What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Wishing I lived in Sweden
I'd love things like tattoos. My TITS characters always had the Vanae markings.

It's probably a pain but I'd like at least some blurb or something in acknowledgement of the PC changing their forms. A little bit of confusion or having to reintroduce yourself if you change something major such as your face or body.

That could be pretty interesting, actually..If people that you'd met didn't recognize you after a big change. Could even be used as cover in a mission if, say, the Black Void was onto you and you needed to not be recognized ;p


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Wishing I lived in Sweden
It's one of those conceits; while you might be playing a roleplaying game, you are not the player, you are playing as Champion/Steele/Chaption2electricboogalo. The champion will steadfastly guard the portal, even though it's unnecessary. Steele is driven to seek out the probes even though many players likely aren't. Champion2 is all about clotheslining Kas to save everyone's souls. They are bisexual, even if you the player might seek out other things etc.

(now that said in my experience any given PC is going to be all dicksdicksdicks, but I think that's more just "whoa look at their huge DICK hanging out W H O A drool")

True, I hadn't thought about it that way. Each version of the Champion(2)/Steele is merely a variation on the same core person that will always have certain traits. Weird. I've never thought of rpg characters that way lol. I spose that's how it is most everywhere, huh? Unless YOU make them, they're not really yours to decide for. That said; dicksdicksdicksdicksdicks WHOOOOAAAAAAAA

PS I do still think it would be cool to have a sexuality toggle somewhere, if only so that you had the opportunity for some lulz somewhere if, say, Doc Khan came at you with like 'muahahaha you shall join my harem. You know you can't resist!' and depending on your Champions preference it could play out a lil different. For straight(er) characters it might be like ' ga'dayum, look at that dick. I mean, he is pretty fine... but naw, fuck that, he's obviously an asshole!' whereas for leaners in the other direction it might look more like 'Bra.. My dude. Now look here with ya dick hangin out, I don't know who you tryna fool but it aint workin'. Could make for some immersive little variances, yeah? For those interested in making use of such a system. Just my two cents anyway!
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Apr 5, 2018
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Apr 8, 2018
So I've had an idea and felt like this would be a decent place to share the elevator pitch, in the form of some notes on an NPC encounter.


A few notes, in part to capture some future additions to the concept outside the purview of a single NPC encounter:

-Obviously this is more the skeleton of an encounter, I just wanted to get enough out so people could get the gist of it.
-I know lower-body tfs are right out and came up with what I think is a good way to square the circle on 'I want to be more spidery than the CoC spider-morph' and 'I can't be a drider'.
-There's a theoretical planned more powerful NPC type to encounter tied to the same 'friendliness' as this one, which would be the NPC example of the above.
-There's also a theoretical quest to assist them in a Questionable Goal in exchange for Fabulous Rewards that would come out of them down the line.


New Member
Apr 11, 2018
One of the things that I would like to see and that has been in COC I, is the possibility of transforming companion with certain objects, which is more extended for both partners and NPC, both to remove penis futas or man, or even transform them to woman and vice versa. But I know it's unlikely since it's a lot of work to modify or even create a scene for some modified character. But they asked for content that I wanted to see and well it's something that I liked the COC I but it did not expand much.


New Member
Nov 18, 2015
Finally read the entitler forum, but a little disappointed to say the least regarding to content ideas.(Sorry?)

My 2 Cents: (Your: Your hero/heroine)
• Balls, balls and balls: Able to enquirer more testicles than having just the standard quo amount from specific transformative item(s), or from losing to particular monster/being?
More multi dicks: Increase maximum amount dicks you can have on your groin to 10 like in Coc1, instead 5 in TiTS

