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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I love how the first conclusion you come to is that the entire universe simultaneously just absolutely loses it when a woman starts bleeding and declares the entire thing taboo. It's not even unnatural blood like from an injury, it's fluid from a natural bodily process just like a Galotian's slime or Myr's venom. There's literally no reason whatsoever for a society made out of countless species of fucking ALIENS of all shapes and sizes to freak out about it unless they thought the woman was injured by an outside source and were concerned for her safety, which would instantly be corrected by any humans present. The most likely and reasonable in-universe explanation is that they just used future technology to alter the process into something more tolerable because people don't exactly like dealing with periods and that kind of treatment would be in very high demand if available. It's basic capitalism.
Heck i remember reading somewhere that due to the mass taking of penis enlargement drugs the average penis length of humans has increased. Thus with something as immensely popular as a period remover, it wouldn't be unbelievable to say that nowadays human women are just born without periods.

Or alternatively someone running for president of humanity promised hereditary treatments of period away as a campaign promise and delivered when she won.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I love how the first conclusion you come to is that the entire universe simultaneously just absolutely loses it when a woman starts bleeding and declares the entire thing taboo. It's not even unnatural blood like from an injury, it's fluid from a natural bodily process just like a Galotian's slime or Myr's venom. There's literally no reason whatsoever for a society made out of countless species of fucking ALIENS of all shapes and sizes to freak out about it unless they thought the woman was injured by an outside source and were concerned for her safety, which would instantly be corrected by any humans present. The most likely and reasonable in-universe explanation is that they just used future technology to alter the process into something more tolerable because people don't exactly like dealing with periods and that kind of treatment would be in very high demand if available. It's basic capitalism.
I was taking into account human history regarding periods. We're the same species, it is a normal thing and yet it was either thought of as disgusting or revered as a sign of fertility/womanhood. It's entirely reasonable that an alien's first impression would either be met with shock, curiosity, or revulsion. I also included that there may be tech or meds that resolved the problems that periods bring, so over time everyone's forgotten about it and now it's a non-issue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
In Scalieland, crocodiles seem to be one of the stereotypical choices for vore and fatness. Go figure.

What about Snakes or Nagas?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Assume as such, and now you should move on before you begin to talk about a blacklisted convo

Coyote it's assumptions like that, in places like this that starts stuff like that. Leave me alone because I'm not starting anything in here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Now back to the main topic.

Anyone else think that Jetpacks should allow you to hit flying enemies if you don't have wings? If they already do then that's news to me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2018
Periods are a shedding of vaginal lining to combat failed or unfertilized eggs and to refresh the lining for a new egg present only in very few animals native to Earth, a select handful of mammals. If they are so rare on earth I would not find it hard to believe that alien civilizations have never even heard of periods. I'd even dare to say that humans would be considered freaks of nature on the galactic civilization scale for having females who bleed once a month for several days as a normal regular occurrence and would likely be a taboo to even speak about. I'd imagine that some technology would have been made some time ago that stops the less-than-savoury side of periods. Heat is different because it doesn't involve blood and is merely a period of hyper fertility, something that is much more common in the animal kingdom so more likely to be found and less taboo.

If periods were to be a thing then they would only really affect human characters, or they'd affect the character regardless because they will always be at least part human. I'd imagine it would only be an aspect of the player unless a writer and coder puts that feature into a character, and that every month in the game(unless their reproductive facilities have changed for heat or ovi) there'd be periods of infertility where there's no need no worry about pregnancy and then a period of fertility where you'll need to watch out if you don't intend on your character being pregnant. Not that it ever will get in unfiltered, blood in a sexual sense or anywhere near genitals is on the no-no list.

I would be very surprised if periods were considered taboo or disgusting in the future and by aliens. It's a normal bodily functions, just like everything else, and considering the weird shit some of the aliens produce, why would a little bit of blood be disgusting? We've got venom saliva, creatures made of goo/slime and species that spray their milk on others (and while that may be hot to many here, you would be surprised by the amount of people who consider lactation disgusting). That all could be squicky, but the wider TiTs-verse considers that fine. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of technology to reduce the effects of a period or what have you and keep you fertile (considering even right now, certain types of birth control stop your period, and if you skip the sugar pills for the tablet type you don't have your period.). Or, like in most media it's in the 'just not talked about/included' ala eating, defecating and urinating.

Also, I'm guessing you've never been around an animal in heat before. Animals in heat do actually bleed from their genitals, to the point some people end up putting nappies on their dogs/cats because the blood gets everywhere. It's from a different source (the uterine lining isn't being shed), but they still bleed during certain parts of their heat cycle. Therefore, I don't think bleeding as part of the reproduction cycle wouldn't be that unusual to aliens.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Those tend to be related to vore, but not fatness. Again, go figure (especially concerning nagas and nagini).

Eh, I think of snakes as fat I guess. But I don't mind a snake bring a bit thick. I wasn't one for vore tho


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Therefore, I don't think bleeding as part of the reproduction cycle wouldn't be that unusual to aliens.
It depends. Mammals do go into have estrus and the higher primates do have periods, but that's because that if you go back far enough in the evolutionary chain, there was some ancestor for whom it was advantageous to develop the ability to have fertility cycles.

