What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I agree with Darvan's post. My personal take is that some writers (including Fen) have an unfortunate tendency to create males that lack masculine sex appeal. The SecOps and Tvif are the most recent examples of this. Fen at one point counted them when saying that the gender count for Zheng Sai was about even, half of these "males" are male in technicality only. I have absolutely nothing against traps, or non-male NPCs, but you can't not expect me to be annoyed when NPCs are written to not have masculine appeal, but are technically considered as male for some quota or census.

Chalk it up to another thing Savin does better than Fen. He certainly doesn't care for the token gay he writes, but the amount of fucks he gives is clearly greater than zero, which is more than could ever be said for Fenoxo on this topic.


New Member
Nov 5, 2018
I just wanted to give my five cents on this game and for sure someone elses already did mention this topic somewhere:

The current combat tease is quite lackluster and in a basic state of being.

I ever dreamed of a greater variety in the depictions which regarding not only my teasing skill and lust but also exhibitionism and libido. Self explanatory the more exhibitionistic the PC the more revealing are the depictions, the more libidinous the more sexoriented. Lust adds in to the libidinous aspects.

So basically at the beginning of a game the combat tease ends up being quite modest and improving over the course of a playthrough regarding different traits and quirks.

I dont know, how much work this would be but normally a tease has quite short description texts.
The code for combat tease already seem to consider different characteristics of the PC, so this should be quite doable and would greatly improve the game, atleast for myself.

I am not a programmer nor a good writer, not even good at that in my native language. I could deliver a concept for this and what to be depicted though.
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kachowski labowski

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
I just wanted to give my five cents on this game and for sure someone elses already did mention this topic somewhere:

The current combat tease depictions are quite lackluster and in a basic state of being.

I ever dreamed of a greater variety in the depictions which regarding not only my teasing skill and lust but also exhibitionism and libido. Self explanatory the more exhibitionistic the PC the more revealing are the depictions, the more libidinous the more sexoriented. Lust adds in to the libidinous aspects.

So basically at the beginning of a game the combat tease ends up being quite modest and improving over the course of a playthrough regarding different traits and quirks.

I dont know, how much work this would be but normally a tease has quite short description texts.
The code for combat tease already seem to consider different characteristics of the PC, so this should be quite doable and would greatly improve the game, atleast for myself.

I am not a programmer nor a good writer, not even good at that in my native language. I could deliver a concept for this and what to be depicted though.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this does sound like it can be completed without too much coding. Unless one would also add the detailed description of the enemy (like writing in the specific differences between naleen males, females, and other types of enemies). Other than that, seems possible, and would go nicely with the "look closer" feature.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2017
+ 1 for the more masculine guys from me as well, I'm genuinely pumped for more of Foxxxling's stuff to make it into the game, because I really do like a lot of stuff they have up on their google docs.

I'm also interested in the Ciaran expansion whenever that comes out, I do like his writing a lot as a character.

I'll try to keep an eye out the commissions tab to help create the content I'd like to see in the game of course, but I do hope for more of these characters outside of that as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
I know it goes against the whole masculine men thing going on in the thread right now, but I would enjoy a dommy trap.
I think that counts towards better guy characters in general. Traps are a v. misunderstood character type; they're fun because they're so versatile. Making them all squealing little bottoms is writing a flavored twink or a sissy. Traps can be at their most fun when they're being dominant since they're railing against the idea that dominant is tied up in masculine aesthetics.

I said so in another topic but it'd also be nice to see more masculine boys who don't live at the gym. Geoff's the only one I can think off offhand and that poor kid is so underdeveloped.


Aug 27, 2015
It's difficult to believe my very first NPC, that I wrote before I really understood anything about TiTS and that I made to be as vanilla as possible, gets this much attention. I can only ascribe it to a serious lack of other male love interests.

I'm not going to do any more Geoff, but I'm perfectly happy for someone else to do it (somebody wrote him a lovely Christmas scene in last year's competition, and I'll be lobbying hard for that to get in this year). I'd sooner do more with Fazian.


