What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Ryn's cage drop is the most anticipated content since Anno/Syri Threesome. I was hoping for some small dick content with Ryn, but hey. As long as her cage is off.

I would love some more non-penetrative stuff. Like Jaelyn's maid path, I want my champ to rub/frot that soft dick until the minotaurs comes home.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I would love some more non-penetrative stuff. Like Jaelyn's maid path, I want my champ to rub/frot that soft dick until the minotaurs comes home.
Speaking of Maid Jaelyn, I wonder if it would be possible to move her to the Wayfort once you have a better grip on the place.
Ostensibly she crossed the line because the Alraune, or Farrah if you killed the former, got to her before before you could curb their impulses, but I usually send her there anyway cause it's not like she's unhappy with her lot there... unlike the Frost Hound alternative which both she and Garth are not terribly excited about.

I'd like it if I could relocate her to the Wayfort where she can staff Rumie's bar instead, after you've either banished Farrah or made her promise not to spread her corruption, doesn't necessarily need to come with new content for her but that way everybody's happy and Jael gets to keep her soul, barely. XD
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
See there's a reason the choice to move her to one or the other is permanent. To avoid headaches like this :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
For me, frost hound Jaelyn's objections don't read as serious. I see them similar to my champ's objections sometimes.

"Oh no, the sexy Amazons have caught me..."
*throws away weapon
"... Completely defenseless. What will they do to me? Have steamy, hot... Oh noooo"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Her only semi-serious objections are that she wants the cock ring off permanently, but that just makes her love the moments where it comes off even more.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
See there's a reason the choice to move her to one or the other is permanent. To avoid headaches like this :p
Doesn't seem like it'd be a headache... how hard could it really be to make an option in Garth's or Maid Jaelyn's convo topics after the 1st or 2nd renovation that moves her to the Wayfort.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Doesn't seem like it'd be a headache... how hard could it really be to make an option in Garth's or Maid Jaelyn's convo topics after the 1st or 2nd renovation that moves her to the Wayfort.
Why bother having a choice where you send her in the first place if you still get the option again to send her to Wayfort?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Why bother having a choice where you send her in the first place if you still get the option again to send her to Wayfort?
Why give you the option to claim the Corrupted Dawnsword if Lumia is going to insist on purifying it if you bring it to her keep? I had to reload that shit and use Flametongue for that quest lol.

I'd just like an option for pure playthroughs that she's happy with and doesn't inconvenience poor Garth... much, is that really too much to ask?

Besides she's the Champ's responsibility, Garth shouldn't have to babysit her, especially once you have a home to call your own that you can house her in.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Doesn't seem like it'd be a headache... how hard could it really be to make an option in Garth's or Maid Jaelyn's convo topics after the 1st or 2nd renovation that moves her to the Wayfort.
So at the moment, there are two Jael'yn branches that need to be written for future content: Wayfort (Corrupt) and Frost Hound (Pure). Any future Jael'yn content has to be written twice to fit the two paths she can take. The headache would be adding Wayfort (Pure), meaning any future content would then need to be written a third time. It's work initially to write and code in the option, then it's exponentially more work whenever Jael'yn gets content moving forward.

Also, I would say the reason Jael'yn seems less happy in the Frost Hound is because she's exercising all the self-control she has left to not go full demon. Demon Jael'yn is cheerful because she's completely surrendered to temptation and lost her soul in the process, and a pure option for Jael'yn is going to be frustrating for her so long as she's in her compromised state. That said, she has a fun maid outfit and Dally can visit for threesomes so she's doing alright.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Why give you the option to claim the Corrupted Dawnsword if Lumia is going to insist on purifying it if you bring it to her keep? I had to reload that shit and use Flametongue for that quest lol.

I'd just like an option for pure playthroughs that she's happy with and doesn't inconvenience poor Garth... much, is that really too much to ask?

Besides she's the Champ's responsibility, Garth shouldn't have to babysit her, especially once you have a home to call your own that you can house her in.
Okay I get that..


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I mean, did you think she'd be okay with you having corrupted one of her sacred relics?
I mean, from a certain point of view... was it really you that corrupted it?
But in all seriousness no, I do not, and the boss fight in the Palace of Light isn't particularly hard anyway cause who doesn't have tui on call by that time. so it's not exactly an inconvenience stashing it in the interim.

But the point still stands though, and since the game actually pigeonholes you to choose one or the other and doesn't let you tell her to fuck off or kill her, the player needs the ability to have the champion take responsibility for their own decision instead of making Garth deal with its consquences on indefinite time.

