What content would you like added?


Active Member
Oct 6, 2021
I'd like to see some fairy related transformatives. Feels a little odd that it's a fantasy world that's established it has fairies, but nothing's really been done with them yet. Plus I'd like to be able to play as a fairy since I am one irl lol.

Another thing I think would be really interesting is a demon companion (I personally would prefer a dude; the party's kind of a cheesecake factory) who's part of the party because they know you're out to stop Kas and they want to help with that. Basically someone who wants to be a sort of positive example of demonkind since Kas and her flunkies are out there giving them all a bad rep, and they want to prove that there's no such thing as a people who are inherently bad. Maybe they were duped into following her through the portal because Kas fooled a chunk of demons into thinking they'd be settling whatever land's on the other side, rather than conquering.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Another thing I think would be really interesting is a demon companion (I personally would prefer a dude; the party's kind of a cheesecake factory) who's part of the party because they know you're out to stop Kas and they want to help with that. Basically someone who wants to be a sort of positive example of demonkind since Kas and her flunkies are out there giving them all a bad rep, and they want to prove that there's no such thing as a people who are inherently bad. Maybe they were duped into following her through the portal because Kas fooled a chunk of demons into thinking they'd be settling whatever land's on the other side, rather than conquering.
The main issue I have is that, really a person is supposed to get corrupted or have a certain attitude and personality (or be driven to it) to the point where they lose their soul. They can keep their personality and such, but having them show altruism and compassion and such except in narrow and specific instance or towards specific people lessens the horror and impact of demonification (in my opinion).
Obviously I am not saying there's anything wrong with wanting something like that (and posting it here, which is what it's for), I just hope it doesn't become that. Maybe someone that's tainted or corrupt a bit, but once they're a demon, it's because they reached a point where they gave into what being a demon means (even if that's still has a broad range).


Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to see some fairy related transformatives. Feels a little odd that it's a fantasy world that's established it has fairies, but nothing's really been done with them yet. Plus I'd like to be able to play as a fairy since I am one irl lol.

Another thing I think would be really interesting is a demon companion (I personally would prefer a dude; the party's kind of a cheesecake factory) who's part of the party because they know you're out to stop Kas and they want to help with that. Basically someone who wants to be a sort of positive example of demonkind since Kas and her flunkies are out there giving them all a bad rep, and they want to prove that there's no such thing as a people who are inherently bad. Maybe they were duped into following her through the portal because Kas fooled a chunk of demons into thinking they'd be settling whatever land's on the other side, rather than conquering.
The first thing might be possible someday, but the second thing....

A. There wont be any more companions and the entries have been closed for years in the first place.

B. I think you misunderstand what demons are in the first place... They arent like a race with good and bad, theyre what happen when other races lose their souls...

C. Nobody else came through with KAS, all the demons in savarra are created by her, or by other demons she created, she's the origin point.

D. Even if they did, a demon wouldn't be duped like that in the first place, looping back to B...
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I know I've said this before, but I want bigger clits. I want to have a big enough clit that it's basically a dick. I'd love to have this option to have penetrative sex as a female champion without needing to be bred by Lady Evergreen or pay her 10k for the ghostlight. The cackle berry should obviously be the TF item for this
I don't know about any clit size changes, but a dick-clit that lets you use it as a cock probably won't happen. Most sex scenes involving cocks were written to have cumshots, without any parsers to have a non-cum version. The ghostlight was to let non-cocked female characters access those scenes, since having something like hardlight or a cock-like clit would require scenes to have parsers and variations accounting for if the champ doesn't have cum, and the ghostlight has ectoplasm cum or something like that.
Another thing I think would be really interesting is a demon companion (I personally would prefer a dude; the party's kind of a cheesecake factory) who's part of the party because they know you're out to stop Kas and they want to help with that. Basically someone who wants to be a sort of positive example of demonkind since Kas and her flunkies are out there giving them all a bad rep, and they want to prove that there's no such thing as a people who are inherently bad. Maybe they were duped into following her through the portal because Kas fooled a chunk of demons into thinking they'd be settling whatever land's on the other side, rather than conquering.
No more new companions, though there could potentially be a demon follower (in the camp). And there is a demon who can work as a peaceful merchant (Farrah) in your fort. Also, Vivianne exists as a companion who can be a demon when she's a companion (although her reason for joining you is different from what you say), and I think I remember hearing about Brint/Brienne having a potentual, eventual, demonification path. But also, part of being a demon is that you loose your soul, which drives you to focus on an obsession and no longer be able to empasize with others. Demons can still care about individuals, but those instances are like how Kasyrra cares about the Champ because the Champ is now one of the objects of her obsession.


