What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Because then the coders would have to write pain-in-the-ass functions for all kinds of items and interactions, for the sake of a small number of items whose appearance will almost never be brought up, after which it's still just one more thing for the writers to have to cram into scenes for it to matter.
Be reasonable about things why don't ya. Shutting down my complaints with logic, how dare you?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Reaha and Bess.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm aware that Fenoxo won't write anything sexual about Ula's father, but if he isn't against someone else writing it, I'd love a couple of gay scenes with this guy. Damn, I wanted them since I brought Ula back to the hold on the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd like for a writer to make a joke name for one submission named "me. I just really like [insert fetish here]" so that Fen's shoutout doesn't make sense.
Jun 29, 2017
I don't know if this has been said already, but I would really like a vildarii starting race. The morphing abilities would be limited since we'd only be half vildarii, so we could just change the color of certain body parts. But most importantly, we could have the vildarii's reproductive abilities, then we could have children with members of any race.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I'd like to see more Storm Lancer content. Gel Zon is one of the more interesting enemies in the game due to his dynamic respect system and I'd really like to see more from him. Losing to him at high respect is easily one of my favorite sex scenes in the game and I feel like there's a lot more that his character could offer considering he talks at length about breeding you and repeatedly challenges you with the goal of doing so, but is unable to impregnate you regardless of your race, even if you're in heat. I feel like there could be some really fantastic romance and combat stuff if he got an update that gave him another level of respect that boosted his difficulty significantly and would allow you to actually have a relationship and kids with him if you lost at that level.

That's just for Gel Zon, though, I'd also like to see more of the Storm Lancers in general considering we know almost nothing about them. They actually seem like one of the more mysterious factions out there and I'd love to learn more about them. This is probably way too complicated to ever happen, especially not anytime soon, but I'd really love it if Gel Zon would take you back to a Storm Lancer camp or something, similar to Korg'ii Hold, with more characters to interact with, items to collect, and a proper location to have a relationship with him so you don't need to rely on running into him randomly in the wilds of Uveto. There's just so much untapped potential here that wish we could explore further.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I'll probably make at least one character join one of the religious groups.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
The idea of faction content would be a nice idea for the game, it would give different Steele players more morality choices and actually open up some stuff with Beth the chick that owns the brothel on Tarvos and possibly pirates.

But along with that idea I feel as if it would be like ship content, announced that one person is working on it then 7 years from its announcement it's either forgotten about till someone mentions how they wish the could be more evil or more of an ass, or constantly brought up and yet never have any progress on.


Besides that, and please don't take my words the wrong way, something that would be nice would be an overhaul on things that should be upgraded and maybe a difficulty system to make enemies harder or scale to you overtime because going to some place at level 10 feels too damn easy hell one guy here on the fourms started a thread asking for challenges.

Another thing I would say that should be fixed is the perks and classes, Don't take my words the wrong way. I could go on and say I wish there weren't any classes and you could respec your perks when on the ship but that's a different post.

I feel like the perks that are thrown in the game are just basic, don't take my words the wrong way. You have range or melee, dump skill points here, when at level 10 max out.

I think that the perks should be remade from the ground up and require more thinking than just do you wanna shoot guns better or do you want to hit things better. Now don't take my words the wrong way, but I believe that both the Techie and Smuggler class can be done completely better if reworked the right way, they could make the smuggler class like a rogue rogue right out of fantsy with the ability to disappear in a fight and appear behind enemies or like a gunslinger similar to han solo from star wars or like a mix of the between, problem is that you can only be han solo.

I think techie could be done with in a way of having really lower health at the start and higher shields than everyone and I know they already start that way but what I'm talking about is lower health and higher shields, to make it tenser when it comes to combat that can get close with your shields low.


I feel the enemies should be buffed if you kick them down enough times and doing more damage after you've beaten them down enough or there should be difficulty that makes combat harder so people can't just click attack over and over and over again and tank attacks till they win. Now don't take my words the wrong way but people just click attack or shoot till some thing is dead or beaten or shot, most times people use the special abilities are when they fighting something that could kick their ass and I feel there needs to be more enemies that are strong or get stronger over time after a couple defeats to make fights still tense after going through them levels ago.

Now don't take my words the wrong way, but I feel like most if not alot of special moves should be learned instead of obtained over levels, like physical attacks or techie skills and have them locked behind certain levels like an rpg would have.

Also I think that the player character should first start the game with no class at level 0, and when they hit their first level they make the choice of what they want to be instead of choosing right at the start so that the player has experience without anything in starting out their journey.

Now don't take my words the wrong way, but I think Shekka should be able to buy all items from the player Steele while on board your ship and should be able to put on a Steele tech jumpsuit, just saying she might as well get a job along with being in the crew.


Personally this is just a me thing though, and don't take my words the wrong way, but I believe there should be more characters that make you work for the sex instead of just coming off as almost desperate to fuck someone and anyone when your Steele approaches them, while there are some characters remade to be like."You just met me and you want to have sex?" They feel far and rare.

Besides making players actually work for the sex and listen to the characters, I wish there was more things to do that aren't just smut and make the world feel alive like just things that would be nice to see happen in world to make players feel like they care more than."Who can I butt fuck next."

They should rework the assesories slot so that it has more than one slot, such as head, body, other.

They should finish content on Myrillion with the myr situation instead of leaving it with one ending of nuking and not giving players the ability to do more for the war than one quest for the reds and a couple small quest for the golds. It would be nice to end the fighting with a peace treaty, and there is a set up that they could use to do It. The bothric meeting quest you're given, if it goes well or even sour it should be some thing that kicks off a possible peace treaty with the reds approaching the the golds and offering them peace after seeing the bothric quaddomes who usually try killing each other come together for a meeting or attempt a good meeting.


