bet feature.
there should be new enemy and items, planets and ships should that happen which take a lot of work and time but worth it from my perspective,
The game is barely halfway finished; Dhaal is only the fifth of ten planned probes, the final level cap will be 20 (with level 11 coming once the JS port is finished and capital ships being planned for the mid-teens), and there are also several plot threads (most involving the Black Void) that have yet to be resolved. There should be absolutely no doubt there will be plenty more enemies, items, planets and ships in the future.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
I am new to the game, my opinion for new content was to have my own base or planet where the loyal companion stay there and protect also have passive income there but if that content happen ,the economy will change since you will have passive income . there should be new enemy and items, planets and ships should that happen which take a lot of work and time but worth it from my perspective, i think having your own base or planet can greatly improve the game and add more content like war and stuff,
The idea of being able to create a base on a planet of our choice is interesting, but I think this could be better if it was added as content of the epilogue!
Considering that Captain Steele is traveling through space to inherit control of one of the biggest mega corporations in the galaxy, it wouldn't be strange if he decides to transform any of the various planets he visited into the new SteeleTech headquarters!
This could even help the newly discovered planets and / or that are experiencing difficulties, to develop and prevent them from being exploited by not-very-friendly or honest companies, which could take advantage of the politically and economically precarious position in the galactic scenario to commit atrocities and harmful plans against these defenseless peoples (coff coff XenoGen coff coff)! Since we agree, of all the planets we have encountered so far, the only one who is not in desperate need of external help is New Texas! (and that doesn’t mean that that place couldn’t have any changes, but that would be more with internal politics than anything else!)

I personally would love that my Zil Steele could transform Mhen'ga into the most new pan-galactic center of influence, running the company AND the planet alongside Quinn and Zheniya!
Or you can fix and even improve Tarkus, so he can move from an intergalactic dump to a technology and innovation center that would make Vendiko's Gryvain green with envy! (Although some of them are already green)


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
it would also be nice if you had an item that could turn you into something like an angelmorph, to make Lucifier Candy Apple counterpoint!
It could be something like Leitha Charm Necklace, an item that you equip and it would transform you over time!
I imagine a hardlight halo, which would give you luminous eyes and hair, and more pairs of wings at each level you have (similar to fox tail) since in angelology, the number of wings indicates the position in the celestial hierarchy!

But honestly, I would be happy if the racial punctuation recognized a human character without any genetic taint and with several dove wings as an angelmorph!


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
it would also be nice if you had an item that could turn you into something like an angelmorph, to make Lucifier Candy Apple counterpoint!
It could be something like Leitha Charm Necklace, an item that you equip and it would transform you over time!
I imagine a hardlight halo, which would give you luminous eyes and hair, and more pairs of wings at each level you have (similar to fox tail) since in angelology, the number of wings indicates the position in the celestial hierarchy!

But honestly, I would be happy if the racial punctuation recognized a human character without any genetic taint and with several dove wings as an angelmorph!
It would be funny if you had some kind of interaction with sera, especially with sub sera!
where the angelmorph would punish the disobedient demon


Sep 23, 2020
Can we have more scenes with Ellira (Gold Myr Officer) and Queen Estallia? I ask, because it'll be a shame if sexy characters like them only have one sex scene. Kind of wish there were scenes with them in prison, or running into them in Mhen'ga, or find them on the Kui-tan planet. Which reminds me, when will we get to the Kui-tan planet?
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Sep 23, 2020
Likely never. It's not a Rush planet, and I can't think of any reason for Steele to go/be invited there unless Kiro and/or Kally take us to meet their parents.
No, I mean visit the Kui-tan planet for fun. Like New Texas or Canadia. Kiro is most likely the one to take Steel there.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Likely never. It's not a Rush planet, and I can't think of any reason for Steele to go/be invited there unless Kiro and/or Kally take us to meet their parents.
I totally imagine Kiro and Kally coming home to introduce the new boyfriend to their parents and having that classic "So, when am I going to have some grandchildren?" followed by futanukes spitting out the tea and getting so flushed that you could see through the fur!

It could even be a Mother's Day event! Like the Christmas Gala of the Dorna family!