What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Is adding chastity(either belts or cages) possible? I don't know much about programming so I'm not sure if it's something they could add in, but I would love to see it.
Pretty much all sex scenes currently in-game assume Steele is not in chastity, so implementing it as a generic thing would require re-writing most of the game and thus won't happen. It can be implemented as a specific thing, though, if it's either for an NPC (see: Inessa) or "normal gameplay -> find an NPC with scenes supporting Steele-in-chastity content -> chastity on -> sex scene(s) -> chastity off -> normal gameplay".
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
Pretty much all sex scenes currently in-game assume Steele is not in chastity, so implementing it as a generic thing would require re-writing most of the game and thus won't happen. It can be implemented as a specific thing, though, if it's either for an NPC (see: Inessa) or "normal gameplay -> find an NPC with scenes supporting Steele-in-chastity content -> chastity on -> sex scene(s) -> chastity off -> normal gameplay".
I imagine it could be implemented relatively easily as override to genital check functions, that effectively renders Steele as lacking genital(s) with chastity equipment. Since it's already possible for Steele to lack genitals (altogether), and the scenes have to check for that.

However, that's presuming the goal of such exercise is to disable sex scenes (or passages) which rely on given orifice being usable. If what the poster actually wants is acknowledgment there is a chastity device and content based on that, then yeah, don't see that happening given the amount of work it'd involve.
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New Member
May 14, 2022
I imagine it could be implemented relatively easily as override to genital check functions, that effectively renders Steele as lacking genital(s) with chastity equipment. Since it's already possible for Steele to lack genitals (altogether), and the scenes have to check for that.

However, that's presuming the goal of such exercise is to disable sex scenes (or passages) which rely on given orifice being usable. If what the poster actually wants is acknowledgment there is a chastity device and content based on that, then yeah, don't see that happening given the amount of work it'd involve.
Pretty much all sex scenes currently in-game assume Steele is not in chastity, so implementing it as a generic thing would require re-writing most of the game and thus won't happen. It can be implemented as a specific thing, though, if it's either for an NPC (see: Inessa) or "normal gameplay -> find an NPC with scenes supporting Steele-in-chastity content -> chastity on -> sex scene(s) -> chastity off -> normal gameplay".
That was why I was wondering if it was even possible. I figure it wasn't possible, considering the immense amount of effort it would take. A specific NPC for it might be interesting though. Either it is only worn during interactions with that NPC, or its kind of treated like the collars. It is noted in the appearance menu, but Steele is just treated as lacking that genitalia for all scenes except for the specific NPCs that comment on/have scenes involving it.


Well-Known Member
It is noted in the appearance menu, but Steele is just treated as lacking that genitalia for all scenes except for the specific NPCs that comment on/have scenes involving it.
The problem with this, is that some scenes will make explicit references to Steele's lack of genitals, especially if they're neuter. Implementing general chastity in this manner would mean that the game's text will often claim Steele doesn't have a cock and/or pussy when they, in fact, do have one (or more).


New Member
Feb 3, 2022
While I understand CoC2 and TiTs are different games.....

I absolutely love the Corrupted Breeder perk within CoC2 and would love to see a version of it added to TiTs. (Increased pregnancy speed based off corruption/taint).

Additionally a planet with a crazy amount of demons (Succubus, etc) trying to breed the OC into Submission.

Planet unlock = OC speaks to bar NPC, following many drinks OC then either blacks out or has chance to escape. Escape route leads to being tazzered and OC blacks out. OC is then brought aboard slave traders ship. Slave trader ship enroute to black market slave auction receives heavy damage from something and is forced to make crash/emergency landing on closest planet (demon planet!). Unfortunately pilot has perished during crash. The ship has sustained heavy damage causing your cell to open. Upon scouting the ship you begin to encounter imps at first, followed by stronger and stronger demons. The demons are surprised and excited to find you alive as they scout the ship. Eventually OC is captured by demons and set to become a breeding slave. During OC initial walk of shame upon arriving OC notices many other crash sites as well. Something appears to be luring vessels to the planet. Its only when OC arrives they discover many others have taken the same path. Others with bellies large as they are about to give way to more demon spawn. Many have failed to escape.

Can OC make it out alive and save anyone in the process? Perhaps OC can create diplomacy between Tamani and the demons. Who knows....

