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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@LikeScales: Geddy said she'd do a Jerynn xpak in the future. Don't hold your breath tho, she does like one writing project a year.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
More Your character specific virginity sex scenes, Theres tons of you doing other virgin characters but almost none of them deflowering you. You might of had no sex all game and be a full pure maiden but then you get into a sex scene of someone doing you and its like you've done this forever.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ehh Code Mommy making one project per year? Damn when we would then get that AI specialist npc she also been writing? Before or after Jerynn X-pack?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Question how do I get said Muffstick?
It's sold by Sera, but I seem to remember having to buy FizzyFix, added at the same time as Muffstick, from one of the vending machines on the merchants' deck and reading it's codex before being able to buy Muffstick.

Also this:
That turns your mouth into a vagina
is incorrect. Muffstick turns your vagina into a mouth with an optional tongue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
That turns your mouth into a vagina
Pretty sure it's the other way around and turns your vag into a mouth, complete with a tongue.

Question how do I get said Muffstick?
To get Muffstick:

1. Go to Tavros and get Fizzystick from the vending machine.
2. Go to Codex and read fizzystick entry. This will unlock muffstick entry. Read that as well.
Go to Sera and go to the next window of her shop. Muffstick should be there.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
An ocean planet. It's a hypothetical type of planet, its surface is covered by water.

I have an idea for the concept:


Most of the surface is covered by water except for a few volcanic islands.
Since the islands are volcanic and unstable, no life evolved outside the ocean, so most islands are barren. However, they are surrounded by massive coral reefs full of life.
Other than the coral reefs, there is a lot of marine life on the underwater plateaus and mountain ranges which are often covered in algae forests and a few creatures lurk the depths of this planet.


The planet was discovered a few planet rushes ago, one of the few ocean planets discovered and the first discovered with sapient life. However, because of the nature of ocean planets, the inhabitants, while sentient, had no civilization, no architecture, no manufacture other than primitive tools, no written language or art (It's hard to paint, write or build stuff underwater, buildings or statues wouldn't last long because of the ocean currents and massive erosion), most of its inhabitants lived in natural refuges and burrows.
When the planet was discovered, it was not deemed worthy of uplifting or UGC membership, as underwater mining is expensive and the water composition made algae farming unprofitable without gene modding the entire stock. On top of that there are several large lifeforms roaming around, including very large predators and the natives were not interested in allowing the exploitation of other natural resources like their forests, reefs or non-sentient species.

However, a few companies saw the planet as a potential tourist attraction. The weather was perfect, pristine unspoiled islands, planetwide tropical temperatures and moderate humidity but with almost no rain or clouds, on top of being the first ocean planet discovered with sapient life.The megacorps took the planet under their protection and began uniting the inhabitants into some form of government, albeit still controlled by the megacorps. Then proceeded to import plant and animal life from other planets to populate the islands, transforming them into the perfect vacation spots, taking advantage of the volcanic nature of the islands to build hot springs spas and geothermal power plants, as well as waterparks, hotels, pleasure yachts and thematic cruise liners, including submarine versions and old timely pirate ships and sailboats.

Now after all those years, the megacorps are ready for a beta test and have decided to invite several notable people from all over the galaxy to be the firsts to try their new attractions and of course captain Steele is among the selected few.

Notable areas:

Atlantia: the floating city, one of the main attractions of the planet, it's a massive artificial island/ship which can submerge underwater. It houses the megacorp big shots and VIPs. It's the main shopping and logistics center.
The pleasure islands: this is where most hotels, spas and tourist attractions are located. They have an intricate net of water tunnels and aquariums that allow the natives to work on the islands as part of the staff.
The reefs: most natives live here, now with the help of the megacorps they have basic housing and formed small communities around the pleasure islands.
The underwater plateaus: large underwater areas teaming with giant algae forests, those natives too aggressive to be part of the new government still live here, as well as some renegades who don't trust the megacorps. Part of the vacation package includes underwater "safaris" to this area.
The depths: there is little life and light here, it's populated by scary and dangerous predators.

The inhabitants:

The planet is teaming with beautiful marine life with vibrant colors, bio-luminescence is also common on many species. Being an ocean planet, megafauna is also a common occurrence.
I think this planet is an opportunity to bring back creatures like anemones and sharkfolks and also include new species based on cetacenas, Opisthobranchs/Nudibranchs, mermaids, tortoises, saurian reptiles, cephalopods, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i have one more things id like to have added a mpreg perk or tf item i adore preg content but i really adore mpreg the most so id love this to be added
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Better start writing, then! Cause with the main dev crew working on the new ship content, I doubt they'll start working on a whole new planet anytime soon.

Well, I wouldn't mind, but for such a massive amount of content I would need to know if people like the idea, not to mention at least some approval from the devs. I mean, it would be pointless to write an entire planet worth of content if nobody likes it or the devs aren't interested. On top of that it would probably take months.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
You're not writing an entire planet all by yourself.
Oh, let the man dream. He's already got a pretty good idea of the amount of effort it will take, and he seems willing to handle the pain, so let's see what he's got!


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh, let the man dream. He's already got a pretty good idea of the amount of effort it will take, and he seems willing to handle the pain, so let's see what he's got!