Mar 28, 2016
I also want a non-goo based shapeshifter transformative. Like either of the two robot ones in the event submissions.

Can agree with that, never been a fan generally of Goo stuff, but more hand-wavy actual shapeshifter would definitely be interesting


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
A scene that actually takes advantage of multiple tail genitals. Maybe a scene in Beth's Busty Broads for tail-cunts. Heck, the message for the 9th tail-cock specifically mentions role-playing tentacle porn. More such scenes in general. The tail-cock scenes specifically are kind of sparse. To my knowledge, Tail cunts have 9, 3 of which are cunt-snake only. Tail-cocks have 4, two of which are cock-vine only. I do like the 'obscene halo' description in the Male Sydian Tailsuck scene.

Alternate versions of existing scenes for tail genitals that no longer qualify for the normal version because of Foxfire/Frostfire.
Tail-cocks: Anno and Ula scenes, Dally.
Tail-cunts: Korgonne Male and Cyber Punk Male.


Nov 7, 2018
I would like to see options on modifying/upgrading the Casstech Z14, both Internals and Externals

Internals would be things like Sauna/Steam-room, Gym, Workshop, Armoury, Brig or a Cage in Storage, Crew Quarters, S&M room (for the kinky), Captains Quarters, Bridge, Engine Room, Tech Room (Ships Mainframe, etc.), etc.
Externals would be things like Gunner Pods (Starwars style), Shields, Airlocks, Sensors Blisters, Armour Plates, Cargo Pods, Robotic Arm for grabbing up stuff (always handy) or deploying custom weapons, Observation Deck (techincally a structural weakness so if you make it a external attachment so it doesnt wreck the ship when the glass it broke, oh and it could also be used by Slavers as protection from weapons "shoot us and you kill the ones you want to save" evil i know, i read it in a Starwars novel, the Dark side was strong with them)
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
I would like to see options on modifying/upgrading the Casstech Z14, both Internals and Externals

Internals would be things like Sauna/Steam-room, Gym, Workshop, Armoury, Brig or a Cage in Storage, Crew Quarters, S&M room (for the kinky), Captains Quarters, Bridge, Engine Room, Tech Room (Ships Mainframe, etc.), etc.
Externals would be things like Gunner Pods (Starwars style), Shields, Airlocks, Sensors Blisters, Armour Plates, Cargo Pods, Robotic Arm for grabbing up stuff (always handy) or deploying custom weapons, Observation Deck (techincally a structural weakness so if you make it a external attachment so it doesnt wreck the ship when the glass it broke, oh and it could also be used by Slavers as protection from weapons "shoot us and you kill the ones you want to save" evil i know, i read it in a Starwars novel, the Dark side was strong with them)
Woah, uh...ships aren't even in yet...tone it back...just a little like one at a time...Love the ambition though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I would like to see options on modifying/upgrading the Casstech Z14, both Internals and Externals

Internals would be things like Sauna/Steam-room, Gym, Workshop, Armoury, Brig or a Cage in Storage, Crew Quarters, S&M room (for the kinky), Captains Quarters, Bridge, Engine Room, Tech Room (Ships Mainframe, etc.), etc.
Externals would be things like Gunner Pods (Starwars style), Shields, Airlocks, Sensors Blisters, Armour Plates, Cargo Pods, Robotic Arm for grabbing up stuff (always handy) or deploying custom weapons, Observation Deck (techincally a structural weakness so if you make it a external attachment so it doesnt wreck the ship when the glass it broke, oh and it could also be used by Slavers as protection from weapons "shoot us and you kill the ones you want to save" evil i know, i read it in a Starwars novel, the Dark side was strong with them)
The Casstech is a space winnebago. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that there'll be room for all that on it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Have you seen
We also had some discussions about the ship systems which have been sidelined for quite some time as a result of real life being a dick to Gedan and most of the remaining work being UI focused. I made the executive decision (for the moment) to cut the detailed customization and ship part collecting aspect from the systems for now to minimize the amount of UI work that will need to be done in order to push for faster access to obtainable ships – something we really need with Zheng Shi coming to a head.

