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New Member
Oct 6, 2018
When i said about rew races. it was in the creation of main character. not a npc....

Reading this forum.... i had some doubts.... i need some instructions how to identify a reply from the dev or moderador(s) from other users...

Which how much important are questions or requests here treated?

(sorry the bad english)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
When i said about rew races. it was in the creation of main character. not a npc....

Reading this forum.... i had some doubts.... i need some instructions how to identify a reply from the dev or moderador(s) from other users...

Which how much important are questions or requests here treated?

(sorry the bad english)

Sadly, a new race for the main character at creation is (probably) not going to happen. I think the devs have said that what we have now is all we are getting.

Questions here are often read, but rarely acted on. Sometimes rarely there will be something fun that shows up here, that someone else decides to write, but this does not happen often

All "important" people in this forum will have colored names. Purple is the most common, but Red also exists. (Red being more important than Purple).
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kachowski labowski

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
After finally deciding to play through TiTS as a stronk, Gryvain herm-goddess due to there not being enough Gryvain/stronk herms in general to make my Steele their cocksleeve, I think we're in need of some more femboys for my new Steele to bitch.

I'd like to see Mirrin pregnancy(Mirrin impregnating, I don't think she's the type to get pregnant.). I have read that this is planned though, just not implemented.

An idea I though of recently is sort of Sub/Dom system for the PC, it would be similar to how personality works when you first create your character, being a Sub would open up certain scenes with certain characters, and the same with being a Dom.

And I've brought this last point up before, it's more of an idea that I'd be willing to try and write if I had more experience/training, but I think certain characters should be able to wear the PC on their cock. Taurs would obviously strap you up, but I'd like to see it with some of the stronger bipeds as well(like what Zephyr does when you lose her bet) I don't like guys so I can't speak for the strong male characters in the game, but I'm sure Mirrin could wear the PC as she goes through her workout, it would be a little challenge between the PC and her(How long could they last while on her or how many times can they cum before she's finished). I liked the scene where Olympia lets the PC rider her tail-cock as she attempts to work, but her scenes are barred behind intellect. I thought that maybe a less intelligent but more....convincing PC could convince her into letting them be worn by her while she works. By convincing I mean a kinder PC could convince her into it or a PC who regularly talks with her and is more....liked by her. The list goes on.

I'd like to see more variants in scenes based on the size and strength of the PC. Verusha shouldn't be able to carry a 7ft.11in. Gryvain with maxed strength and reflexes over her shoulder. (Actually I take that back, that just makes her hotter.) Maybe that was a bad example, but, and I'm using Mirrin again here, in Mirrin's "Deep DP" scene, she literally carries the PC who is smaller than her in the air as she fucks them. Granted, Mirrin's strong as shit, as is Verusha, but I think my point is clear. (Characters that are bigger than and stronger than the PC should have more scenes that accomodate to this. Like if the PC is smaller than and weaker than Kiro, a "Carry and Fuck" option could be available. But like, for most if not all dick-toting characters. And this goes for the PC as well, I should be able to carry and fuck Mitzi, and even wear her as a portable cocksleeve to keep my lust lowered)

Ecchi Bunny

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2018
Well isnt the nice/naughty/asshole kinda way working. Then you can do it as sub/have both/dom. With 33 points in each it would take a bit more than a few scenes to make you a sub or a dom.
It would let people who enjoy both have their way and the extremes get theirs. Or am i wrong?
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kachowski labowski

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
I personally couldn't tell that's what the personalities were doing, they never seem to alter for me. And as far as getting locked out of being a dom for being too much of a sub, I was either thinking it could be something you can either change in your appearance settings or such, that way if you're feeling subb at one time you could change to that, and vice-versa with being a dom. Or, if we're going the route of scores, the more normal scenes you have with partners that are subs/neither sub nor dom could raise your dom score, and the more scenes you have with partners that are doms/neither sub nor dom could raise your dom score. So if you're far down in the sub/dom territory, you have the chance to even it out. For example: Verusha's always dominant in her scenes, the more sex you have with her, the more subby you get. If you're dominant and have sex with her, this will help change your score if you don't want to be as dominant. If you went and had a threesome with Paige and Kiro and you're in charge, it would raise your dom meter if you're too subby. But there'd be some sort of change in the scene to show tha you're either very dominant, moderately dominant, or kind of dominant. Or maybe after the scene's over you'd get a message pop up on screen that says you're becoming more dominant, and vice-versa with subs. Losing scenes could also raise the sub score, and win scenes could raise the dom score(depending on what you choose).

Ecchi Bunny

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2018
What you just explained is what i had in mind. Starting in the middle and depending on actions going into dom of sub but not getting locked.
Its how personality works from what i gathered, you are being nice you get a few changes in writing to reflect you are kind, you can still become an ass if you so wanted. So the same could happen here.
But yeah its just my opinion if they already have a better way go for it.
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May 29, 2018
I kinda don't get the point of having a system for sub / dom. I'm not in favor of locking out content based on a score of any type to begin with, but if the subsequent answer is to just make the score extremely mutable, why add a 'book-keeping' mechanic at all? It basically sounds like a way to make people store different saves OR grind through a whole bunch of clicks in a row to push a character into the alignment required - instead of just letting people choose as they please. I'd rather have things be run like Ramis currently is for characters with one or two scenes that change based on demeanor; you can just click a dialogue option to choose which of you is on top. And on the other hand, I think the exceptions to this like Lund or Sera work as they do because there's entire branches of content that change based upon the route chosen - not just one or two scenes, so the exclusivity at least earns you a relative wealth of content.


