What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2021
An option to disable Anal, and a way to have Cait all to yourself. I don't know if it was just my choices, but I saw Berwyn getting it on with Cait and that really pissed me off. Then again, I might of just told him Cait 'could help' with his horniness.

Maybe the option could be the inverse of buttslut mode? Always prefer the vagina if you have one?
Any chance of getting some mythical creature based tfs like unicorns, fairy/pixie or satyrs?

Perhaps even more mythical creature based npcs like griffin's for example

I'd also like to see a way to get feathered wings becides using wyld wine or starting with them

Also lastly more types of big cat races with tfs I really want to play a lion or tiger like race (maybe variant versions of leothran)
I second this SO BAD! I remember when I first saw the unitard that gives you a bad end if you sex them; I want to be one!!!

EDIT: Maybe an option that you could put the buttplug sex-toy in your ass as a toggle through Lady Evergreen? Maybe it builds more resolve over time or have it act like the Libidinous perk but 'denies' anal while toggled

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
An option to disable Anal, and a way to have Cait all to yourself. I don't know if it was just my choices, but I saw Berwyn getting it on with Cait and that really pissed me off. Then again, I might of just told him Cait 'could help' with his horniness.

Maybe the option could be the inverse of buttslut mode? Always prefer the vagina if you have one?
Getting Cait to yourself is just not gonna happen.
Just don't use butslut mode and NPCs who don't bang your PC's vagina is for their own reason like Lyla is because she doesn't have any blank powder.

Edit: Anna needs a new bust, because her appearance she is a half Lupine but she only has ears and a tail
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Any chance of getting some mythical creature based tfs like unicorns, fairy/pixie or satyrs?

Perhaps even more mythical creature based npcs like griffin's for example

I'd also like to see a way to get feathered wings becides using wyld wine or starting with them

Also lastly more types of big cat races with tfs I really want to play a lion or tiger like race (maybe variant versions of leothran)
Fairy/pixie tf probably won't happen due to their size , unicorn could be justified as a rare variant of the marefolk but i am pretty sure that the mythical tfs are gonna be a late mid/endgame content , personally i would love to get some tf items for tongues (so i dont have to go anywhere near Evergreen)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
That's awful game design.
Only if those abilities don't have direct analogues that aren't tied to the transformation. You can level the playing field even further by requiring the transformed Champ to spend time and money/other resources on learning to properly utilize their new abilities.

From flight to natural weapons and in-built venom attacks, from harpy songs to basic pollen-related Powers, nothing in the arsenal of racial based powers non-boss NPCs get to use is game-breaking or a better version of that type of Power. Most are actually quite underwhelming.

A better argument against those abilities can be made from the same position as one against manticore pussy tails: their out of combat uses will likely get very little acknowledgement from writers in most scenes.

CoC2? I’d like to see (with consent, obviously) maybe things like possession or parasites. Maybe cursed items (similar to how the witches gear helps level up assets…) to tweak a character into a certain state.
Same. Parasites are unlikely, because they fit the fantasy theme much less than sci-fi, and no writers or prominent commissioners seem to be into them. Cursed items on the other hand is such a staple for the genre I have almost no doubts we will get more at some point.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
I'd also like to see a way to get feathered wings becides using wyld wine or starting with them
Belharan Stew, but it can't be refined, so you have to roll the dice and reload until you get what you want.

Too bad that Dove Wings (the feathered wings you get from that) are always brown. White angel wings like Shar's are not available, IIRC.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I think Kiyoko is pretty exclusive/monogamous as well if I'm not missing anything.

Kiyoko is definitely monogamous herself, but she seems to have a kink where she watches the player have sex with others. Especially kitsune. Pimpin' ain't easy for floofs in post-apocolyptia.

Brienne is also monogamous. The most that she ever does is mutually milk with Azzy. But other than that, she's championsexual only.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Kiyoko is definitely monogamous herself, but she seems to have a kink where she watches the player have sex with others. Especially kitsune. Pimpin' ain't easy for floofs in post-apocolyptia.
She especially loves it when you give the one Kitsune the ovielixer. ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
Only if those abilities don't have direct analogues that aren't tied to the transformation. You can level the playing field even further by requiring the transformed Champ to spend time and money/other resources on learning to properly utilize their new abilities.

