What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
I am really growing to hate the way the game is balanced. Every writer seems to design encounters as if the player always encounters them at max stats, with perfect gear, rather than with the random assortment of stats they get on level up and with whatever weapons. This implictly encourages the player to play the game in the most uninteresting fucking way possible; Level up then fuck off to New Texas for a 45 mintues (real time) grinding up stats. It just wastes so much fucking time.
I thought there was easy mode for players that didn't want to grind? Or do you mean to say that some encounters in easy mode should be made easier?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I thought there was easy mode for players that didn't want to grind? Or do you mean to say that some encounters in easy mode should be made easier?
I meant what I said in the previous post, but since you didn't read it:

Game is getting increasingly boring to play the way the designers are actually designing it, as it's filled with gotcha encounters that punish people for not spending hours grinding stats every level.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
I meant what I said in the previous post, but since you didn't read it:

Game is getting increasingly boring to play the way the designers are actually designing it, as it's filled with gotcha encounters that punish people for not spending hours grinding stats every level.
Yup. And these encounters shouldn't be a problem in easy mode. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always had the impression that this mode is for players that didn't want to grind. So.. perfect for you.

Unless you're already playing on easy mode and these encounters are still proving to be a challenge for you. Then they're definitely over-"stat"-ed and should be looked into by the devs.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Yup. And these encounters shouldn't be a problem in easy mode. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always had the impression that this mode is for players that didn't want to grind. So.. perfect for you.

Unless you're already playing on easy mode and these encounters are still proving to be a challenge for you. Then they're definitely over-"stat"-ed and should be looked into by the devs.
I think, in general, a game should be balanced around what a normal player who hasn't spent dozens of hours reading the wiki to find the exploits to give them infinite stats and infinite money (or other optimal strategies) would be doing, but rather, has just been playing through the game normally using just what they can see.

Malenia from Elden Ring feels like she was designed around the sorts of players who would beat previous games hitless while not dodging, wearing armor, holding weapons, or leveling up. A lot of people find her to be extremely unfair and frustrating to fight against (because she is). If every enemy was Malenia, people would view the game as significantly worse.

In TiTS, for most of the game, players that aren't the sort to make hundreds of posts of a forum discussing the game will be playing with just what weapons and gear they happen to find on their journey, and what levels they gained from leveling up. This is not the optimal strategy for beating the game, but I would say it's perhaps the optimal strategy for actually having fun, letting it feel like your adventure rather than "Go out of your way to get this for maximum power so that you can beat the enemy who needs your maximum power."

What Afier is complaining about seems to be that every new enemy is Malenia, being designed around the players who spent hours on wikis and forums to find out how to best optimize their build, rather than normal, average players who just play through the game normally. Or at least, in their perception.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I assume that the problem is that there's no middle ground between "All grind and no play makes Steele a dull boy" and "Ignore gameplay, just wank".
And you would be wrong. Many of the new encounters are badly designed, and they remain badly designed even if there is a button that lets you auto-win every encounter.

I never mentioned difficulty because the game, even on normal, isn't hard, it was never intended to be hard. The rat thieves are a notorious problem for people playing the way the designers intended (where you spend your attribute points on level up) because they have stuns that target two different stats (physique, willpower) meaning if you aren't a melee build or lean hard into evasion, you get stunlocked and lose every encounter with them unless you spend hours at the gym or with Ramis to raise the relevant stats. And there are a ton of encounters like this now, the Gravyian Techie on First-14 can wall any character that didn't take Ice Cold or Libidinous to make teases effective under the new tease system (that is like 3-5 years old at this point) unless the player knows how tease damage is calculated, the Tainted Rusher on Mhen'ga has enough stats to bring every encounter with them down to the wire in a way most boss fights can't manage and is only easier on Tarkus by virtue of the fact the player will have better gear by then.

I even get the idea that some encounters are meant to be hard specifically for the appeal of losing which is why despite hating the one fight I had with her where I got run over by (checks wiki) Jasvalla, I'm not complaining about that. She's completely optional, and opt-in by nature.

