What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
I agree, more monster girl content is always welcomed, although I'm not a fan of the anal on pc and unbirth stuff since they are not my cup of tea and I believe they should be completely optional and not having it happen just because you press the "have sex button", otherwise some people like me might just skip the npc.
Options are always good, like the "Clench!" option with the Alarune if you don't want her to surf the hershey highway while you're watering her folds. Just split the scene like that if the slime girl or whatever wants to do something beyond what the initial button specified.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
EG: A giantess or lamia with some softcore unbirth.
This one's not happening because it falls under the general category of vore, which is hard-banned content. Don't think there's anything wrong with the rest of your ideas provided the content is written well enough.

There's a perfectly good dullahan in the game already who could have scenes written for (with Garde's permission obviously) without needing to add a new NPC, plus one Sleepy Snek and eventually we're getting Goth Snek Mommy as a recurring and sexable character. Might get some of your content there depending on what's planned. No ice elemental type creatures yet but Ryn has one scene with some specific temperature play.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
This one's not happening because it falls under the general category of vore, which is hard-banned content. Don't think there's anything wrong with the rest of your ideas provided the content is written well enough.

There's a perfectly good dullahan in the game already who could have scenes written for (with Garde's permission obviously) without needing to add a new NPC, plus one Sleepy Snek and eventually we're getting Goth Snek Mommy as a recurring and sexable character. Might get some of your content there depending on what's planned. No ice elemental type creatures yet but Ryn has one scene with some specific temperature play.
As someone who isn't into vore at all but likes the idea of sticking my head inside a giant pussy, I feel like it really shouldn't be considered vore. And yeah, there is some content! Just hoping for more bc I feel like that aspect of the game is realllly underutilized rn.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I honestly don't think we get a continuation with scenes with Gytha unless we deal with Ryn's sister
Well, the quest to kick Alissa's ass up between her pointy ears and free Ryn for good is what Savin's been spending most of his time on lately and we know it's now in the review stage so we'll find out soon whether Gytha gets involved there or not.
As someone who isn't into vore at all but likes the idea of sticking my head inside a giant pussy, I feel like it really shouldn't be considered vore.
The guy with the final say has already made the determination, it counts and it's never happening. So I wouldn't get my hopes up for that content...
And yeah, there is some content! Just hoping for more bc I feel like that aspect of the game is realllly underutilized rn.
Well, there's a good few years of development ahead, so plenty of time for some of that content to be potentially added one way or another.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
I feel like there's degrees of "unbirth" or whatever you'd call it. Getting stuck into some abomination's overies or similar is one thing, and gross, accidentally slipping partially into a Jotun's chilly netherlips is another.

That said, I feel that whole thing is sort of niche for many, especially considering how little comparatively mundane fisting content is in the game currently. Something like tentacle fun would be a lot more popular given the right monster, but that's specifically pointed out as not being something a lot of writers are interested in as remarked by a certain muscled valkyrie in-game if you have Silly Mode active.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
I feel like there's degrees of "unbirth" or whatever you'd call it. Getting stuck into some abomination's overies or similar is one thing, and gross, accidentally slipping partially into a Jotun's chilly netherlips is another.

That said, I feel that whole thing is sort of niche for many, especially considering how little comparatively mundane fisting content is in the game currently. Something like tentacle fun would be a lot more popular given the right monster, but that's specifically pointed out as not being something a lot of writers are interested in as remarked by a certain muscled valkyrie in-game if you have Silly Mode active.
It's a no on steam it's a no point blank.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
It's a no on steam it's a no point blank.
Isn't incest also a no from Patreon, as well as a no in the initial CoC2 FAQ? So then why would that not be a no point blank as well?

If so, then not sure what the justification would be for Rina x Brienne - although, suppose they're more focused on the PC, but then what would be the justification for the direct sex between Mara x Mell, supposed sisters?

Also seems a bit weird on the TiTS side, with the same hard no toward incest supposedly, but then there's Syri x Anno, which seems a bit odd when considering that Kiro x Kally was retconned to them being step-sisters instead for Patreon's guidelines.

Maybe it's been determined that sibling content is somehow alright now, but it doesn't appear to be particularly consistent.