But that doesn't mean that it would be the same for aliens. Yes Ausar might be dog-alien aliens and Kaithrit might be cat-like aliens, but the key point here is that they are aliens. Biological function A doesn't always mean biological function B would be the same. I mean, if it did, Anno shouldn't be able to get sweaty when she exercises and would have to cool down by panting because dogs don't have sweat glands (and not the fun kind of panting). By the same token, the Tove might have an avian appearance, but they reproduce in a manner more like plants. The point is that, alien species might reproduce, but it's not going to be an exact facsimile of how Terran's reproduce.

But at the end of the day, this is a porn game and periods aren't a thing. Fertility cycles do exist, after all, pregnancy is an aspect of the game, so Occam's Razor would tell us that there are probably everyday items that lessen the impact it has on women.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2018
It depends. Mammals do go into have estrus and the higher primates do have periods, but that's because that if you go back far enough in the evolutionary chain, there was some ancestor for whom it was advantageous to develop the ability to have fertility cycles.

But that doesn't mean that it would be the same for aliens. Yes Ausar might be dog-alien aliens and Kaithrit might be cat-like aliens, but the key point here is that they are aliens. Biological function A doesn't always mean biological function B would be the same. I mean, if it did, Anno shouldn't be able to get sweaty when she exercises and would have to cool down by panting because dogs don't have sweat glands (and not the fun kind of panting). By the same token, the Tove might have an avian appearance, but they reproduce in a manner more like plants. The point is that, alien species might reproduce, but it's not going to be an exact facsimile of how Terran's reproduce.

But at the end of the day, this is a porn game and periods aren't a thing. Fertility cycles do exist, after all, pregnancy is an aspect of the game, so Occam's Razor would tell us that there are probably everyday items that lessen the impact it has on women.
I get what you're saying here, but so far there hasn't been really any species that are truly alien. Most species are bipedal, and if not they have bipedalish upper torso (centaurs, basically). Most species (except for one iirc) have sex outside of reproduction, feel sexual pleasure and have a penis/vagina/cloaca. Most species have hands (or tentacles) they use to manipulate tools, have mouths with a tongue. Hell, pretty much every species we've encountered have teeth which isn't a universal trait.

Even with your example with Anno, she's not just a dog-alien, she's a dog-human alien, so her sweating instead of panting is entirely in line with that.

If our aliens were truly alien, I would completely get that human biological functions are completely unique may create a strong reaction. But this is a porn game, and our aliens are the exotic mixed in with the familiar. If they have so many biological similarities (and it happens with other animal species on earth), then why would menstrual blood be so abnormal?

But I do agree with you, it doesn't have to be mentioned or anything else. I said my piece in response to someone else saying that menstruation is likely too taboo to even speak of and that humans would be regarded as freaks of nature for it. In my mind, It's basically along the lines of eating/defecating/urinating, in which it probably still happens but it just isn't mentioned because it isn't needed/relevant. But I do think that in space-future, a normal bodily functions like that wouldn't be taboo.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I mean, I'm pretty sure it's just convergent evolution for most species. As far as we know, humans have the best setup for the kind of growth we've experienced as a species, we are how we are because we've evolved to be better at what we needed to do to get here. So if instead of apes it were canines, felines, etc that were the dominant species of a planet then we could reasonably assume they'd be pretty human in appearance and function.

I think there's actually a Wolverine comic that has him hunted by a society of wolves that evolved to the current state of humans.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Penny, Emmy or Kiro?

Why not all of them? And at the same time.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
I mean, I'm pretty sure it's just convergent evolution for most species. As far as we know, humans have the best setup for the kind of growth we've experienced as a species, we are how we are because we've evolved to be better at what we needed to do to get here. So if instead of apes it were canines, felines, etc that were the dominant species of a planet then we could reasonably assume they'd be pretty human in appearance and function.

So far, so good. But now have the countertheory!

(Because there is no reasonable explanation for the world running on sex, and the same DNA & Genitals, otherwise.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
In regards to that whole period topic from before...
We all know the real reason they aren't brought up at all in the universe is because, and speaking as a girl with a vagina, periods feel gross and are nasty and make you feel like shit and nobody wants to go through them nor would they want to so the idea of future society developing technology/medicine/etc. to not have anyone have to deal with the painful monthly hell as part of their fertility cycle (Without risks and hindering it entirely) isn't too far-fetched as a concept.

(Honestly a day where the accursed period doesn't exist anymore sounds great plz technology let us get rid of it forever without possibly risking messing us up that'd be lovely k thks)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
speaking as a girl with a vagina, periods feel gross and are nasty and make you feel like shit and nobody wants to go through them nor would they want to
Typing as another female with a vulva, a vagina and all those organs, periods feel varied. Sometimes they're incredibly painful, sometimes I don't feel anything other than the "dripping". Heck, sometimes I feel my libido heightened. I take every female has a different period experience, and that might vary from month to month.