From flight to natural weapons and in-built venom attacks, from harpy songs to basic pollen-related Powers, nothing in the arsenal of racial based powers non-boss NPCs get to use is game-breaking or a better version of that type of Power. Most are actually quite underwhelming.

A better argument against those abilities can be made from the same position as one against manticore pussy tails: their out of combat uses will likely get very little acknowledgement from writers in most scenes.
If you can get magic ethereal cocks, using ethereal wings or tails or whatever for "racially inspired" powers doesn't seem that farfetched.

But I think it's decided much of that is going to be limited to the "major transformations" in, or yet to be in, the game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
I think Kiyoko is pretty exclusive/monogamous as well if I'm not missing anything.
BIG OOF, massive oversight on my part. Yeah, she's quite monogamous.

It's funny as heck when you have her in the party and you decide to breed the Cat Harem.

She especially loves it when you give the one Kitsune the ovielixer. ;)
WAT. How do I do that? With who?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
You can level the playing field even further by requiring the transformed Champ to spend time and money/other resources on learning to properly utilize their new abilities.
Ew. Give me the number of RPGs that force a player to act out learning new skills or abilities or otherwise spend resources - the act of which takes real time - in aquiring them. Now subtract the number of RPGs where people hated that mechanic.

Bet you the answer's zero.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020

I'm failing hard to detect sarcasm in your post, or I have failed to convey how I envision that system working. Because all abilities in CoC2 are represented by Powers and you get one Power free for every even level, the rest you have to spend money and in-game time on getting from tutors. Which is exactly how I suggested the player can learn the racial Powers after transformation.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Give me the number of RPGs that force a player to act out learning new skills or abilities or otherwise spend resources - the act of which takes real time - in aquiring them. Now subtract the number of RPGs where people hated that mechanic.
Technically CoC2 requires the champ to go through training which uses money and a day of in-game time for acquiring most powers if you don't acquire them through a level up, mirror stance, or some other method. Also, Zo provides 7 different powers (I think they're all powers) and the Champ needs to go through a multi-day training process for each one. I don't think anyone hates these, here in CoC2.
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
There's one NPC I'd like to know more about. I mean, where the heck did she come from and how did she get that wound that took her voice.

And another thing, could she not take a piece of charcoal, a stone slate and write to explain concepts that are too complicated to mime?
Oh definitely, she seems attached to that cabin old home most likely.

She probably doesn't have those things.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020

I'm failing hard to detect sarcasm in your post, or I have failed to convey how I envision that system working. Because all abilities in CoC2 are represented by Powers and you get one Power free for every even level, the rest you have to spend money and in-game time on getting from tutors. Which is exactly how I suggested the player can learn the racial Powers after transformation.
Nope, no sarcasm. You just weren't clear on how you wanted this to play out. Yes, in-game time speeds by when training/re-training skills, but you also specifically mentioned having to spend money and resources as a potential way to gain new abilities, both of which take actual time to collect, not just in-game time.

Technically CoC2 requires the champ to go through training which uses money and a day of in-game time for acquiring most powers if you don't acquire them through a level up, mirror stance, or some other method. Also, Zo provides 7 different powers (I think they're all powers) and the Champ needs to go through a multi-day training process for each one. I don't think anyone hates these, here in CoC2.
See above. I'm not adverse to in-game time being the only thing spent, but imagine a GM talking for two hours describing your PC's training regimen when, say, learning a new spell.

Fuck that.

EDIT: Also, I'm not above a PC having to spend a bit of money in order to learn/respec high level spells/skills/abilities outside of those learned via level-up because generally, the players that want to do that are high level enough they can naturally afford to pay the money required by that point. What we're talking about here is players that want TFs with correlating special abilities/powers, and those almost always come early in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Needing to find a trainer and spend an amount of money and time comparable to that you would spend learning class powers is just one possibility, specifically brought up to show that you can completely avoid upsetting the game balance and making those racial Powers too appealing from the min-maxing perspective.