My problem fundamentally boils down to the fun encounters are made way too easy by the preparation needed to survive the bullshit encounters, and the preparation itself not being fun. Making the game easier fixes neither of these issues.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Now that this is an argument, I think it should probably be a new thread.
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Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States

So... anybody else feel frustrated if character's content depends on a completely different character?
Like with Tessa, Paige, and Kiro.
Ok, starting with albino ovir:
There's a stage in relationship with Tessa where you have 2 option to continue on her content - first required get intimate with the panda salesgirl, spend some money and have BIG BOOBS, well that may or may not be a problem. Second option demanded myr wine aaaaand... notarized diploma of honorary drunkard of the intergalactic community which can only be given to you by a tanuki pirateslut. Lol what? I'm mean ok, Steele should be able to handle his liquor, but why does it have to be a prerequisite to out-drink the only one person in the entire galaxy, which may be completely lost the first time we meet. And even if not, it would require Steele to spend a week of uninterrupted drinking just to have a CHANCE of winning and not end the competition as a Kiro's cocksleeve.
Now more about Kiro and Paige.
Specifically about how to make Paige a futa. For this they both have to be crew members and have group sex with the captain. With Paige, it's just a couple yoga classes, a conversations, half a million and welcome aboard. With Kiro is more complicated, first you have to help her with her problem at the first meeting, then spend a lot of time on moving from one bar to another to help Kiro pick up another slut for gaining her trust. Of course there is an option to be fucked hard in the ass, this will help speed up the process, but this method is not for everyone, I guess.
What follows is her quest, at the end of which Kiro MUST remain sane, so it's effectively a choice - either Paige with a dick or a tanuki bimbo.
That's what I'm all about, I think it's a little over-complicated just for to give a doggie a red rocket between her legs. Without the raccoon's prompting, Steele wouldn't even think to offer it to her, which is pretty weird for someone who has made giving dicks his peculiar hobby (what? My Steele does it!).
After all this babbling about Tanuki Slut, I just can't help but mention the situation of getting into the Canadia Station, which has a ton of content on its own, but has limited ways to find it.
Well first is Kiro, nothing new there, go grind her trust. Next is Del on Tarkus, in his kase you must fuck him minimum once. And despite the fact that fucking people in difficult living situations is undoubtedly very pleasant and all that, this method may embarrass someone and there is also the possibility of leaving him as he is, where he is. Then comes the Christmas event, well here will help cheats. And finally The Kashima Incident... Ughhh! It seems like even cheats won't help here, change the date on your device or try your luck with a 0.25 percent chance.
Can't Steele find out about a place with a glory hole bar, a hall with VR porn machines, and a mental health clinic from, I don't know, a flyer, a notice on a news line, a trivial piece of gossip?
I just wish there be easier access to a place with so many things to do, like with New Texas case.
All this I did according to information from Wiki, if in some described moments already smoothed corners please point them out.
You actually can get Kiro bimboified while having Paige as a futa, you just have to recruit Paige first and then get the threesome going. Then let nature take its course.

I will note, however, it's rather unreasonable the price for Paige to get her eyes back doing her first. Makes sense for the lore about her and everything, but you're more likely to accidentally gain Kiro's trust to 100% and/or be overleveled for the rest of game content. 500K is really needlessly steep when taking Myrellion into consideration; you'd have to finish the entirety of Uveto and all side-quests before you can get Paige to get you into Zheng Shi even.
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Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
I meant what I said in the previous post, but since you didn't read it:

Game is getting increasingly boring to play the way the designers are actually designing it, as it's filled with gotcha encounters that punish people for not spending hours grinding stats every level.
This so much, and the roaming boss encounters are full-on proof of this.