May 9, 2024
This is kind of a small thing I think it'd be nice if there was an option for the Champ to take some blank powder when Brienne approaches them for an all day sex session. Kind of like the opposite of when Ahmri approaches the champ in heat and they have the option to reverse their sterility if they have a pink draught on hand. I'd rather not turn Brienne down when proportioned but, despite how hot she says it would be, I don't want her in a constant state of pregnant during out travels. There's already options to "Accept", "Reject" or say "Always" to the offer so an additional "Let me apply the birth control first" button would be great seeing as there's not an obvious way to keep track of when she's going to ask unless you're counting the days carefully


Oct 1, 2024
What about an evil character who isn't evil from desire or necessity... but they're under the control of some other-dimensional entity, controlling their actions through a keyboard interface and using them for deviant, sexual gratification?
alternatively they do their evil because they made a deal with an entity, and in return they were said entity's property when they died, and their goal is to live forever, knowing how depraved said entity is

Ultra Chad

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2022
I'd like to see some fairy related transformatives. Feels a little odd that it's a fantasy world that's established it has fairies, but nothing's really been done with them yet. Plus I'd like to be able to play as a fairy since I am one irl lol.

Ninian the pixie mentioned he used to live with fairies but we never seen one in game yet. Heck Pixies and Fairies don't even have codex entries.
Oct 12, 2024
I love having Futa characters, especially ones that can be dominate or submissive depending on your choices (looking at you Arona) but at the same time, it’d be neat, although a lot of work as I understand it, (with all the art that you’d have to make, not to mention the writing and coding) to have the ability to shrink them down to much more humiliating level, especially when Arona specifically has a massive 12 inch cock that already flops around uselessly when she’s a bottom.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2021
Ninian the pixie mentioned he used to live with fairies but we never seen one in game yet. Heck Pixies and Fairies don't even have codex entries.
Ninian's been in the game for a longass time now, so for absolutely nothing to have been done with fairies and pixies in that time is kinda confusing. No transformatives, no quests, no new dialogue, and yeah not even a codex entry. Not much of a space to play in or toys to play with. Take this with a grain of salt since it's been a long time and my memory ain't great, but iirc Ninian's been in the game since at least before Kiyoko could do anything more than just have sex with you in her little plane. He was there before she could be summoned, let alone the kitsune being given their own settlement with multiple denizens. Now look at everything the kitsune have as a whole while Ninian still hasn't been touched. It's odd to think that there's a toy the writers brought in and then just. Did nothing with.


May 9, 2024
iirc, Ninian was one of Bubble's characters.

That's true, he was. A lot of people over on his hub are in dismay because Quin's just been left to the ether but personally I'm more disappointed that we're not gonna see an expansion of the Marked Mercs because most of them were pretty interesting and I really wanted to see where things would go with Jen.

On a note of things that are a bit more hopeful to get continued I think it'd be fun that, if you chose to corrupt the hive, you could toss the core back into the pool and revive the honey Golem for some fun
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
That's true, he was. A lot of people over on his hub are in dismay because Quin's just been left to the ether but personally I'm more disappointed that we're not gonna see an expansion of the Marked Mercs because most of them were pretty interesting and I really wanted to see where things would go with Jen.

On a note of things that are a bit more hopeful to get continued I think it'd be fun that, if you chose to corrupt the hive, you could toss the core back into the pool and revive the honey Golem for some fun
Quinn has a new writer