I'd personally much prefer avoiding to pay for the procees of learning them, because you already need to pay for the TF itmes, find a friendly member of that exact (or similar enough) race and convince them to train you. Getting to learn some low-impact Powers fro free after all that will just be a roleplaying reward more than anything else.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Needing to find a trainer and spend an amount of money and time comparable to that you would spend learning class powers is just one possibility, specifically brought up to show that you can completely avoid upsetting the game balance and making those racial Powers too appealing from the min-maxing perspective.
Well, it didn't work. Your argument has turned into an ouroboros. You started off by arguing for free TF-given abilities and has mutated into players spending money and time to "purchase" them, then come full circle by stating that certain powers be made available and freely available to everyone.

I'd personally much prefer avoiding to pay for the procees of learning them, because you already need to pay for the TF itmes, find a friendly member of that exact (or similar enough) race and convince them to train you. Getting to learn some low-impact Powers fro free after all that will just be a roleplaying reward more than anything else.
What you fail to realize is 1) what I've already argued, 2) what has repeatedly been stated by the devs in NUMEROUS threads over the past few YEARS, and 3) the lack of people to write this shit.

It's a dead topic. Quit kicking it, you bully.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Well, it didn't work. Your argument has turned into an ouroboros. You started off by arguing for free TF-given abilities and has mutated into players spending money and time to "purchase" them, then come full circle by stating that certain powers be made available and freely available to everyone.
(This will upset the game's balance and be a bad design) Only if those abilities don't have direct analogues that aren't tied to the transformation. You can level the playing field even further by requiring the transformed Champ to spend time and money/other resources on learning to properly utilize their new abilities.
In my mind, an alternative system of acquiring those abilities - TF, then trainer's quest, then free lessons - would be fair and balanced. However I recognize that the devs might disagree and that's why I mentioned that even after fully converting this alternative system into a copy of the class trainer system with extra steps, ensuring that it won't skew the players' incentives, it will still have value. Namely providing meaningful sidegrades to currently available Powers, more flavourful options for the roleplayers (or people loving the particular race very much) and the trainer quests themselves.

What you fail to realize is 1) what I've already argued, 2) what has repeatedly been stated by the devs in NUMEROUS threads over the past few YEARS, and 3) the lack of people to write this shit.

It's a dead topic. Quit kicking it, you bully.
1) See above.
2) I haven't seen or been pointed in the direction of those threads, so eh?
3) I have bits and pieces of Zhara and Shar scenes for flight lessons right here on my laptop and ideas for who can be hornet and Effigy trainers. That's how this idea got stuck in my head, I will gladly commission other missing bits and pieces needed if the whole shabang is ever greenlit - which I'm aware is very unlikely. I also don't think I'm the only rando interested in this thing, even if all the usual writers aren't.

Not kicking nobody here, chief. If anything, I'm gently massaging the topic's (and devs') balls and gauging the reaction.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Always can count on you for links, Wolf. Still, I don't see any harm in disagreeing with Savin and laying out the details of how and why, IMHO, a system like that can work without upsetting the game balance. Especially in a thread dedicated to people laying out their hopes and dreams of content and occasionally having those hopes and dreams crushed by the devs. :p

Moving on to another topic: I'd love to eventually have more Shar and Zhara content in general, and to finally have a proper chat with their mom.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
And I was just thinking how funny it'd be to replace CoC2 with a remake of CoC1 for April Fool's.

I have bits and pieces of Zhara and Shar scenes for flight lessons right here on my laptop and ideas for who can be hornet and Effigy trainers. That's how this idea got stuck in my head, I will gladly commission other missing bits and pieces needed if the whole shabang is ever greenlit - which I'm aware is very unlikely. I also don't think I'm the only rando interested in this thing, even if all the usual writers aren't.

Not kicking nobody here, chief. If anything, I'm gently massaging the topic's (and devs') balls and gauging the reaction.
My piece of wisdom: Go ahead and finish those up. Even if they can't accept them, it'd be good writing practice.

My own ideas may be more ambitious (and weird), but you'll be ahead of me, and a lot of other people, if you manage yourself to finish.