Anyway, sorry, don't really mean to target you with this post lol. Just something that is worth pointing out as well, if we're going to go down the route of going by the rules of external sites, as well as the content guidelines for the games.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
I think the incest ban is more specifically a ban on relations with the PC's relatives, which I guess would be Kinu primarily, and could have been Hornet kids theoretically if they even count given they grow up really fast apparently. Speaking of hornets, technically any scene involving hornet on hornet is also incest. There's also some allusions to incest, like Hretha mentioning Arona couldn't keep her hands off her tits either, and there's the Salamanders in the Convocation of Mirrors having some very salacious exchanges, and Liresh and Syrish seem very close, as do the Shrine Maiden Kitsune sisters. But all of this is NPC on NPC, and most of it is pretty roundabout, deep into content, and usually not all that in your face exactly, some exceptions (like Rina and Brienne) aside.

Which is what I was getting to with my comment. It's a ban on hard vore, which I agree with. I think there's a ban on gore as well with that, but some of the bad ends would be borderline. Likewise what I mentioned would likely be borderline.

And also pointless because if writers aren't interested in some tentacle fun, they are not going to be interested in that stuff anyway, which was also my point.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
I think the incest ban is more specifically a ban on relations with the PC's relatives, which I guess would be Kinu primarily, and could have been Hornet kids theoretically if they even count given they grow up really fast apparently. Speaking of hornets, technically any scene involving hornet on hornet is also incest. There's also some allusions to incest, like Hretha mentioning Arona couldn't keep her hands off her tits either, and there's the Salamanders in the Convocation of Mirrors having some very salacious exchanges, and Liresh and Syrish seem very close, as do the Shrine Maiden Kitsune sisters. But all of this is NPC on NPC, and most of it is pretty roundabout, deep into content, and usually not all that in your face exactly, some exceptions (like Rina and Brienne) aside.

Which is what I was getting to with my comment. It's a ban on hard vore, which I agree with. I think there's a ban on gore as well with that, but some of the bad ends would be borderline. Likewise what I mentioned would likely be borderline.

And also pointless because if writers aren't interested in some tentacle fun, they are not going to be interested in that stuff anyway, which was also my point.
Hmm, while I can understand that viewpoint, in reference to your first paragraph, the way that it is phrased in the CoC2 FAQ is pretty vague, hence the possibility of interpreting that all incest is a no go (as "direct nuclear family relations" appears to be the same thing as "immediate" family, which goes for Arona and Hretha, as well as Liresh and Syrish etc). Also the definition for nuclear families has some level of vagueness itself due to the ever changing nature of terminology these days, so even that technicality might extend to the step-sister relationship of Kiro and Kally.
Link to the above.

Other instances apart from what has already been mentioned is the threesome with Queen Nyzerrah and Azyrran (although you already mentioned that Hornet x Hornet is already technically incest - with Azyrran directly referring to the Queen as her mother, a threesome with them is parent / child incest as well, which seemingly goes against the possible trend of only sibling scenes supposedly now being okay - well, in terms of the "allowable" incest that seems to be included in the game now).
Another instance is the Marefolk Stylists that were added to the Marefolk Village.

The above and what was observed with Kiro and Kally in TiTs leaves the official stance to be quite confusing on what exactly is allowed, and what isn't, hence the consistency thing being mentioned.
Also, not sure if this was ever explicitly mentioned here on the forums, but the implication as to why there's no threesome with Brienne, Cassia and Rina seems to be because that would be parent / child incest as well, but then with the above mentioning of Queen Nyzerrah / Azyrran, it seems quite odd considering that is already present in the game. Possibly will be removed, as it seems the Land of Milk Honey quest is being reworked to an extent (although not sure if that is just limited to the rather lackluster current corruption path).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Step relations are fine on Patreon, I follow a number of patreon-funded games over on F95Zone, and as soon as that "step" is inserted they are a-okay apparently, even in such absurd situations as extended families where not only are multiple brothers and sisters adopted and unrelated, their parents and their siblings in turn were adopted the same way (maybe it's just a tradition at that point?). Steam meanwhile doesn't care, nor does GOG, as there are several outright and blatant incest games on Steam, while GOG offers decensor patches as free DLC on the site itself. Then again I'm fairly certain I saw a lolicon game on Steam as well, so the standards for content checking on Steam is as stellar as it has always been...