Different types of futanari:
•Full package:
Your dick(s) and balls are attached on your groin. (default)
External: Your dick(s) are on your groin while your balls are internal.(From a specific NPC will give you the opinion to become this kind of futanari. Only limited to a maximum capacity)
Internal: Your dick(s) and balls are on inside of your vagina. ( same requirements has external, however your penis(es) size doesn't have maximum capacity, but it will stretch out your vagina loosely if it doesn't have bonus capacity for its size)
Clitous : while excited your clitous turns into a dick and mutli clitous means mutli dicks too. Balls are internal.( Same requirement has external)
Dickgirl disguised futa?!: Your urethra is a vagina(What more do I have to add to that... (You'll need huge/monster size dick to have sex with some vaginally speaking, if its below that size only smaller/average size dicks can penetrate it)

Fleshweaverimancer: A specific NPC is able to use magic to tighten your nether orifices and able to turn you into other types of futanaris. She, or he is unable change your appearances, height and size because of certain incident in the past. (Where's the fun in that when you can change your Transformation by choice. It's like taking main component out of what makes a fenoxo game great.)

H.P-Lovecraftian folk and monsters:( I'll do this later.)
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
It's probably a pain but I'd like at least some blurb or something in acknowledgment of the PC changing their forms. A little bit of confusion or having to reintroduce yourself if you change something major such as your face or body.

I think this is a great idea. CoCs often felt like you were the only one that noticed the changes. You could look like a succubus one day and show up as a goo girl the next. Urta would still be like "Hey Lover". I'd love it if the NPCs that you knew very well would also say stuff like, "oh you cut your hair" or "red is definitely not your color".

A different item, but also related to the "immersive" aspect: For NPCs you meet that are looking for particular physical attributes, it would be great if they could be questioned about that too. Or you could find out by talking to someone else in their circle. Having to make random changes until you hit the right formula seems artificial. I love any game that gives you all the needed info in the game so you don't find it the need to consult the game wiki often.
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Apr 17, 2016
My only request that I haven't seen mentioned yet is abdominal/throat deformation when taking a disproportionately large appendage. It's something that iirc has been included in both CoC and TiTS, but inconsistiently. It's a little immersion-breaking for me when my skinny 4'6" character can take a 2-foot or larger cock and nothing of the sort is mentioned. I'm not sure how tricky tying this sort of content to the size comparison between the PC and the appendage would be, but if it's not too difficult I'd love to see it included. Thank you all for making an amazing several games!


Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Dickgirl disguised futa?!: Your urethra is a vagina(What more do I have to add to that... (You'll need huge/monster size dick to have sex with some vaginally speaking, if its below that size only smaller/average size dicks can penetrate it)

That sound similar to an idea in Jack L. Chalker's Soul Rider series. Some of the people were transformed so that their dicks were also their vaginas. Thus they got to decide who would be the male or female whenever they had sex. Or maybe they were all herms. Externally they were very female in appearance.



Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
As much as I'd like it this can basically never happen due to community outcry. People hate hate hate it when the TF they spent a lot of time/savecumming on is changed. Usually only happens in bad ends, or immediately prior.

I mean you could gate it behind an opt-in but even then you're going to get people opting in then getting really upset with the result of that choice.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I think this is a great idea. CoCs often felt like you were the only one that noticed the changes. You could look like a succubus one day and show up as a goo girl the next. Urta would still be like "Hey Lover". I'd love it if the NPCs that you knew very well would also say stuff like, "oh you cut your hair" or "red is definitely not your color".
I get why people want this, but I don't think it'll ever happen. Here's why:

First, you'd have to make it so the game records your character's changes. I don't know if any of these games remember what your character once looked like, aside from TiTS's "you started as..." line. So the game would have to keep track of all the changes you made and when you made them, so it could tell if enough time had passed for a character to react. I barely know shit about programming, so I don't know how hard this would be, but think about how many different parts of your character can change in CoC and TiTS, and how many different things those parts can change into, and think about programming something to keep track of all the changes you've ever made to them for the entirety of your character's existence. It doesn't sound easy to me.

Second, you'd have to write up the NPCs' reaction blurbs. Every single word in this game has to be written by someone, which means a fuckton of lines that all amount to "you look different". I do know shit about writing, and figuring out what every persistent NPC would say to even just one or two appearance changes sounds like mind-numbing work. There's only so many ways you can say "is your hair different" or "that dick wasn't there before". It would also mean getting people to write for characters that aren't theirs, as there are some NPCs whose writers aren't around here anymore.