I realize that SkoW is either not with us anymore or probably has more important things on his plate, but I'm not exactly asking for an expansion here, just the option to take her off of Garth's hands by offering her the same job she's already doing but in the Wayfort's bar instead.
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New Member
Dec 2, 2022
One thing I'd really like to see some day is a "enable nightmares" main menu option counterpart to the existing dreams mechanic, so that while sleeping you can see the many missable bad ends that have been written for non-repeatable content. A lot of time and effort clearly goes into writing these scenes, but I don't often get to experience them in the course of ordinary gameplay because losing battles is an extremely rare occurrence in this game, even on dark difficulty.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I realize that SkoW is either not with us anymore or probably has more important things on his plate, but I'm not exactly asking for an expansion here, just the option to take her off of Garth's hands by offering her the same job she's already doing but in the Wayfort's bar instead.
She is most certainly still around... and I suggest you read zagzig's post which goes into why trying to move Maidl'yn to the Wayfort would mean exponentially increasing the amount of work that has to be done, when she already has two separate paths that need tracking.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Noted, pardon my ignorance, and I did read Zig's post, but I think that makes a mountain of the molehill. Zigzag implies that a Pure route of the wayfort would be needed, but that's already a reality, since when you return from the Winter City and meet Farrah for the first time you can either banish her from the fort or make her promise presumably on pain of death not to spread her corruption.

After that you're firmly in control of who is and who isn't invited to the fort, and even if you do invite some questionable persons, like Sandre and Caera, and (there are plenty of reasons for a Pure Champ to do so, chiefly rounding up the less dangerous demons somewhere they can be kept under surveillance and won't do any damage until you find a way to restore them, per Lethice's purified end and Kasyrra's whole Raison d'être it can be done) you can enforce the same rule on them as Farrah, can you trust Demons to keep a promise? No, but you can trust they understand survival.

The only reason there has to be a divide in the first place is because Jael gets to the Wayfort before you do and lay down the law with Farrah and/or the Alraune and it irks me,

The initial pure/corrupt divergence isn't the problem, it's that the champ sends her to Garth, who is willing to lodge and employ her but is not pleased about it because his respectable tavern is beginning to look more like a whorehouse, Garth who you already owe a lot to, but instead of taking the headache off his hands once the Wayfort running and under control you just leave her there.
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but you can trust they understand survival.

Given the nature of their affliction, I'm not sure I'd actually trust them with even that. Soul seems tied to impulse control and self restraint as well as empathy, so whilst they don't want to die they generally have some difficulty gauging if an action is going to have a negative outcome beyond the immediate benefits.

And even the ones that can keep better self control could still slip up, which will likely lead to someone else either being heavily corrupted if not outright losing their soul.

I know I would be building more hex-proof cells to store the less dangerous or more docile demons in until a method to reverse their condition is found. Don't abuse them, make sure living conditions are as comforting as reasonably possible, but they're just too big a risk to everyone around them to have the run of the place imo.
One thing I'd really like to see some day is a "enable nightmares" main menu option counterpart to the existing dreams mechanic,
Also this idea is fantastic.

I can always use a reminder for why Komari deserves every second of misery her unending life has granted her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Noted, pardon my ignorance, and I did read Zig's post, but I think that makes a mountain of the molehill. Zigzag implies that a Pure route of the wayfort would be needed, but that's already a reality, since when you return from the Winter City and meet Farrah for the first time you can either banish her from the fort or make her promise presumably on pain of death not to spread her corruption.

After that you're firmly in control of who is and who isn't invited to the fort, and even if you do invite some questionable persons, like Sandre and Caera, and (there are plenty of reasons for a Pure Champ to do so, chiefly rounding up the less dangerous demons somewhere they can be kept under surveillance and won't do any damage until you find a way to restore them, per Lethice's purified end and Kasyrra's whole Raison d'être it can be done) you can enforce the same rule on them as Farrah, can you trust Demons to keep a promise? No, but you can trust they understand survival.

The only reason there has to be a divide in the first place is because Jael gets to the Wayfort before you do and lay down the law with Farrah and/or the Alraune and it irks me,

The initial pure/corrupt divergence isn't the problem, it's that the champ sends her to Garth, who is willing to lodge and employ her but is not pleased about it because his respectable tavern is beginning to look more like a whorehouse, Garth who you already owe a lot to, but instead of taking the headache off his hands once the Wayfort running and under control you just leave her there.
What would need to be written is pure interactions for Jael'yn at the Wayfort. At the moment, for Jael'yn content, a pure version is written for her at the Frost Hound, and a corrupt version is written for her at the Wayfort. If you add the possibility for Jael'yn to be pure at the Wayfort, that's when exponential work begins.

