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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Actually, can we get some characters that take advantage of multiple vag?

What you are asking for is (technically) not characters per se, but scenes ;).

I'll keep your request in mind, although it'll definitely be some time before I have written something acceptable...
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Jul 11, 2016
ring Savin some chicken soup next time he's sick and get him to write it.

Tis' too late for that, it has already begun.

Waiting for permission from the man himself before I actually post anything that's been written, of course.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Competent writers are my fetish, actually.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
As I recall, Embry had being an author as part of her thing. Might be a thing to work into expanding her if the person who said they'd do the expanding hasn't dropped off the face of the earth or given up.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
As I recall, Embry had being an author as part of her thing. Might be a thing to work into expanding her if the person who said they'd do the expanding hasn't dropped off the face of the earth or given up.
Eva gave up on that. Luckily. Now he/she can focus on his/her own stuff :)


Dec 15, 2015
The wiki says that males have an genital slit in which their dicks are stored.

Try having sex with Aliss and see how she has an anus separate from her dick.
The wiki called it a cloaca so I assumed that's what it was, but it would still be nice to have a proper cloaca.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, that's still technically a cloaca. Mammal cloaca (reproductive, urinary) != bird cloaca (digestive, reproductive, urinary).

EDIT: Nevermind, further research states that a mammal cloaca only exists in embryos, and later becomes the exterior genitals we all know and love. With that said, the world "cloaca" is usually only used for birds, so who the hell put in on the wiki?
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Dec 15, 2015
I mean, that's still technically a cloaca. Mammal cloaca (reproductive, urinary) != bird cloaca (digestive, reproductive, urinary).

EDIT: Nevermind, further research states that a mammal cloaca only exists in embryos, and later becomes the exterior genitals we all know and love. With that said, the world "cloaca" is usually only used for birds, so who the hell put in on the wiki?
Some lizards have them so maybe that's why.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ovir have them.
No, they don't. They have an asshole separate from their genitalia.

Ovir are supposed to have them, and TF says they got it, but it is actually a genital slit. There is no way to get cloaca, and there is a reason: it would make sex scenes quite confusing. Vaginal scenes assume that vaginas are separate holes. Anal scenes are... Well, anal. And implementing cloacal as anal would effectively mean a generic MPreg implementation. And it would require a special birth option for every pregnancy. Also, it would make female effectively genderless, due to lack of separate vagina. Also, it would greatly limit your options, since there is severe shortage of anal receiving scenes (especially victory ones), and many of them require genitals to be accessed. So it is a very demanding thing. And even male-only version would have a conflict with things which would make you grow balls since balls are not compatible with such penis placement unless it is a kangaroo-like arrangement which would create another mass of weirdsit.


Dec 15, 2015
Ovir are supposed to have them, and TF says they got it, but it is actually a genital slit. There is no way to get cloaca, and there is a reason: it would make sex scenes quite confusing. Vaginal scenes assume that vaginas are separate holes. Anal scenes are... Well, anal. And implementing cloacal as anal would effectively mean a generic MPreg implementation. And it would require a special birth option for every pregnancy. Also, it would make female effectively genderless, due to lack of separate vagina. Also, it would greatly limit your options, since there is severe shortage of anal receiving scenes (especially victory ones), and many of them require genitals to be accessed. So it is a very demanding thing. And even male-only version would have a conflict with things which would make you grow balls since balls are not compatible with such penis placement unless it is a kangaroo-like arrangement which would create another mass of weirdsit.
Tis a sad day, but oh well I can live with a mere genital slit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There was or is still worked on some new npc that would have technicaly cloaca. That modded into harpy npc. So now the question will author check this place by accident to see that convo on colaca or not and do all in his/her own way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There was or is still worked on some new npc that would have technicaly cloaca. That modded into harpy npc. So now the question will author check this place by accident to see that convo on colaca or not and do all in his/her own way.
NPCs are a different case. They have no PCs limitations. You can always say that it was custom TF.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ovir are supposed to have them, and TF says they got it, but it is actually a genital slit.
I apologize as I am compelled to nitpick a bit.
Aliss is also described to have a cloaca in the scene where the PC sucks her off.
Than It's a misnomer on both part of Aliss' author (Third) and the person who wrote the TF (I'm pretty sure it was written by another person)
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Nov 12, 2016
I dunno if I'm interpreting it wrong, but Steele's carry threshold seems to work its way into seemingly superhuman ranges.
I've managed to get my character to well over supertanker nut displacement, literally hundreds of thousands of lb's i'm surprised my ship can still even take off at that point let alone moving around, the system is clearly well and truly skewed in the fantasy direction of do-as-you-please and honestly i'm kind of ok with that it would be silly to get stuck in the wild all the time and have to bad end every time you ate one too many loads from an enemy.. here's an example of the crazy implausible mass you can attain i'm obviously immobile at this point but you get the idea, I'd do it with milk instead but i'm honestly unsure how, that's a work in progress once i get that black-hole bra technology i'll create a new milky way :p


Lord Lodestar

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2016
I don´t really know where else to take this.

It´s a very small detail, but I´d love it if Ceria´s shop could add glowing ember as a hair/fur color. I kinda fell in love with the description of it given by Etis in his TF, Foxfire.
I second this. Although I'm dedicated to the silver/platinum life, the glowing ember hair (and vanae markings if ya got 'em) is pretty damn rad.


Nov 12, 2016
I'm sure the idea has been posted in some form already but i haven't seen it so i'd really love the ability to train my crew or lovers on the buttslutinator to change them to subs even if they only get one scene each it would be fun to see a change in attitude after being fucked stupid for a day or two something similar to ditz speech but specifically for eager buttsluts hamburgered between sex scenes denying them their blissful anal release scene till they behave ( ie put it last, and make it an exaggerated sploogefest )


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don´t really know where else to take this.

It´s a very small detail, but I´d love it if Ceria´s shop could add glowing ember as a hair/fur color. I kinda fell in love with the description of it given by Etis in his TF, Foxfire.
Well, that things is a bioluminescence of the symbiotic fungi, but I guess it is possible to get a non-transformative strain.