Goal, obtain parts from additional crashed vessels to restore an escape ship, or create diplomacy and then be provided a transport, or.... become the queens (futa) personal baby factory.

Think of it more as a heavy collab opportunity. ^^
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
While I understand CoC2 and TiTs are different games.....

I absolutely love the Corrupted Breeder perk within CoC2 and would love to see a version of it added to TiTs. (Increased pregnancy speed based off corruption/taint).
How high can pregnancy speed go in CoC2? In TiTS, it is already possible to get to 10.5x:
(1000% Base (Laquine Ears) + 800% (Synthwomb) + 100% (Incubator) + 100% (Breed Hungry) + 100% (Paternal bonus))/ 2.
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New Member
Feb 3, 2022
How high can pregnancy speed go in CoC2? In TiTS, it is already possible to get to 10.5x:
(1000% Base (Laquine Ears) + 800% (Synthwomb) + 100% (Incubator) + 100% (Breed Hungry) + 100% (Paternal bonus))/ 2.
I couldn't remember the exact bonus on the Synthwomb. Thank you for mentioning it! I don't think another 1,000% would be ideal (although kinda cool). I do personally like the idea of having 1 or more perks based off Taint level. This is just my favorite one by far from CoC2 and think it would make a lovely addition to the game.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2017
Hum, I had that fantasy since some months ago about a gold digger approaching Steel. Either through the dating application, by mail or at a bar. Beginning by getting to know each other innocently. Seducing Steel slowly over several meetings.

Then, once a level of seduction is reached, she will give gift ideas to Steel. Small gifts to start with, with the option to refuse or accept. And she would reward Steel if he comply to spoil her a bit.
Then after a certain level, the gifts become more and more expensive. And it becomes more and more difficult to resist. (maybe, a willpower check)

She would maintain the relationship with small occasional messages. Telling how much she is in love with Steel. Encouraging him in his fight against the cousin for the company.

Then, perhaps as for the hypnotist, an event would come to sow the doubt. Like a newspaper article about the misadventures of a company president's son who was abandoned by his girlfriend once his father went bankrupt. Giving Steel the option to start investigating or not.


May 4, 2022
don't know how many people would agree but i find i enjoy deceptively smart bimbos (ex: mitzi 1. she can man a turret 2. actually read her dialogue you'd be surprised i think in one there's even a comment on this)
This reminds me how much I love Nova when she goes into super intelligent mode with overly complex explanations and then mentions she wants to use the stuff for lewd purposes later...
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Apr 6, 2019
Probably a bit too-intensive to go for, but how about an all-encompassing custom total body mod? Mix and match body part types, colors, the works. Sera even mentions getting a custom mod made, why not allow the players to do the same for a large cost?


Feb 16, 2020
Overhauling the ship system and completely divorcing ship passengers from the ship upgrade point pool. Being forced to choose between having a crew or upgrading your ship isn't fun.

I'm not opposed to some ships having a really limited crew capacity or some ships not having much room for upgrades, but those should be separate statistics. Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars or Starfinder have decent systems if you guys need inspiration.

Also the Clowncar cheat is not a solution, it's a bandaid at best.


Apr 14, 2020
Adding to the eternal "I wish there were more males" refrain—as crew, as sexable NPCs, as sires for pregnancy, etc.

Also: I'd love to have some more exhibitionism content—especially variations on the exhibitionism masturbation scene. As it is, once you've maxed out exhibitionism, all you really get is one repeating scene and one strip show scene. Even just having a couple different variations on that scene that the game could randomly pull from so that they aren't all identical would be really nice.

Even cooler would be if you could activate different scenes in different areas. Right now, the only feature like that I can think of is the cop who gives you their number on Tavros and the fact that it'll say something like "a few [species native to the planet you're currently on] stop to watch," but there's not much beyond that. Even just one scene per planet that actually takes the surroundings and situation into account would be nice: like, scandalized Red Myr staring on in shock at an alien masturbating in the streets on Myrellion, pirates catcalling and whistling at you on Zheng Shi, Raskvel creeping up to try to use you like they do during Anno's petplay scene...

