What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
So I feel like there was something rather wrong with Victor Steele. Between the fucky nature of our quest (as commented on by Anyx), and him being a-okay with his sole acknowledged offspring and heir running off to be a murderer-for-hire (mercenary) or smuggler, both of which would have high likelihood of said offspring ending up dead or incarcerated, I kinda feel like Steele’s mom should of squirreled the poor kid the hell away from Vick if she could :gedlaugh:

The man did NOT have an appropriate appreciation of danger or sense of consequences.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
...him being a-okay with his sole acknowledged offspring and heir running off to be a murderer-for-hire (mercenary) or smuggler, ...
'OK with', 'running off'? He suggested it!

Remember, Victor founded Steele Tech in the chaos of the 13th Rush by going out and finding resources to mine. 'Crazy' Carl says he was a regular customer, so there was probably a lot of violence involved. He wants to ensure his heir has the skills/life experience to run the company.

How many heirs of fortunes have you heard of that squander their inheritance and end up in poverty? How many Nobles/Royalty inherit the position without really understanding what got their ancestor the position to begin with, and mismanage their domain? The Cousin seems like exactly this kind of person.

As it is, Captain Steele is given a huge head start.
1. Presumably excellent schooling.
2. Gets a cutting edge microbot immune system booster for free. Makes it possible to eat alien foods, repairs genetic taint, increases resistance to disease (and prevents spreading the ones Steele does get).
3. Gets an old ship with a new engine for free.
4. Doesn't have to worry about living expenses like food or ship refueling (remember how valuable Savicite is).
5. Only needs to go to a handful of planets and find one specific object that will only activate for Captain Steele*, instead of finding resources before anyone else does.
*Or a very close relative

At the least, it'd be a very different game if Captain Steele just automatically inherited.

I also take exception to characterizing Mercenaries as 'murderer-for-hire'. Mercenary =/= Assassin. 'Trained killer', sure, but there are plenty of potential jobs that don't involve murder.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
So I feel like there was something rather wrong with Victor Steele. Between the fucky nature of our quest (as commented on by Anyx), and him being a-okay with his sole acknowledged offspring and heir running off to be a murderer-for-hire (mercenary) or smuggler, both of which would have high likelihood of said offspring ending up dead or incarcerated, I kinda feel like Steele’s mom should of squirreled the poor kid the hell away from Vick if she could :gedlaugh:

The man did NOT have an appropriate appreciation of danger or sense of consequences.
Most of Vick's (many, like, really many, like, there are so goddamn many) children were primarily under the care of their mothers, assuming they wanted or could care for them, and if not they went to the nursery. The pc was bred with the specific agreement of being Vick's main kid. Given that agreement, Steele's mom likely 1: already understood what she was signing her future child up for beforehand, and 2: probably isn't actually able to take Steele away.


Aug 27, 2015
There's a cognitive dissonance in the game where Steele Sr is concerned, because he was written to be a cool, thoughtful guy who just wanted you to have a fun, character-building space adventure, but by his actions is a manipulative, feckless sociopath who essentially hoped to turn you into him so he could live forever.

It's not really concilable. You just have to take whichever version of Vic you prefer and run with it.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
@Theron That’s… not actually better? Him suggesting those two options is actually much worse. I mean, the Tech Specialist is fine, but those two career options are definitely bizarre choices.

Now, as far as the quest goes, he certainly does give you a number of things to help you along, but as I mentioned previously, Anyx makes a good point in game that it doesn’t actually do anything to prepare Cpt Steele to run an intergalactic megacorp.

You’re right that they aren’t assassins, as that’s not all they do, but killing other people for money is a not exactly small part of the job.

@Nonesuch The latter is definitely more what Vick comes off as, at least to me. Makes me feel a bit bad for both Cpt Steele and Jack/Jill, both having been stuck with the parents they were.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
It’s perfect, Victor thinks. His child could rise to greatness, becoming richer and more powerful than he ever was. And perhaps, with a bit of luck, a better person as well.
Now, how to ensure that? How did Victor build his company? By going out and adventuring, finding deposits to mine, fighting hostile natives and rival Rushers, making contacts with power players the galaxy over. His brother built Maxcorp by stealing Victor's claims. Simply getting rich off of a relative's work isn't the way to greatness.

Unfortunately, Victor only has about 20 years to live. He can't send his heir out on increasingly difficult jobs and mentor for 50 years. Steele Tech can't be without a CEO for too long, that's just creating a power vacuum and invites a coup. So, he concocts the Probe hunt. If he knows he's sending his child out on a dangerous journey, learning practical skills and self-defense is more important. Remember, 200 years is an early death for someone as rich as Victor. If successful, his heir has plenty of time to learn.

