What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Would be willing to pay 20 dollars (sorry I'm poor, I did buy the game on steam at least!) for this scene to be written. Completely understand if that's not something you're into at all, Fleep has already mentioned that they are working on some potentially similar stuff, just not with Kas. Thanks in any case.
Pornhub subscription is like 10 bucks, my guy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Savin and Co are currently writing a entire fuck off city, like 27 or more blocks on the map big, they're not going to be able to do much else.

Honestly I'm just waiting for the arena to show up, not because centaur warrior wife but to clap some cheeks in a non sexual way.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
Cool, was not talking to either of you! This thread is about posting content you'd like to see and I don't need non-creators giving their opinions on what is and isn't possible, thanks! If I'm ever rude or pushy with Savin in the future then ya'll can feel free to step in and defend them or make completely unproductive comments like Bast has done twice now.

(Also I'm excited for the arena too but mainly for the centuar warrior >:>)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
Cool, was not talking to either of you! This thread is about posting content you'd like to see and I don't need non-creators giving their opinions on what is and isn't possible, thanks! If I'm ever rude or pushy with Savin in the future then ya'll can feel free to step in and defend him or make completely unproductive comments like Bast has done twice now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Cool, was not talking to either of you! This thread is about posting content you'd like to see and I don't need non-creators giving their opinions on what is and isn't possible, thanks! If I'm ever rude or pushy with Savin in the future then ya'll can feel free to step in and defend them or make completely unproductive comments like Bast has done twice now.

(Also I'm excited for the arena too but mainly for the centuar warrior >:>)
This may be a thread for what you might want to see added, but it helps if you do it while thinking about what is in the realm of possibility for the writers themselves.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
This may be a thread for what you might want to see added, but it helps if you do it while thinking about what is in the realm of possibility for the writers themselves.
Right, but it's not as though I demanded that Savin immediately drop their work on Khor'minos and do what I said. I just let them know something I wanted, and if Savin is ever writing a Kasyrra scene and isn't sure what to include and feels like my idea was good, then they can write it. If not, that's perfectly fine. It's not like I asked for another city, I just listed what I thought would be nice for a scene. Even if that scene isn't written until the very end of development, or even if that scene isn't written at all - I don't see the scene being at all "out of the realm of possibility."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Right, but it's not as though I demanded that Savin immediately drop their work on Khor'minos and do what I said. I just let them know something I wanted, and if Savin is ever writing a Kasyrra scene and isn't sure what to include and feels like my idea was good, then they can write it. If not, that's perfectly fine. It's not like I asked for another city, I just listed what I thought would be nice for a scene. Even if that scene isn't written until the very end of development, or even if that scene isn't written at all - I don't see the scene being at all "out of the realm of possibility."
But you didn't just list what you thought would be nice for a scene or make a suggestion, you were trying to commission him to write something specific. Not to mention I think you're underestimating how much time and work each scene takes, even the relatively short ones.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
But you didn't just list what you thought would be nice for a scene or make a suggestion, you were trying to commission him to write something specific. Not to mention I think you're underestimating how much time and work each scene takes, even the relatively short ones.
The two aren't mutually exclusive. If he thought that sounded like a good idea, I wanted to pay him for his time. Yes, twenty dollars is not enough, I acknowledged that. I also think I understand why Savin doesn't accept commissions, but I didn't at the time of making the original post.
I'm sorry, did I say something disrespectful? What exactly have I said that implies that I'm underestimating the work involved? Have I condescended upon the writing team? Have I complained that Savin said no? You're making that up out of thin air. Can we drop this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
plasmi, a reminder, while this topic is for people to talk about what they'd like to see in the game this is still a discussion forum. Other people are free to give their opinions on your opinions. Chill; try to have some.

Also to add to what's been said, your idea of how much a writer's time is worth isn't realistic either. The general rate from people who actually take commissions is fifteen to twenty dollars for a thousand words. Any sex scene, just looking at the final output and not considering all the extra writing that has to be done to account for parsers, is going to involve more words than that and once you double or triple that amount to account for parsers the amount you were trying to ask the head writer to do a scene for is really low. Imagine going to somebody's house, admiring some art of theirs and asking if you can buy it for a quarter what it's worth, unprompted.

Oh, and one more thing: Submissions are always open. Be the sex you want to see, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
You're absolutely right, my suggestion that twenty dollars would be enough was disrespectful. Savin's writing is worth far more than that. My caviat of "sorry I'm poor" was not enough to make up for that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Honestly it's both a gripe and a want, but a better way to trigger kinuQuest cause I'm 4 character deep who just can't seem to fucking proc it. I'm lucky my main save managed to get it done honestly.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Yeah arena would be a nice opportunity to test builds against different types of enemy encounters of sufficient level. My initial build was a thief with the bessy mauler, sure shot and dastardly trick for single target removal, and heal and fireball for coverage, but as soon as I hit the undermountain I got shredded so I switched to a black mage that uses primal scar, celestial smite, and grand finale to clean up stragglers. I feel like the 2nd build is worse because of the longer cooldowns on recharges but it does so much better against the undermountain encounters, being able to test the two against an enemy of the proper level with no resistances would be nice. I suspect it's because crit got nerfed that sure shot isn't hitting like it used to, so as enemy hp rises the crit bonus from sure shot means less. So i guess what I want to see is a dummy type enemy that you can just lob damage at to see what works.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I personally want the arena for the sole purpose of hoarding skills with mirror stance. Would be nice if the arena gave a chance to duel companions too. Whether in teams or just a 1v1. I need to assert my dominance in the proper way build bonds through friendly sparring.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
seems like there's a gap for white mage supportive damage abilities, or like cait's sun of jassira. entropic winds is good but it'd be nice to have not necessarily cait's, but more abilities that do bit less damage but can support your team with status effects, temp enemy penalties etc. seems like after a point white mage abilities just get taken over by paladin ones, which are fine but not suited to squishier healers. especially when more resists come into play options seem a bit limited atm. probably not going to happen and i get it but it'd also be cool if brienne eventually could get winter knight and brint get the pyromancer set, especially since you can reach both but winter knight disappears after transformation. helps replayability and being unique but i feel like gender choice in that instance should just be personal preference instead of class sacrifice, and when their combat ability is supposed to be unchanged. a bit moreso when winter knight has one of the current hardest fights (to me) to get, and the bad end's probably some of the most interesting out of the way lore in game so far.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Dunno if there are any plans for more tattoo types or new hair/fur colors but I don't see why they couldn't be written if somebody wanted to. Assuming the latter case, it would probably mean working closely with Balak since he's the wizard who understands the arcane mystery that is the appearance system, and he's probably going to be very busy this year toiling in the Combat Rebalance Mines.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
We're still gonna get more customization options in the future right? I mean hair, tattoos, etc.
If people write them.

I've been meaning to get an option to unlock Kervus tattoos for a while, so you can get matching tatts with Arona.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Yep, check out Aurera and Claire's shop for all sorts of style options. They were added when the rewritten appearance system was implemented.
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