If he actually wants to write, I'd rather see him do something productive that will actually be used than burn himself out writing a pipedream that goes nowhere.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016

If he actually wants to write, I'd rather see him do something productive that will actually be used than burn himself out writing a pipedream that goes nowhere.
:eyepop: Ok, Ok, sheesh. I was just trying to help. But then again, you DO have far more knowledge and experience on the subject that I do (by which I mean any at all).


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017

If he actually wants to write, I'd rather see him do something productive that will actually be used than burn himself out writing a pipedream that goes nowhere.

Ok, so what are you interested in right now? Transformatives? Hostile NPCs? Vendors? Crewmates? Friendly NPCs? Dungeons? missions? extranet porn? I've been thinking about non-transformative mods and implants. I mean, gene mods and transformatives make sense in the future, but of course, people would also want and buy other types of utility mods, wetware and implants that would improve their quality of life or make their jobs easier.

For example:
Cyberclaws and other implanted weapons
Dermal armor
Bone lacing
Gene modded organs
Electroplaquetes (the stuff that electric eels use to shock their prey and predators)
Muscle boosters
Cybereyes that can flash and blind enemies or improve your aim and accuracy.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2017
Muscle boosters would be a TF that deals with tone I would imagine. It's fairly easy to change tone by going to the gym (increase) or by using estrobloom (decrease). Though, at least that one fits in the general universe. I'd suggest that with maybe a fatburner (thickness).

I mean, there are ways to decrease thickness, but this does fit the theme.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Muscle boosters would be a TF that deals with tone I would imagine. It's fairly easy to change tone by going to the gym (increase) or by using estrobloom (decrease). Though, at least that one fits in the general universe. I'd suggest that with maybe a fatburner (thickness).

I mean, there are ways to decrease thickness, but this does fit the theme.

I was thinking more along the line of semi-permanent wetware and implants. Something that a surgeon sells and implants to your PC and grants you passive or active abilities.

For example, Muscle boosters would be something like synthetic muscle fibers and metabolic gene-mods that give you +X physique +Y melee damage.
Lets say that metabolic boosters occupies the muscle mod slot and you can't add another mod like hyperconductive synthanerves, which increases increases your reflexes and evasion or calibrated micro-servos which increases aim and critical chance, etc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Mods that boost abilities are generally a no-go, since Fen doesn't want players to be pressured to get specific mods in order to min/max. At least that's what I remember the general consensus being last I checked, so any mods that can be installed by a surgeon are likely going to be limited to cosmetic alterations only.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Mods that boost abilities are generally a no-go, since Fen doesn't want players to be pressured to get specific mods in order to min/max.
I was under the impression that only applied abilities that are tied to specific body parts.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Steele Ultra-porn star.

Maybe Beth convinces us, Kath trying to make more money out of our recorded "shifts" since we're already known or just a new character (tho I think there are enough options already in game).
Could work well with Exhibitionism.

(there's a connection between the nun Kiro "corrupted" and the female licking Tank cannon on his vids, or is it my imagination?)
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Ok, so what are you interested in right now? Transformatives? Hostile NPCs? Vendors? Crewmates? Friendly NPCs? Dungeons? missions? extranet porn? I've been thinking about non-transformative mods and implants. I mean, gene mods and transformatives make sense in the future, but of course, people would also want and buy other types of utility mods, wetware and implants that would improve their quality of life or make their jobs easier.

Don't do cyberware. That system doesn't exist yet.

Hostile NPCs are always a thing we need more of. Especially on Uveto. Uveto needs content of just about any sort, really.

Small early-game quests would also be great. Stuff like this.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Ok, so what are you interested in right now? Transformatives? Hostile NPCs? Vendors? Crewmates? Friendly NPCs? Dungeons? missions? extranet porn?
I vote for extranet porn, but mostly because I think it's funny as hell to have our characters watching porn in a porn game. :D

Small early-game quests would also be great. Stuff like this.
Good to hear. My current project has a level 4/5 mini-dungeon quest in it, so it's good to know you're looking for that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Don't do cyberware. That system doesn't exist yet.

Hostile NPCs are always a thing we need more of. Especially on Uveto. Uveto needs content of just about any sort, really.

Small early-game quests would also be great. Stuff like this.

Ok, the Uveto theme kinda reminds me about the ice age and those, now-extinct, prehistorical creatures and stone age primitives. I guess I can follow that theme, perhaps a mammoth hostile... Albeit the whole ice covered ocean is also very interesting, everyone knows dark things lurk under the ice or maybe there is a secretive race of extremely technologically advanced aliens living in their submarine cities. Yeah, explorers, researches and miners disappear all the time, people say is the cold harsh climate or maybe it's something else, I remember seen some strange lights the last time I set foot on the tundra...

There is also an eldritch vive to the whole thing, the psionic mineral and semi-psionic natives, who knows, maybe drilling in the ice awakes something, something old and dark. First they find some engraved stones with an strange script the translators are unable to decipher, the people report hearing voices, then those voices tell them to fuck, because this is a porn game after all and all that pent up lust awakes an old slumbering creature, then planetwide tentacle sex, maybe.

Anyway, first I have to finish a project for a friend, perhaps then I'll make a poll and write something based on the results.
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