Sep 22, 2018
In my opnion having a dom/sub system would only artificially gate content that you potentially wouldn't play in the first place (I am more on the dom side so I just don't do Akane content for example) as well as locking down different interactions for different NPCs, having Sub-Sear on the one hand but letting Kaede take charge .... or smth along the lines maybe not the best example but anyway ... I don't believe a system for dom/sub would fix anything or add anything meaningfull to me at least it feels like it would add a lot of work to and overcomplicate a simple choice you have in dialogue.


Personally, instead of a dom/sub bar I would love for each scene to have a set of tags you can see so that we're not surprised.

The current system of warning a person is good for gameplay but having each scene tagged would be good for analytics. Like this game has X amount of M/M scenes, X amount of milking scenes, so on and so forth.

Idk if there is something like that on the dev's side but it'd be cool if there was one built into the game


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
I think having a dom/sub system shouldn't be about avoiding the other aspect you don't like, it's more about determine how would you act on scenes involving those. I heard many people complain about how their " badass" Steele acting too feeble in some scenes, so this system may help alter those scenes in the way they like.
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Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I've seen people talk about a dom/sub system before, but it always comes down to the same problem a lot of new systems would have: people would need to use it. It's one thing to write dom and/or sub content, it's another to write in a way that says "if your dom score is this, you get that, if your sub score is this, you get that instead". Basically, it's just making more work for the writers when you could just choose what you want to do instead of adding yet another variable into the game.

Also, having a score that railroads you into scenes means you don't get to choose if you want to play differently. Let's say you play your Steele as a sub but you think one character's dom scenes are really hot. So you go to them, but your sub score is 9000+, so you get the sub scene no matter what. Sucks to be you if you feel like domming for that one character. I think it's better to let players make their choices instead of taking on something that could keep you from doing what you want to/with who you want. I mean, I wrote a character who flat-out tells you that if you want to fuck, she's on top, and another you have to beat in a challenge to get her to suck/lick you off. Would a sub/dom system make it so you couldn't choose to fuck them at all if you were too much of a dom? It just doesn't seem like a good idea. (And it's late and I'm tired and rambling, so I'll stop now.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
Personally, instead of a dom/sub bar I would love for each scene to have a set of tags you can see so that we're not surprised.

The current system of warning a person is good for gameplay but having each scene tagged would be good for analytics. Like this game has X amount of M/M scenes, X amount of milking scenes, so on and so forth.

Idk if there is something like that on the dev's side but it'd be cool if there was one built into the game
That would require manually tagging every scene in the game.

kachowski labowski

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
Holy heck, guess I didn't think this one through all the way xD! Wouldn't want the developers to go through every scene in the game just to add that mechanic. But uhhh, thoughts on anything else I listed?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
I've seen people talk about a dom/sub system before, but it always comes down to the same problem a lot of new systems would have: people would need to use it. It's one thing to write dom and/or sub content, it's another to write in a way that says "if your dom score is this, you get that, if your sub score is this, you get that instead". Basically, it's just making more work for the writers when you could just choose what you want to do instead of adding yet another variable into the game.

Also, having a score that railroads you into scenes means you don't get to choose if you want to play differently. Let's say you play your Steele as a sub but you think one character's dom scenes are really hot. So you go to them, but your sub score is 9000+, so you get the sub scene no matter what. Sucks to be you if you feel like domming for that one character. I think it's better to let players make their choices instead of taking on something that could keep you from doing what you want to/with who you want. I mean, I wrote a character who flat-out tells you that if you want to fuck, she's on top, and another you have to beat in a challenge to get her to suck/lick you off. Would a sub/dom system make it so you couldn't choose to fuck them at all if you were too much of a dom? It just doesn't seem like a good idea. (And it's late and I'm tired and rambling, so I'll stop now.)

I agree wholeheartedly. As a player with multiple characters not being able to switch roles with certain npc's would bother me quite a bit.

Just remembered Luca over on Canadia. Now that Dzaan addiction is in the game, though only for Ardia, I'd like to see @RequiemForAMeme 's second part for her coded in soon.

Me to buddy.

Something I'd like added but would take forever to do is for all blowjob and deepthroat scenes to be edited for the "Can Deepthroat" tag.


Holy heck, guess I didn't think this one through all the way xD! Wouldn't want the developers to go through every scene in the game just to add that mechanic. But uhhh, thoughts on anything else I listed?

It really wouldn't take that much effort but if we're honest it's just a thing that would make searching for scenes of a specific type easier. I will say the effort is too much compared to the gain.

Something I'd like added but would take forever to do is for all blowjob and deepthroat scenes to be edited for the "Can Deepthroat" tag.

Now this would be A LOT of effort. Just like my suggestion it is another example of too much bang, not enough buck.
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The 'Children' tab in the nursery definitely needs a search function or the data needs to be broken up into multiple pages. I often wind up having to select all and copy/pasting the data into edit pad to search the contents.

Not sure if I should make this suggestions in Ideas.

And me with my one child in that big ass nursery smh
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Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Hehe, I like to try and keep my virginity as long as possible. As soon as I've lost it though, I just load up on fertility enhancements.


Aug 27, 2015
a bothrid I think? Ik it involved eggs and i was pissed that i got so big my evasion dependant smuggler was useless lol but i don't visit much... omg i'm a bad father

So there's a single spider baby on their own in your nursery who's never even set eyes on you? They probably think their mum ate their dad.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Idk are there even any parental interactions? Like what are kids in these games besides little indications of one's sexual history
Halloween is nice.

But long thing short:
-Nursery-expansion please.
-I am still waiting for a specificly non-sexual fishingtrip, just a regular old rod, a stupid hat and a boat on a sea.