It's also possibly a way of giving his illegitimate children a chance. If the heir presumptive fails, but one of the others succeeds, then that's the one worthy of running Steele Tech.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I still hate that the gold myr guard encounter in Gildenmere continues to be a forced gang-rape scene. Like, if the run option at the start was guaranteed to let you get away, I'd probably be fine with it, since it would be consensual on the player's end, but instead it's a random chance to determine whether or not you get captured and fucked by a bunch of gold myr. I've railed against it before, because it's a blatant violation of the player's consent inside of what would otherwise be a safe zone (That is, it's in the city, rather than in the wilderness where random hostile encounters occur), but I bring it up again because it's still like this even after the javascript port.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I knew Disarming Shot was bad, but I didn't realize how terrible it is until I tested it.
1. About a third of the enemies I tested are outright immune.
2. Over half of those that weren't, it didn't actually disable anything.
3. Most of the remainder had significant backup attacks.
4. Only a handful were meaningfully impacted.

The worst are the 'Yes, but actually No' enemies. If you don't actively compare before & after, you might think you're making the fight easier, but you're spending 20 Energy and a turn doing nothing.
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New Member
Jul 9, 2023
I've had this mild rant since COC1 was still in its early days so you can say I've never learned to set my expectations. Spent literal years looking for games like COC1 that catered more to my tastes, and while there have been glimpses of it in COC1, 2, and TiTs itself it always gets overwritten by something or another.

To cut to the chase, many users have complained about the tone from all different points of view and I'm not going to be any different.

I'm aware and I fully understand that the tone TiTs is going for is (more or less) goofy space adventure. Similarly aware that everyone has different tastes.

That being said, I wish the games (specifically TiTs as its aesthetics are more to my liking) were darker.

More violent bad ends, more non-con, moral degeneration, darker/grittier writing, and so on. I love the humiliation part of the game but this too tends to be watered down as the PC, no matter their personality, always goes full thirst. There aren't enough well paced moral degeneration moments, submission through gritted teeth, despair, and etc; it always goes too far too often into "PC is totally a bottom and is alright to nibble on some alien knobs" even though the PC just got literally and physically beaten down to a pulp by an enemy.

There are times when the submission/defeats works, but usually it just makes me roll my eyes. I can't take it seriously.

I get it, silly porn game, but when there are parts of the games that tease this side I feel blueballed in the worse way.

The game's tone is all over the place, unsurprisingly considering there are multiple writers working on it, but there's always this disconnect that hits me as I play.

I've taken years breaks from the games, shortest breaks have been a handful of months, but I always wind up getting the same jarring sensation because of the tone. Started a new character a few hours ago and, instantly, I was reminded why I always wind up dropping the game.

Just two posts above there's a user complaining of the sudden gang rape that takes the player's control away from them. Throughout the years I've read these forums and have run into the same complaints from all different angles. I get that you can't satisfy everyone, but I feel like for there to be so many users hitting on the same point (albeit from different points of view) there must be something to it.

The tone is just all over the place, and while players can self regulate what content they see or not, they will always be constantly rubbing against the jarring tone.

I've also lurked in the forums enough to know that these types of posts are usually met with "then write what you want to see", a hilariously unhelpful rebuttal considering not everyone's a writer and not everyone wants, or is even able to afford, to fix a problem with a silly game that we care about a bit too much about.

To end this embarrassingly long diatribe, clearly I care enough about the game to whinge like this. There's an incredible potential that's realized and that's just in reach. Unfortunately I always get the urge to find an alternative to this game that fits my particular tastes better.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
I think there is an inconsistency on pheromones. I reported an issue with an NPC's pheromone attack not respecting air tight armor, but then as I thought about it, is it really fair that Steele should NOT be affected by other people's pheromones while wearing an air tight suit, but be clobbering them with Steele Musk from things like Jungle Queen Scent? Perhaps wearing an air tight suit should negate all Steele's pheromone advantages at the same time as it negates attacks on Steele, just to be fair and consistent?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Perhaps wearing an air tight suit should negate all Steele's pheromone advantages at the same time as it negates attacks on Steele, just to be fair and consistent?
A lot of the Tease descriptions has Steele removing armor/cloting.
You open your Atma Armor Mk. I and plain panties as you turn and bend over to show off your rump and cunt, though your attention goes to the last.
You peel away your Atma Armor Mk. I and plain bra with careful, slow tugs to expose your tits.
You coyly open your Atma Armor Mk. I and plain panties and purr,
You shed your Atma Armor Mk. I to leave yourself in your plain bra and plain panties before drawing your hands up over your head.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Point taken, and that could be an explanation for why Steele is affected by pheromones in an air tight suit. It could be an interesting mechanic: if you don't use tease, you don't get hit by pheromones, but if you do, the air-tight goes out the window, at least for that turn.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022

