What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
well if is like jedi they might just be the same thing but with some kinda electronic device in the range slot

In SWTOR(starwarz the old republic) the range or magic focused side of jedi used a kind of amplification device to fill the sub weapon slot
That kinda feels like it would waste a slot for accessories when translated into the current system for TITS

However speaking of SWOTR and reminding me of it's equipment system gives me an excellent idea. Stuff the drones into ranged/melee slots and let drone techies use their drone in tandem with their other weapon or boost their drone's turn, while other classes have to spend their turn using the drone as a weapon and get less out of it than a tech's tandem attack when it's fully upgraded.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Scat content!
But not in the way you're thinking of, unless you're thinking what I'm thinking of in which case: exactly what you're thinking.

Basically, I just want to see a guy who does scat music in the bar on Tavros. You can talk to him for a few minutes in between his sets to get to know him and/or buy him drinks (but you can't get him to go somewhere with you because that's his living and he's working) and hang out with/hook up after he's done. I mostly want something like this just so I could troll people and say "yeah, they added scat into the game." I do not see anyone actually making this, but it would be a fun thing to see and make the night scene at the bar seem more likely lively.

Wait did someone already do this joke?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
Carl's backyard
Scat content!
But not in the way you're thinking of, unless you're thinking what I'm thinking of in which case: exactly what you're thinking.

Basically, I just want to see a guy who does scat music in the bar on Tavros. You can talk to him for a few minutes in between his sets to get to know him and/or buy him drinks (but you can't get him to go somewhere with you because that's his living and he's working) and hang out with/hook up after he's done. I mostly want something like this just so I could troll people and say "yeah, they added scat into the game." I do not see anyone actually making this, but it would be a fun thing to see and make the night scene at the bar seem more likely lively.

Wait did someone already do this joke?

Bonus points if he can transform into a Porsche.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
More Dzaan might be nice. For a core race, they seem under represented at the moment.
You might be lucky, in the fullness of time. For a certain definition of lucky.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I didn't mean the amp being put in the access slot, it would be put in the range slot, since you're gonna be using THE FORCE Psk energy as range

as for that idea, it could work really well but it might as well be an actual follower(like that one quest with the gray goo)
I don't think the devs really want to mess with having drones as actual followers, given that they've shot down any hope of having followers in general outside of their own little play areas.

Also i know you didn't mean that, but I was running off of what I understood of the devs' design philosophy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I joke, I joke. Psyker is totally fine. I just instantly makes me think of WH40K and that is never a good thing for these threads.
I would love to play as that kind of class to be completely honest.

Space travel and psionics? Must...resist...40k reference...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Wow, I am super far behind on this thread. I was just wondering if there's anyone who could/would code an energy damage bow for my Techie Steele? I'd prefer electric, but if you wanna make it shoot lasers I'm not picky.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
There's a hardlight bow in a store that I'm pretty sure is mostly written. Can't remember everything about it atm.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
What about a good ol fashioned vibtator, like 'the tamani corp Ultra 4 pro NEON'. Comes in 4 different neon colours and with different vibe settings. Setting 'ultra' is only for silly mode. Is there a reason why dildo/vibe isn't yet in?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
@XBoxMaster131 Maybe, if I cannot think of something sillier. 'Tamani G.O.D. NEON Ultra V8 Pro', brings you closer to the One True God one revision at a time.

I just find it weird that there is no vibrator, but a suction cup. I am not complaining... just...


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
The more I think about it... TamaniCorp would have a whole product line in the lewd TiTS universe:

The 'TamaniCorp XENA Pure' an entry level vibrator competing with the cheap JoyCo's. Excellent product for the price it is competing.
The 'TaminiCorp XENA Neon Power ULTRA', their flagship product which is unmatched in quality and screaming, available in 4 catchy colours.
The 'TamaniCorp XENA Ultra HYDRA', Their new product for those of us 'blessed' with more than one vagina.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2017
Interaction with bothrioc children, psychic tentacle offsprings

And also many many pregnancy, interactions with children, and so on

And much more about Belle and her pets
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Belle's getting an xpak, dangit.

I want interactions with my Water Princesses.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2017
I found that if you let Embry choose her new female name, she choose Belle because it is in her family. Confusing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
More like make sure it's really randomn. At first it was funny but then it got boring when she for 10th time decided to be Belle not Embry -_- But givine how main coders are busy with various stuff Jac00 may be our saviour from always Belle Embry case.

Speaking of some of children content...I miss more on Briha children interactions beside taking them out of ant hives planet ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i can relate to Embry, and when she was getting updated still I really liked her but these days I don't go back to her very often at all
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well or I can start been not so lazy and pick name for herself...but this "let her pick name for herself" reminds me one of Camelot-related legend that I do like a bit more than a bit ^^


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2015
Wandering though the deep caverns of Myrellion, you hear the sound of a scuffle coming from some distance away. Deciding to approach, you discover it to be a botharic and an alpha nyrea - fighting over who has breeder's rights to the nearby beta nyrea that one of them seems to have defeated. Being a good little botharic eggslut, you intervene immediately - ready to mediate with your body. (It's so sad to see these wonderful, strong breeders fighting over something as easily remedied as a shortage of holes!) You volunteer to carry the botharic's eggs, and a foursome commences.

While the breeders stuff you and the beta nyrea with eggs, the two of you engage in some heavy fondling - including, but not limited to: blowjobs, handjobs, cunnilingus, breastfeeding, and caressing of already pregnant tummies. For some truly baffling reason, the beta nyrea is incredibly thankful not to be pumped up with botharic hormones and eggs. You're too blissed out to care deeply, or offer much in the way of a rational argument against her, but you think it would be wonderful for her if she learned the pleasure eventually. The four of you part ways on amicable terms, and you caress your newly swollen belly -content in the feeling of a job well done.

Alternatively, if you're feeling generous and have two (tragically un-pregnant) holes in desperate need of filling, you can shoo away the beta nyrea, have the alpha nyrea and the botharic stuff you simultaneously, and be left absolutely gravid.

And that's my dream scene that I want to write in the far-away eventuality where I get more gutsy about writing sex.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
fighting over who has breeder's rights to the nearby beta nyrea
Nyrea female betas aren't even closely as sought after as nyrea males are to nyrea alphas. And even then Beta females are more like possible competition that needs to be put in their place by the alpha.
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