As far as I recall when it happened, the incest ban happened as part of a general crackdown on underage content, which is a great move by itself, where they included that just as well. Not sure how a step-situation could be less likely to be risky in that particular capacity, but oh well, don't question the logic of our Corporate Overlords.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Talking of incest I would like to see more sexy fun with Arona and her sister. Like in the pregnancy milking scene between champ and all 4 orc ladies.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Yeah I was really hoping such a quad-preg situation would lead to a milking train, if not wanting to keep threading that dangerous line we were just discussing, could just have the PC get passed around from milky orc to milky orc in a needy maternal orgy to relieve everyone of any pent up needs, and probably end up pregnant-looking themselves with digestion of milk and other fluids in the process...


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Oh, that reminds me; I really wish that there was some way for the PC to milk themselves when backed up, like with a magical consumable that ends up with a bottle of milk or honey at the end of the deal. Probably not with the same potency or effect as the existing milk or honey bottles, more like providing a short lasting well fed bonus or minor buff if digested.

On the opposite part of that, I kinda wish there had been a "blue titted" debuff effect if you let your fluids back up so much. The character description says you are backed up and should probably be milked soon, but you can go through the rest of the game in that state with no negative effect, which seems slightly odd, especially considering what NPCs go through.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
On the opposite part of that, I kinda wish there had been a "blue titted" debuff effect if you let your fluids back up so much. The character description says you are backed up and should probably be milked soon, but you can go through the rest of the game in that state with no negative effect, which seems slightly odd, especially considering what NPCs go through.
The warning on milking yourself is mostly just that, if you leave yourself at maximum fullness without milking it for long enough, your milk production decreases and eventually stops. Along with being a bit of flavor text.
Frankly, that’s a bit of a grievance I share myself. Letting down hardly necessitates immediate sleep, but I suppose it’s just to keep it mechanically in-line with the other options.
I just wish that none of the masturbation scenes immediately put you to sleep. I get not being allowed to masturbate out of areas where you can sleep, on account of you always being accompanied by companions, but I don't get why masturbation was structured like that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
as do the Shrine Maiden Kitsune sisters. But all of this is NPC on NPC, and most of it is pretty roundabout
I'd definitely argue the kitsune sisters aren't roundabout at all considering you can put one of them in the middle, meaning they directly, deliberately fuck each other.

It's definitely incest and, well...yeaaah, it is a double standard. While I don't care for either version of Kinu and incest isn't really something I go out of my way for in and of itself, I don't really see the point in the arbitrary ban-not-ban that's in effect.

It seems hypocritical to state how it's not allowed but then put so much in and...pretend it's not exactly what it is. Is there some incredibly backwards moral standard among the devs about how women on women isn't incest? Because that shit ain't true at all.

Is it about inbreeding being bad? I can understand that as a hard stance the devs might take and frankly I'd agree, but this very much doesn't seem to be about that--especially not considering Etheryn and Alissa...exist. It strikes me more as being that incest is allowed if it adheres to some secret stipulations, even if it breaks their own rules and/or the rules of patreon.

Maybe there's some other logic to it, but without some kind of explanation of it or greater transparency on it, those are the only two explanations I can come up with. It's either that they don't believe F/F incest is incest (even though Ryn has a flesh and blood penis, she still identifies as a female and apparently qualifies in the acceptable F/F incest department), or that they don't actually care about the rule and only want in the types they like (i.e nothing involving player familial relations). Or maybe both.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
Date idea for !romKas, that's evil, a bit cruel, but also wholesome: take the demon mommy to visit the nursery and see all of the children you have mothered/fathered.

Because twisting emotional knives adds so much depth and dynamic to a relationship with the primary antagonist.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
It's either that they don't believe F/F incest is incest (even though Ryn has a flesh and blood penis, she still identifies as a female and apparently qualifies in the acceptable F/F incest department), or that they don't actually care about the rule and only want in the types they like (i.e nothing involving player familial relations). Or maybe both.

About Ryn's flesh and blood penis, according to Kas Alissa locked that one up so that Alissa could have it for herself when she finally got around to wanting babies, so that relationship is all the way no matter how you look at it. But then again, that's an evil and abusive enemy so I guess lumping in plans of inbreeding doesn't really change that calculation a lot.

