What content would you like added?

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
A what mage now?
A ship mage like Juno during "The Demon of Ice" quest. As you were traveling via sea travel a ship mage's job. Is to make sure the weather or elements while sailing the ocean, doesn't get out of hand.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
A ship mage like Juno during "The Demon of Ice" quest. As you were traveling via sea travel a ship mage's job. Is to make sure the weather or elements while sailing the ocean, doesn't get out of hand. Spoiler Alert if you haven't done "The Demon of Ice" Quest yet.
I don't think that the "spoiler alert" really works when 1: You put it after the stuff that would be a spoiler, and 2: You don't use either of the methods of spoilering text (that is, essentially hiding it).
To spoiler the text, look in the text editor. Pressing the first set of 3 dots gives a dropdown with the inline spoiler, which looks like this.
The second set of 3 dots has a dropdown with a normal spoiler,
which looks like this.

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
I don't think that the "spoiler alert" really works when 1: You put it after the stuff that would be a spoiler, and 2: You don't use either of the methods of spoilering text (that is, essentially hiding it).
To spoiler the text, look in the text editor. Pressing the first set of 3 dots gives a dropdown with the inline spoiler, which looks like this.
The second set of 3 dots has a dropdown with a normal spoiler,
which looks like this.
Oh yeah duh I see that everywhere when someone post something. Thanks for the reminder, I'll fix it later.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
This whole another round of the "Rynvag" TM debate got me thinking: why in a high fantasy world full of powerful magic can't Champ and Ryn just use a piece of that magical mambo-jambo to conceive a child that will be completely theirs? Maybe by using a pieces of soul from them both or something similar.
Let Elthara bear a child, but the little one she will carry under heart will be the child of Champ and Ryn, thru and true, flesh from flesh, blood from blood.
And if you say "That's not how BIOLOGY works!" then please leave that rationalizations at the door. We're talking about a world where a breakfast consisting of one suspiciously colored egg, a couple of berries and a mug of honey can set up a dna storm in the human male body that will result in the growth of pair bovine horns on top of head with cat ears, bigger than life boobs with honey lactation and vagina with a fully functional womb, and all that in couple minutes.
Yeah, it's not exactly a common occurrence even for this world, and such a major changes is possible because Champion was hit by a magical wave from the portal explosion in the Prologue, but maybe that's the key to pulling off the trick with Ryn.
Due to the fact that Champ has become extremely susceptible to magical changes he will be able to complete the conception with Ryn without changing her or himself directly through some special magical ritual, which may not contain any sex at all, and then transplant the "result" to Elthara for actually carrying a baby. Why not?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
do y'all also think that all characters who don't have penises and are written in a "lover role" should be able to get them so as to be able to impregnate a PC who doesn't have a penis


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
Right above the center of your Dreams
do y'all also think that all characters who don't have penises and are written in a "lover role" should be able to get them so as to be able to impregnate a PC who doesn't have a penis
This sentence:gedsweat:
Also Lumia doing us a favor has literally been bouncing around in my noggin since she came into the picture rather than El. A hot threesome with the Goddess for dick-champs so that we can have a kid with Ryn that's 100 percent ours makes complete sense and is consistent with this story's logic.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
If a character is written in a way that implies the decision to grow one was theirs or they're perfectly on board with it, like Amily in CoC, I'm intrigued (though in that case also stunned how she never mentioned anything before going there). But even if some characters expect/demand us to grow one for the purpose of progressing their plot (on that topic, eat a fat one, Keros), I really don't want to reciprocate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2024
On a journey
do y'all also think that all characters who don't have penises and are written in a "lover role" should be able to get them so as to be able to impregnate a PC who doesn't have a penis
Yeah, the world has magic to explain it away and I know people would be excited for yuri babies.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
I just don't see why carrying the baby yourself is such an insurmountable hurdle. If you want the child to be yours sometimes you gotta have the right equipment for the job. It's pretty low personal cost to do it, you could get it over with really fast with the resident creepy tanuki witches preg-speedups.

While I don't think "Not all content is written for you personally" is that fair in a request thread like this I do think it's worth pointing out how many variables and existing content Ryn already has and no doubt will have going forward.