No, I don't want a surprise rape by Sophora(who for some reason can have her first encounter with you anywhere before she even encounters you on Zheng Shi like she normally is supposed to be) because I completed Zheng Shi but didn't immediately get back to grinding and running OP setups. No, I do not want to fight the Tainted Rusher who is notoriously OP at pretty much every next planet encounter to the point it's better to reload a save or take the forced L. Can I just go without having to spend literal in-game months grinding at a gym? Maybe just give me skill points for completing a quest rather than an item I'll likely never use due to how easy it is to get Uveto content completed?

I mean, thankfully there's stuff like Syri, Tanis, and Chrissy who all make easy stat grinders, but force you to play at half stats and 4/5ths stats for nearly the whole game in regards to the latter two. I'd cite the kaithrit dommy merc girl for stat training, but I don't remember her name and she's also just the same price as the NT gym with the same soreness debuff that slows the thing down... though I think you can train reflexes and willpower infinitely with her if memory serves well should you have Yammi. You don't get a physique train though from any other source except that NPC, which is so needlessly the most necessary stat for Steele seeing as everybody else with shields don't get stunned unless the shields are gone.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I hate the new UI. I really, really hate it. I tried, I really did, and I love the game itself, but the UI just bounces me right off.

To be clear, I'm not talking about the new esthetic/graphics of the game, they're fine. But the UX suuuucks.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I hate the new UI. I really, really hate it. I tried, I really did, and I love the game itself, but the UI just bounces me right off.

To be clear, I'm not talking about the new esthetic/graphics of the game, they're fine. But the UX suuuucks.
I think there’s a option to go back to the old one


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I think there’s a option to go back to the old one
The Legacy option doesn't really fulfill that iirc? Like there's still the "everything's crammed into the left" thing which has been the biggest offender and still is. if that was taken out of the Legacy option and made to ACTUALLY look like the legacy version, I'd be using it more (seriously, why not just take the old layout and reuse it???)
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I hate the new UI. I really, really hate it. I tried, I really did, and I love the game itself, but the UI just bounces me right off.

To be clear, I'm not talking about the new esthetic/graphics of the game, they're fine. But the UX suuuucks.
Because of their steps to make it more like the old ui, I've been able to bear it enough to play the game again, but man. Literally just take some of that shit and put it on the right side of the screen.

Also put tooltips on stuff in shops again. The shopping process is so much worse for pc players because you can't just hover over something and see what it's like and how it compares. Now you need to deliberately click on something, press the inspect button, and scroll down in a new separate menu to actually compare shit, and once you're done looking at that you need to repeat it with every fucking item you want to look at. I get that what we have now is better for mobile players, because they didn't have a mouse to hover over things. But I think we can have a middle ground between "70 more steps which inconvenience something that used to be ridiculously easy to do" and "mobile users can't see tooltips well."


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Because of their steps to make it more like the old ui, I've been able to bear it enough to play the game again, but man. Literally just take some of that shit and put it on the right side of the screen.

Also put tooltips on stuff in shops again. The shopping process is so much worse for pc players because you can't just hover over something and see what it's like and how it compares. Now you need to deliberately click on something, press the inspect button, and scroll down in a new separate menu to actually compare shit, and once you're done looking at that you need to repeat it with every fucking item you want to look at. I get that what we have now is better for mobile players, because they didn't have a mouse to hover over things. But I think we can have a middle ground between "70 more steps which inconvenience something that used to be ridiculously easy to do" and "mobile users can't see tooltips well."
It really feels like the game's UI design fell into the contagious trap problem of "making things mobile accessible even tho the majority of people play on PC" tbh. I see it EVERYWHERE. Not even the "legacy" option helps bc it doesn't ACTUALLY give us the legacy layout. It falls into the same left-sided cramming problems. There should be ways to have the option for a mobile friendly layout WITHOUT sacrificing the accessibility of the more PC-friendly layout in the process. I still barely play TiTS bc it's one of the offending reasons.


New Member
Mar 13, 2017
#1 Gripe has got to be the Ciaran's Randy Claws scene. I played my PC straight from start to finish, yet this scene has him fantasizing about hardcore gay sex with a dude he met once, regardless of my input. According to the wiki, what triggers it is an email you get when you meet the guy (like wtf)? If you got no backup saves, you're stuck getting ass blasted with this scene as soon as you sleep. The dream was so vivid, it somehow went through my Sleep Fapnea's under chaste mode.