So... anybody else feel frustrated if character's content depends on a completely different character?
Like with Tessa, Paige, and Kiro.
Ok, starting with albino ovir:
There's a stage in relationship with Tessa where you have 2 option to continue on her content - first required get intimate with the panda salesgirl, spend some money and have BIG BOOBS, well that may or may not be a problem. Second option demanded myr wine aaaaand... notarized diploma of honorary drunkard of the intergalactic community which can only be given to you by a tanuki pirateslut. Lol what? I'm mean ok, Steele should be able to handle his liquor, but why does it have to be a prerequisite to out-drink the only one person in the entire galaxy, which may be completely lost the first time we meet. And even if not, it would require Steele to spend a week of uninterrupted drinking just to have a CHANCE of winning and not end the competition as a Kiro's cocksleeve.
Now more about Kiro and Paige.
Specifically about how to make Paige a futa. For this they both have to be crew members and have group sex with the captain. With Paige, it's just a couple yoga classes, a conversations, half a million and welcome aboard. With Kiro is more complicated, first you have to help her with her problem at the first meeting, then spend a lot of time on moving from one bar to another to help Kiro pick up another slut for gaining her trust. Of course there is an option to be fucked hard in the ass, this will help speed up the process, but this method is not for everyone, I guess.
What follows is her quest, at the end of which Kiro MUST remain sane, so it's effectively a choice - either Paige with a dick or a tanuki bimbo.
That's what I'm all about, I think it's a little over-complicated just for to give a doggie a red rocket between her legs. Without the raccoon's prompting, Steele wouldn't even think to offer it to her, which is pretty weird for someone who has made giving dicks his peculiar hobby (what? My Steele does it!).
After all this babbling about Tanuki Slut, I just can't help but mention the situation of getting into the Canadia Station, which has a ton of content on its own, but has limited ways to find it.
Well first is Kiro, nothing new there, go grind her trust. Next is Del on Tarkus, in his kase you must fuck him minimum once. And despite the fact that fucking people in difficult living situations is undoubtedly very pleasant and all that, this method may embarrass someone and there is also the possibility of leaving him as he is, where he is. Then comes the Christmas event, well here will help cheats. And finally The Kashima Incident... Ughhh! It seems like even cheats won't help here, change the date on your device or try your luck with a 0.25 percent chance.
Can't Steele find out about a place with a glory hole bar, a hall with VR porn machines, and a mental health clinic from, I don't know, a flyer, a notice on a news line, a trivial piece of gossip?
I just wish there be easier access to a place with so many things to do, like with New Texas case.
All this I did according to information from Wiki, if in some described moments already smoothed corners please point them out.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
I think it's worth commenting upon the frequency with which incomplete content is accepted, integrated, and then never finished. It seems to me the developers are continually racing to add "new" things (which are also incomplete) without any plans to complete the existing content. It's like a little kid who keeps opening new boxes of cereal without finished the already opened boxes.
The fact that much of the "new" is small, one-shot characters with little depth, rather than the harder work of actually completing the detailed characters and environments is just icing on the cake.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Took a while to find this thread, I hadn't realised it's been so long.

So about the new Frostwyrm, upon recruiting him there is no indication whatsoever that you're going to be fucked in the ass. I hate to raise fuss over this but I also hate having to reload a save so clear indicators would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
There's no way to escape being sodomised in this game. It'll happen to you one way or another.
Yeah bro, I still have Vietnam flashbacks from my first experience with this game. I wanted to get a titjob from a waitress from a bar on Tarvos, everything was going well and good... Where all of a sudden:

You were robbed from your anal virginity!:gedthinkies:

Tough Life:negaged:
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Amakawa Yuuto

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Wait, there’s a male frostwyrm? And you can recruit him?
There's a second frostwyrm (which… I thought was equally herm as the first, but I haven't actually played the content yet, so dunno, might be just male), who can potentially be unlocked as part of the first frostwyrm's content.

No "crew recruitment", it's just secondary content to the first frostwyrm.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
There's a second frostwyrm (which… I thought was equally herm as the first, but I haven't actually played the content yet, so dunno, might be just male), who can potentially be unlocked as part of the first frostwyrm's content.

No "crew recruitment", it's just secondary content to the first frostwyrm.
they are herm but identify as male
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Much as I apprectiate everyones... input I think you all are missing the crux of the issue here which is that with all other voluntary sex content it's clearly communicated what you're getting into. this one completely fails to do that on any level. like at least give us a heads up with the option to opt out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like for some male characters to react when you are in rut, and not just to female characters being in heat.
You and me both. The closest I can think of are the cookie scenes for korgonnes, and it could be argued it works more like an aphrodisiac or drug...

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
Gonna add on here to defend things a bit, and say that I really do not remember ever getting sodomized, at least without it being obvious or with it being the first option(why they make cowgirl the first option for the Korgonne male is beyond me, but also very annoying). Then again, I'm usually too busy sticking the prick into everything. Generally ignore it if I'm playing as a girl, because it generally comes with DP/orgies.

The constant dick in the ass regardless of your choices though when it comes to the Kiro Fuckmeet thing is annoying though. Especially since Kiro keeps offering the dang thing, and I have to decline every time because I know what happens at the end. I don't think she even gets any ass action described herself, which makes it feel pretty unfair.

New Frostwyrm content from the sounds of it sounds like it's fully delegating to herms now. That'll be fun for when I do one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I am really growing to hate the way the game is balanced. Every writer seems to design encounters as if the player always encounters them at max stats, with perfect gear, rather than with the random assortment of stats they get on level up and with whatever weapons. This implictly encourages the player to play the game in the most uninteresting fucking way possible; Level up then fuck off to New Texas for a 45 mintues (real time) grinding up stats. It just wastes so much fucking time.