As long as they aren't painful or too copious, I don't mind them. I kinda like those blood clots. I don't think they're gross either, as they're just part of my natural bodily matter. Plus I see them as a way for my body to say I'm healthy. Incidentally, I'm typing this after having spent a whole month with period issues, so I understand why removing them could be a desirable concept.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
i wouldn't mind more companion customization options. the ability to remove Amber's cock for one example.

We have many "add cock" options for companions, Anno, Shekka, pippa, Nova and Celise technically with the tentacle thing, etc. As far as i know, Sera is the only companion where you can get rid of her dick.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
In regards to that whole period topic from before...
We all know the real reason they aren't brought up at all in the universe is because, and speaking as a girl with a vagina, periods feel gross and are nasty and make you feel like shit and nobody wants to go through them nor would they want to so the idea of future society developing technology/medicine/etc. to not have anyone have to deal with the painful monthly hell as part of their fertility cycle (Without risks and hindering it entirely) isn't too far-fetched as a concept.

(Honestly a day where the accursed period doesn't exist anymore sounds great plz technology let us get rid of it forever without possibly risking messing us up that'd be lovely k thks)
Typing as another female with a vulva, a vagina and all those organs, periods feel varied. Sometimes they're incredibly painful, sometimes I don't feel anything other than the "dripping". Heck, sometimes I feel my libido heightened. I take every female has a different period experience, and that might vary from month to month.

As long as they aren't painful or too copious, I don't mind them. I kinda like those blood clots. I don't think they're gross either, as they're just part of my natural bodily matter. Plus I see them as a way for my body to say I'm healthy. Incidentally, I'm typing this after having spent a whole month with period issues, so I understand why removing them could be a desirable concept.
See, that's always been a weird thing for me, because sometimes my sister complains and sometimes she doesn't, but my mom has had some girlfriends that make it sound like death and some that barely notice, while she doesn't talk about it much at all. I know they both think it's gross though, because they bleed heavily.

I just kinda consider it a good thing I don't have periods, because it's one less thing to keep track of.
i wouldn't mind more companion customization options. the ability to remove Amber's cock for one example.

We have many "add cock" options for companions, Anno, Shekka, pippa, Nova and Celise technically with the tentacle thing, etc. As far as i know, Sera is the only companion where you can get rid of her dick.
Yeah, that's because it's a punishment. If you're giving someone a dick it's because you like them and you like dick, and if they're cool with it you have more enjoyable sex. If you're taking away their dick, usually something they've specifically invested money in for personal pleasure, you're telling them they have to change something they like about themselves in order for you to want them. It's terrible. Asking someone to get rid of something for you is awful, especially a body part.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
i wouldn't mind more companion customization options. the ability to remove Amber's cock for one example.

We have many "add cock" options for companions, Anno, Shekka, pippa, Nova and Celise technically with the tentacle thing, etc. As far as i know, Sera is the only companion where you can get rid of her dick.

Anno, pippa, nova, and Celise don’t have an option to get a dick, the only crew that have that option are Shekka and penny, if you didn’t give her throbb before recruitment


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
i wouldn't mind more companion customization options. the ability to remove Amber's cock for one example.

We have many "add cock" options for companions, Anno, Shekka, pippa, Nova and Celise technically with the tentacle thing, etc. As far as i know, Sera is the only companion where you can get rid of her dick.
Embry... but it's not you taking it away, it's them making the decision or forgo it or not. Although I have to say that it is still technically you taking it away because what they eventually end up doing is influenced by you.

My final words on the periods matter... Sheathe your swords in blood brothers. Seriously, it's hot. A shame it only happens on that rare occurrence she gets hornier during her time, and it's in the shower too so it's mess free.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2018
See, that's always been a weird thing for me, because sometimes my sister complains and sometimes she doesn't, but my mom has had some girlfriends that make it sound like death and some that barely notice, while she doesn't talk about it much at all. I know they both think it's gross though, because they bleed heavily.

I just kinda consider it a good thing I don't have periods, because it's one less thing to keep track of.

The period pain and bleeding can vary wildly between women, and even between periods themselves. So, it wouldn't be unusual for some women to act like it's death (for some, the pain is so bad they can't work or go to school), while for others it's only a minor annoyance and there's barely any pain. So, from an outside perspective it can seem like some women are exaggerating if you know other women who it doesn't bother. They aren't, but it's a pretty common assumption (even from other women!!). And of course, if you have a condition like endometriosis or PCOS (which is both common and underdiagnosed), the pain and the bleeding can be even more extreme. Even something common like an iron deficiency can worsen the fatigue and emotional.

I've always been pretty lucky, as I have quite light flow, minimum cramping that only lasts for a few days. The worst part for me is the acne and my depression/anxiety flares up. The blood doesn't bother me, but I guess that's influenced by the fact I'm a medical professional so very few things gross me out, and it's an important indicator of health.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2017
Why did this turn from a what you want added to a period from? Anyways I think it would be cool to have a booette parody somehow, even though ghost are technically a no no, you know.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2015
having babies with (more?) crewmates

maternal care added to the Nursery deck.
(checkups, sonogram, etc)