And then there's more programming to make the whole thing work, which means taking the code for recognition and applying it to over 400 NPCs for TiTS alone. I know you said "the NPCs that you knew very well", but everyone interacts with NPCs in different amounts, so you'd have to apply this to a bunch of them for it to make a noticeable difference to the player base in general. And I know just enough about programming to know that when you add in something wide-reaching like that, you risk it breaking all kinds of things.

It seems like way too much work just to make some NPCs recognize that your character looks different.
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Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Because I forgot to add something I'd like to see:

Basilisk-girls and cockatrice-boys, whose gaze attack causes priapism.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2017
Keeping track of stuff isn't really a problem programming wise, but using the data later, figure out what to use where, who reacts to what and all that jazz would be worse, especially if you store all that data for every npc and every interaction on the PC him-/herself.

A solution would be to store some pc-data by/at each npc you interact with: ie pc.firstTimeInteractionNpc for the first time you interact with a npc, pc.assSizeLastVisitNpc for when you leave/last time you were around the npc, and have pc.assSizeCurrentVisitNpc for when you are around the npc again. Then move the "current" data to "last" data when you leave.

That solution was/is just a quick thought not thought through and can probably bee done better, but opens up for this interaction thing. However it sure will be annoying to program and for sure it will be annoying for the writers to write a variation for every single tf and combination.

Should note that I know enough programming to have an idea of what I'm talking about, but definitely not enough ;p


I'd also like the involuntary tf scenes. 'Tho I do agree that it should be gated so only those who want it get to interact with it, and made clear that people can't expect their savescumed pc/oc to last in this "gamemode"
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Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Should note that I know enough programming to have an idea of what I'm talking about, but definitely not enough ;p
You're probably right that there's got to be an easier way to do it than I hashed out. My thinking is more if it's worth it to go through all that work for a little blurb. *shrug*


Oct 9, 2016
A return to being able to impregnate a significant portion of characters.
For all the size/volume/potency stats, TiTs felt like it dropped the ball with like a handful of none sterile females in the known (and unknown) universe.
I feel like this is a big area where text based games have the advantage in implementing and it was one of the best parts of the original CoC.
Doesn't have to be overly customized for every character, just core pregnancy functionality customized with flavor text for secondary characters will suffice.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Wishing I lived in Sweden
Honestly, the one major transformation type I feel is currently lacking from TiTS, and thus would like to see here, is that there's no way for a herm to stow your dick internally so you can appear/act as wholly female when desired.

I feel like this was in FoE, but not in TiTS which seems odd if it's true. I too would like to see the master race fake females *sagenod*

You're probably right that there's got to be an easier way to do it than I hashed out. My thinking is more if it's worth it to go through all that work for a little blurb. *shrug*

Obvs not with TiTS with 400+ characters, but for CoC2 where presumably there aren't nearly as many yet... maybe?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I mean you could gate it behind an opt-in but even then you're going to get people opting in then getting really upset with the result of that choice.

People can play Flexible Survival if they want this. We're not that.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2018
I think the biggest mechanical change I want to see is that tease-focused characters shouldn't be gimped in any encounters. Whether with a tool that can either turn their desirability into damage or a lack of combat-only encounters I don't really mind. I just felt like having a whole separate progression alongside combat skills that was effectively worthless compared to them was a detriment to both CoC and TiTS.

Content-wise I've been really happy with the civilized insectoids (Ant princess in CoC, Bothrioc and Myr in TiTS). Wasn't a huge fan of Zil or the Spiders/Driders in CoC because I feel like these "savage" races end up really shallow.
I did wish there were more depth to the Venus Pitchers in TiTS, because their scenes were great but there were only like 3 of them. (also the completely unfinished seeds that I'm totally not salty about) I'm not a big fan of the hypnotism whether or not it's consensual. I'd much rather be able to be fully in control of what I do, even if the result for the creature I'm encountering is pretty much the same. I realize that's a personal preference thing though so whatever.