In place of bespoke customization of parts and rooms, we’re going to have ships come with predefined weapon/equipment loadouts. Later I’d like to have Vahn allow the option to swap them out for some other predefined loadouts in order to maintain some customization until we can get things straightened out on the UI front. For instance, you could have Vahn swap out your CassTech’s loadout so that some of the crew rooms are replaced. Nobody likes building new UIs.
posted by Fenoxo on 10/17/2018
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Nov 7, 2018
Woah, uh...ships aren't even in yet...tone it back...just a little like one at a time...Love the ambition though.

Understood I will rein in the Spaceship Fanatic within me

The Casstech is a space winnebago. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that there'll be room for all that on it.

I prefer the Tardis :p but yea so far space and time dont work with in the Casstech Z14, that all depends on how the TiT's universe wants to handle the Laws of Physics I could go into detail but iv been warned to Rein In the Spaceship Nut

Have you seen

posted by Fenoxo on 10/17/2018

Thanks, sorry I took take a year off of playing now im playing catch up, also 168 pages of posts is intimidating

Ecchi Bunny

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2018
Thanks, sorry I took take a year off of playing now im playing catch up, also 168 pages of posts is intimidating

Well he wrote that on the main site where you download the game in the news feed so finding it in the 168 pages would be impossible. XD
But yeah its coming and hopefully we will get full customization a long time later down the line.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I'd really like to see an expansion to Chaurmine's character. I love the idea of sparring with someone that's on the same level or even more powerful than the PC and having rough sex afterwards, but there's not a lot to his character outside of that at the moment. Even if you finish all the content he has, he still hasn't fully opened up to you and he's even mentioned that he's waiting for other missions, so there's a ton of untapped potential with him that's just waiting to be implemented. I'm sure there are a lot more interesting gameplay options that people could devote time to instead, but Chaurmine is easily one of my favorite characters in the game and it would be awesome if he got a bit more love.
Also, just throwing this out there, but his status as a fellow high-level Rusher could easily be used as a way to organically introduce new content like ship expansions or unique gear (just off the top of my head) that we never had access to previously into the game during his theoretical questline, killing two birds with one stone.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Maybe the return of the flexibility perk and autocunnilingus, my Kaithrit Steele wants to snack on her own snatch!
Wait, the flexibility perk got removed? At what point?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I was referring to the perk from Corruptions. If someone ate enough Whisker Fruit, they could gain Flexibility and open up oral sex on themselves.

TiTS version of Flexibility is still around, just without the self-sexing.


Apr 2, 2018
A tattoo parlour to be added to New Texas, so Treated and non-treated people can get derogatory tattoos on their body, or tattoos that are like labels, similar to the bar code you can get from the Sub-Tuner on Uveto. I usually like playing as a Cum-Cow, so enjoy the idea of having her covered in tattoos which make her seem more like a cumslut/cow.


Nov 16, 2018
number 1 the bronco in the bar forgot the planet its the planet with the treatment the idea is if the player doesnt have a big enough hole for discount there could be a option to use the bronco but the bronco would have a hidden semen tank to pump cum into the player

number 2 piercing station on starter space station i cant get the piercings from drops like your wiki says it would be nice to have a piercing station on starter space station to buy piercings like on coc fertile piercing and so on

number 3 a sex scene with the varmin thats on the treatment farms planet

number 4 more interaction devices like the stocks and the ass frame and the tentacle tank


Jan 8, 2016
number 2 piercing station on starter space station i cant get the piercings from drops like your wiki says it would be nice to have a piercing station on starter space station to buy piercings like on coc fertile piercing and so on
This is already written but doomed to never be implemented.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
number 1 the bronco in the bar forgot the planet its the planet with the treatment the idea is if the player doesnt have a big enough hole for discount there could be a option to use the bronco but the bronco would have a hidden semen tank to pump cum into the player
New Texas, and I think it does cum, and is the bartender's dick. Could be wrong though.
number 3 a sex scene with the varmin thats on the treatment farms planet
The varmint isn't sentient, and bestiality is banned.