I know writers want people to read their smut, but doing shit like this just make me dislike what I otherwise would've considered a cool character.


Aug 26, 2015
I hate the new UI. I really, really hate it. I tried, I really did, and I love the game itself, but the UI just bounces me right off.

To be clear, I'm not talking about the new esthetic/graphics of the game, they're fine. But the UX suuuucks.
I can't make any promises, but when I have the time, I'll see about adding another layout toggle to the legacy mode that's a "pre-legacy" style--essentially the layout from the Flash version of the game. Though do note, with how the game's current UI layout is, I can only implement it for when the UI is in its Main Text state (the portion where you navigate and interact in scenes)--all other states, such as the Inventory, Shop, Codex, etc. will likely remain unchanged.

The original TiTS UI was an iterative improvement on to original CoC UI, and the ported TiTS UI was an iterative improvement on the old TiTS UI. The main reason why we went with how the default UI is now is because the past Flash UI felt a bit scatter-shot and it was throwing way too much information at the user for no specific reason (basically you are always having your character sheet out most of the time). For the JavaScript port, we condensed a bunch of the information and tried to make it as mobile-friendly as possible (conserving screen space and making text the legible), with intention to iterate further as portions of the game solidified (and we are continuing to do so today).

Moving a bunch of what was once on the right side to the left side was an intentional design choice as that didn't lock the right side out (of other potential UI features) and it made it clear that all the player-related info was on the left side of the screen (such as stats, navigation, etc.). Also, from a design standpoint, and naturally reading left-to-right, anything on the right side would be "secondary" in terms of importance of information, so having as little clutter on that side as possible was ideal. This is how the first JavaScript layout was established and it was a mostly welcome change for mobile players, with large bars and buttons that were easy to interact with. When we iterated again to allow the map to squeeze into the side bar better, the mobile players had a hard time interacting with the UI because of the smaller buttons but the Desktop players had better clarity due to the screen space economy.

To better accomdate mobile players, Gedan created an alternate control display and I invested some time to bringing back parts of the initial JavaScript UI as an option and that became the "Legacy" layout. So now the user has multiple options to choose how their interface looks and plays that best fits their devices... and we are still iterating as we develop. I believe the inital plan was to have a more device-responsive UI, with several toggle and pop-up boxes for extra information (like how the map and bust image is currently), so that may be an option down the line for a less cluttered UI. Ultimately, we are trying to make the layout(s) as accessible on as many devices as possible, but within reason (such as ideal browsers being limited to Chrome and Firefox--your experience may vary in other browsers).

And no, we aren't catering to mobile devices as part of following a design trend. It really is for accessbility (staying up-to-date with the new tech), and we are also continuing to iterate our designs based on that as well. For example, keybinds have been implemented for all UI states recently (mostly--I would say about 90% compatible), so keyboard players can now have an easier time playing and enjoying the game. But I do understand the sentiment of "why change it if it wasn't broken," it just overlooks the fact that while things aren't exactly broken, they could definitely be a lot better (though even that is subjective, I know).

If a "pre-legacy" option is implemented, I probably won't make the layout 1:1 exactly like how it was in Flash, but I'll roll with the symmetrical two-bar design, as I think that's what original players liked most about that UI design. Most likely, I'll have the portrait, stats and menu buttons on the left side, and the map and navigation buttons on the right side. If it all works out, I think the layout will be a happy medium for those who prefer the OG layout with all the intricate data displayed at once.

As a side note: during play testing, I change the UI layout and settings every so often, not only to make sure that they are in working condition, but also to make sure they feel good to play. So I suggest finding a layout that works best for you as we put some thought into how the layout is constructed and a lot of time implementing the functions to make them work. If you can't find one that gives you a good experience now, perhaps a new layout will emerge in the future that better suits your tastes.