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
As for the Mercs, unless they're gonna stop fighting us and that chastity belt lady is going to get off her high horse (rimshot) I'm just not interested in any more of their antics.
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Sorry, english second language here. What is it you are trying to emphasize here?
The phrase "Quin has a new writer" implies that said writer is taking over BubbleLord's position as his official, full-time author, and will thus be providing ongoing content for him going forward. Shrike is trying to emphasise that that's not the case, but rather that the writer is merely doing a single, one-time content expansion for him. It might lead into becoming his new author, but that's far from a guarantee.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2021
The phrase "Quin has a new writer" implies that said writer is taking over BubbleLord's position as his official, full-time author, and will thus be providing ongoing content for him going forward. Shrike is trying to emphasise that that's not the case, but rather that the writer is merely doing a single, one-time content expansion for him. It might lead into becoming his new author, but that's far from a guarantee.
Some clarification: I mentioned that I got my proposal for Quin approved. This includes new sets, new quests, new interactions, etc. I've picked up several of Bubble's other projects, including DriderNest content (the quest for setting it up is currently being written!) and eventually I plan to wrap up the Merk questline as well. I've been dealing with some family related things so writing is slower than I'd like, but it's still going :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
Replayable Quests. Especially in case you want to access some new content related to a quest you did but you picked a different outcome that doesn't give you access to the new content.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
With the recent addition of Alissa content for the Wayfort, my main three asks for her are 1) Add responses and comments from Etheryn based on what we do. Is she okay with us putting Alissa in chastity, or would she not wish that even on her worst enemy? 2) so far most of the content for her centres on her cock and pussy, but I want a scene fucking her butt. What better payback for her treatment of Ryn than to let her balls overfill and then milk her prostate? 3) A scene where we give Etheryn a sweet, gentle buttfuck right in front of Alissa while she can only stand and watch in impotent fury that her sister is forever beyond her reach and has found someone who actually loves her and will treat her right.

IDK if all this is already planned or not, but that's what I want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gimme an Alissa "romantic" path, where she starts showing the same sadistic possessiveness towards you that she feels towards Ryn if you indulge her enough. Let her funnel her anger and jealousy over Ryn loving you into a lusty obsession.

Instead of you "shamefully" leaving after a single round of getting your belly filled, let her keep going. Turn that forceful head-turn while fucking you from behind into a fierce kiss once she sees how much you truly wanted her cum. Have her flip you over on the ground and get you into a full Interlaced Fingers Mating Press while she slides her tongue down your throat! Have her hold you down and ride you until your dick stops working. Let her grab you from behind and go to town on your nipples while grinding against your butt to show you how much she wants you. Have her pull a Ryn on you and finger you to multiple orgasms until you can't feel your legs anymore, while you eat her out and she strokes your head like the good pet you are!

:gedsweat: OK I'm done. Got a little carried away.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Gimme an Alissa "romantic" path, where she starts showing the same sadistic possessiveness towards you that she feels towards Ryn if you indulge her enough. Let her funnel her anger and jealousy over Ryn loving you into a lusty obsession.

Instead of you "shamefully" leaving after a single round of getting your belly filled, let her keep going. Turn that forceful head-turn while fucking you from behind into a fierce kiss once she sees how much you truly wanted her cum. Have her flip you over on the ground and get you into a full Interlaced Fingers Mating Press while she slides her tongue down your throat! Have her hold you down and ride you until your dick stops working. Let her grab you from behind and go to town on your nipples while grinding against your butt to show you how much she wants you. Have her pull a Ryn on you and finger you to multiple orgasms until you can't feel your legs anymore, while you eat her out and she strokes your head like the good pet you are!

:gedsweat: OK I'm done. Got a little carried away.
honestly, I want the same, for Alissa to have a romance plus redemption path, where our champ re-educates Alissa and to give her a second chance, plus if she want to obsess over someone, who better than our champ, since at this point my PC is in romantic relationships with just about all the eleven women, plus I'm just not really into the whole "make her suffer in the dungeon" kinda thing, I get why most people in the forums would, because of all the stuff etheryn went through, but I just wanna turn Alissa into a good dommy mommy for my champ, even if its just wishful thinking maybe the devs can hopefully do something in a future update.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Gimme an Alissa "romantic" path, where she starts showing the same sadistic possessiveness towards you that she feels towards Ryn if you indulge her enough. Let her funnel her anger and jealousy over Ryn loving you into a lusty obsession.

Instead of you "shamefully" leaving after a single round of getting your belly filled, let her keep going. Turn that forceful head-turn while fucking you from behind into a fierce kiss once she sees how much you truly wanted her cum. Have her flip you over on the ground and get you into a full Interlaced Fingers Mating Press while she slides her tongue down your throat! Have her hold you down and ride you until your dick stops working. Let her grab you from behind and go to town on your nipples while grinding against your butt to show you how much she wants you. Have her pull a Ryn on you and finger you to multiple orgasms until you can't feel your legs anymore, while you eat her out and she strokes your head like the good pet you are!

:gedsweat: OK I'm done. Got a little carried away.