The warning on milking yourself is mostly just that, if you leave yourself at maximum fullness without milking it for long enough, your milk production decreases and eventually stops. Along with being a bit of flavor text.
Unless you have the piercings from Evergreen at least.

But thank you, I actually didn't know that was what decreased production, I just thought it happened by itself over time if you weren't either repeatedly pregnant or doing TF stuff.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Date idea for !romKas, that's evil, a bit cruel, but also wholesome: take the demon mommy to visit the nursery and see all of the children you have mothered/fathered.

Because twisting emotional knives adds so much depth and dynamic to a relationship with the primary antagonist.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
About Ryn's flesh and blood penis, according to Kas Alissa locked that one up so that Alissa could have it for herself when she finally got around to wanting babies, so that relationship is all the way no matter how you look at it. But then again, that's an evil and abusive enemy so I guess lumping in plans of inbreeding doesn't really change that calculation a lot.
That's what I was alluding to when I said I don't think inbreeding is the issue when you have Ryn and Alissa. Even though she's the enemy, the intent for inbreeding is clear and the incestuous activity is literally canon.

If inbreeding were the main reason incest was supposedly not allowed, I wouldn't imagine it would be included in the story at all.

If the incest rule was ever actually followed, Ryn's backstory wouldn't feature such heavy amounts of it. If you lose to form 1 Alissa, she literally milks Ryn right then and there in the bad ending that follows.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
I -think- I remember a post explaining the incest thing. Iirc, Patreon specifically bans genetic parent-and-child incest, because TiTs had to remove a whole chunk of content where the PC could bang their own children with an ice dragon or something when Patreon made the rule.

Incest is far off of my personal kink radar but from what I've heard, I don't think Rina and her mom ever interact, sooo.... maybe it checks out?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
This actually brings to mind that I don't think I've read the patreon policy since that update went live a long, long time ago. So here it is for anyone who wants a refresher but doesn't feel like finding it.


There are a few things to note by the highlighted portion. First, sexual violence is not permitted, period. One could definitely argue this game already violates that rule by featuring the combat loss scenes, but mostly--and especially--by the bad ends. To bring it back to the incest of Ryn and Alissa, iirc, I believe Ryn cries when Alissa begins to, uhh..."take advantage."

The second paragraph highlighted also mentions that incest is not allowed, as is necrophilia (quite understandable) or fetish content that's hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex. Once again, the losses and bad endings are clearly in violation there. Yet they're still a main component of the game. Why are those more worthy of risking patreon destruction for than their other big No-Nos like incest and beastiality? I'm not judging, just curious to know the answer.

And lastly, the final paragraph kind of contradicts the previous paragraph by stating that the subjects of incest, rape, or even pedophilia are allowed on patreon pending three main factors defined in both the second and third paragraphs. 1: It must be fictional. 2: It must be depicted in a non-glorified way. 3: It must be used in a reasonable way that plays into the "art."

I suppose on a technical basis, Ryn and Alissa pass those three conditions. They're not real, Etheryn is traumatized by and does not enjoy her sister's treatment of her, and it plays into her character arc quite significantly as part of the "art" of her story. Though they do definitely also breach the earlier, harder rule about not allowing sexual violence, in the case of bad ends. As far as I can see, the rest of the game's incest certainly does not pass those three requirements, though.

Honestly, I'm just wondering why it is CoC2 both obeys and breaks the same set of rules kinda willy-nilly. "We can't include incest, but here's lots of incest. We have to follow patreon rules, but half our game violates one of their only concrete ones." etc. etc. What's the factor that determines whether something is worth breaking the rules over? What's the philosophy behind it? There has to be some sort of logical consistency there. I'm just itching to know what it is. lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Reading those if they were enforced CoC2 and TiTs would be off so fast.

I suspect only things they had previously talked openly about on the site had to be changed everything since is just silence and hope they don't look or ask.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Date idea for !romKas, that's evil, a bit cruel, but also wholesome: take the demon mommy to visit the nursery and see all of the children you have mothered/fathered.

Because twisting emotional knives adds so much depth and dynamic to a relationship with the primary antagonist.
Bonus points if you tie in revealing you've sold your soul with that.

"Guess what? You'll never have this."
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