Again, I can't promise if and when I'll be able to start on the UI edits, but when I do, I have a pretty good idea on how to execute it. If there are any constructive criticisms you may have on the current and possible future of the UI, feel free to share (ideally on another thread, if so).


New Member
Jan 8, 2024
1. The models are all getting hella samey, it's always some chick with horrifically oversized assets. Adjetha has a clear type, and it's become impossible to avoid now. I would really like it if it was dialed back again and we stopped seeing a majority of people with ninety percent of their mass stored in their ass, balls, or boobs.
2. There's not enough meaningful Gay content, you can trip on a dozen different ladies (most of them with cocks) but iirc we only have three actual male companions you can interact with and form romances with. It would be NICE if we had some sausage to balance out the flood of tacos in our parties.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
2. There's not enough meaningful Gay content, you can trip on a dozen different ladies (most of them with cocks) but iirc we only have three actual male companions you can interact with and form romances with. It would be NICE if we had some sausage to balance out the flood of tacos in our parties.
while a valid criticism, you do have to take into account that a large portion of the game is community submitted.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
while a valid criticism, you do have to take into account that a large portion of the game is community submitted.
That, and the fact most of the content creators who were focused on making male/male content have left the community.

I mean, we still see minor enemy encounters here and there, but I expect that will be the extent of it for the rest of the game’s development.


Jul 21, 2017
Kansas City
Literally came in here to bitch about the tainted rusher but not for any of the reasons that are listed though I will post some of my thoughts on them at the very least.

I never mentioned difficulty because the game, even on normal, isn't hard, it was never intended to be hard. The rat thieves are a notorious problem for people playing the way the designers intended (where you spend your attribute points on level up) because they have stuns that target two different stats (physique, willpower) meaning if you aren't a melee build or lean hard into evasion, you get stunlocked and lose every encounter with them unless you spend hours at the gym or with Ramis to raise the relevant stats. And there are a ton of encounters like this now, the Gravyian Techie on First-14 can wall any character that didn't take Ice Cold or Libidinous to make teases effective under the new tease system (that is like 3-5 years old at this point) unless the player knows how tease damage is calculated, the Tainted Rusher on Mhen'ga has enough stats to bring every encounter with them down to the wire in a way most boss fights can't manage and is only easier on Tarkus by virtue of the fact the player will have better gear by then.
I think the Gryvain techies are meant to teach you that some enemies are better handled through tease. Coldblooded and libidinous helps a lot with that but even without they can be taken down (it just takes a little longer). I always take ice cold honestly cause of how good it is so it's not a problem for me. The tainted rusher at least early game tends to be the same way. Kineticists at the very least can drop them pretty fast late game when even teasing becomes a massive hassle. Anybody having trouble with rusher's early game should just tease them down, if you have ice cold you can finish the fight in two to three turns.

No, I don't want a surprise rape by Sophora(who for some reason can have her first encounter with you anywhere before she even encounters you on Zheng Shi like she normally is supposed to be) because I completed Zheng Shi but didn't immediately get back to grinding and running OP setups. No, I do not want to fight the Tainted Rusher who is notoriously OP at pretty much every next planet encounter to the point it's better to reload a save or take the forced L. Can I just go without having to spend literal in-game months grinding at a gym? Maybe just give me skill points for completing a quest rather than an item I'll likely never use due to how easy it is to get Uveto content completed?

I honestly find the tainted rusher more annoying than anything else. My main complaint is that the fight is entirely pointless, they don't drop any great gear, they don't drop a chunk of credits, they don't actually drop anything; not even xp. They are literally a waste of time, a fight that takes too long and either requires a good gear set up and some grinding or a very specific play style and yet doesn't actually provide anything of value. They don't even have any interesting scenes, they don't have any art, they serve no purpose other than to waste my time when I might be looking for another fight or even on whatever planet I'm on.