Right off the bat, you would need to adapt the Daliza/Jael'yn dates and Ryn/Jael'yn threesomes for her new circumstances. You would also need to adapt or just remove all the current repeatable Jael'yn Wayfort events, as well as any interactions Jael'yn has as a steward of the Wayfort. On top of that, anything describing Jael'yn (such as Daliza and Drifa's talks) would also need to be adapted.

Once that is done, then any future Jael'yn content will need to have a pure version at the Frost Hound, a pure version at the Wayfort, and a corrupt version at the Wayfort. On the coding end, the Jael'yn parsers will need to be reworked to add for the possibility of pure Jael'yn at the Wayfort, and all the adaptations/new content would need to be written/coded in.

You can make the point that the initial choice given to the champion is flawed, but at this stage it would be a lot of work to change it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2022
What if the option was made to send jael'yn from the Frosthound to the Wayfort, but doing so will corrupt her regardless of how you could have prevented her from becoming a demon.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
That seems like the worst of both worlds, you have to write extra scenes AND there's no payoff for cleaning up the wayfort, at that point you could have just chosen the corrupt route from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2022
AND there's no payoff for cleaning up the wayfort, at that point you could have just chosen the corrupt route from the beginning.
Am pretty sure having her around does not influence the outcome of the Wayfort apart from the introduction of the maid quest


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Not only would 'Send Jael'yn to the Wayfort later to corrupt her' still require writing extra scenes and be more or less pointless (why not send her there in the first place if that's what you want?) but it would require jumping through hoops to ensure that it can even happen in the first place. As it exists now, there is always someone at the Wayfort to push Jael'yn over the edge if you send her there post-Winter City because Farrah will always be there and can't be booted out until after the deed is done. However, if you could send Jael there at any time, you would need a special check for 'Is the Alraune/Farrah present?' and if neither returns true, you'd need to invent a whole new reason for her to get corrupted, which presently doesn't exist. And then track this against whatever they may have planned for her lethicite, as there are hints we might be able to acquire it later down the road.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I wish we had an option to stop all this raging lesbianism going around my Wayfort. At least not on company time.

But on more serious note, I do have to say, current Wayfort does not really feel like our base. We do not get to choose the staff and a lot of the one of events have nothing to do with the champ. It is rather us watching others interact or bang. It feels really weird how our maids do not feel like our maids -- with how their focus is more about writing pairing each and everyone off them up.

I just hope that latter inclusions actually try taking champion and their autonomy into account.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I wish we had an option to stop all this raging lesbianism going around my Wayfort. At least not on company time.

But on more serious note, I do have to say, current Wayfort does not really feel like our base. We do not get to choose the staff and a lot of the one of events have nothing to do with the champ. It is rather us watching others interact or bang. It feels really weird how our maids do not feel like our maids -- with how their focus is more about writing pairing each and everyone off them up.

I just hope that latter inclusions actually try taking champion and their autonomy into account.
I'm loving the raging lesbianism, but you're right about the maids though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2018
Have you never done the maid inspection? Also I think of the events I saw (excluding repeats of the same) I think at least half involved my MC properly.

Personally, I think they're fine for what basically amounts to windowdressing.

Though I was a bit disappointed when the characters I chose for the different tasks during the renovations didn't become inhabitants... Well, half, since Viv moved in anyways, tree and all. And the Caravan now seems to stop by more often as well.

I think it's coming along nicely, but yeah it still has potential. But there's still a lot more to come, so maybe we'll see a second stage advancement sometimes later on where things get expanded even further and the Wayfort becomes even more of a power base for the Champion


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
wtf do you mean? there's 2 maid events with them being gay with soldiers, and 3 maid events that I can think of off the top of my head with them flirting with the champ. and then there's the snek one which isn't really either.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
wtf do you mean? there's 2 maid events with them being gay with soldiers, and 3 maid events that I can think of off the top of my head with them flirting with the champ. and then there's the snek one which isn't really either.
It's a joke Arch, relax.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
I wish we had an option to stop all this raging lesbianism going around my Wayfort. At least not on company time.

But on more serious note, I do have to say, current Wayfort does not really feel like our base. We do not get to choose the staff and a lot of the one of events have nothing to do with the champ. It is rather us watching others interact or bang. It feels really weird how our maids do not feel like our maids -- with how their focus is more about writing pairing each and everyone off them up.

I just hope that latter inclusions actually try taking champion and their autonomy into account.
I'm all for more involvement with choosing the staff, I'd love more base builder energy.

I was shocked by the maids too, if only because I don't think I read much of the text and was like "Maid staff? Hell yeah!" and then suddenly I'm being told "Come play with us master" and I was hoping to see them dusting or serving drinks or... being maids. Lmao. Maybe we'll get an option to have some butlers. Get some Chippendales up in this bitch.