I think its worth mentioning that I was really disappointed when races crop up that basically only act to drop transformatives and XP, with no depth to the race itself. A lot of races have suffered from this and I'm sure that while some people are fine with it, I'd MUCH rather see fewer overall races but with much more compelling stories and depth to them. Transformatives that people commonly want could be sold, or could be included in the starting races options.

One thing I've wanted for is the option to lock down my character's transformations once they get to a spot I like. It always felt weird to me that some transformations were irreversible (Galomax) while others could be altered against your will. Sure this "lockdown" should be rare or expensive but I think its worth including. (in fantasy this is often called "immutable form" btw)

Finally I'll just drop the subjects that I'd put on a wishlist.
  • Tentacles more similar to venus pitchers than tentacle monsters.
  • A way to end pregnancies instantly (effectively abortions but really it could be magic or something).
  • Actual Consequences for losing fights, and I'm not talking Bad Ends. I mean things happen to the world or your character that you can not change without savescumming, but that don't just end the game.
I guess lastly, don't half-ass any of the content. If you're putting something in the game that isn't gonna make the game better, maybe you should look at whether it goes in at all. I know donors can request things, but maybe y'all should take a look at the request before accepting the donation to make sure you want it in the game at least half as much as the donor does. Some of my favorite parts of these games feel unfinished (see venus pitcher, lake slimes, tease mechanics, harpies, Queen of the Lake on Myrellion). I want to see a game the team is proud of more than anything else.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
  • A way to end pregnancies instantly (effectively abortions but really it could be magic or something).
  • Actual Consequences for losing fights, and I'm not talking Bad Ends. I mean things happen to the world or your character that you can not change without savescumming, but that don't just end the game.

Number one is not happening. The controversy it would generate would not be worth it in the least whatsoever. The closest thing that I might be writing is a gestation acceleration potion, but given that contraceptives are dirt cheap and readily purchasable from the start of the game, AND last for a decently long time (1-2 in-game weeks), you'd have no excuse.

Number two: some people lose intentionally to see the sexy smut. I don't feel like punishing them. But there are already numerous such events in TiTS anyways; I'm sure there'll be more.
I guess lastly, don't half-ass any of the content. If you're putting something in the game that isn't gonna make the game better, maybe you should look at whether it goes in at all. I know donors can request things, but maybe y'all should take a look at the request before accepting the donation to make sure you want it in the game at least half as much as the donor does. Some of my favorite parts of these games feel unfinished (see venus pitcher, lake slimes, tease mechanics, harpies, Queen of the Lake on Myrellion).

Player-created content suffers from this, sometimes it's unavoidable. Some of the projects in the previous games stopped because the writers DIED, you can hardly blame them for that. We'll definitely be raising the bar for content submissions, and content such as companions is already limited to people who are in it for the long haul.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Honestly, the one major transformation type I feel is currently lacking from TiTS, and thus would like to see here, is that there's no way for a herm to stow your dick internally so you can appear/act as wholly female when desired.
You can get a genital sheath from the naleen nip that says it hides your dick(s), but I don't know if the game recognizes at all that anything's hidden.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
People can play Flexible Survival if they want this. We're not that.

I mean I'm not sure how common bonuses, perks, and abilities tied to TFs will be in 2 but they were certainly common enough in the original that a forced TF could really fuck over certain builds which would feel super bad. Especially since some of those, like kitsune tails and anemone hair, would require quite a bit of repair if they got lost.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I at least would oppose any forced TFs outside of bad ends... I savescum extensively to get the perfect look, and if some random mob came in and fucked that up, I would be fucking pissed

And, adding onto that, I really really hope CoC2 will stop that bullshit that CoC1 and TiTS does where enemies can induce lactation in your. That kink is a huge "nope" in my book, so every time it happens I instantly reload a save. I can't remember which enemies does it in TitS... I might be misremembering, but I know CoC1 did it (Kitsune threesome scene... awesome scene, but the milk part made me never want to do it. The Sand Witch (lol) also did it too IIRC)