I hate the tainted rusher because they are a waste of my time and they add less than nothing to the game. I can only assume that they are a part of some unfinished piece of content that was added far too early because if this isn't an alpha version of this encounter just get rid of it next patch, please.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2023
I honestly find the tainted rusher more annoying than anything else. My main complaint is that the fight is entirely pointless, they don't drop any great gear, they don't drop a chunk of credits, they don't actually drop anything; not even xp. They are literally a waste of time, a fight that takes too long and either requires a good gear set up and some grinding or a very specific play style and yet doesn't actually provide anything of value. They don't even have any interesting scenes, they don't have any art, they serve no purpose other than to waste my time when I might be looking for another fight or even on whatever planet I'm on.

I hate the tainted rusher because they are a waste of my time and they add less than nothing to the game. I can only assume that they are a part of some unfinished piece of content that was added far too early because if this isn't an alpha version of this encounter just get rid of it next patch, please.
I think Tainted Rusher was meant to show what would slowly happen to you once you went 100 taint and didn't have your microsurgeons, at first she is just incredibly horny but still a human girl, then she gets moded and then slowly mutated into a being that corrupts and screws your genetic code, more or less what would happen if you weren't a trust fund baby and just an average rusher taking modifications on the whims and fucking or getting fucked by anything that understands the concept of sex.

But I do get you, I think the problem is that unlike say Jasvalla, Sophora, and other more slightly more difficult encounters (Gel'Zon, Frostwyrm, Tarratch Slavers, etc) you can't have the option of not fighting it (well you can submit but after Mhen'ga it just increases your taint) unless you discovered the coordinates of another probe, the Rusher will just go after you until you get the damn coordinates so it then can leave you and that planet alone, it's not even very good for xp so it's a high risk to no reward unless you want to see it's sex scenes, she feels like a waste of time because like you said she doesn't drop anything and is tanky to deal with when you could have been beating up natives or doing rare encounters instead.

Sophora has a planned story (unless they dropped it) but you can just cut the know and kill her/scare her away, Jasvalla wants to dominate you but you can turn the table and start dominating her in combat (and getting pregnant from her on your own way) but you can just arrest her once you get proof (and depending on if you grind, you might even just see her only again in Zheng Shi and easily win with tease), Frostwyrm has like 3 different quests but again you can just kill her, but the Tainted Rusher doesn't really have anything going on for them quest and well storywise outside of getting mutated, along with us being unable to remove the encounters like the other examples.
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Jul 21, 2017
Kansas City
I think Tainted Rusher was meant to show what would slowly happen to you once you went 100 taint and didn't have your microsurgeons, at first she is just incredibly horny but still a human girl, then she gets moded and then slowly mutated into a being that corrupts and screws your genetic code, more or less what would happen if you weren't a trust fund baby and just an average rusher taking modifications on the whims and fucking or getting fucked by anything that understands the concept of sex.

But I do get you, I think the problem is that unlike say Jasvalla, Sophora, and other more slightly more difficult encounters (Gel'Zon, Frostwyrm, Tarratch Slavers, etc) you can't have the option of not fighting it (well you can submit but after Mhen'ga it just increases your taint) unless you discovered the coordinates of another probe, the Rusher will just go after you until you get the damn coordinates so it then can leave you and that planet alone, it's not even very good for xp so it's a high risk to no reward unless you want to see it's sex scenes, she feels like a waste of time because like you said she doesn't drop anything and is tanky to deal with when you could have been beating up natives or doing rare encounters instead.

Sophora has a planned story (unless they dropped it) but you can just cut the know and kill her/scare her away, Jasvalla wants to dominate you but you can turn the table and start dominating her in combat (and getting pregnant from her on your own way) but you can just arrest her once you get proof (and depending on if you grind, you might even just see her only again in Zheng Shi and easily win with tease), Frostwyrm has like 3 different quests but again you can just kill her, but the Tainted Rusher doesn't really have anything going on for them quest and well storywise outside of getting mutated, along with us being unable to remove the encounters like the other examples.
I get that, but also isn't your father's death supposed to be a warning against letting your taint get away from you? He literally died from having his genetic code break down from just shoving anything and everything into it and not caring about the consequences, the game literally begins with his funeral. So why do we need another reminder of the dangers of letting your taint get away from you?