(I was personally hoping she'd go valkyrie at some point so it didn't feel so lonely being the only godsworn in the party, or allude to going for it at least. I have this vision of post quest MC and Ryn journeying the world as valks)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
My biggest gripe about the whole thing would be that the only non-Champion option is to have Elthara carry it, because Elthara's content so far just isn't what I look for in a partner, especially not an impregnable one, in this game. She only has a few talk options and some sex scenes, all of which are extremely rough and aggressive and in no way dial back the intensity while she's pregnant. She has no options to cuddle her, or dote on her, or even rub her belly while she's pregnant, and we never get to see or interact with those kids we/our bedicked companions have with her.

Bottom line, unless you have a sizable "horny older woman" fetish, she just doesn't offer much as a sexable NPC, and if that's what it would be like to have her as the surrogate instead of, I dunno, Brienne, or Arona, or any of the dozens of other characters who can be impregnated and have a ton more content that accommodates it? I don't think I'd bother unless I'm playing a female or herm champion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
I just don't see why carrying the baby yourself is such an insurmountable hurdle.
People, usually, have personal preference and want to have a freedom of choice to by whom and how to play. For example they could want to play someone who, like Ryn, doesn't want to change their set of genitalia.
But if they still want to conceive a child with their beloved princess, but not satisfied with neither option A (grown a vagina), neither option B (Ryn+Elthara baby), I don't see any good reason for devs not to add the C option (MAGIC! or Divine intervention). Especially if this option is in harmony with what is possible by in the game world means and what devs can do without blowing up game code. Well, they could, of course, don't give a damn and not add anything, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2023
Current options:
Get a vag, get preg.
Elthara gets preg.

I see no reason why other options couldn't be explored/added.
On top of my head, here's one:
Lumia extracts both yours and Ryn's escence(could be coom, or smth else), and combine it to "craft" a child that's fully yours.

Now, if no other options are added:
I see people pushing back.
Two words:
Kiyoko, magicock.
I rest my case, have a great day, everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2020
Two words:
Kiyoko, magicock.
I rest my case, have a great day, everyone.
Funny, from what i remember, one of the main reasons ghostlight was added is so female champs could recruit Kiyoko, otherwise she was locked to bedicked champs only.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Y'all STILL going about this?
This feels like it should go into Gripes at this point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2020
I just don't see why carrying the baby yourself is such an insurmountable hurdle. If you want the child to be yours sometimes you gotta have the right equipment for the job. It's pretty low personal cost to do it, you could get it over with really fast with the resident creepy tanuki witches preg-speedups.
Mate, forgive me if you're icky about these assumptions... But you're a woman, ain't you?
Now I am by no means a spokesman for all men, but personally, while getting penetrated is already a boundary I do not desire to cross, it's a simple turn off, something that warrants a "no thanks". But friend, growing a pussy and getting fucking impregnated and delivering a kid? That is the most unsexy thing I have heard in a long time, straight up borders body horror. (Of course, this is no rule, just my opinion, if anyone who's reading thinks that's the hottest stuff in the world all the power to you, may you find such content to your hearts desire)
But I understand if the thought seems alien to you. I was also similarly unmoved by people asking for kiyoko access without a cock haver champ.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Mate, forgive me if you're icky about these assumptions... But you're a woman, ain't you?
Now I am by no means a spokesman for all men, but personally, while getting penetrated is already a boundary I do not desire to cross, it's a simple turn off, something that warrants a "no thanks". But friend, growing a pussy and getting fucking impregnated and delivering a kid? That is the most unsexy thing I have heard in a long time, straight up borders body horror. (Of course, this is no rule, just my opinion, if anyone who's reading thinks that's the hottest stuff in the world all the power to you, may you find such content to your hearts desire)
But I understand if the thought seems alien to you. I was also similarly unmoved by people asking for kiyoko access without a cock haver champ.
cis dude actually. I just don't have that visceral a reaction to things my characters do I guess.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
  • i imagine it might be prohibitively tricky with the parsing, but I'd love for the champ to be able to get bitten; have bite marks pressed. seastone should BITE the CHAMP! i think.
  • tying people up (both champ & npc)
  • cockwarming

  • more romancable/fuckable men! or fuck more of them in the ass. yonzan is very hot and so is fucking brint. eyes emoji
  • ... could we fuck a dilf
    • ETA: on perusing the forums more, i see none of the current staff is interested in m/m. fair enough! if there ends up being the opportunity to commission it....
  • i want to talk to ogrish...
  • would love more tui, agni and viv story. also quin! i know, one at a time... just putting my tick mark on the board
  • dal and jael should be in love a lot. i think. long-term goals here i realize.
  • could we sleep with cait... ? have i just not unlocked this.