I'd also love it if there were more options at brothels. There tends to be only like 1-3 sexable partners per location, which is weird for a brothel. If you're working at Beth's there's a wide variety of potential customers who can randomly hire and use you in different ways; it would be cool if, along with the couple of named NPCs you can hire at each location, there was some kind of "just give me someone random" button you could hit to get a random encounter picked off a list of a few sex scenes, maybe extra cheap compared to the other options to compensate for the unpredictability. (Maybe throw in some other features like higher odds of catching an STD or occasional odd status effects to make it interesting & give another reason to choose a random hook-up over one of the named NPCs.)

and some special races can have more kinds of tease attacks, such as frostwyrm can use psionic power to connect with enemy and throw those pornographic things directly into enemy's head, succubus can using high heels to better show their sexy body curves, kaithrit are more flexible and can do many incredible hot poses, like bending over to lick your own pussy or butthole, suula, vanae and myr can spew their venom like "milk squirt" ,or use pheromones to cover and control your enemy, just like the zil male in the date with Fisianna, not just a monotonous repetition of descriptions.

I like this idea! I remember reading ages ago that in developing TiTS they decided against letting your transformations give you strategic advantage, (since, in contrast, in CoC1 certain anatomical features could be useful in battle—which meant if you wanted to maximize your combat potential you had to select for useful features rather than your perfect sexy wish-fulfillment build). But if it was integrated into teasing, then I'd think it would be easy to give those perks the exact same weight in battle, just change the flavor text a little to something that acknowledges your character's special species traits. Like, the kaithrit self-lick idea could easily be text that might pop up during a butt tease. Have a Treated character moo or make cow jokes in place of typical breast tease text, have a naga-tail character do a little belly dance that shows off their tail during a hips tease, etc.

It might not be too far out of line to do a "Special" tease button for things like venom spewing or pheromones, if its damage is calculated the same way that something already existing like milk squirt is calculated, so that these special tricks are all weighed equally and there isn't a massive strategic advantage to adopting any one particular trait.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2019
This reminds me how much I love Nova when she goes into super intelligent mode with overly complex explanations and then mentions she wants to use the stuff for lewd purposes later...
that took me a moment cause i name her Silver but yeah its funny because those scenes always end with steele not being able to focus due to her nerding out


Nov 10, 2017
I think the ability to replay completed quests or quest-specific encounters (like the VR Holodeck from KiroQuest) using the Mindwash Visor would be both nice and quite easy to implement (with my exactly zero knowledge of coding).
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I think the ability to replay completed quests or quest-specific encounters (like the VR Holodeck from KiroQuest) using the Mindwash Visor would be both nice and quite easy to implement (with my exactly zero knowledge of coding).
And the gloryhole scene with kiro and kally


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd like to see more interactions with the various pirate factions from Zheng Shi on other planets and an underground/pirate reputation that starts at 50% increases or decreases depending on certain actions taken. Like after you take down a pirate ship in a battle might increase your reputation a bit if you to leave them, increase a fair bit if you choose to extort them and then leave but decrease your reputation if you extort and then report to the authorities.

A high enough reputation (75% and above) could mean that the heads of the gangs would invite you to a parlay/orgy at a private location. You would even be able to buy gang decked out ships, weapons and armour. There would even be romancable and recruitable NPCs from the gangs. If you have a high enough reputation and steal The Sidewinder, the heads will be annoyed but impressed by the theft. They will ask for a copy of the blueprints that were stored on the ship's computer as well 35,000 credits to get started on The Sidewinder II. You would then have a random chance of bumping into gang scrappers on Tarkus as they scavenge for parts for their new ship.

A low enough reputation (25% and below) could mean that the heads of the gangs send you a courtesy message informing you that you will be hunted by their bounty hunters for causing them so might trouble and strife. The UGC Peacekeepers would then make contact through Sergeant Decker to offer assitance after helping detain numerous gang crews and ships. After meeting with Decker at a UGC Peacekeepers outpost, you would then be able to buy Peacekeeper SWAT grade ships, weapons and armour. There would even be romancable and recruitable NPCs from the Peacekeepers. If you have a low enough reputation and steal The Sidewinder, the Peacekeepers will be impressed by the theft. They will ask for a copy of the blueprints that were stored on the ship's computer to get started on The Sidewinder II. You would then have a random chance of bumping into UGC Engineers on Tarkus as they recover parts unsuccessful tests.

Once you reach one the thresholds, you are locked in with that group. However you would still have the opportunity to encounter the opposite groups romancable and recruitable NPCs and vendors after completing a raid on their base of operations.