Also I didn't say that the xp was poor, the xp is non existent. After the encounter unlike every other enemy they don't list you gaining any money or xp. If this was a rare encounter it wouldn't be so bad but on Tarkus and Mhen-ga I've had three encounters with the rusher back to back. When I'm trying to grind out motherhusks it feels like every other encounter is with this worthless fuck, at least they go down with three tease attacks regardless of what body part I use. If they stayed this week it would be less of a problem but eventually they become much more resistant to tease attacks and can drain their lust bar once in combat. At least by that point you can do so much damage they go down in four rounds or so.

I'm not trying to argue with you btw it's just really frustrating to run into this encounter so often. The only planet it doesn't feel bad on is myrellion and that's only because they haven't reached the peak of their strength yet and I don't actually want to grind anything on the planet. It's kind of ironic considering that in my opinion Myrellion to be the worst planet (Phaedra doesn't count it's very unfinished), but I think the reason that it's tolerable on that planet is that I just rush through the place and then leave.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Also I didn't say that the xp was poor, the xp is non existent. After the encounter unlike every other enemy they don't list you gaining any money or xp.
This might actually be a bug. I'd report it and see what happens.

Technically, if you avoid the Tainted Rusher on Mhen'ga (or any other planet), she won't appear later, because the encounters have to be done in order. But you have to know that and save-scum.

I agree the Gryvain Techies are badly designed. As you noted, they're supposed to teach you to use Lust combat sometimes (when the tutorial already does that), but they're not so susceptible to Tease that you can reliably Tease them down with a starting character. Especially if you don't know that going nude increases Sexiness. Or just don't want to be a nudist at the start. They're also easily defeated if you're lucky enough to get a weapon upgrade (Arc Sledgehammer, Ancient Laser Rifle), which defeats the point. Though the ALR is from defeating the Techies, admittedly.
Sophora has a planned story (unless they dropped it) but you can just cut the know and kill her/scare her away,
Sophora did have a planned storyline, but it was rejected (along with a whole bunch of other content William had written for the Jumpers).
In my experience Jasvalla can be avoided simply by not talking to her on the elevator. Is it because I converted my saves from Flash?
Frostwyrm has like 3 different quests but again you can just kill her, but the Tainted Rusher doesn't really have anything going on for them quest and well storywise outside of getting mutated, along with us being unable to remove the encounters like the other examples.
Or you can just avoid the Frostwyrm. She's a very common encounter in her area, but she only appears in the Easternmost section of Uveto.

I've noticed a lot of the more difficult fights don't have commensurate rewards. Sometimes you even get less than a normal enemy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2023
I get that, but also isn't your father's death supposed to be a warning against letting your taint get away from you? He literally died from having his genetic code break down from just shoving anything and everything into it and not caring about the consequences, the game literally begins with his funeral. So why do we need another reminder of the dangers of letting your taint get away from you?
I think it's more of a physical example rather than uh imaginary I think that could be the word?, sure we know that Dad died from fucking up genetics but we didn't truly see the extent of how bad it truly was outside how he chugged down Terran treats to remain human looking, while the rusher is more of a constant physical "this is your body and genetics on Taint if you didn't have your microsurgeons like the other rushers"

What i mean is that I think the Rusher is more of a visual representation of what Victor went through once he started really getting tainted with the Rusher progressively getting worse every time you see her.

Also I didn't say that the xp was poor, the xp is non existent. After the encounter unlike every other enemy they don't list you gaining any money or xp.
Huh weird, I think that might be bug because I tested it right now on a new game and it was just fine on my end.
I'm not trying to argue with you btw it's just really frustrating to run into this encounter so often. The only planet it doesn't feel bad on is myrellion and that's only because they haven't reached the peak of their strength yet and I don't actually want to grind anything on the planet. It's kind of ironic considering that in my opinion Myrellion to be the worst planet
Tbf Myrellion is a bit of a barebones planet compared to the rest, and it does help because you might end up practically seeing no enemies in Myrellion if you beat up the deserters enough and make one of them pregnant, so it kinda helps seeing the crazy rusher around.