  • again seems impossible bc of parsing, but if nonbinary pet names could be used instead of girl/boy, that would be cool. also possible thought just for future games
  • one has so many powers one cannot help wishing for tabs for the different kinds. ah well
    • ETA: i have discovered the filtering options. local idiot apologizes

  • i understand why a lot of people are uncomfortable with the kitsune den storylines--there's a lot more unresolved personal conflict than basically anywhere else! i find it super interesting, sincerely. it's also like. woof. i feel bad for concubining rindo and fucking mai in That One Scene--usually if a character gets pregnant despite originally seeming reluctant (eg arona) they end up into it. id love to eventually release rindo to nakano, and maybe do something with the whole ruined mai's chance thing... see her closer to happy. right now the champ's reaction to problems in the den is "not my chair not my problem," and it's so different from their relationship to, say, the winter city. i'm DESPERATE to work through more of it. please please please please let's approach takahiro's alcohol dependency. the number of scenes he gets makes me want this so so so bad. please. and also i really want to help inari kinu and kiyoko rapproche... all this to say i think some of the most interesting, spiky interpersonal stuff is happening in the den, and i hope it gets a chance to get developed and isn't abandoned because it's uncomfortable. i dont mind AT ALL working for the den's happiness, but i do hope it is achievable.
  • relatedly, kiyoko is such a cold mom it honestly makes me reluctant to fuck her, which is too bad... future content where she learns from how she hurt inari kinu?
  • i want to shout-out the different dialogues you get in the temple of mallach--sneaky, and so, so interesting. i caught a discrepancy between how imad and amina describe their relationships to calla, and would love to get more of whatever is happening there.
  • i chose to learn mirror stance from the salamanders, so i didn't get to confront them (fair!!), but if there was ever a chance to come back to that and release them, i'd love that.
  • want to go back to dracia!! ship time!!! ship time that interacted with the orcs more... ohoho.
  • ETA: (sorry about continuing to add.) given the flow of the map it seems unlikely but i'd also really like to meet the other inhabitants of the rift in not-combat... treaty talks... deal with the dredging... sorry, the hook is put there and i bit!!! it's a problem. lets talk about the problem!! shout out again to the writers.
  • especially excited for the nina vision quest and the seige of khor'minos quests to progress.
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War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
If I can just get two Sons I can name, so I name them Beavis and Butt-Head I'll be happy. Especially if one of them is through Ryn-Elthara. Can you Imagine "Your future Pale Elf King Beavis" Lol. "Boing"
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2024
On a journey
The corrupt dawnsword is said to have a will of its own so I'd love to see an expansion where it becomes sentient and turns into a sword waifu that gets off on you using her to beat people up. Like win 5 fights in a row and you have to stop and fuck your sword wife because she's turned on by your martial prowess. Yandere mode if you use her to execute imps or centaurs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Man I didn't even realise we could bring the demon couple to the Wayfort.

That reminds me. It'd be swell if we could recruit characters to be other settlements' ambassadors to the Winter City at the Wayfort. Y'know, an Orc for the Kervus, a Kitsune for the den, a villager for Hawkthorne, a minotaur for Khor'minos and so on.

Could be existing characters with limited content, could be new ones.

oracle of derpy

Active Member
Feb 8, 2023
Imp den for maximum gangbang, champion can be kidnapped or willingly go there. Vagchamp can be temporary brood mother+breastfeed everyone

More orcs content too
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The Eve of Adam Figleaf. It's an underwear slot magic item that covers your privates for modesty. For every empty or default slot (ie Rusty Dagger) you have, it gives a reasonable Spellpower boost... but a coinciding increase to Cold vulnerability and Presence loss... cause you're otherwise naked and it's cold out... and you probably look like a naked weirdo... wearing a fig leaf.
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