Now don't take my words the wrong way but, I feel drones should have special attacks or moves they should be able to do in combat, like diverting attention to themselves to take enemy attacks off you, but also at the same time I believe they should be considered like companions and have their own health and shields and if they fall in combat they have to be repaired before they can be used once again in combat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Now don't take my words the wrong way but, I feel drones should have special attacks or moves they should be able to do in combat, like diverting attention to themselves to take enemy attacks off you, but also at the same time I believe they should be considered like companions and have their own health and shields and if they fall in combat they have to be repaired before they can be used once again in combat.
I definitely feel like Drones should be buffed and just heavily expanded on in general. I was looking over a recent discussion about Tech Specialist builds a while ago and it's sad just how useless Drones are. You not only have to sacrifice the opportunity to use the Shield Augment Bracers (or any other accessory if a full +50 shields to the shield class isn't your thing), but then you also need to pick the class perk that gives them bonus damage and even if you use outside perks like Fuck Sense or Dumb4Cum, the boost still isn't significant, ESPECIALLY against heavily armored enemies. They just feel like such a missed opportunity considering how useful companions/followers/pets/etc. are in most other RPGs. I still hold out hope that they might become viable if the accessory slot ever gets its much-needed changes, but even if it does, they'll still only deal like 1-3 damage to the enemies you actually would want a partner to help you fight in the first place without significant changes to how they function.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I definitely feel like Drones in should be buffed and just heavily expanded on in general. I was looking over a recent discussion about Tech Specialist builds a while ago and it's sad just how useless Drones are. You not only have to sacrifice the opportunity to use the Shield Augment Bracers (or any other accessory if a full +50 shields to the shield class isn't your thing), but then you also need to pick the class perk that gives them bonus damage and even if you use outside perks like Fuck Sense or Dumb4Cum, the boost still isn't significant, ESPECIALLY against heavily armored enemies. They just feel like such a missed opportunity considering how useful companions/followers/pets/etc. are in most other RPGs. I still hold out hope that they might become viable if the accessory slot ever gets its much-needed changes, but even if it does, they'll still only deal like 1-3 damage to the enemies you actually would want a partner to help you fight in the first place without significant changes to how they function.

I know. It's like one of my last post when I said, there's alot of wasted potential in some parts of the game. This is one of those things that feel like wasted potential and it feels like it could be easily modified to be better or make the class feel more like a techie class instead of just a battle nerd.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Taking Anno to meet Terensha for a threesome

Causes Terensha to randomly appear outside of her work hour if Anno is a crewmate sometimes talking sometimes fucking and sometimes inviting you for a threesome
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Taking Anno to meet Terensha for a threesome

Causes Terensha to randomly appear outside of her work hour if Anno is a crewmate sometimes talking sometimes fucking and sometimes inviting you for a threesome
Does it -have- to be Anno? I'm all for threesomes but I'd rather not have them all piled onto one character that's not even all that interesting or thoroughly likable. You can already take Shekka with you to Terensha's workplace on a date, why not expand on that?
Especially considering Anno is just fine running off to fuck things on her own without you and other crewmembers just feel...more deserving of quality time after what you pull them out of.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I think you might be getting Terensha confused with another character. Terensha is the Gryvain/Kaithrit girl working the Tavros brothel. There's a small addition to one of her scenes where she discusses her university studies with Steele, with a mention of Anno's work on warpgates. Steele mentions that Anno is working with them and suggests they might be able to get the two to talk about her research.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
No, I was talking to Linarahn.
I was also talking about the fact that she doesn't have a workshop that you can take Shekka to for a date.
Terensha is the Doctor Dorna fangirl you meet in the Tavros brothel, which is revealed when you talk to her after having sex with her. I believe SeriousBlueJewel was referring to that bit of information and wanting to expand on it and her character; that of the research student and not the high class girl.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
@Evil I'm aware. All I said was "Why's it have to be Anno" since you can take Crewmate! Shekka to either the Brothel or Anon's Bar when you're on Tavros Station. I never said anything about a workshop.

That aside, I admitted I'm personally not at all invested in who Anno is and what she does because she's not a very interesting person to me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
No, I was talking to Linarahn.
I was also talking about the fact that she doesn't have a workshop that you can take Shekka to for a date.
Terensha is the Doctor Dorna fangirl you meet in the Tavros brothel, which is revealed when you talk to her after having sex with her. I believe SeriousBlueJewel was referring to that bit of information and wanting to expand on it and her character; that of the research student and not the high class girl.
My bad then. I haven't been to Terensha in a while.

I still think Anno is cooler than most people think, but I still don't see her romantically, we're best friends.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I wonder if an expansion to Sentient Acquisitions and the NPCs therein would be in the range of development some time in the future by the devs. If not then it's up to community writers I suppose. Seems to be a wasted opportunity to have what's essentially a slave contract shop around for just one quest and slave. Getting a bit more interaction out of the two NPCs that run the joint would be nice too.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Hmm as mess up as it sounds I kinda want a bit more of people like Riya in the galaxy. People who just hate certain races. Tbh Riya actually gives me an idea, what if there was a group of humans who hated xenos and could be enemies to players who look alien to them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Walt on Uveto tells Steele Ausar culture thinks poorly of gene mods in general (sex changes are OK), so xenophobia might not be limited to humans. In fact, of all core races, humans mod themselves the most (I think I've seen that, trying to find a reference...).