Sophora did have a planned storyline, but it was rejected (along with a whole bunch of other content William had written for the Jumpers).
I am still on the very strong Copium/Hopium that Sophora and the other Laquines will have their content added but for now they are just in "Stasis" like William said, I absolutely refuse to believe everything will be rejected and thrown into the dumpster because that was like 40% of Zheng Shi content (well, not really but you get the idea)
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Jul 21, 2017
Kansas City
This might actually be a bug. I'd report it and see what happens.

Technically, if you avoid the Tainted Rusher on Mhen'ga (or any other planet), she won't appear later, because the encounters have to be done in order. But you have to know that and save-scum.

I agree the Gryvain Techies are badly designed. As you noted, they're supposed to teach you to use Lust combat sometimes (when the tutorial already does that), but they're not so susceptible to Tease that you can reliably Tease them down with a starting character. Especially if you don't know that going nude increases Sexiness. Or just don't want to be a nudist at the start. They're also easily defeated if you're lucky enough to get a weapon upgrade (Arc Sledgehammer, Ancient Laser Rifle), which defeats the point. Though the ALR is from defeating the Techies, admittedly.

Sophora did have a planned storyline, but it was rejected (along with a whole bunch of other content William had written for the Jumpers).

In my experience Jasvalla can be avoided simply by not talking to her on the elevator. Is it because I converted my saves from Flash?
That explains why people talk about save scumming on Mhen-ga to avoid the rusher. Doesn't work for me cause I tend to grind out the octopus ladies for my own reasons and I like to try and do all the content lol but probably a really good way to save time in the long run. Kind of disappointing to hear that stuff was rejected, was there any reason given? I mean I never found her particularly hard to deal with but still the art and everything makes them feel like a major character that just has yet to have everything added and the jumpers are one of my favorite mobs.

Jasvalla is fine because it's totally opt in, not only do you have to talk to Jasvalla to start her stocking you, but you also have to look at the codex entry on Dzaan to even be able to talk to her in the first place. They're all but telling you what that's all about.

The Gryvain techies can range on how difficult they are to tease down, if you started with ice cold they're a cinch though. If not you'll have to use sense to see what they want, luckily the vigin slayer helps with teasing them and later the tainted rusher without having to be naked, has really good tease bonuses while also having a very good early game bonus to evasion. Unfortunately they're the mob that drops the virgin slayer and while the wiki says it's a 20% drop chance, that is a very generous drop rate in my experience.

Tbf Myrellion is a bit of a barebones planet compared to the rest, and it does help because you might end up practically seeing no enemies in Myrellion if you beat up the deserters enough and make one of them pregnant, so it kinda helps seeing the crazy rusher around.

It's barebones, none of the equipment on the planet is good for any build that I've seen. The best piece of equipment you get there is the reaper shield and that is outclassed the moment you reach zheng shi and talk to Urbolg. I hate the factions on there, I never help either of them because as far as I'm concerned the side quest feels like a Whitest kids you know sketch, specifically this one. The only memorable characters on the planet are Shade, Kara, and Kiro if she's on the planet at the moment. About the only actual content I enjoy on the planet is the deep queen and that's mostly because I enjoy the children you give birth to, they're adorable.

Huh weird, I think that might be bug because I tested it right now on a new game and it was just fine on my end.

Weird, seems I have a bug on my hand. Don't know why.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Kind of disappointing to hear that stuff was rejected, was there any reason given? I mean I never found her particularly hard to deal with but still the art and everything makes them feel like a major character that just has yet to have everything added and the jumpers are one of my favorite mobs.
We didn't get many details. Just that 'concerns were raised'. Fenoxo's apparently open to rewrites, but William is busy with Phaedra at the moment.
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Jul 21, 2017
Kansas City
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