I'd also like to see an old schoolmate of Sera who went the opposite religious direction with her body modifications and became a towering Amazonian Angel. She also started shop to pay off her debts for the mods that she bought unlike our favourite demon-morph though she managed to pay of her debts and her shop is so successful that she can afford to let her employees run it while she goes on 'sabbatical' with you. She would set up a branch of her shop in your ship and at times been seen at times competing with Sera or mentoring Sera. You could give her Man-Up as she wants to see what life is like on the other side of the fence for a couple of days or convince her through a high intelligence check to try Futazona and see what life is like with the best of both worlds. You could lock her into her male or futa form by giving her either Man-Up or Futazona several times in a row, switching between giving her Man-Up and Futazona would reset the counter for the other mod.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Almost certainly been mentioned plenty but my absolute favorite addition in COC 2 was companions during adventure/combat. My dream addition to TiTs would be something similar.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Almost certainly been mentioned plenty but my absolute favorite addition in COC 2 was companions during adventure/combat. My dream addition to TiTs would be something similar.
Outside of enclosed areas/quests, like Azra's expeditions or Kara's second quest, it's unlikely. Most encounters are designed and balanced around Steele being alone, so they won't allow you a combat tagalong unless you can only encounter battles designed around you having an ally. There's occasional segments where it's done, but for the most part, they won't allow it, since they don't want to have to re-design every single encounter in the game. The only time it could have been added is when the JS port was being made, but it's passed, most if not all of the content is in there, so there's not any point in taking the effort now.


New Member
Mar 10, 2022
I always find it kinda funny that wings are almost never mentioned, especially in bondage scenes, despite the fact my character has four of them large enough to cover her 7'3 body. However, I know that writing in mentions for every scene they could be involved with would be a lot of writing only a small percentage players would see.

I would really like to see a scene where you get made into a wall slut to pay your casino dues or something of the sort. I know there's the VR loss scenario, but that's hardly the same.


Feb 20, 2020
While looking through rule 34 I came across the 'nipple plugs' tag and thought that it could be a good addition to the game.. They could have an effect of they prevent any milk from leaking out and because of that the player's breasts swell with milk from being backed up. (yes, I know they already can swell with milk, but I'm thinking that maybe they swell with milk faster or the swelling is much greater than it would be without them). Also, I know I'm kinda late to suggest this but, I thought a good addition to mayternity would be a preg Anno. I don't know if there was already any decision made to not have preg Anno content or not or something along those lines, but I thought I would suggest it just in case.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Almost certainly been mentioned plenty but my absolute favorite addition in COC 2 was companions during adventure/combat. My dream addition to TiTs would be something similar.
In addition to what Tide Hunter said: Not only would they likely have to re-balance every encounter, people who wanted to adventure alone would be at a disadvantage. And they'd have to come up with combat abilities for more (all?) of the companions. And probably a level progression. There's a lot that goes into CoC2 companions.
I always find it kinda funny that wings are almost never mentioned, especially in bondage scenes, despite the fact my character has four of them large enough to cover her 7'3 body. However, I know that writing in mentions for every scene they could be involved with would be a lot of writing only a small percentage players would see.
Wings are one of the few TFs that grant a mechanical advantage. Therefore, everybody has them, right? Right?
I would really like to see a scene where you get made into a wall slut to pay your casino dues or something of the sort. I know there's the VR loss scenario, but that's hardly the same.
I'm fairly certain something like this is in the works. Or it might be written and waiting to be implemented. I'm having trouble finding evidence of it on the forum, though. Maybe I'm misremembering, maybe my Search-Fu is weak.


Well-Known Member
Also, I know I'm kinda late to suggest this but, I thought a good addition to mayternity would be a preg Anno. I don't know if there was already any decision made to not have preg Anno content or not or something along those lines, but I thought I would suggest it just in case.
Savin once joked that he'd write Anno preg (or Syri preg or Kaede preg) for a million dollars - and I know it's a joke because every other time he's talked about it, he denied the possibility of it being anything other than something that happens after the events of the game. She's simply neither ready nor willing to have kids yet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
I feel like there needs to be a Laquine Lite TF. Don't get me wrong, what we have is great, but if you just want to correct your Steeles appearance, like after the Treatment or rescuing Kiro, it's got a ton of extra that just isn't needed. Maybe have it be targeted like Catnip is, so it just changes one thing per use. No perks, no extra, Appearance only. for half the price.
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