What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
I always had a thing for the Snail/Slug girls from MGE due to the idea of being glued in place and edged for hours and hours as you're molested... at a snails pace!

but seriously someone please make snail-girls.

Sounds like something native to caves of Myrrelion or jungles of Mhen'ga.

Maybe the could be bara maleherms or something that after losing a contast of dominance during courtship or by their courtship rituals thrmselves gain a MILF-like body or TF their mates to get one by injecting them with a hormone covered stinger. That would certainly appeal to somebody's feminization fetish. or... wait...

They might not appeal to a feminization fetish, but there are the Bruchandi. They operate in in a similar fashion to the way you describe snail mating rituals.

Sounds like a good idea. One can get their barasnails (wtf) and others can get their snail-girl. I mean who says we can't introduce already MILF-turned snails.

I really need to read that Bruch race fully through. It seems popular. Are they official already?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
Just a random idea I had last evening when I tried to get some sleep: A scene with Ren that can only be triggered if the PC wears the Omnisuit and has another collar in their inventory, basically an extension of the scene where Steele talks to her about her suit, offering her to maybe get her a less overstimulating one, which she may or may not accept, depending on how much would have to be written in order to change her other scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just a random idea I had last evening when I tried to get some sleep: A scene with Ren that can only be triggered if the PC wears the Omnisuit and has another collar in their inventory, basically an extension of the scene where Steele talks to her about her suit, offering her to maybe get her a less overstimulating one, which she may or may not accept, depending on how much would have to be written in order to change her other scenes.
Except she wouldn't have any sense of touch without her suit. D:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm paying her to be a nerd, the sex is just a bonus.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

General Drayfox

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Not as they are -- I'll have to do a lot of rewriting to make them work for Free Reaha -- but I wouldn't rule it out.
That's all I can really ask for! Thanks Savin, you're the best peddler of smut a degenerate like me could ask for! :D

Oh, and was that Treated Reaha path put on hold? I remember there was a big split about it a while ago, dunno how it ended though....


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Not really put on hold, but like just about everything, sort of in a limbo as to "when I get around to it" thanks to my lingering health issues.
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Feb 8, 2017
I did not read this whole thread, so I apologize if any of these have already been suggested, or if I have misread the tone of the thread.

I would divide 'things I would like to see added' into two categories: Things I would be willing to write, and things I think would be neat but will not write.

A thing I would like to see added am thinking about writing is a milking station within the ship, similar to the ones we find on New Texas, probably even purchased from there. The JoyCo Magic-Milker 7 is portable, which is nice, but the milk bag breaks if you try to fill it with more than 3000mL or so. I didn't spend all these credits on lactation mods just so my milk would spray everywhere! Being able to store your milk within the ship would be a better, but more expensive, alternative to the portable Magic Milker. It would have three to five milk storage tanks, each with a capacity of, say... 16000mL. Each tank would be limited to one type of milk, of course, the first kind that you put in it. This would allow you to have multiple times of milk on hand, if your character changed milk type. I'm not sure how I'd have it sold yet, but it would involve either adding an option to every NPC that buys milk to buy it straight out of your tanks (something I don't want to do), creating a new NPC somewhere specifically for buying this milk (something that would make selling the milk a hassle), or having an option to fill milk bags from each tank (probably the best option). I realize milk prices in the game are dead cheap, but if I can sell Reaha's milk, I should be able to sell mine too, without the risk and hassle of broken milk bags.

"But wait," I can hear some of you say. "The Casstech Z14 is a small ship. How are you supposed to fit in one milk tank, let alone three to five?" The answer is simple. Use narrow tanks and stand them on their end. They would look like wide pipes either built into the wall or just next to the wall.

A two liter bottle of soda pop is about a foot tall. Most rooms are between seven or eight feet tall. So a seven foot tall pipe or tank with an interior diameter of that two liter bottle, taking into account that the bottles have a neck but the pipe/tank would not, would easily have a capacity of about 16000mL. Of course, with that length, if the diameter is increased even a tiny bit, it would dramatically increase the storage capacity...
Because Celise would be all over that. You'd drain your balls into a storage tank and then leave the ship to have adventures and stuff, and when you got back, Celise ate it all. She might even have oozed into the tank to lick off the inside and get every last drop. While this is amusing as a scenario, it goes against what I want to do - monetize the character's body fluids. Also, semen pumping is not my fetish.

In the same vein as this, perhaps even after you get this upgrade, I think it would be great if Yammi could make ice cream out of player's or stored milk. She already makes it out of Reaha's milk, so it fits in with what she can do. If I've already gone to the trouble of getting Vanae lactation, I want purple ice cream. If I got Nyrea milk, I want that extra nutritious ice cream. I'm not sure what, if any, effect I would give them. It's easy to say Vanae ice cream raises lust, but would Nyrea ice cream restore hit points or energy or both? Something to think on, but not insurmountable.

This brings us to things I think would be nice, but I wouldn't write.

The first is purely mechanical, adjusting the price of Vanae milk to something that approaches their Codex entry. According to the Codex, Vanae milk is in such high demand that enthusiasts and poachers are abducting them to be cow slaves. But my full bag of Vanae Huntress milk is worth only six credits? I'm not sure that makes sense. I'm also not sure what a better price would be. 100?

The second thing I'd like to see but would not write is adding some of Gianna's mechanics to Bess. I really liked the idea of hunting down silicone and giving it to Gianna to increase her body parts. I really like the idea of both sex robots, but I like some of their parts better than the other. I think it'd be neat to sort of combine them, I guess. That's something I know will never happen.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I'm still familiarizing myself with forum rules and reading the writing guides, but this is the content I would like to add to Trials in Tainted Space.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
The second thing I'd like to see but would not write is adding some of Gianna's mechanics to Bess. I really liked the idea of hunting down silicone and giving it to Gianna to increase her body parts. I really like the idea of both sex robots, but I like some of their parts better than the other. I think it'd be neat to sort of combine them, I guess. That's something I know will never happen.

This sounds very interesting to me too. I love Bess and Gianna as well, but I am not 100% clear on what you mean. You can already increase just about any part of Bess' body without the need to hunt down silicone (or her "body milk" that she uses to alter her shape; I forgot what she calls it). Are you saying that you would like a quest added where you have to find more of her "body milk" before you can change her shape? What other differences are you thinking about combining?


Feb 8, 2017
Yeah, I'd like to find more of her "stuff" before she can get larger. So at the beginning you have to balance whether you want large tits, large ass, or a medium both, that sort of thing. I also like having to find or buy the dildos for Gianna elsewhere, I feel like Bess's catalog and instant-warp delivery is too convenient.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
not sure if mentioned here before but i really want a option to have mpreg i have a thing for male pregnancy and my main steele would have it if available instead of each pregnancy added i grow him a vag to have the child then get rid of it >.<


New Member
Feb 9, 2017
also wants a silly mode where you can insert a 5-foot penis inside someone where its normally not doable. or new scenes where steele can get really rough and force it in, this thought got to me when i played and wanted to return to aina but steeles penis was to large.
why is steele the only one that can go and take larger then life penis while no one else can?